Proof Of Nephilim In Top Secret FBI Documents?

Note: This was posted on our sister site, on Thursday.

Is this the smoking gun that proves the existence of Nephilim? Many claim that the word Nephilim in Genesis means 'Alien'. I don't know that we can make such a claim, but much of this video does hold interest.

Mulder's World has been (neutrally) reporting on Nephilim since we started way back in 1947. Now, it seems the FBI is finally lending some credence to the theories that have been reported on over many centuries.


  1. Are Bulgarians really alien?

    1. This woman is fukin Goofy and Pluto. She's also very crazy beyond that. So much so you'd need a doctored in psychology just to grasp her level of crazy

  2. Replies
    1. Indeed they do. Standings documentary will be out when I say so! I can leave you more details over email rumfer, I'm really busy right now, it's deer season opener in Ohio tomorrow!!

    2. Indeed. Standings documentary will be out when I say so! I'll leave you details via email. I'm really busy right now rumfer, deer season opener tomorrow, I'm pumped!!

  3. Yep, your tax dollars at work today.

  4. you can clearly see it. Looks like the 4 foot blow up grey alien ( actually green) I purchased at a gas station in roswell, nm in april 2012. Cameras do not work around aliens.

    Nephilim is a hebrew word that back in the day, way back, meant those who came down from above. The hebrew nephilim was passed down to them from the ancient cities and civilizations that came before. Maybe starting with the Sumerians. Probably from a lot further back than them were history is pretty scarce.

  5. I still don't believe. False advertising.

  6. Thanks Rush, I know you're busy, look foward to it.

  7. The bible is bullshit ergo your alien-hybrid fantasy follows.

  8. Apparently one can film a ghost with a camera. Just watched outnumbered. They showed a ghost that was filmed by a security camera outside on a NM police headquarters. You can see it plainly and it goes right through a fence that was locked towards the building. They are taking this very seriously. Some inside the station say they have felt breath on back of necks and when turned around no one is there. Amazing.

  9. I'll leave this here:

  10. You know there isn't a single piece of tin foil in her house lol!
    OMG! we don't know what they meant, people back then had completely different modes of thought!
    Perhaps they were Perhaps they weren't! But pretending you know anything about it is just stupid!

    I'm sure the FBI just served up the documents to a UFO site...

  11. Hmmm...Now does Sasquatch Ontario's claims about them being interdimensional beings seem so far out there?


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