Les Stroud Announces 6 More Surivorman Bigfoot Episodes

Les Stroud's Survivorman Bigfoot episodes were popular. How popular, you asked? Well. It's popular enough to warrant 6 more frickin' episodes! Les is trying to wrap up at least 10 episodes, and while 6 of the episodes are Bigfoot episodes, it's unclear whether or not Todd Standing will be his guide. The two Bigfoot episodes this year was controversial, but has brought a ton of attention to the subject -- even Dr. Jeff Meldrum started to get involved! Here's the actual post from Les Stroud:

Ok everyone - its kind of a dreary Sunday here and I have a rare night at home for a change....so maybe its time for the next announcement? Here we go: Once again its now out that i am going back in the field to produce more Survivorman episodes. And so far I have stated that out of many shows I am doing, four of them will be dedicated to pre-existing actual survival stories. Well - another SIX of them will be .......wait for it.......: yep!!! Survivorman Bigfoot. Once again - I make no claim to knowing, believing, or not believing - I simply want some answers to the mystery which is fraught with thousands of anecdotal references, DNA samples, tracks, sightings, video footage, vocalizations and pictures....I'm going in deep to find out for myself!!!! hmmmm - looks like we are up to ten new episodes already and I'm not finished announcing yet - Stay tuned, still some more announcements to come and you will LOVE the final announcement!!!....have a great Sunday everyone....Les


  1. Replies
    1. Big Jon, that's Hong Kong Phooey, not Superfriends.

    2. Ditto on the SuperFriends !!

      I also look forward to those shows., they are fun to watch !!

    3. the whole super friends bit is old now. time for a new moniker any ideas?

    4. Hey everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good to see you Big Jon!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    5. Biiig JoooONN ah Big Bad Jon...plink plonk twang

    6. Awesome! Can't wait for MORE Survivor man BF!

    7. Got an email from Joe that John Jones was alive and had faked his own death. Well I'll be damned. I'm dead and have been faking my own life so I guess I get it. I wonder if Terry Mohawk Jones or whatever the guy was who posted so often and DSA would call him out was just John himself decrying the injustice of BFE posts. Hmmmm. I'm gonna be around today to see if I can hear once more in the hallowed threads of BFE "John W Jones SPOKE!" :)

    8. there are a few similar folks here..`ceptin` their lives are plain PHONEY rather than fake.

    9. Mike... Ha ha ha ha ha!!!

      I was wondering, that now he's 'alive' again, he could finally get around to answering my emails!!

    10. seems rather drastic to fake your own death. so what other things would you fake does that not completely ruin all of your credibility..i would think twice before believing anything he says

    11. 7:02... John is very credible.

      BOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for finding that link brother!!!!!!! Chuck will be pleased!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      You're a star!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    12. I'm listening now, I forgot he lived with Geronimo for nearly 10 years.

    13. Hmmmm. Evil Kneival would cheat death and retained all credibility and a cool suit. I guess I feel like an ass for eulogizing him so often while he was reading it. John. It's time to SPEAK up and probably to return Joe's emails. If not, will you please have Corey Hart, or Cory Haim or whomever you appointed give us an update? Mike B SMOKED!

    14. Can't agree more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! John, we'd love to hear from you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    15. Here's the original comment;

      "AnonymousSunday, August 31, 2014 at 9:02:00 AM PDT

      That John W. Jones spoke, is alive and well?
      He was at a Rodeo in the Adirondack mountains selling his superbly trained trail horses for $3,000 a horse, and he was signing his books too!
      He faked his death, after his stroke as a way of getting all the nosey people off his back! He, and his team needed to keep the government, and other off his back. He couldn't go on his expeditions without attracting to much attention. he needed to finish his books too! So, he back!"

    16. I can just see him sitting at his desk, wearing his trusty itchy potato sack shirts and typing, " This particular low resolution photo was sent to me by my friend Mike, who was too foolish to see, that clearly they were in the TREEs!"

    17. Well I hope the demise of John W. Jones spoke is as exaggerated as was Mark Twains. Always enjoyed his straight forward no holes barred approach. I remember him telling of the Mohawks belief that upon a Sasquatch death they will be placed in I believe a pine tree above a rock cliff. Last winter I told my wife when I pass on I want to be placed at the top of a pine overlooking the banks of the Au Sable River up in Michigan and she could save a lot of expense by doing this. I do not think she took me seriously and said it would be illegal to do this. I said do not tell anyone.

