Incredible Photos of a Croc Taking on a Shark

Check out these incredible photographs taken by photographer Andrew Paice. While on the Adelaide River cruise on August 5, 2014, tourists witness the unusual battle between two apex predators as an 18ft male known locally as "Brutus" took on one of the world's most aggressive shark species. The saltwater crocodile eventually made mince meat out of a bull shark.


  1. Replies
    1. In before Mexican Bigfoot has a chance to post that he is the first one to post on this thread. I am not, however, the first one to post on this thread nor am I making that claim. I am purposely posting under "onu" as evidenced by indented nature of this post.

    2. TRAPPER can gits old WILD BILL to wrestle that thar critter ans unin that BIG KNIFE to gits that critter

    3. dont wunts tham mexicun saltwater crocodile a border jumpin

    4. That's a Bloke in a croc suit!

    5. Hilldog President in 2016 : )

      As in twat and Tits

    7. What an eloquent way of speaking. I bet you are just COVERED in women!!!

    8. 11:40- Is that why you cant keep your mind off him and stalk him 24 x 7? You are imagining you might get to cop a feel?

    9. Big jon is so "fun and easy to tease! Haa haa
      Only a frail woman would be concerned about


    10. Ah haw,, BIG JOANNA!
      I should have known. ; (

    11. NOoooooooooooooo......................

    12. ans WILL BILL gots a BIG KNIFE

  2. 18' Croc, 5ish foot shark; not too impressive imo..

    1. Yeah I don't even bother taking pictures of a croc and shark in a death struggle unless the shark is at least a ten footer.

  3. Jeffrey Meldrum suspects Bigfoot is a Gigantopithicus.

    Joe Fizz believes Bigfoot is a nine foot tall Indian.

    Who is right?

    Who is dumber?

    1. Neither are right but Joe is dumber.

    2. Actually, Meldrum thinks Bigfoot is a relict hominid. Whilst we know hominids had culture, it's not much of a claim to refer to them as people due to their customs.

      Sasquatch bury their dead, have language and every tribe in North America have maintained they're another tribe of humans.

      There's a bunch of burned individuals there alright. Ha ha!!

    3. You must read Sasquatch: Science meets Legend a little closer. Meldrum leans heavily towards Giganopithicus.

    4. ans WILD BILL gots that BIG KNIFE shure do

    5. Wrong. Meldrum considers Bigfoot to be a relic hominoid. Hominoid, not hominid.

    6. Bob MaloogaloogaloogaloogaloogaFriday, August 8, 2014 at 9:31:00 AM PDT

      Ken Coon, Saga article July, 1975, quoting Dr. Baddour

      Dr. Baddour, a psychiatrist practising in San Diego, bought a home near Alpine, south of Alpine Way, high above the Sweetwater River (usually dry). One night he and his wife and daughter entered the drive and saw in the headlights a large, hairy creature, apparently eating apples from trees in front of the house. Next day they found 4-toed tracks, very broad at the front but tapering to a pointed heel. Many trees were stripped of fruit far higher than a man could reach. There were further sightings and track finds. Several sasquatch hunters investigated, including Ken Coon, and so did members of the sheriff's department, including Sgt. Huse. One sighting made by the entire Baddour family involved three creatures presumed to be parents and a child, seen at night near the house. At least one cast made of a large print. Once the Baddour daughter saw one of the creatures in the early morning as she boarded a school bus at Alpine Boulevard, a quarter mile or more from the house. Coon and associates talked to nearby ranchers who spoke of "monsters" frightening their livestock and occasionally carrying off great numbers of chickens or ducks, leaving 4-toed prints. A rancher showed Coon's group one print in dust, 14" by 10", V-shape, 4 toes. Baddour said the creatures were not known apes, but more ape than human. (Two incident reports used, to represent the initial single sighting and one sighting of three, with other information that may not refer to those specific sightings)

    7. rushferlife, you are a moron. Get off this blog.

