M.K. Davis Discusses Bigfoot And Dogs

Why do Bigfoots have a disdain for dogs? Why do they sometimes tolerate one dog and then kill others? M.K. Davis has some theories on this.


  1. I want to learn more about MK Davis' wild story regarding the bigfoot massacre that occurred at the PGF site.

    1. AIMS team hit list :
      Sheepsquatch, Wampus Beast, Wolfman, Mothman, Devil Dog, Grassman, Death Cat, Fire Dragon, Cave Creature, YAHOO, Snallygaster or Gallysanacter, Death Cat, Shadow Creature
      off the list : bear beast KIA, Hawgzilla Trapped.
      TRAPPER needin a bigger notebook fer that that season 3 fer shure

    2. WILD BILLL gonna have to gits a BIGGER KNIFE for a season 3.............

    3. And they didn't catch or shoot nothing! Show us the Proof!
      You expect the "Smarter people" to believe all those "Monsters" reside in West Virginia?
      Where are any documented reports on any human killings or livestock? There is none!
      this stupid show, will soon "Run it course' because there are not that many "monsters" in the south! or anywhere!

    4. TRAPPER - confirmed bear beast kill, and hawgzilla in da trap!
      WILD BILL a bear hunter and tracker, tracked hawzilla right to the trap!
      JEFF - brainbank and tech guru for AIMS

    5. AIMS in season 3 will have to expand outward to other states like ohio

    6. ^ oorah fer thsam MARINES

  2. Zero evidence bigfoot even exists let alone whether they sometimes tolerate dogs or not.

    Check mate footers.

    1. Tracks and hair and footage says no.

      We've checked your credentials and they don't qualify.

    2. Tracks = faked or misidentified
      Hair, not a single one has yielded a result of bigfoot.
      Footage, all blokes in suits and very obvious suits. No footage of a 9 foot ape running down a deer or a mother with her young or anything remotely interesting. Just blokes in suits.

      Check mate footers.

    3. Tracks = species traits that exceed decades and States, found 50 miles into wilderness interiors.
      Hair = confirmed by primatologists to be that of an unknown primate. Scroll down here and try not to have a meltdown;


      Footage = Peer-reviewed Science Proving the Patterson-Gimlin Film is not of a Bigfoot Costume but a Novel Primate Species;


      Interesting = watching you come back for more every day, Stockholm syndrome comes to mind.

      We've checked, remember.

    4. We have a meltdown folks ^

      Tracks have been proven to be hoaxed and misidentified and they are so inconsistent it is laughable. Your champion footprint expert has also identified prints as bigfoot that later turned out to be hoaxed. There goes that argument.

      No hairs are "unknown primate" and you know it. There is no such thing as "unknown" when it comes to dna. If there is where is the sequence? Why haven't they calculated is position in the tree of life? If they had " unknown primate" hair they could tell you exactly where it fits in the tree, how near it is to humans or chimps etc etc.

      Patty = bloke in a suit nothing more required there.

    5. Tracks have been proven to be hoaxed, but the main fallacy here is that all sources if evidence from any field of study, even those submittable in the court of law, are falsifiable. It is perfectly natural that with any developing field of research that it self corrects and learns from obstacles. People get hoaxed, even right at the top, the fact that this is later recognized and corrected is testament to professionalism and an evolving legitimate study. You now have those people in better positions to identify hoaxes now, something that couldn't have happened unless they had come on contact and learnt from them.

      "I have by now a dozen purported sasquatch hair samples, all morphologically congruent (which rules out hoaxing) and all effectively indistinguishable from a human hair of the particular structure (great variability is available among the latter). DNA extracted from both hair shaft or roots (hair demonstrably fresh) was too fragmented to permit gene sequencing. That characteristic is also sometimes found in human hair that lacks the medulla (as does sasquatch hair - at least what I am willing to identify as such)."

      - Dr. Fahrenbach

      Patty; Got monkey suit???

      Lucky we checked your credentials.

    6. Haha you type a lot of words put don't put up a lot of monkey.

    7. Plenty found;




      ... None caught.

      ; )

    8. Sykes already proved there is NO "unknown primate"(bigfoot) hair. They ALL come from KNOWN animals/people.

    9. Sykes already proved that the samples he's attained so far were not from a Bigfoot.

      Those samples and those that have been recognized as unknown primate are two separate things. You must be easily confused...

    10. What samples have tested as unknown primate? Please tell.

    11. "A process to determine whether tufts of hair, recovered in the Blue Mountains of southeastern Washington state in August, could belong to the beast known as Bigfoot.
      The two tufts of hair, each consisting of about a dozen strands, were sent to Ohio State University. These samples have the best possibility of being real, said Paul Fuerst, OSU associate professor of molecular genetics. Fuerst and a graduate student, Jamie Austin, are using a DNA testing procedure being developed by the FBI for analysis of hair strands that lack the roots normally needed for identification.

