Historic Shipton Yeti Photographs Up For Sale

World famous Christie's is offering up for sale the historic Shipton Yeti footprint photographs taken during the 1951 Everest expedition. This is a dream item for any cryptozoologist's collection. Starting bid is 4,978.80 US.

"Online – Christie’s is pleased to announce full details of Out of the Ordinary: The Online Edit which will run from 27 August to 10 September 2014 offering collectors of all things extraordinary the chance to acquire unusual objects from around the world at any time. A leading highlight of this online sale is a group of photographs showing Yeti footprints in the Memluk Basin (estimate: £3,000 – 5,000, illustrated above). The photographs were taken by Eric Earle Shipton (1907-1977) during the 1951 Everest expedition. Shipton’s photographs ignited speculation about the existence of a Yeti which had been growing since N.A. Tombazi made the first European sighting during an expedition to the Sikkim Himalaya in 1925."

"YETI! Shipton’s photographs of these mysterious footprints were taken in the Memluk Basin. With no means of measuring them, after examining them, Shipton took four photographs: two of the indistinct prints with human footprints, and rucsac beside them for comparison; the other two photographs were of one of the most detailed and distinct group of prints, with an ice axe for scale, and a second one with a booted foot. The footprints measure between 12 and 13 inches long. Edmund Hillary had a further encounter in 1952 on a pass between the Ngojumba and Khumbu glaciers: ‘We were climbing quite a steep pitch when Pemba stopped and picked something off the rock. Obviously greatly excited, he showed it to Angpemba. Feeling somewhat curious, I asked them what it was all about. They placed in my hand a tuft of long black hairs — thick and coarse, they looked more like bristles than anything else. “Yeti, Sahib! Yeti!” I couldn’t help being impressed by their conviction, and it did seem a strange place to find some hair. We were well over 19,000 feet and the Abominable Snowman was obviously no mean rock climber’ (Hillary, High Adventure, 1955, p. 103).

Following these various incidents, Hillary mounted an expedition in 1960 to collect and evaluate evidence of the Yeti, with inconclusive results. British mountaineer Don Whillans was a fervent believer, claiming he encountered the Yeti while scaling Annapurna in 1970. He observed a few human-like footprints in the snow around his camp one morning and, that evening, claimed that through binoculars he watched a bipedal, ape-like creature for about 20 minutes as it apparently searched for food not far from his camp."

For all the information, click here.

To view the item and place your bid, click here.


  1. Replies
    1. WILD BILL old Marine bear hunter ans expert traxer findin tham critters fer shure

    2. Adult illegals with ‘graying’ hair enrolling in public schools
      Federal government will not allow school officials to verify their ages.
      You cant make this stuff up

    3. That's fukin crazy where did you see this

  2. Anyone tried leaving a camera out over-night...?

    Maybe a squatch would be willing to just take a "selfie" ?!?

  3. The hoax that started it.

    Joes religion was founded here.

    Poor guy.

    1. Psuedoskepticism is a fundemental quasi-religion.

      I'm less sympathetic though.

    2. Why aren't you discussing this topic at universities or in science seminars? Is it because it's nonsense?

    3. Actually it never started it at all. If you read Norse mythology or the Icelandic sagas you will find reference to similiar sightings and I will add, stories or anecodes going back centuries.

    4. eggspeck JEFF frum Mountain Monsters AIMS tech guru ans brain bank fer the team cans gits to examinayshun of tham photos

    5. Hahaha so its not just decades of no monkey? Its CENTURIES?? Hahahaha fukin pwned what a moron PJ is.

    6. 12:34... Because I've never been asked to, is be happy to come along to your school to do a little talk though.

      12:35... Lied Erikson, great stuff.

      12:36... Ha ha ha ha!!

    7. The Vikings that landed in Labrador had an interesting encounter.

    8. 12:37... Actually, ten thousand years that have yielded giant human remains, with physical evidence transitioning into modern cultures and mediums.

      He moron is the one looking for reasurance against that.


    9. It's not at all Joe's fault it's a mental disorder called dickinmouth syndrome always wishing to be a pitcher but always ending up as a catcher

    10. Hahaha so its not centuries of no monkey but MILLENNIA???? Hahahahahshahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha oh boy what an obliterated moron.