    8. Hey Rush!!

      You know where I'm coming from bro!! Ha ha!!! I so Agknowledge I need to start using the word hominoid though.

    9. 9:35

      ... Shut up and sit down!!

    10. Bob MaloogaloogaloogaloogaloogaFriday, August 8, 2014 at 9:38:00 AM PDT

      For my friend Joe and all others.....

      Mrs. Doris Newton intv. by John McCrimmon

      Mrs. Doris Newton heard her dog barking and went outside, where she saw two huge black creatures walking in her field 150 yards away. She watched them walk about 100 feet over the crest of a hill. Next morning with her father, Ben Chapman, found the long grass in the field crushed in parallel lines by things with feet about 15 inches long and with a 51 inch stride. Tracks were not good enough to be acceptable on their own, but are included because the enabled a second witness to corroborate her story. With both the tracks and the physical descriptions there are no differences to justify more than one entry.

      John Fuhrmann spoke with Doris Newton shortly after this incident took place and reported that she went outside the house to see why the dog was barking. John McCrimmon's computer form has her looking out the window. She told Fuhrmann the creatures were 150 yards away, and walked 100 feet, but 100 or 200 yards is all the computer program accepts. Second witness Ben Chapman, Mrs. Newton's father, who saw tracks in the grass only.

    11. We have 2 winners!

      rush and joe are both dumber than Meldrum.

    12. Bob MaloogaloogaloogaloogaloogaFriday, August 8, 2014 at 9:40:00 AM PDT

      Bob still has over 5000 to go, so buckle up ;)

      Williams Lake Tribune, Jan. 27, 1977

      George and Doris Anderson driving to wharf at 11 p.m., Doris saw large manlike beast with body covered with long dark hair and a light-coloured chest beside the road. It crossed the road and went up the sidehill. George did not see it--according to Clayton Mack. Mack also told Barbara Pederson, Bella Coola correspondant for the Williams Lake Tribune, that Philip Binder, the baker, told him that his children returned from outside about 9 p.m. saying they saw a big animal, and little boy said ""it stinks.""

    13. Bob MaloogaloogaloogaloogaloogaFriday, August 8, 2014 at 9:42:00 AM PDT

      Donald B. Kenney, letter to John Green

      Don Kenney was moose hunting in early November, saw a bull standing broadside in a swamp 400 yards North of him, shot and knocked it down. Gun jammed, moose got up and trotted into trees to the Northeast. Into the swamp on a game trail from the Northwest came a 7.5-foot, red brown, hair-covered biped, walking like a human with long arms. After walking about 35 yards it noticed him, stopped and exchanged stares with him for about a minute, then went after the moose, in sight about 3 to 6 minutes altogether. Gun cleared, Kenney struggled across the swamp in a foot and a half of snow and followed tracks of moose and sasquatch a couple of hundred yards uphill, then no more snow and trail lost. Came to a clearing at the top of the hill, and to his North, about 30 yards away, saw the creature looking at him. It moved off and he fired through a gap in the pine trees when he thought it would be passing. Found no evidence of having hit it.

    14. Bob MaloogaloogaloogaloogaloogaFriday, August 8, 2014 at 9:44:00 AM PDT

      Toronto, Ontario, Star, quoting Donald Hepworth.

      Donald Hepworth was driving on Hwy. 95 approaching Spangler Reservoir, (not on 1:500,000 map) when he saw two dark forms leave the shoulder and enter the highway ahead. He braked and drove slowly within 10 yards of them. They were five foot seven or eight inches tall, one an inch or two taller than the other, slim, covered with short black hair. Heads low set on broad shoulders, skulls sloped up to what looked like the beginning of a sagital crest. Had the impression they might be juveniles. No recollection of facial features. Appeared to be male and female. The smaller one jumped to the top of a 6-foot vertical embankment from a standing start, the other went up in two steps, as easily as a man going upstairs. Either way would be impossible for a human.

    15. 9:39... You're dumber than a bag of rats ma boy.

