You know the Stacy Brown Jr. footage is good when people are still talking about it to this day

In 2012, Stacy Brown Jr. and his father captured one of the most compelling thermal footage to date in Liberty County, FL. According to experts like Cliff Barackman, it's one of the most interesting pieces of footage to come out in a long time. The Browns were so excited about sharing their finding that they called up WCTV news and told them, "We have footage of Bigfoot!". To this day, researchers and Fasano are still discussing it:

Brown Footage


  1. Jeffrey Kelley for president. David Batdorf for v.p. TS87.

  2. what so your telling us that if there were no Patterson/gimlin film this would be the top dog in the doggy pound pen. ninja please. first off the reason FATsano is talking about meth-head's flir footage is because they are tracking buddies right now! and they are probably paying you mr. no evidence for the hits this garbage reporting like this generates on their lube-tube accounts. shawn we are not as dumb as you look!!!

    1. The PGF is the Al Bundy 4 touchdown game for Polk High School of the bigfoot world. All the rest of their evidence is Al Bundy selling ladies shoes.

  3. "To this day, researchers AND Fasano are talking about it."

    Aint that the truth.

    1. They don't have a whole lot else to talk about, truth be told.

  4. 'Experts" like Cliff Barackman. "Who never even saw a Big foot in spite of searching for them for over 20 years. "Expert' No! He's not!

  5. Thermal images are the easiest to manipulate. Brown's Thermal proves nothing

  6. What a joke of a Thermal1!Boy are footers getting desperate!


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