New In-depth Analysis of Todd Standing's Bigfoot Videos

Special Effects expert and professional Daniel Falconer, in cooperation with Phil Poling of ParaBreakdown, have just released their in-depth, critical analysis of the Todd Standing bigfoot videos. We're passing it along to you.

“Applying reasoned examination based on their respective fields of expertise, Phil Poling (formally trained in photography and with a twenty year law enforcement background) and Daniel Falconer (seventeen year working for special effects company and writer of numerous books on film special effects) have come together to analyse Todd Standing’s claimed bigfoot videos. Compiling their observations and reasoning in freely available, illustrated PDF, Falconer and Poling hope this document will of help to readers who wish to critically examine Standing’s videos and draw their own conclusions. Poling and Falconer had never been in contact or worked with each other before, but their conclusions, reached independently and with the benefit of very different backgrounds, were practically identical.”

To view the complete report, click here.


  1. Replies
    1. Holder Reimburses Feds $955 for $14,000 Flight on Government Gulfstream
      Holder is getting pretty good deal here - at taxpayers' expense
      Eric Holder, his daughters, their boyfriends and two security officers boarded a government-owned Gulfstream and jetted off to New York for the Belmont Stakes Thoroughbred horse race.
      THE NEW NORM : )

    2. LOL!

      PJ thought this crap was REAL!


    3. Actually!!

      I can't prove or have ever been 100% sure about these photographs... I do in fact stand by what he's doing at the moment that's got people like Stroud, Meldrum and Bindenagle interested. I'm of course echoing the exact stance of Meldrum.

      I've always been interested in what it might mean of these photographs should Standing deliver on what's being promised.

    4. Oh shut up Joe you defended this crap as if it were real don't deny it.

    5. ^ That often make's me laugh,i don't know why xx

    6. GRAYs have bases and making clones been doing it for years

    7. ans Hillary knows nothing about Benghazi

    8. We didn't need a report.

      These are puppets.

      Standing is a fraud.

      It's old old news.

      Jeff Meldrum has been left tarnished by his association.


    9. Very true MMG. It was very obvious. Some wanted to believe though.

    10. Here is an evaluation of the critical examination of those videos that notes some inaccurate data and questionable conclusions by the researchers. If the link does not work copy and paste it to the address bar or a search engine.

  2. ranchers in Brooks Co., Texas, said they won’t eat wild hogs caught near the border because they are known to feed on dead illegal aliens.

    1. tham hawgs abin mighty fat thay shure is
      YES SIR

    2. DANG tham hawgs goin be howzillas thays shure are

    3. People think of hawgs as cute little piggy banks

      Thay aint

      When they get to be a thowsand pownds, you aint got that many pennies kid

    4. after awhile tham hawgs be huntin folks fer shure thay be

  3. do we really need a professional to tell us what we already know ?

    1. most experts say yes, YES we do !!!

    2. 7 out of 10 doctors agree

    3. that be obamacare Doctors or real Doctors

    4. it would be Dr Dre , Dr Ruth, Dr Pepper, Dr Frankenstein , Dr Moreau, Dr Who and Dr Scholls

    5. and the ones who disagreed were Dr. J, Dr. Phil, and Dr. Suess

  4. Kill Switch’ Smart Phone Bill Passes In California
    All phones sold in the State will be mandated to integrate controversial technology.
    ALL going according to PLAN : )

    1. Good. Next they should make them blow up if they ring in a theater.

    2. Here is an evaluation of the critical examination of the Sylvanic videos that notes some inaccurate data and questionable conclusions by the researchers. If the link does not work copy it to the address bar.

  5. Bob MaloogaloogaloogaloogaloogaTuesday, August 12, 2014 at 9:53:00 AM PDT

    Dmanker gone and Joe and him make friends hope. Bob do think Standing hokey pokey and not real, but only Bob IMHO

    Humboldt Times, Eureka, Cal., Sep 26 1962.

    Betty Allen and five others went to see tracks at Bluff Creek and on Lonesome Ridge. Followed them, with a couple of breaks, for four miles on the Bluff Creek Road. Also saw tracks on Lonesome Ridge. (Location given above is for Lonesome Ridge, for Bluff Creek tracks) Eight casts were made in two places on the road, and two on the sand of the creek, within 500 yards of Notice Creek bridge. Whether this was the original Bigfoot or the 15-inch is not clear, but presumably one or the other. Paul Straham and Ike McClelly, both from Happy Camp, felling trees on right of way, said that they had seen many tracks, and that one morning they found items like hoses, cans and tools thrown around.

    1. Bob MaloogaloogaloogaloogaloogaTuesday, August 12, 2014 at 9:55:00 AM PDT

      John Green intv. George Robson and Bert Solhjell,

      Informants were hunting at Burnt Bridge, and were seated by a fire they had made on the road when they noticed a huge, dark, erect creature, like a big ape, standing in waist-high brush, watching them. When they looked at it the creature ran off, quickly disappearing over a rise. They went quickly over to watch it run on down the hill, but it had already disappeared. They found only one heel print in a patch of snow, and concluded that it had been deliberately dodging the snow patches. To do so they felt it would have to leap much farther than a human could, and also a human could not have moved fast enough to get out of sight so quickly. Two other hunters, seated at the other side of the fire, did not see the creature. Later loud screams were heard.