    16. Bob MaloogaloogaloogaloogaloogaFriday, August 8, 2014 at 9:49:00 AM PDT

      I have lost count how many reports I have posted off Doctors, Police, Military, normal people etc., are all hoaxes or misidentifications? You decide.

    17. Ha ha ha ha!!!!!! Bob for president!!!!!

      ; )

    18. Joe is kind of dumb but he's okay.

    19. Bob MaloogaloogaloogaloogaloogaFriday, August 8, 2014 at 9:58:00 AM PDT

      Bob will bring back public clubing if that happens.

    20. Bob MaloogaloogaloogaloogaloogaFriday, August 8, 2014 at 10:01:00 AM PDT

      John Fuhrmann intv. Don Stratton

      Don Stratton driving to his home 12 miles East of Estacada when a chunk of wood flew out onto the road. He got out to see where it came from and saw about 25 feet away amid the small trees by the road a creature digging at the base of a stump that it was tearing apart. It stood erect and looked at him. Was about 5 feet tall, very heavily built, covered with thick hair, except sparse on throat and chest, where he could see muscles, and the skin looked the colour of a sunburned man. Face was flat, lower jaw heavy, mouth open, teeth even, no fangs. It sidestepped out of sight into the trees, as if it was too wide to move forward. Hair was brown with a silverish tinge.

    21. joe has been clubbed over the head too many times already

    22. Bob MaloogaloogaloogaloogaloogaFriday, August 8, 2014 at 10:03:00 AM PDT

      Joel Hurd intv. Don Solinksi,

      Don Solinski had driven a drill rig to the end of a new logging road and climbed on a big log to look at the road grade ahead. He then saw a shaggy, grey creature standing erect on or near a log 150 to 200 feet away. It seemed to have a goatee beard. Other hair was 3 to 4 inches long. It was larger than a man. Creature seemed to be jumping up and down with its arms bowed out at its sides. The lower half of its legs were hidden by logging slash. Solinski was frightened and looked for a place to run, but glanced back before he fled and thought he saw the creature do a somersault off the log to the lower side of the road cut. Later he and other loggers returned to the site and found human-like footprints with five toes. There was only one good print, in mud, which Barry Procknow took a picture of. Solinski refused to work alone after that.

    23. Bob MaloogaloogaloogaloogaloogaFriday, August 8, 2014 at 10:23:00 AM PDT

      Bob not harm Joe, just silly people who do need clubbed.

    24. BOBO theory BIGFOOTS are REAL

    25. Bobo is RETARDED you know!

    26. MATT say BOBO a expert on bigfoots

    27. Why doesn't Joe ever come up with somthing new?
      Is he truly that Stupid?

    28. Why don't you ever come up with an original argument to counter them?

      There's most certainly no need I ask about your stupidity.

    29. BOBO been trackin bigfoots fer yeers

    30. BUCK best pointman TRAPPER ever had

    31. I guess from now on its gonna have to be,,,

      JOE dum dum fizdoofus!

    32. ids gits a educayshun shure do

    33. ^ no sir, taint so. Dem edakated fancy talkers thinkin,thinkin day kin gibber
      Jabber der brikim brak
      An talk ya into byin a union
      Flag for yer porch!

    34. 12:57... I would be more preoccupied in finding a little argument of your own so you can kick it with the big boys.

      A goal to aim for at least.

  4. Jeffrey Kelley for president. David Batdorf for v.p. TS87.

    1. Hillary already in for 2016 : )
      for your SAFETY

    2. jeffrey kelley looks like a chucky doll with a beard...just as tall also

    3. ans Remember Hillary knows nothing about Benghazi : )

  5. Got 9 foot tall Indian hidden in area 51????

    1. ans them GRAYs are in Area 51 working with the Military doing technology transfers the GRAYs been doing it for years

    2. Grays got a treaty with President Eisenhower that give the Grays bases for technology

    3. Bob MaloogaloogaloogaloogaloogaFriday, August 8, 2014 at 10:13:00 AM PDT

      No grays in Bob's time, they tried with their silver shiny things and trying to put places Malooga people not like. So we ate them.

      stupid grays, and not taste like chicken but dried squid.

