New Yowie Report: Yowie Encounter In Driveway

Imagine this: You wake up at 4 a.m. in the morning to go to work, and you find a 7ft tall bipedal creature in your driveway. How terrifying of a sight would that be for you? According to this report, the property is surrounded by bush and valleys. Although not known to the witness at the time, the area is notorious for Yowie Sightings. Listen below:


  1. Replies
    1. And when the patty butt diaper prophet Joe was asked what brand the masses should buy, Joe froze. He knew that the original Patty wore XL pampers, but he didn't want to reveal that secret. Instead he changed the topic to hip waiders, and stain licking. The diaper butt disciples played along, and watched in anticipation as the butt diaper prophet Joe showed them the proper way to lick diarrhea stains out of the used diapers.

    2. And when Joe was asked how he got the scar on his face, he replied that he once rubbed some diaper feces on his face that had bits of rock in it. It cut the patty butt diaper prophets face, but he didnt care. He still praised the patty butt diaper

    3. Was it possible, did the poor farm boy really see what he said. Was the minster of patty butt diaper worshipping really caught during happy hour with a blow up doll of a man named Sykes?? Surely not. Surely the butt diaper prophet would never have fun with the saint Sykes. That woudl be as obsurd as confusing Patty with an extinct bear.

    4. ^ hot pocket spill burns of the inner being.

    5. And when asked about which version of the diaper to worship, Joe replied that the only true diaper gospel, was that of Patty, and that only through him, could you truly find the spirit of the diaper butt.

    6. ^ hot water bottle blisters of the brain stem.

    7. He should give it first aid and wrap it in one of those poopy diapers he so obsessed with

    8. Dang IT - TRAPPER and AIMS might not be able to gits that fur outs

    9. that jist bumfumbles me

    10. Joe you need to sign autographs for the poor feller.

  2. And when Joe was asked how he got the scar on his face, he replied that he once rubbed some diaper feces on his face that had bits of rock in it. It cut the patty butt diaper prophets face, but he didnt care. He still praised the patty butt diaper

    1. Was it possible, did the poor farm boy really see what he said. Was the minster of patty butt diaper worshipping really caught during happy hour with a blow up doll of a man named Sykes?? Surely not. Surely the butt diaper prophet would never have fun with the saint Sykes. That woudl be as obsurd as confusing Patty with an extinct bear.

    2. ^ carpet burn of the frontal cortex.


      ^ radiator bum burn of the parietal lobe.

    4. Joe once replied that many years ago, he got a nasty case of carpet and rug burn due to an incident with a man with the last name Fasano. As Joe recalled the incident, a smile came to his face, and he licked his lips. He then demanded a fresh butt diaper to sniff.

    5. ^ carpet burns of the occipital lobe.

  3. I always think Joe would be a lot more convincing if he had some actual evidence to back up his claims. Never mind ey.

    1. Do not blaspheme in front of the minster of holy butt diapers. Keep the butt diaper faith and dont doub the knowledge of the pope of poo, Joe.

    2. ^^ you can't handle the evidence.

      hot pocket spill burn of the inner self.

    3. Sorry joe but this guy has got your goat. It's an American phrase, look it up.
      Wow! Never thought I would see the day where an average troll would own joe like this. Where's your friends to back you up at this hour joe??

    4. ^ French fries bumped all over you in a hallway burn of the thinker-blinker.

  4. Cascade carnivores project.

    Check mate footers.

    1. Let's compare the Cascade Carnivore Study to the size of the PNW.

      Then, let's compare the number of months that study had gone on for, to that of the evidence accumulation for Sasquatch during the same length of time.

      It's an old argument and there have been trail cams erected all over the country for many years... Bigfoot ain't a wolverine, a wolf, a grizzly, a lynx... It's a type of human that has evaded people and in particular; technology for this long. Why? Because it is a a big pink flag in a see of green... It is an intrusion in a home where they know the slightest bit of detail to stay one step ahead of all other apex predators, and us to survive.

      We've checked your credentials, and you don't even know how to spell.

    2. Yea but still its YET ANOTHER zero bigfoot result.

      Funny that.

    3. In a sea of rhetorical 'failures'... It's hard to really differentiate, eh?

  5. The shin rise on the independence day hoax.

    Check mate footers.