    2. Fershure cawz me TJ ans Bubba huntin tham deer ans bubba sayin hes agoin over yonda to see whuts over thar. Thans TJ seein somthin in da boosh and says is that you bubba the critter turned and I says thats no bubba that abin a big critter TJ firs at its that thar critter high tails it back in da boosh a hootin ans hollarin bubba walkt back sayin whats all the screamin abots

    3. Bob MaloogaloogaloogaloogaloogaTuesday, August 12, 2014 at 9:57:00 AM PDT

      Bernard Northrup intv by 61. Also Bigfoot Bulletin

      Dr. Northrup and students were looking for tracks in the Bluff Creek area. Above Laird Meadow, in snow, they found a single clear 12"" print, then a number of doubtful, rain-washed prints mixed in with boot prints. Two hikers had circled Onion Lake through deepening snow and gone on up the road. About 300 yards past the Onion Lake sign on the road above, where they were making 24-inch paces in three-foot drifts, a set of 16-inch tracks came on the road, stepping, apparently deliberately.

    4. Two apaches out hunting and while out on the hunt they hear something that sounded like apache, but different! Back home one of them approached an elder and said this is what I heard out in the wood. The elder said that an old form of apache that my grandfather used, no one uses this style today

    5. Bob MaloogaloogaloogaloogaloogaTuesday, August 12, 2014 at 9:58:00 AM PDT

      Benjamin Wilder intv. by Jim McClarin. Blue Lake

      Benjamin Wilder was sleeping in his car at a heliport near the top of the ridge between Boise Creek and Peach Creek when he was awakened by a shaggy- haired animal shaking the car. It was standing by the driver's door with its arms on top of the car. He shouted and it did not react but when he sounded the horn it walked off, and he caught it in the headlights as it went into the brush. It walked upright, but went down on all fours to go up the steep hill--he said a human would have done the same. Next day he found scat with deer hair and teeth and "bear grass" in it, but none of the fruit pits he would have expected in bear dung. seeds he would have expected

  6. Bob MaloogaloogaloogaloogaloogaTuesday, August 12, 2014 at 10:00:00 AM PDT

    Watsonville, Cal., Register Pajaronian, Jun 17 1980

    Dave Wilhelm and Ben Lawson were in sleeping bags in a grassy field off Granite Creek Road east of Scotts Valley, a few houses around and a steep, forested hillside at one side. They heard heavy footsteps coming down the hill through the brush, sounded bipedal but moving too fast for human. Heard very loud, sucking, painful-sounding breathing for about 10 minutes, close at hand. Sound moved toward roadway, and as a car passed Lawson saw by the headlights a figure estimated 12 feet tall. Witnesses decided to leave, and when they started to get up the creature backed off up the hill. They left.

    Dave Wilhelm, 20., Everett, Washington, heard the creature but did not see it.

    1. Bob MaloogaloogaloogaloogaloogaTuesday, August 12, 2014 at 10:02:00 AM PDT

      Bigfoot Bulletin No. 20, quoting Ben Foster

      Ben E. Foster Jr., Sharon Gorden and Richard Foster, 13, camped at Basin Gulch campground. About 8 p.m. Sharon saw a sasquatch watching from a hill above the camp about 50 yards away. Ben walked toward it. At about 25 yards it threw in his direction a 5 1/2 lb. rock it apparently had in its hand. He went back to camp and the creature retreated up a ravine. Later Sharon saw it approach to about 30 feet as she sat in the car. Around the fire that night they saw dark forms in the trees above the camp

    2. Bob MaloogaloogaloogaloogaloogaTuesday, August 12, 2014 at 10:05:00 AM PDT

      Barry Jones intv. by Tom Steenburg

      Barry Jones and his uncle Dean Jones were bear hunting in mountains when Barry saw what he thought was a black stump beside a tree about 600 feet away. He realized it was moving, and approached to within 200 feet, where he fired a shot over its head and it turned and ran very fast over a ridge and disappeared downhill. It was a lot bigger than he was (6'4"") covered with black hair. Its eyes looked mostly white. Its arms were huge. Reported the sighting to the RCMP, who laughed.

      Shit Bob only posted about 200 so far have 5400 to go..

    3. Bob MaloogaloogaloogaloogaloogaTuesday, August 12, 2014 at 10:06:00 AM PDT

      King Bob the idiot the1st says......

      Nelson Daily News, Sept. 9, 1976

      Barbara Pretula saw a creature behind her store in Wycliffe, got a camera and took one flashbulb picture of it, which caused it to run off into woods. Said it was 6 to 7 feet high, black, with a light-coloured front. No hair on palms of hands. Picture, taken from about 15 feet away, is blurred. Nelson News story says she and police tell of other witnesses in Wycliffe.

    4. Bob MaloogaloogaloogaloogaloogaTuesday, August 12, 2014 at 10:09:00 AM PDT

      King Bob also in fame hall of superfriends, Bob happy at that as good people. Not like ulgapdsas suckers.