    4. GRAYs have bases and taking DNA making clones and hybrids for years
      bigfoots and black eye children just some of their work of the GRAYS

    5. Bob MaloogaloogaloogaloogaloogaFriday, August 8, 2014 at 10:39:00 AM PDT

      Bob has solution like in our day. I watched Soylent Green, make all gays into biscuits.

    6. GRAYs making hybrids so they can do a take over

    7. I'm Gay would you turn me into a bisket. Bob?
      Big jon.

    8. Grays clonon tham JEWs hell NO !

  6. LIKE in West Virginny thays gots more cryptids than you can shake a stick at!
    a few bein headless horror, yahoo, cave creatures, gallysanacters, bloodless howler, Webster Werewolf, Shadow Creature,Bear Beast (KIA) ans much more - TRAPPER and TEAM AIMS is on the hunt fer tham critters

    1. Trapper and AIMS ever go after them GRAYs !!!

    2. And NO documented reports on record at all! Your a low IQ person!

    3. Trapper and AIMS team did hunt the Shadow Creature!
      But the Shadow Creature was to smart for WILD BILL and Willy trap

    4. ids seein tham monster monsters ont tv caws thays huntin tham critters ans such

    5. ^ Anon at 11:04 lecturing a poster on "low IQ" huh ? Take a look at your own posting of low IQ spelling.

  7. Bears walking on hind legs...still pretty "trippy".

    I've googled some other videos of bears walking on their hind legs. Apparently it's not that unusual if they have a front paw injury.

    Sure would explain an awful lot of (mistake) sightings..? Not saying all or even most - but many...?!?

    1. Bob MaloogaloogaloogaloogaloogaFriday, August 8, 2014 at 10:21:00 AM PDT

      Bob agree, but bears can't run on two legs at high speed.

    2. ans tham bigfeets cans thays been heers fer yeers

    3. Nor woodknock, scream and howl, break branches, chuck rocks etc.

      Still - pretty weird watching bears navigate around on their two hind legs.

    4. Bob MaloogaloogaloogaloogaloogaFriday, August 8, 2014 at 10:46:00 AM PDT

      Bob seen Chuck Rock in film other day, that muther is one funny dude.

    5. woodknocks ans rocks throwing cant be bears so gots to be bigfoots

    6. Is "Maloogaloogaloogaloogalooga" and indian name?

      Which tribe?

      Two Dogs

    7. dawgs be a good way to hunt for tham bigfoots

    8. no its not indian its the sound jon makes when he is downing a cup of joe

    9. google is NSA
      for you SAFETY

      "SPERM". Big jon ;~{}

    11. moonshine gits the JOB DONE !!!

    12. ^^ Anon at 11:49...just what sort if fool are you ? ...what sort of fool says that sort of thing...huh ?

  8. Replies
    1. mexicun squatchs ors tham JEWsquatchs

    2. ans tham JEWsquatchs aborder jumpin shure do

  9. You people are ALL scum bags.

    1. Bob MaloogaloogaloogaloogaloogaFriday, August 8, 2014 at 11:31:00 AM PDT

      So I don't wash and eat raw fish and scratch my balls from time to time but that's a bit harsh. You could have called me a prehistoric old septic smelly inbred.

    2. The word f1sh is not allowed because someone has their eyes...

    3. ans tham mexicuns ans JEWs shure is

    4. Bob MaloogaloogaloogaloogaloogaFriday, August 8, 2014 at 11:38:00 AM PDT

      a Marty Feldman fan no doubt.

      Werewolf? There, wolf.

    5. TRAPPER and AIMS team almost trapped that werewolf in Webster County, but the werewolf was to powerful and the trap couldnt hold that werewolf critter

    6. Sometimes Wild Bill is late to the hunt because they moved the lake on the map.

    7. ^ wot is it with your obsession with Wild Bill ? -- I bet you`re a lookalike.


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