    1. Got monkey suit?

      We've checked, and you don't even know how to spell... Thanks for your participation.

    2. F*ck you on about got monkey suit? Have you got a monkey suit? Who cares. Wheres the 8 foot ape? How about that? Got one of them?

    3. Got monkey suit? No??

      Then there's your 'close to 8 foot ape'.

      What's the matter... You seem perturbed?

    4. I typed monkey suit into google and found lots of them. Real ones that actually exist. They can even be tailored in any manner.

      I then typed in bigfoot and got a bunch of drama, looney tooners, and no actual bigfoots.

      So then I though hang on a minute to be fair I'll try another animal, so I typed in gorilla. No drama there just thousands upon thousands of crystal clear photos and videos, article upon article of in depth detail about every aspect of the creatures lives.

    5. Got magic monkey suit that defies 47 years worth of technological achievements 'tailored' by a broke cowboy that used materials unavailable to him back then?

      No?? Matching specimen;

      ... Not a good day at the office, eh bro?

    6. "In conclusion, after a thorough review of the copy of the Patterson-Gimlin film provided to me, it is my professional opinion that it represents a live hominid and not a human in a costume. As noted above, there are multiple details of areas on the filmed individual’s body that correspond to those found in a human. Also as stated above, the replication of some of these anatomic landmarks would be difficult or impossible to accomplish in a costume. Additionally, it would take a detailed knowledge of human anatomy to even be aware of some of these anatomical features, let alone possess the technical skills to incorporate them into a convincing costume. That information is only known to a very select percentage of the population, of which I happen to belong.
      While it may be difficult for one to accept that in our modern age there can be a large, undiscovered hominid living in our forests, the facts have to be faced. In the words of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s famous character, Sherlock Holmes: “When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.”

      O. Allen Guinn, III, M.D., F.A.C.S. Aurora Plastic Surgery
      Lee’s Summit, MO

    7. ^Did you know your source operates out of a strip mall? That's what Lee's Summit is. Strip Malls, car lots and McDonalds.

    8. ^ How do you know? Is that where you got your breast implants?

  6. If I was to invent an imaginary creature, in order to explain why it hasn't been found I would give it the following attributes:

    Super fast.
    Super stealthy.
    Infrared shocking capability.
    Ability to bluff charge without being seen.
    Knows what a camera is.
    Only shows up when people who have no means of collecting evidence are there.
    Ability to cover up tracks and leave no physical evidence.

    Check mate footers.

    1. Elusive - we're still finding primates all over the planet.
      Hyper aware - like most animals, not to mention humans, yes.
      Intelligent - yes, more so than the average cyber nerd.
      Super fast - faster than those fat nerd fingers for typing, yes.
      Infared shocking capability - this would explain the reported eye morphology, yes.
      Ability to bluff charge without being seen - dense brush ain't as dense as the average troll nerd.
      Knows what a camera is - you would too if you saw dumb rednecks erecting such in your own back yard.
      Only shows up, blah, blah, blah - physical and biological evidence says no.
      Ability to cover up tracks, blah, blah, blah - see above, though if you were an expert tracker who knew how to stay out of the way of hunters for collective safety, you'd be pretty good. Boss of the woods.

      We've checked, and you don't know how to spell; failing all credential requirements I'm afraid.

    2. I've got to say Joe really got it handed to him there.

    3. We've checked, remember? You don't qualify.... Maybe as an average cheerleader, an ugly one too... But you don't.


    4. Joe

      If you jacked these trolls up any higher they would flip on their top.

    5. The trolls often sing their own praises from the Gospel of Moron.

    6. Ernie often follows Joe's posts with the zest of a starry eyed little girl harboring her first crush while still believing in his Muppet master fraud standing


    7. Not really jealous more like amazed at the overwhelming ignorance of a grown man who's only additions to this blog are that of a personal cheerleader for Joe nothing else


    8. Wow you sure hold grudges eh? We had a small disagreement a few months back and now you're stewing like a child? Come on dude, you're better than that.

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. That's not MMG buddy, that's the perverse weirdo nerd who likes to pretend to be other people. I wouldn't be suprised if he steals underwear from washing lines.