    11. 12.40... http://www.smokeyjoesauces.co.uk

      12:40#2... You seem so angry, good.

    12. GRAYs control Bigfoots to collect DNA and then return to the GRAYs so they can make hybrids and clones they been doing it for years

    13. 12:41... Keep using yor little therapy exercise bro, when you have 250 years worth of documented biological evidence, physical evidence and professional anecdotes, then those centuries where cultures had this subject at the core are pretty much confirmed.

    14. "250 years of documented biological evidence"

      LOL wat?

      Like seriously wat?

    15. The oldest account of Bigfoot was recorded in 986 AD by Leif Ericson and his men. During their first landing in the New World, the Norsemen wrote about monsters that were horribly ugly, hairy, swarthy and with great black eyes.

    16. LOCATION: As the viking settlements in Newfoundland, Canada are found mainly in The Northern Pennisula, it is likely that these events took place here; today the areas are known as L'Anse aux Meadows and St.Anthony

      TERRAIN: Wooded, Today the Northern Pennisula of the island is a major tourist site. Only one major highway allows access by land.

      OBSERVED: The First Sasquatch Sighting by a European?

      It is a little known historical fact that the first Sasquatch encounter was perhaps observed by the vikings who settled on the island of Newfoundland in Eastern Canada. Leif Erikson, or Leif the Lucky (son of Erik the Red), and his crew of Norsemen landed on the rugged shores on "The Rock" some one thousand years ago, becoming the first Europeans to set foot in the Western World. Leif kept a record of his journey across the Atlantic, from Iceland to Greenland, and of his experiences whilst in Newfoundland, the last point of land on his voyage. Among his accounts, Leif told of seeing huge hairy men who towered over him and his Berzerker crew (and the vikings are known to have been large men). The "huge hairy men", according to Leif, lived in the Woods and had a rank odour and a deafening shriek. Apparently, Leif had several sightings of the "huge hairy men" before departing the island.


      DESCRIPTION OF CREATURE: Towering height, hairy, man-like, rank smell, deafening verbal tones., The natives of Newfoundland, the Beothuck (now extinct), most likely had similar relations to the Sasquatch like other native bands, especially those of Western Canada (ie Bella Coola). Leif's accounts spoke of his meeting of a race of men (seperate from the "huge hairy men"), which were almost certainly the Beothuck.

      OTHER NOTES: voyagers - sailed the Atlantic, charting course from Iceland to Greenland to Newfoundland, settling in the latter for some time before retracing their voyage back home.

      I initially was introduced to this information from an "Unexplained" documentary (broadcast station and show title not recalled). I later found other info pertaining to this in the archives at a St.John's library. The remains of the Viking settlement (in L'Anse aux Meadows) was found in the 1960's. It is now a National Historical Site (where during summer, 2000, the voyage of Leif the Lucky was retraced, having the recreated ship landing on the Northern Pennisula). The arrival of Leif Erikson is celebrated every year in L'Anse aux Meadows by the residents of the area.


    17. 12:49... Like science journals documenting archeological studies that yielded giant human skeletons with sloped skulls, over a period of 150 years in the US.

    18. whut tham wurds yous ausin caws thays abin biggern fer shure

    19. 12:52... Your inability to counter facts ain't any one else meltdown I'm afraid.

    20. Counter facts?

      Fact: no proof of bigfoot

    21. Yes... It's that simple in the mind of someone simple... Truth is, you can't understand the evidence, let alone agkkowledge it.

      Simple as.

    22. whut yous asain fer tham wurds yous ausin

    23. I understand the evidence.

      Humans produce it.

      Bigfoot is a joke. Didn't you get that?

    24. MATT and TRAPPER would disagree

    25. Bigfoot are human, yes... You're learning at least. The joke is you sweaty at the desktop trying to get help from the boogeyman.

      A funny one too.

    26. ans tham JEWsquatches abin heers fer yeers

  4. Thinking there's a monkey in the woods is laughable

    1. grassman in the boosh monkey in africa

    2. 12:33... Being scared enough to take interest in this 'monkey' as opposed to checking up on it healthily; pretty sad.