    18. Also Anon thinks for the link. Will give this a listen soon. Keep up the great work. Neat having you around.

    19. "The Sasquatch moved from limb to limb, exchanging their food with each other through a rudimentary system of tree top ropes and pulleys similar to what the Professor designed on Gilligans Island". As they were all clearly herbivores and no evidence had ever been collected of them eating meat, the pulley system was not heavily strained, say with the weight of a white tail deer, as many foolish Texans had stubbornly insisted....."

    20. Chuck!! Yes, I remember him saying that extact thing!! One of my all time favourite comments, would love to pick his brains about that actually!

    21. Chuck, if that doesn't Troll him out of his "death bed" nothing will. A damn rodeo , he went from near death to barrel racing, my kind of man!

    22. " blame it all on my roots, I showed up in boots and ruined your black tie funeral affair..the last one to know..the last one to show, I was the last one you thought you'd see there, and I saw the surprise and the look In his eyes, when I took his glass of champagne, and I toasted you, said honey we may be through, but you'll never hear me complain ...."

    23. "Cause I got friends in troll places where the whiskey drowns and the beer chases my blues away, and I'll be ok, see I'm not big on social graces, think I'll slip on down to the Oasis, cause I got friends....in troll places. "

    24. Good morning Mike and Joe. How is the Anona Turd Prodding going. Stupid tards just can't get thier head around the fact that Bigfoot, in some way, is real. Hey Booker ------ did yopu hear we got a lead on a big white one. We're going after some calls and vid. We got a first class therm to use and some parabolics. Should be very interesting.
      You know I invited AC. He supposedly lives here in the same town in Cali, but I think he would rather just be a smart-ass here thaen go do some work and see for himself if something is there. Some people are just Chickenfoot!!!!

    25. Hey BP!! Looking forward to seeing what you manage to get on audio!! If you've got a thermal then you're telly kitted out for some good expeditions there buddy!!

    26. Yes 5:30 its hong kong phooey. I grew up on early 70s Hanna-barbera.

    27. Hey Joe, Don't you worry buddy. You're on the private showing list.

      Hey Brooker, you independantly wealthy, get your self a plain ticket to Fresno ---- no charge for the Squatching. If you get drunk and start sining Garth, there will be a small back-end fee, ha ha ha ha ha.
      Damn Joe, sure wish you were here. Nothing would be greater (and harder on the Trolls) Than to get a great therm of a giant white Squatch --------- with the voice of a Welshman Screaming in the background "DID YOU SEE THAT, DID YOU SEE THAT!"
      Someday buddy, we have to get you over the pond!

    28. Joe should do his own Blogtalk show as most have died..

    29. Pretty funny the way john's family(or john himself) came on here freaking out, making death threats about people who said john's death was a hoax. Several times they were asked to simply post a link to an obit, and the deceased would be shown some respect, turns out they are just a bunch of filthy liars.

    30. or hey maybe the post yesterday was the hoax...an anon post saying he was alive at a rodeo signing books and selling trail horses...don't sound a bit odd?

    31. I never really thought John was a real person, just a troll having a bit of fun with The Gullible One.

    32. Expect more Todd Standing Shawn. Why mess with success?

    33. agreed and also some film with meldrom and bindernagle...word is they got some good film while with meldrom but have to wait til it airs signed a nda

  2. I wonder if he's going to do some Manbearpig episodes.

  3. unlike the assholes that act like fucking children at this blog-post i'm so looking forward to les in the thickets chasing the half man half other in the woods. Funny this is a blog that is in favor of this subject yet these retarded punks come here and run their mouths to us believers. Idea assholes, there are many skeptic blogs for you dickheads to visit and act like the punk bitches you are.

    1. I'll look forward to the episodes as well. Les doesn't have that "b.s. factor" that many of the footers have...

      He's had a couple of his own odd, hard to explain away experiences which has fueled is curiousity. We'll all curious - even Got Monkey guy.

    2. The network is putting a lot of faith in him that he will deliver. He does have a good track record.


    3. Yes MMC I agree. Plus , they are entertaining ..a lot better than some of the other crap that's on.

    4. Les Stroud becoming enthusiastic and giving over his experiences must have made all the skeptics boo-hoo in their shoes.