    11. I was wondering, doesn't seem like MMG to act in this fashion. I apologize to the real MMG for taking the bait.

    12. Washing lines are still a thing in Wales? You people are second class citizens.

    13. ^ Currently wearing 16 pairs of line dried panties. None of which belong to him!

  7. Sorry, the arms aren't as long, neither is the upper leg as short or the groin area as high. You can do all sorts of line markings with reducing width percentage in a photograph too!

    We also don't see it in motion... I wonder why that is?

    And and anyway, don't we need a monkey suit to put Pate in??

    We've checked... Spelling... Unforgivable...


  8. Its a check mate. 1 example of a human not even wearing a suit comes within mm's of the same proportions. Imagine if he wore gloves with his hands half in and added shoulder pads he would then be even more exaggerated than patty.

    Nothing magical about patty's proportions and that picture proves it.

    If you can look at that picture and still say the proportions are different then you are probably mentally disabled.

    Oh and this is 1 example of a human. They come in all shapes and sizes remember.

    Its beyond check mate. We are stopping the clock, shaking hands, and putting the wooden pieces back in the box.

  9. Here's an original classic that sent the clown who's obsessed with me on his first breakdown a few months ago... Just for you;

    "You see... A lot of what Bill does is mere common sense. Something that Tards are actually over-thinking in their cartwheels of worry. When Bill Munns compares the proportions of Patty to a 'normal human'; we see something very obvious in the junction of two points of the right leg when pasted on top of eachother, from the hip socket. It is here where you have an amazing example of the posture of the upper and lower leg of Patty; the upper leg is far shorter. The crotch area of Patty is far more higher than the average human norm and like Bill States; "when you put a costume on, it always adds, it never subtracts". If you were to put the 'costume' on a human being, then we would expect the crotch area to be lower than what is clearly not the case when comparing the proportions. The arm length of Patty is 10% longer than that of a normal human in comparison proportion & scale, the 10% being in the shoulder area. When matching this over that of a normal human, the problem is evident when trying to accommodate this in comparison to a normal human, Patty's knees fall way shorter. Bill even extends this to show the possibility of using football shoulder pads, and it still cannot match the proportions of a normal human. Bill also extends the comparison image's scale of Patty by 25% , but you still have the arm with bending fingers reaching far lower than the proportions of what a normal human can achieve in a suit. The shoulder joint and base of the neck of Patty require to be shifted forward actually into the neck of a normal human for the eyes of the 'mask' to align with normal human proportions. It is therefore impossible to get the mask to fit on the shoulders of a normal human and maintain the rest of the proportions to fit on a normal person in a suit."

    Shall we talk about the materials that weren't even in production then and the reality of a broke cowboy attaining such materials?

    Got magic monkey suit? Didn't think so.

  10. Why don't we see Pate in motion? Surely, that would be the death nail wouldn't it?? If the proportions are so similar, let's see him in a YouTube video, the easiest thing in the world these days.

    Try using some of your own hole seeking in your own logic you sometimes, you look daft when it comes back at you like a sledgehammer.

  11. Just to be clear the lack of a recreation of patty does not mean patty is not a suit.

  12. Joe once again with his stale copy paste rather than refuting the point in hand. Please show us, using the same photo, where the proportions don't match because those straight lines that line up each pivot point on both subjects is no joke.

  13. 4:38... You cannot prove or disprove the legitimacy of a source without testing it and every scientific claim or field of study has a starting point. Evidence doesn't 'stop existing' because you have a preconceived default position that can't be supported, that's as anti-scientific as you can get, not true skepticism and in fact denial.

    Suggesting that the requirement of footage presented with some of the most excelled & relevant scientists in the world to be tested is negative, is actually suppressing evidence.

    Got monkey suit?

    4:41... I've not got the time... Got Pate in motion so we can see the proportions outside of a 2-D format?

    Didn't think so.

    ; )

  14. Your source is bunk because it does not support accurate proportions, is not in motion and does not have a suit to put him in.

    Sorry to break your heart.

    ^ French fries bumped all over you in a hallway burn of the thinker-blinker.

  15. And let me specify because that brain is on overload at the moment... A 2-D source could have been manipulated. The biggest red flag is not seeing him in motion... Find that and you still have to find a suit as good.