    5. Bob MaloogaloogaloogaloogaloogaTuesday, August 12, 2014 at 10:17:00 AM PDT

      This not mean we are getting it on, Bob have hotty for nurse who wears nothing under uniform. Can see beaver.

    6. Bob MaloogaloogaloogaloogaloogaTuesday, August 12, 2014 at 11:22:00 AM PDT

      Bob easy on that front with woman.

  7. ARMED GUARDS WITH AR-15′s Save North St. Louis Businesses From Looters
    NO gun control .....

  8. I'm shot gunning another beer and need a chaser of mo juice. glub glub glub.

    Sup Dork Guy

    1. TRAPPER jist take shots of Huckelberry moonshine

    2. Rub a dub dub three men in my tub.

      Dork Sup Guy

    3. ol mr GRASSMAN be gittin DRUNK on dat SHINER MASH fer shur

    4. Ya know I've always liked you. Your my best friend forever and ever.

      Drink Guy Guy Sup

    5. Who put number two in my mash?

      Dork Sup Drink Guy

    6. tham Grassmen abin to smart fer WILD BILL ans Willy traps
      TRAPPER sayin next season Grassman abin JOB 1 to trap fer shure

  9. I don't know what is sadder. The fact that these guys put this much effort into debunking an OBVIOUS hoax, or the fact that they NEEDED to put this much effort into it because of BLEEVTARDS like Joe, Ernie,Eva, and the rest of the SUPERTARDS.

    1. BOBO and other experts say bigfoots be real

    2. The funniest Wild Bill comment ever;

      "AnonymousMonday, June 30, 2014 at 11:04:00 AM PDT
      WILD BILL might need that big bowie knife going after hawgzilla, Willy might not get so lucky like that Cave Creature got him real quick like! WILD BILL almost went in after Willy....

      AnonymousMonday, June 30, 2014 at 11:14:00 AM PDT
      What drugs you on?

      AnonymousMonday, June 30, 2014 at 11:19:00 AM PDT
      Adrenaline when Mountain Monsters goes into action!

      j***********d verifiedMonday, June 30, 2014 at 12:02:00 PM PDT
      Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    3. TRAPPER sayin WILD BILL best Marine on the AIMS team ans WILD BILL gots a BIG KNIFE

    4. Why does Wild Bill wear such tight pants ?

    5. WILD BILL old Marine ans Bear Hunter dont has time achasin tham woman folk !!!
      NO SIR !!!

  10. Now let's all sing, Do the dipsy doodle, do the dipsy doodle, do the dipsy doodle with meeeeeeeee.

    Drunk Dork Guy Sup

    1. Joe is it true u and big john r in a spice girls cover band?

    2. I can dance too!

      Sup Drink Guy

    3. Haaaaahaaaaaahaaa ^
      Big Joan's stinkin!!! AGAIN!

    4. You would be upset too,
      If the US Navy shipped out!!

  11. Not really a big standing guy but it's nice to see that fat whale poling.getting scared and needing backup because people are starting to see thru his tazertard bias and calling him out on it

    1. But, as always, Phil is right.

    2. no your not the way costco has 30lb boxes of hot pockets on sale time to break out the hoveround and burn some rubber!!!!

  12. Is it even worth analyzing? This sh** is as fake as the day is long.

  13. It looks like we have a new chief puppet master, as Todd Standing seems to have clearly outdone Matt Moneymaker, whose talents lie in a different type of puppeteering.

  14. I'm disappointed in Meldrum for believing this idiot. Out of all the Bigfooters...I had always respected Meldrum.
    Unfortunately Standing's ugly ass baby has to get thrown out with the bath water. If he'd fake pics what makes anything else he has to say legit?

  15. And was IS up with these Mountain Monsters backwoods idiots? Are they for real? They don't seem even smart enough to be acting. So how is it that they seem to have so much success tracking these cryptids when Finding Bigfoot cant find sh*t?

    1. Because its a scripted show and made to make you wan to believe it's real . I'm sure it's like the mermaid show with a disclaimer so small and fast , that it's nearly impossible to see it .

    2. <Wild Bill sprayed con carne in his tight pants-

  16. I think these are probably fake. However, there are a lot of experts that say the Patterson film is fake and absolutly believe in the authenticity of that. All I'm saying is you never know, I believe this animal exists. I've never seen one but the evidence thats there seems strong enough that science should be looking with a more open mind. Ha I just made a joke, and openminded scientist. I should be a comedian.

    1. Yeah, a broke, gay & cross dressing comedian. Sounds legit...

  17. As I understand it, Todd Standing made fiction movies before he got into Bigfooting. Movie directors make props in order to make the show more realistic. In the beginning, Todd no doubt, was simply making movie props in his mind. Later, after much frustration with trying to film the real deal, he decided to represent movie props as the real deal. Unfortunately, movie directors have difficulty separating fantasy from reality, because they often use fantasy to represent reality. Todd's ultimate mistake was in failing to draw a hard line between the two, when it came to scientifically documenting a real species.

  18. Todd Standing is a liar and a fraud.

    Meldrum was a last nail.

  19. Of course these are fake. Duh!!


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