This Is Europe's Strongest Man

This man is amazing and if you're a fan of Game of Thrones, he may look familiar. The Mountain (Hafthor Julius Bjornsson) from Game of Thrones competed in Europe's Strongest Man on August 8th and won the title with relative ease. This video highlights why he is known as 'The King of the Stones'.


  1. Replies
    1. sos Trapper ans Buck gos bear huntin wit Wild Bill every yeer sos that whys Wild Bill needin that Big Knife fer cawz when a bear gits shot its gits onry and Wild Bill needin that knife to GITS THE JOB DONE !!! OORAH

    2. old Marine WILD BILL hanging with that BIG KNIFE

    3. Willy cant go bear hunting because he is slopping his hawgs

    4. WILD BILL an TEEM AIMS puut ol mr BAER BEAST owt of BISNESS for dem BAERS SAFTEE

    5. ^ thays safe fer old WILD BILL to gits thar hide usin that thar BIG KNIFE

    6. ans Willy gits tham bear scraps frum Wlid Bills kilt bear fer Willy hawgs shure do

  2. Replies
    1. "People look at Patty and see a fake [sic] suit."

    2. Let's see, a fake suit; what's that? The suit now is fake? The suit isn't real?

      Anyway, your point is void because so far all the "people" who see Patty as suit-man have flunked violently in attempting to create a credible duplicate.

      Both Bob Hilarious' hairy-assed stop-motion-montage shuffle and Chris Hackham's "recreate the action at Bluff Creek to the inch" strutting orange hairy stick man, despite heavy funding, were catastrophes.

      Coming up on 47 years of flunked out failure of credible replication of a "monkey suit" isn't helping your case.

      Yes existence of such a creature requires more hard evdience. But confining the issue to the PGF only, quite obviously to support allegations of fakery, you are required to replicate the creature to a reasonable standard. Is 47 years not long enough? So far it has been a wall to wall failure, which by default finds in favour of the PGF containing some evidence.

      The budget-backed Hilarious and Hackham proved the opposite for you: Their efforts only throw the PGF subject into stronger relief by contrast, by being dissimilar, due to their flunky attempts at recreation. The harder they tried, the more it was clear that they couldn't come near replicating the PGF subject.

      The loss is heavy when your best eflort at duplication only emphasises the details of the PGF subject which you find you can't replicate. Hackham and Hilarious only ended up reinforcing and supporting the PGF in their unwitting struggles. All that BBC money straight down the pan, too. What a waste.

    3. 47 years and no biological evidence of an undiscovered primate in north america. Fckin pwned.

      Monkey suit? Lol? Who cares. Irrelevant.

    4. Grassman been sighted going back to the 1800s

    5. You've been shown hair bro, you couldn't handle it like a proper dumb-dumbs! You've been shown archeological studies that have documented giant skeletons, and you couldn't handle it like a proper dumb-dumbs!

      No, no... You care as it's your biggest obstacle;

      Got monkey suit? Ha ha ha ha ha!!

    6. Question? If patterson sought to make alot of money in his documentary,why did he not try to gain employment in hollywood? After making the FINEST APE SUIT OF THE
      1960's. He could of made 100
      s of thousands working for many movie studios,and he said patty was REAL ON HIS
      DEATH BED!!!
      Big Doris, ref,m hall.

    7. Hair? You mean the bear hair? The horse hair? The racoon hair? The cow hair? What?

    8. And that's why we love Big Doris!! Man, I'm gonna use that if that's cool?!


      ... Scroll down about half way.

    9. Thank M Hall texla for that
      One, im glad you are back!
      B Doris.

    10. You have a friend in me, BD... Never forget it!

    11. I won't forget and thanks joe.
      BD. : )

  3. Private Military Contractors Hired by DHS to provide Security in Ferguson

    1. ^ same guys that were in Fallujah ???

    2. DO NOT WORRY citizien we are here for your SAFETY

    3. Psy op was on law enforcement. Think about it.. Cui bono? Those who want militarized leo's who are desensatized to the rights and well being of the civilians... Racial strife is the icing on the cake for these sick fukers.

  4. Europe's strongest man,bigfoot would laugh at him call him a sparrow and wipe his furry arse with him xx

  5. beneficiary of President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program who KILLED two children in Forest Grove, Oregon in a hit and run accident has been released from jail and will be able to return to the the protections of the program!
    THE NEW NORM : (

    1. kill some folks and get a Get out of Jail free card

    2. America first. Deportations by the 10's of thousands are in order.

  6. Replies
    1. ans mexicuns eatin ats tham mackdonalds thay shure is

    2. if you have to brag about your Biggggggg ole dangler im shure its a teenie lil weenie

    3. shure do caws tham mexicuns atakin tham JOBs thay shure is

    4. ans iam sayin whuts about tham JEWs

  7. A bloke in a dress and using a girls username is still very much a bloke

  8. DWA is not mentally sound surely?

  9. "Searching for Bigfoot. What is required? Nothing.