    It doesn't look good for you... I think you're bordering another meltdown, aren't you?????

  16. Pro tip...

    You'll never troll the king of trolls.

    ; )

    1. And as the dawn broke, I heard a sound. It was high pitched mixed with a moan. I rounded the corner and there saw the scarred for life one and a false prophet named Randi snivelling into a tissue.

    2. And when the scarred for life one was asked how he got the scar on his brain, he replied that he once rubbed some Randi dust on his face that had bits of BS. It cut the scarred for life's one's face, but he didn't care. He still praised Randi.

    3. Beyond the mountains in the north, it was said that there existed a set of used arguments that everyone had seen. It was said that they contained fragments of undigested corn mixed in with the Randi's feces. Upon hearing this, the scarred for life one wet his pants, and made a pilgrimage to the north. And when he found the corn Randi feces, he fell to his knees to thank Randi for the miracle. He then rubbed the corn chunk Randi feces all over his body and snivelled into a tissue.

    4. And he showeth me a magic man of the name of Randi. And upon it rode a giant man in a costume. He was wearing the holy Packham and Blevins attempts that bore much shame on his part. The prophet scarred for life one was so awestruck by the failures, he didn't notice what was truly going on. From that day forward, the scarred one was committed to preaching Randi gospel and the lack of magic monkey suit.

    5. And when questioned about the magic monkey suit, the apostle named the mentally scarred for life one, claimed that it could be done. Then another failure named Blevins came forward from the east. He made a fool of the scarred one yet further. Yet the Randi faith was not to be denied, and the prophet turned a blind eye to shame. The apostle scarred one had faith in Randi above all other things. Praise the magician Randi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    6. I could go on all day... Back to work now though.

      Remember the pro tip.

      ; )

    7. Please show these to your therapist Joe.

    8. Just recycling material for trolling purposes.

    9. Indeed this ancient history must be told, or there would be an accounting.

      Dang Joe, I needed a warning that was so funny I almost spilled hot coffee on myself!

    10. Hallelujah Joe!!! Glad to see you give the 'scarred one for life' his due.

    11. ^ shut up an git back under the porch,, BJ. Or else i'll yank your leash!!

  17. Take your seats class, this is an example of getting owned.

    1. Damn straight Joe got pwned.

      Still clinging to that hoaxed film.


    2. Thanks for our Queen J.Randi for he beholds the 'Golden Vibrating Butt Plug of Skepticism'.If it wasn't for our Queen we would of never found out about the joy of a butt plug.

      Funny how some of us Jrefers won't admit to using them.


    3. 5:51 comes here and says the same thing everyday. He's just lashing out at his fellow footers because his own sighting wasn't bleeved

  18. Joe now denying that straight lines aren't straight haha.

    He would have a point if say the top of the head and bottom of the feet lined up but then the elbows on patty lined up with the knees on the human or something but no. Its straight lines for Joe all day long.

    No different to the denial of losing the bet which in fact he did lose (fact not opinion).

    Now yes let's get to the 2d and your text book footer double standards. All footers ever do is draw lines on a single frame of the pgf which gets championed yet when a frame is shown to line up perfectly with a human in that case it somehow no longer works.

    This folks is the self delusion and stupidity of those defending the holy film.

    Now you do realise the pgf itself is 2d and you also realise that not a single measurement can be taken because Munns still fails to figure out the lens size used.

    Joe has some weird idea that costume makers all over the world are sitting there day in day out scratching their heads trying to make an exact replica of the suit. Truth is they don't care and probably never even think about it. Hollywood costume experts have dismissed the film time and time again and that is something even Joe can not ignore.

    There being no replication is not an argument in your favour. In your own words you want an "EXACT" replication as all footers do giving themselve an out no matter what because they can claim this or that and nitpick at any little thing. Ludicrous. There being no bigfoot holds tremendous weight and is something that puts the film to bed.

    Anyway the pieces already got put back in the box so this was just a bit of additional education for you. Don't worry it's my pleasure. :)


    That just about refutes everything Joe has ever claimed.

    1. It's been obliterated by the Long Hoax exposers and the dreamslayerartworms see as much imaginary things in the footage as they claim enthusiasts do.