    5. At least six more shows and a future surprise is good news indeed. He did not mention how his son is responding to the cancer treatments. Anyone know
      Go find them Les, heck they will find him.

    6. 1:00 is on the money!
      You freking tard commies always trying to tell somebody what to think.

    7. Good to ya Anona. I see there are one or two "Good Anonas" out there doing quality tard Smoking. Thanks for being on the Team.

      You sure you don't want a name so we got your back. I here by dub you "Bigfoot Viking" ------- the troll slayer.

  4. When will survivorman mermaid and survivorman unicorn be aired?

    1. ^ Right after the fairy episode. But if you call and talk to them they won't have to waiste their time

    2. Poppycock. Les is doing a MLP episode with me. We start out looking for the skunk ape but end up at a cross-dressing, heavy-drinking extravaganza in the French Quarter.


    3. SPARKLES!!!! You little bitch,
      U just wait!!!

      ; )

    4. Cross dressing and heavy drinking are acceptable weekend pursuits where I come from.

      Go with the flow people.


  5. Total punk bitches who have one hand on the keyboard and the other down their pants.

    1. ^ is the hand down the front or the rear of the pants ?

    2. the rear silly. I can see down the front.

  6. Poor Les. No surer sign that your career is in a death spiral than having to wheel out the monkey suit. Oh well, he had a good run.

    1. 5:24... Was totally upset when one of his heroes came to the dark side!

    2. I thought heroes were people who inspired you. Not a guy who sleeps in a pile of sticks drinking his own urine.

  7. ^^^ And yet you manage to type ok. Practice makes perfect

  8. Shhh, I think the famous guys have figured out that Standing is bonkers, lol.

  9. Replies
    1. well he also pee's sitting down like big john....so that says it all

    2. Awh, miss me when I'm not around, don't you?

    3. ^ Biiig Joooo-hoOn ah Big Bad Jon plink plonk twang

    4. Hey 6:02, why you always trying to tell people what Joe thinks ?------------

      Got know thoughts of your own???

      Or you realize your own brain is mush and nobody wood care?

      I mean why really? Don't you have anything positive to contribute somewhere in the world. What is you psychological dalima?

    5. Leon's local all-male escort service decided to take Labor Day off this year. He's been understandably cranky.

  10. joe did you ever watch part 2 of that video www.youtube.com/watch?v=EySieuNvNC0&list=UUZ4oW0iFCCkXZlz8BE5AE7A

    1. I've not go around to it yet, again it's the next video I'm about to watch! The first was seriously scary stuff!!!!!!!!!!!

      Thanks for this, I'll let you know as soon as I've seen it!

    2. 7:08... Great video and the subject that's alleged to be in the footage, I feel very agreeable. Are you affiliated with anyone putting together these videos are did you come across them??

    3. no joe but this guys got the goods hes a bit out there on somethings but honest. mike is friends with him also

    4. Thanks pal, I really appreciate the recommendation.

  11. Plink.



    I like the PPT guy.

  12. J Randi for first gay President !

    1. HILLARY will rule US all in 2016

  13. This will kill Finding Bigfoot. Finally.

  14. Forget Les Stroud! Get those "Expert" hunters and Trappers (The Aims team) on it. They (so far) have "Investigated" over 25 "Monsters" mostly in the state of West Virginia. They've killed one, trapped the "Devil dog' pack and Trapped "Hogzilla"! They also shot at the "Lizard man"!
    they are way more experienced, then all the "Big foot Researchers" combined!
    Get "Wild Bill" on it! He "claims to be" an ex-Marine (Who carries a big knife) so he'll get the Job done!
    Les Stroud is a "master survivalist" but a "Nimrod" at hunting "Monsters"!

    1. Les abin a tenderfoot when it abin monster huntin

  15. Les Stroud's sorely needed that thar Wild Bill old Marine ans Expert Tracker to traxs that bigfoots

  16. who cares -- he's Todd Standing buddy, more fake crap to make $$

    1. Amen

      Anyone who gives Standing any credence is no friend of BF.


  17. it's unclear whether or not Todd Standing will be his guide. The two Bigfoot episodes this year was controversial, Game of Thrones Episodes


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