Bruce Lee Was So Powerful

For those who are too young to remember who's Bruce Lee is or why he's legendary, watch this video and you'll see. His one-inch punch is extraordinary:


  1. Replies
    1. Do you know Bruce Lee used to get really annoyed when he used to get junk mail addressed to Lee Bruce :) xx

    2. Dude, change your picture....too creepy

  2. Replies
    1. Innovator's are ahead of their time, he took a lot of heat from the old institutions, for anyone not alive when he was, I understand your ignorance!

    2. He was a good in the philosophy of martial arts but even things accredited to him were done long before his time.

      He was never a trained fighter, never had fought professionally in his life. Compare that to legitimate people of the day like Chuck Norris, and therein lies the answer. For all the good nature Chuck Norris jokes, he was a legit fighter.

    3. Chuck Norris is an fking douchebag.

    4. so waz yo momma dead or alive

    5. Didn't Bruce Lee kill Chuck Norris?

  3. Dallas Cowboys...... Americas Team.....

  4. REAL invisibility CLOAK revealed by US scientists

    A news ‘invisibility’ cloaking device has been unveiled by US scientists – which they say can be constructed at home, causes no distortion of objects in the background, and can conceal objects in 3D from different angles.

    Scientists from upstate New York’s University of Rochester have managed to create the device, which looks like a set of optometrist’s equipment and can bend light around the “cloaked” object so that it appears invisible.

    The lenses used in the process are easily obtainable and inexpensive. However, while “cloaking” the object, it is not currently in cloaked form, and remains a series of layered lenses which makes the object placed behind appear as if it is not there.

    1. Tham bigfoots been cloakin fer yeers


    3. as sasquatch would say the clokes on you

  5. FIRSTH four my heero unkel BOb

  6. bigfoot, ninjas, what else is there to entertain the preteen mind?

  7. X-Lax is powerful too. Powerful, but gentle.

  8. If Bruce Lee claimed that he was one of the most credible voices in the bigfoot world I wouldn't dare argue with him.

  9. ...Bruce lee was positive for martial arts.
    But he did not create the idea of mixed martial arts.
    As you may or may not know that idea was created in ancient Greece. Nonetheless he still had great charisma.
    I think people belittle lee in response to people setting him up as the greatest.


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