      Old, old news.

    2. Ok... So where's the actual bigfoot?

      Again... Check mate.


      ... We've checked... And you can't spell.

    4. 7:22 comes here and says the same thing everyday. He's just lashing out at his fellow footers because his own sighting wasn't bleeved.

    5. Resident butthurt footer arrives^

    6. 7:22 comes here and says the same thing everyday. He's just lashing out at his fellow footers because his own sighting wasn't bleeved.

    7. obamacare covers all your woes

    8. 7:52 comes here and says the same thing everyday. He's just lashing out at his fellow footers because his own sighting wasn't bleeved

    9. ^ A lot of people don't believe I caught a 10 plus lb bass twice in my life. That didn't prompt me to lash out at Bass Pro Shop. Your premise is stupid.

    10. 8:14 comes here and says the same thing everyday. He's just lashing out at his fellow footers because his own sighting wasn't bleeved

    11. ^ You need to find a way to sort out who you're addressing, dumbass.

    12. 8:52 comes here and says the same thing everyday. He's just lashing out at his fellow footers because his own sighting wasn't bleeved.

    13. ^ IT'S BIG lier Jon, having a
      Nervous breakdown & projecting his problem on everybody! pay the fool no never mind!! Diggit?

    14. Bro... Do you think it might be a but rich you suggesting someone else is having a breakdown when you see Big Jon everywhere?

    15. Joe, im commenting on this peticular redundant comment,
      It seems that big jon is the only poster with the issue of nobody believing his sighting

      Matter of fact joe, big jon gets
      Upset at the mere mention of the fact

  20. ^ Please stop "pleasuring" yourself in public

  21. Your best argument has a very, very big gaping wide hole in it... Two in fact... No motion and no suit. This is a very big red flag. Again; use your own 'skeptical' thinking and apply it to your own arguments for a second... It's bunk.

    Nobody is suggesting exact measurements can be attained from the PGF and they haven't (this is an imagined scenario by you and evidence of moving the goal posts), comparative scale can be though and it doesn't match up to that of a normal human in motion I'm afraid. What's not a double standard, is using the proportions of that of someone totally impartial to trying to prove a point, like Munns does... Not a photographic source from that which is trying to prove a point without motion. We don't see a lined scale image of anyone except Pate... Funny that?

    Nobody is saying costume makers perplex about how to accomplish the suit... On the contrary, most who have have passed a fleeting opinion on it prior to the footage being stabilized. But the examples you have have had major funds and modern materials thrown at them and they fail to come anywhere near... One of these being a BBC budget. That's significant; again, you lose.

    Rick Baker - 'rumoured' to have made the costume as he was working on movies at the time, whilst none of his representatives are willing to comment and verify those claims.
    Howard Berger - merely claimed that he heard that the PG film was a 'gag' and has yet to comment on why he thinks it's a suit and compares the PG creature to Harry and the Henderson's as 'proof' it's fake.
    Dave Kindlon - claims he 'overheard' PG was fake from Rick Baker - again, full of claims and rumors and speculates it's fake as opposed to offering any explanation why it's a 'suit'
    Verne Langdon - claims that 'the suit was advanced for the day' (opinionated I believe and again not offering an explanation how the suit was made)

    ... the list goes on with them all turning out to be close associates with careers to look after and none of them offering an explanation as to how the 'suit' was made... casting their opinion like all lazy skeptics. Whereas, Bill Munns DOES actually look into the possibility of a suit being made and can't for the life of him replicate it or be bale to fit the dimensions of a human in it.

    Nobody wants an exact replica, just something that replicates some element of three; these being texture, motion and proportions.

    There is in fact plenty of Bigfoot, matching specimens been filmed even;

    Back in the box? Last time you got bullied about here;

    ... And your last comment was this;

    ""I queefed - Enjoy
    Smell my feces - Enjoy
    Sniff my ass whilst I pass gas
    Enjoy my good friends - Enjoy"

    ... Oh dear, how embarrassing.

    ; )

  22. Oh boy meltdown achieved^

    Every single word has already been taken apart as you repeat the same old fallacy's that only hinder your cause.

    So where were we...

    Oh yea got monkey?

    Obliterated by 2 words every single time ha ha ha.