    3. Laughing at you is pretty fkin entertaining!

    4. 12:42... I don't think you do much laughing when I'm smacking you about with facts, you wouldn't name drop me if it didn't hurt.

    5. Facts? Please look up the definition.

    6. Man... Someone who's had them pointed out to them a million times shouldn't be recommending anyone look up anything.

      Ya know?

    7. For me no? I'm content with the real world and real species that actually exist. You seem to look for comfort in mythical monkeys. Sad really.

    8. Ha! Man... You're not content, you wouldn't be here if you were content. No, you're scared and need to check up on the Bigfoot world so you don't have to practice with popa's gun.

      Don't take my word for it, listen to the best primatologists and conservationsts in the world. Some serious monkeys catalogued by them, let me tell you.

      : )

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. OP...where else do they live ?

    11. Anonymous 12:33,
      Short but sweet. Kudos. Your check it in the mail. You really have this disinformation game dialed in. I'll bet that you can convince an astronaut that the U.S. never went to the moon. Or you could sell ice to an Eskimo. You have a future with us. Next, we will promote you to convincing the public that there is no Area 51.

  5. Most footers will admit there is currently no good evidence for bigfoot. It has been discussed and acknowledged on the bff many times. Not Joe though.

    1. Are you the one that made up that Meldrum didn't think Sasquatch was real the other day?

      Pretty hilarious... Barrel, well and truly scraped.

    2. Meldrum had never stated that bigfoot is real. He dances round it.

    3. Ha ha ha ha ha!!! It is you! What a shout!!

    4. Post a statement from him where he says straight that bigfoot is real. You won't be able to because he never has.

    5. A person who collects casts and devotes his career almost to purported bigfoot print casts.


    6. Yet has never stated that bigfoot is real

    7. Bro, I really wouldn't have admitted to making that claim, especially after making that comment up top.

    8. Post the statement then?

      Any quote from any TV appearance or from any of his papers or books is fine.

    9. Yes, yes... You're right... Don't worry...

  6. For the Anon up top who had an interest in Erikson;

    "From Irish tradition Fomorians were "giants" who invaded in ships from Africa, and demanded children at Halloween time. Pict tradition held the same. The giants were finally driven north to the Hebrides Isles off northwest Scotland and to Tory Island off northwest Ireland in the deep Atlantic. From there, they preyed on the people of Ulster.

    The Fomorian giants were supposedly endowed with double-rows of teeth. Interestingly, Anglo-American settlers in the upper Ohio were told Native traditions of " giants," and early settlers claimed they were digging up (from Lake Erie-to the Ohio River) the skeletons of "giants" with massive skulls and double rows of teeth.

    The Mandarins of the Canadian Museum of Civilization (Hull/Ottawa) also at long last admit: "Historically documented native beliefs in Canada appear to have been quite similar to those of the pre-Christian Celtic, Germanic and old Scandinavian peoples of northwestern Europe."

    1. east coast indians like my grandmother told stories of Giant cannibals in the woods preying on unsuspecting people

    2. Penobscot tribe the Giwakwas are the evil man-eating giants. If you don't want to see one of these monsters stay out of the woods during the winter. They have enormous fangs they are always hungry, and their scream will kill any human who hears it.
      Grandma always reminded us before we would venture into the woods on camping trips

  7. I have been Spelunking in DMakers butt. If you know what I mean. And I like it.Sometimes he returns the favor.

    Danny Campbells.

  8. I think Jeff Pruitt did the best of the three recreation efforts we have seen. Blevins suit looks similar to Patty when seen from the back at a distance, but Blevins also got a number of key elements that Pruitt did not such has head shape, foot shape and colour.

  9. Its just too easy.

    Bloke in a suit.

    Show us the verified evidence of bigfoot? We can do it no problem for every other species. Why not bigfoot? Too easy. Cos it don't exist.

    Royally smoked.

    The funniest thing is the footers will attempt to shoehorn anything they can to be "evidence" of bigfoot. None of it is scientificly acceptable of course but it sure does give us a hilarious circus show to watch. No complaints here.