    Bigfoot is crossing roads, entering people's property, looking in windows, and licking glass doors on their houses.

    All that is required is home security system, a Petrbilt or Freightliner Truck, and some common sense.

    When Bigfoot interrupts the Seinfeld rerun, that you fell asleep on your futon watching, by looking in the window, the motion cameras on your deck or porch should catch it.

    When Bigfoot crosses a 6 lane interstate, it should get hit by a petrbilt or a Freightliner, or a Mack eventually. We should have scores of bodies by now actually.

    When a Bigfoot lays down in the highway, reclining, instead of safely inching around him and his copycat friend up the road a little, run over it's leg or head.

    This all can be achieved without expending any extra funds on expeditions."

    1. There once was a marine name Wild Bill, he carries a knife for a thrill, and then on tham hunts all tham critters grassman, yahoo, headless horror, sheepsquatch, bloodless howler, snallygasters, hawgzilla, Bear Beast RIP, and much more, So Wild Bill keeps his knife sharp waitin for season 3 so he can dispatched all tham critters with a yell “ OORAH" : )

    2. Yup - with marines like that...we should all feel safe.

    3. SAFE as a BUG in a RUG : )

    4. MONSTER HUNTIN aint for tha week of hart yu gotta be TUFF like an OLD MARINE


    5. People report Sasquatch crossing busy roads all the time, whilst there's even video of one filmed by police officers. Also... It has even been used as advice to people who are being pestered by curious Sasquatch to put security cameras up so that the visitors stop coming.

    6. It is interesting however that there are legends of a grey bigfoot like ... (Grey King) is said to inhabit the mountains of Snowdonia in Wales

    7. a woman out here called the police and said I got a bigfoot in my garden - the dispatcher said maybe a bear, she said know its on 2 feet hairy @ 7 feet and its taking my vegetables U come out here or I going to shoot it with my rifle! dispatcher sent out a car and the police found the garden torn up and large tracks leading back into the woods

    8. 11:24... !!!! You know your stuff!! The Mabinogion is full of giants, I highly recommend it!!

      11:26... Amazing!!

    9. You don't call me Bob for nothing ;)

    10. Strange Magazine No. 9, Mark Opsasnick

      Report states that John Davis family in the Lytle Creek area of the northern San Bernardino Mountains became aware of a large nocturnal creature on their property on successive nights. Dogs howled continuously, and one morning they found their chickens mauled and fences in their yard pulled out of place. Then their son saw what he described as ""a real big grey-coloured ape.""

    11. Henry D. Spearman, (address removed)

      50-year-old manager of a rock crushing plant told Henry Spearman at Lone Pine in 1988 that he and his 82-year-old mother had seen sasquatches a number of times near Olancha Peak, and that two years ago a nine-foot one had yelled and waved its arms at them. He also said he had seen them previously while fishing in Olancha Creek, and described sounds and tracks. This one entry covers all. Altitude is a guess.

    12. Bigfoot Co-op Nov. 1984, Dennis Ruminer

      Ruminer states that three men investigating the area of the January sighting at night saw an 8-foot, dark creature much wider than a man standing in the road 150 yards away. When the flashlights hit it it moved out of the road, returneing when the lights swung away. When the men tried to move closer they lost sight of it and did not see it again.

    13. Bigfoot Co-op Nov. 1984, Dennis Ruminer

      Ruminer states that a man and his son riding on an all-terrain cycle in the Santa Susana Mountains on a dirt road 500 yards from a housing tract sighted an 8-foot, heavy, hairy, manlike creature standing 20 feet from the road in waist-high brush, watching them. The man turned the ATV and rode back past it, then it started to follow them, continuing as they accelerated, until the cycle hit a ditch and crashed. After the accident it was not seen again.

    14. Bigfoot Co-op, Feb. 1984. Dennis Ruminer

      Mr. H. was parked on a bluff in eastern Orange County, talking on his CB radio, when he heard a pounding noise. Getting out and shining a flashlight down the bluff he saw a large, hair-covered, manlike creature using what looked like a wooden beam to pound on bricks sealing up an abandoned flood control culvert. It stopped and stared back at him, and he ran for his car and left. It was more than a foot taller than the 7-foot culvert, very powerful looking, hair dark, but upper face looked like light skin.

    15. Gabe Malik from Bill Borody, quoting unnamed trucker re sighting and tribal police re tracks. (Not certain all same incident)

      Trucker driving just North of Grand Rapids about 5.30 p.m., reported to have seen a 7-foot, rusty brown creature apparently about to cross the road. He slowed and it went back in the bush. Tribal police found and took poloroids of 14-inch tracks, with four toes, one large and three small.

    16. ^ simply amazing. I can't think of any other words... You are an encyclopaedia.

    17. I made all this information and the source available to Shawn once, but as this is Bigfoot Evidence he decided to ignore it.

      Bigfoot Evidence my arse.

    18. Man, it's incredible you've got all this at your finger tips... Totally blew the the comment up top right out of the water.