  23. You've not achieved anything of the sort... You do achieve a below average cheer-leading routine though. I can imagine you now with pom-poms and a struggling team trying to get you above shoulder height.

    In the name of George Schaller, PhD, recognized as the world's prominent field biologist and conservationist, studying wildlife for over 50 years throughout Africa, Asia and South America. He is a senior conservationist at the Bronx Zoo-based Wildlife Conservation Society, John Bindernagel, PhD, Courtenay, BC, Canada... Todd Disotell, PhD, New York University New York, NY... Colin Groves, PhD, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia... Chris Loether, PhD, Idaho Sate University, Pocatello, ID... Jeffrey McNeely, PhD, Chief Scientist IUCN - World Conservation Union, Gland, Switzerland... Lyn Miles, PhD, University of Tennessee, Chattanooga... John Mionczynski, Wildlife Consultant, Atlantic City, WY... Anna Nekaris, PhD, Oxford Brooks University, Oxford, England... Ian Redmond, OBE, Conservation Consultant, Manchester, England... Esteban Sarmiento, PhD, Human Evolution Foundation, East, Brunswick, NJ... Zhou Guoxing, PhD, Beijing Museum of Natural History Beijing, China...

    Got monkey suit??

  24. Dont need a monkey.

    You need a bigfoot though. It's your claim to prove.

  25. Let these adults have their play without harassment.

    A very elusive 8 foot tall hairy man exists and these brave trackers are going to find it some time in the future.

  26. Can we get more posts concerning mermaids? They, too, are very hard to photograph.

    1. Lucky people are seeing mermaids everywhere... And for your information, we have video of Sasquatch... Mermaids uuuuuuummm not so much.

    2. Got suit? Yes, watch the Patterson/Gimlin hoax.

      Bob Heironimus exposed trickster hoaxers Patterson and Gimlin. Welcome to 2014, son.

    3. Bob Erroneous? Yah ok. Did you see the suit(s) he claimed they used? Did you read the constant conflicting testimony he gave with ever changing details and story?

    4. Patterson was a known hoaxer and trickster. You guys are as bad as JREF except you formed your cult around trickster Roger Patterson instead of married man Randi.

    5. 9:44 comes here and says the same thing everyday. He's just lashing out at his fellow footers because his own sighting wasn't bleeved.

    6. ^ Unlike you who NEVER repeats yourself on this blog!!!!!

    7. A short list of just some Bob Hilarious' contradictions:

      Did you feel comfortable and natural walking in the suit?; Oh yeah it was easy. Very simple: I had to practice it several times to get it the way Roger wanted it.

      The legs felt like hip boots, wading boots they went up to the waist.; They were irrigation boots about up to the knees.; Wading boots they came straight up to the hips.

      I think the feet were made out of old house slippers.; They weren't no slippers.
      I was walking in my stocking feet inside the costume.; I was wearing shoes.

      No metal parts.; It had a zipper.
      I had to wiggle into it kinda like a t-shirt.; It had a zipper up the back.

      There were numerous more contradictions , also about the location I couldn't be bothered to dig up, purely cause I'm embarrassed that you would use such a source if I'm honest and I'm bored of it. Bob H's 'descriptions' have even been attempted to be made and amount or nothing like Patty, and his testimony was written by Greg Long, who; many of his interviewers have come forward to state he had fabricated what they said before putting it in his book.

      2014 indeed.

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.


    9. Regardless of whether one believes it to be a suit or not, using Bobby H as evidence in light of his conflicting lies would suggest is pure stupidity. Anyone with half a cell of intelligence should steer clear of backing that claim.

  27. Ok... Lastly... Let's do a little exercise shall we? Let's; to the promoters of Pate's lined up proportions, get a ruler and line it up with Patty's knee across the comparison images.

    What happens? Patty's knee is way lower.

    Let's do the same with the bottom of Patty's buttocks, again using a ruler across both images.

    What's happens? Patty's buttocks are lower.

    Like a magician, Pate draws your attention to one piece of focus (in this case the lines on across two photographs), avoiding the proportions that don't add up.

  28. Lower? By millimetres? Oh no!

  29. A suit always adds... It never subtracts.

  30. If it's an Australian then it's a lie


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