    Let's go back to the packham bigfoot suit that joe and the resident butthurt footer and poster boy for footer stupidity were talking about earlier. Do you really look at that and think that was a recreation of the pgf? Of course it wasn't. If it was an actual recreation attempt you'd think they would at least get the colour right. The bbc just got a costume company to make them a bigfoot suit and that is what they got. This is a classic example of one of many failed arguments put forth by the footers.

    If we want to look at a patty recreation how about we actually look at one rather than using one that clearly wasnt meant to be a patty recreation.We have 2 examples of these. We have the dfoot recreation and the blevins recreation. Both excellent examples. Blevins recreated the arm proportions perfectly but his budget was too low to get a similar style fur. Dfoots recreation showed identical "muscle" and bulk, quite excellent really. This is the same guy that made patty bleevers on the bff look like fools when he photoshopped patty onto a different background and all the bleevers said it was an obvious suit. He embarrassed them so bad they banned him and swept the whole thing under the giant footers rug of ignorance. Also lets not forget that side by side shot of a gemora butt with the patty butt. Identical.

    And anyway the whole notion of requiring an identical replication is nonsense anyway. The footers know this which is why they use it, instead of doing something like, oh I dont know, find a real life specimen that matches patty.

    Its just too easy.

    Fish in a barrel.

    1. "Show us the verified evidence of bigfoot? We can do it no problem for every other species. Why not bigfoot? Too easy. Cos it don't exist."

      This is because whenever you are presented with evidence, you claim it's a hoax, do you see how stupid you are for requesting more? Every time a piece of evidence is presented, even for it to have a particular expert in his/her respected field to it, you go into denial mode based in an agenda to outrightly attack that source as opposed to being impartial. Debating a denialist is akin to biology evolutionist debating a creationist. The denialist will focus on his own argument and close out any means of counter argument; this serves as an important level of self worth and belonging to a theory group that can provide some sense of community, whilst it also avoids the awkward reality of countering information that is without a counter point.

      "The funniest thing is the footers will attempt to shoehorn anything they can to be "evidence" of bigfoot. None of it is scientificly acceptable of course but it sure does give us a hilarious circus show to watch. No complaints here."

      I think that you will find plenty of wildlife biologists, anthropologists and forensic experts, not to mention the best genticist in the world now looking for answers, within this subject. Most who Apply their expertise have had to do so once retired because their respected careers would be attacked, but we are now seeing a move away from that with recognitions as profound as that of Dr Sykes, who, regardless of whether he has the holy grail or not, is looking for answers and is not governed by the heuristical system that is a slap in the face to the scientific model that was devised to counter such closure desperation. If Bigfoot didn't exist, it wouldn't leave tracks and tracks are usually good evidence for any wildlife biologist and the fact that these have examples of falsification does not erode the legitimacy of this source of evidence because we know that all forms of presentable evidence can be falsified in the court of law.

    2. "Let's go back to the packham bigfoot suit that joe and the resident butthurt footer and poster boy for footer stupidity were talking about earlier. Do you really look at that and think that was a recreation of the pgf? Of course it wasn't. If it was an actual recreation attempt you'd think they would at least get the colour right. The bbc just got a costume company to make them a bigfoot suit and that is what they got. This is a classic example of one of many failed arguments put forth by the footers."

      No... That is a way to snake out of your biggest problem and it's pathetic. Packham had an entire BBC budget to throw at that effort and the entire programme was an effort to condemn the footage, and Patterson & Gimlin at any cost. Why would a documantary programme focussing on proving that the PGF was fake, not be outrightly attempting to make 'the suit', but any suit? I've come across some very poor arguments in my time, but that has to be one of the worst ever attempted at being sold. The suit was a sham and the Gimlin interview edited and sensationalised. The programme was a complete failure once you acknowledge those facts and it is fitting that a programme aimed at helping children sleep better at night should sit well with so many obsessed with that level if reassurance so deeply required from their childhoods.