      Keep up the good work, it's some of the best reading about.

    19. Website re `Jersey Devil' > quoting unnamed witness.motorist and passenger

      Driving at 1 a.m. on Shades of Death Road 2.5 miles past Drakes Acres, driver and passenger saw shadowy figure the size of a bear cross the road in front of them, very fast, then noticed it running parallel to the road at the same speed as the car. Car was going 35 mph, figure was similar inûshape to a person. Red glowing eyes looking at them.

    20. John Horrigan letter, quoting woman snowmobiler quoting male companion.

      Woman said male snowmobiler travelling ahead of her stopped, then told herûhe had seen a bipedal creature walk through his headlight beam. As they turned around they smelled a horrible stench and saw an elevated pair of red eyes in the forest.

    21. Mike was guiding a bear hunt in dense woods near Greenland Township when a fur-covered, bipedal creature, est. 7 ft., 400 lbs., walked by, passing as close as 50 or 60 meters, went to a creek, cupped its hands and appeared to drink. It then appeared to smell him, looked directly at him, stood up and took off the way it had come. It was getting dark, and he left. Went back next day to look for tracks but there had been a heavy rain. Has since found a man named Lionel who had worked as a logger in the area for 35 years and had a sighting in the same county in 1978.

    22. Story quotes Linda Martin as seen footprints, and Tim Humphreys as having seen four creatures in the woods and shot one of them. Humphreys is quoted as sayinng that one of the creatures stared in the window of his home, sacring his 3-year-old daughter, and that they ""had been beating on my house, scaring my kids playing in the woods, yelling and screaming and scratching. They spilled meat out of my freezer."" He claims to have photographs but will not produce them. Sightings by other locals are indicated.

    23. Informant's husband outside watering lawn felt something watching, looked around and saw movement in nearby woods. Walked over and saw 7-foot, dark brown creature with a black face and no whites in its eyes. They watched each other, then he went into house and got pistol. Came back and found it sitting on the ground 30 feet from former position. Watched it from about 200 feet away until it could no longer be seen in the dark. Two weeks later a pig was taken from a pen with a 4-foot fence, dogs barking but would not follow. A month later informant's mother saw 'a large gorilla type creature' standing at the tree line watching a man fixing the house roof. In February, 1999 a wild pig was killed and carried off near her home in the middle of the night, with many screams and howls and dogs going nuts.

    24. The other 5000+ you will have to wait.

    25. Thanks for this... Very much appreciated.

  10. They're now on their third actor portraying the mountain. I hate when they do that shite

  11. Homeland Security Agents here for your SAFETY

    1. I'm still breathing so KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK OBAMA

    2. ans Obama gits U FREE health care : )

    3. Obama defeated them terrorist in 2012 he sure did

  12. After Foley is brutally beheaded alive, ISIS brings out another man the group claims is American journalist Steven Sotloff. If Obama doesn’t listen to their demands, ISIS promises to murder him next.
    Thinkin in 2012 Obama said he wiped these guys out.....

  13. Hey Joe on BBC 2s eggheads they just had a question about the pgf. They discussed it briefly afterwards and said that it is a known hoax.

    What an absolute smoking.

    1. dam tham melonheads theys everywhere

    2. They know how to boil an egg

    3. 11:12... Well that settles it! Damn what was I thinking?!

    4. They captured a bigfoot in northern Iraq but ISIS beheaded it.

    5. Absolutely smoked. Shows what public perception of bigfoot is. The question had bigfoot alongside 2 other mythical creatures loch ness monster and mermaid. What an absolute smoking for the resident bell end.

    6. Try decapitating anybody with a knife and making a clean cut

    7. 11:58... I thought the PGF was a hoax before looking into the facts. The truth is people don't care enough to go look. That's why you have no excuse, dumb-dumbz.

      Go get ya monkey suit.

      : )

    8. ^^ U gots to have a BIG KNIFE like WILD BILL do !!!

    9. ^ u jes got a lil ol knife (read dick)

  14. Strange that the only film of this so called bigfoot was by a known con man.

    1. Strange that there's never ever been a shred of proof to that claim for those leaning upon it as a safety net.

    2. ^^ why not check out the facts for yourself instead of repeating the dross you`ve heard from others ?

    3. 3:04... Take your own advice, it's sound. I would stop relying on people who feed your level of reasurance, man up and look at the wider picture. You are of course welcome to post large extracts to me, but I can assure you they would be from one source; Long, who's interviewers have come forward to say he lied, his costume expert has no records of Patterson buying a suit off him and had to pay a costume expert to make a monkey suit that looks nothing like Patty, and who also used Bob H (nuff said).

      3:51... I've done my digging from a viewpoint that it was a hoax, and analysing the facts has lead me to believe that it is not a man in a suit. That's difficult for some people to swallow because it challenges their fragile perceptions of the world around them.

  15. Do illiterate trolls get the full effect of alphabet soup?


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