    3. "If we want to look at a patty recreation how about we actually look at one rather than using one that clearly wasnt meant to be a patty recreation.We have 2 examples of these. We have the dfoot recreation and the blevins recreation. Both excellent examples. Blevins recreated the arm proportions perfectly but his budget was too low to get a similar style fur. Dfoots recreation showed identical "muscle" and bulk, quite excellent really. This is the same guy that made patty bleevers on the bff look like fools when he photoshopped patty onto a different background and all the bleevers said it was an obvious suit. He embarrassed them so bad they banned him and swept the whole thing under the giant footers rug of ignorance. Also lets not forget that side by side shot of a gemora butt with the patty butt. Identical."

      I don't have to do anything here other than link you the sources to show how ridiculously bad your effort it...



      ... Look how badly those attempts at recreation came out. Neither of them have the leg proportions, arm proportions, don't have evidence of bending fingers, muscle tone in the back AND legs, hair color, spinal erectors, extended toes, and the Blevins had to have the width reduced by 5%, not to mention that we don't see either examples in motion. To suggest that these recreations should be considered accurate regardless of all these failures? SPECIAL PLEADING. Oh... And thise efforts with all those failures... Does nothing but strengthen the claim Roger couldn't have made a suit that topped such shams 46 years later.

      "And anyway the whole notion of requiring an identical replication is nonsense anyway. The footers know this which is why they use it, instead of doing something like, oh I dont know, find a real life specimen that matches patty."

      In any field of research, you require an accumilation of all sources of evidence to promote legitimacy. In Patty, we have evidence that shows a bipedal hominid in motion that has no means to debunk... this being a proverbial a piece of the puzzle. To go with this we have other sources of footage, tracks, recorded speech, eyewitnesses, etc. It is quite funny to see these people use the argument that we should not only find more evidence that would be attacked, but they forget that if there argument fails (Patty recreation) that there in the footage is a Bigfoot/Sasquatch/Hominid. Every year as the evidence rolls in and we get more and more help from reputable scientists like Sykes, and no accurate effort at a suit should materialize, you become more and more hopelessly fruitless for your efforts.

      Got monkey suit?

      Fish in a barrel.

    4. And I point you to reread the comment.

      Ya got smoked. Its done.

    5. Nargh... You got obliterated on this a long time ago... Funny as heck, ha ha ha!!

      ; )

    6. This #JREFtard is the local resident rectum-ravaged rebel without a clue. Dredging up old copy-pastes for another round of copy-pasting, while simultaneously attacking all and sundry for copy-pasting.

      Yeah. A few lonely brain cells at work there.

      The JREF genius who says the BBC Packham job was "no attempt" to recreate the PGF.

      Let's roll that beautiful Packham footage from that very same BBC special:

      “let’s get the camera Patterson used, find an amateur operator, and recreate exactly, to the inch, the action at Bluff Creek.”

      At about minute 5:00:


      Yes, sure, "recreate to the inch" = "no attempt to recreate." Yep. Even using the same camera Patterson used, and suppoedly hiring an "amateur operator" to run it.

      You should at least be able to accurately quote and reference your own heroes, #jokeinasuit.

      Tellingly, Packham does not identify the source or maker of the suit used in his attempt. He does not say the one he used is "off the peg". He says IF the PGF shows an "off the peg" suit. It's interesting that Packham conceals the source and maker of the suit he used, which resulted in his comedic strutting orange stick man film.

      It's possible the suit was made and provided by Jon Vulich's studio. Packham also conveniently films his subject from much futher away than did Patterson, to avoid any pesky lack of moving musculature and mass of strutting orange stick man, both traits which Patty exhibits.

      This #jokeinasuit is so far the top nominee for BFE's 2014 Golden Idiot Statuette.

      Deluded self-obliterating fish in a leaky crumbling barrel.

      As per.

      Yes it is that easy.

  10. FEMA Building Pricey FEMA Domes…
    For Your SAFETY

  11. "Patty is quadrapedal and yields 100% modern human DNA" - Joe f

    1. Actually... I don't know what DNA Patty has.

      - Joe F

    2. GRAYs got human DNA they been taking human DNA for years, DNA manipulation for hybrids

    3. GRAYs got JOE, replaced him with a Hybrid clone

    4. I can see some anal probe jokes coming now.

    5. ^ yeah...joe likes to probe folks anal holes with his truth seeker


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