      Austin, a forensic scientist, is using the samples as well as human and chimpanzee hair to do an independent genetic evaluation of the procedure. The technique should be able to determine whether the hair came from a human or another known primate, Austin said.

      Tests, which are being done for the Oregon Regional Primate Research Center, so far suggest the hair did not come from a known primate, Fuerst said."

      "I have by now a dozen purported sasquatch hair samples, all morphologically congruent (which rules out hoaxing) and all effectively indistinguishable from a human hair of the particular structure (great variability is available among the latter). DNA extracted from both hair shaft or roots (hair demonstrably fresh) was too fragmented to permit gene sequencing. That characteristic is also sometimes found in human hair that lacks the medulla (as does sasquatch hair - at least what I am willing to identify as such)."

      - Dr. Fahrenbach

      "Several hair samples collected from one of the 16 1/2″ tracks were analyzed at two institutions and found to be non-human primate after which it was sent to Dr. Walter Birkbe a respected primatologist and specialist in primate hair, well know at the time as a skeptic on the subject of sasquatch. His comments were not made public but unofficially he remarked, “you’ve sent me my first stumper”. It was definitely primate but not a known primate and not human."

      - John Mioczynski

    12. So u have no "unknown primate" DNA sequence. Thanks for clearing that up.

    13. "In North America there are myriad stories of Bigfoot kidnapping and having sex with native women. Perhaps the most famous is the one in a rare book of Dr. Ed Fusch, “Seweneytl And The Stick Indians Of The Colville.” He tells of the Lake Band of the Colville Indians. They had a fishing camp in the late 1890’s near Keller, Washington, on the San Poil River.

      The Coy/Green hair samples are the first evidence where a scientist began to see other possibilities. Dr. Henner Fahrenbach suggested that an actual hair be collected from the Bigfoot named Fox. There were numerous other hair and fecal samples available.

      Bob Daigle, a friend of Mary Green’s, sent a hair sample collected from the Tennessee site to a DNA geneticist (named only as Dan), who found nothing but human results, the sample sequence being an exact match. He sequenced some 300 nucleotides from a mitochondrial gene called cytochrome b, and amplified a 1100 base pair fragment, then ran the results through GeneBank.

      Control tests were run that were deliberately contaminated with dog and cat DNA despite which still the Fox hair turned out to be human."

      - Ray Crowe

    14. ids 9th grad graduwait sos i gits smarrt
      i shure is

    15. C O O N B O Joe is a liar and a bafoon troll. He swore he would leave if the Sykes study didnt show evidence of bigfoot. Then after 2 days, he went back on his word and came back spouting his usual crap. He is a liar, and an American/Canadian troll.

    16. Meltdown achieved.

      I've got you in my pocket.

      ; )

    17. He blew in here copy and pasting so it wont take much for him to meltdown into complete oblivion Joe


    18. C O O N B O Joe is a filthy liar and an American/Canadian troll

    19. Report back to you padded room #332. You have used up all your computer time. Don't try hiding those meds in your cheek again or well shove em up your B@tt

    20. ^ folks I present to you,,

      Just another troll.

    21. Put that thing away you are WRONG again!

  3. Replies
    1. Awh, what's the matter? You want your little early hours cyber attention fix?

      "I don't think this finishes the Bigfoot myth at all. What it does do is show is that there is a way for Bigfoot enthusiasts to go back out into the forests and get the real thing."

      "The fact that none of these samples turned out to be [Bigfoot] doesn’t mean the next one won’t,” said Bryan Sykes, the Oxford researcher who led the study, according to the Associated Press."

      And for all your crying and crying and crying and crying, there is not one single thing in you can do about it, and that makes me smile.

      Silly little nerds.

    2. Bigfoot don't exist.

      Check mate footers.

    3. We've checked and your brain doesn't exist.

    4. If a brain didn't exist in a human then they would not be alive and hence not able to post on a blog.

      You aren't living in reality are you?

    5. Well you've just gone and proven the paradigm wrong. You've achieved something with your existence at least.

      'Reality' is full of healthy interactions, people who receive this regularly don't troll. It's been proven.

    6. Ironic as you are the biggest troll on this blog

    7. I'll still be here long after your next 'episode'.

    8. And still with zero evidence to back up any of your wild claims.

    9. Keep muttering your therapy exercise, old boy.

      ; )

    10. Haha, Big Gay Jon & Clueless Joe in one thread bumpin their rumps together.

    11. They play the skinflute together

    12. 8:47 & 9:22 Are slathering each others thigh gaps with brown banana peels.

    13. C O O N B O Joe is a liar and a bafoon troll. He swore he would leave if the Sykes study didnt show evidence of bigfoot. Then after 2 days, he went back on his word and came back spouting his usual crap. He is a liar, and an American/Canadian troll.

    14. Wearing a shirt that says " rub your brown banana on my thigh gap"^

    15. stalker ^has a man crush on joe but dude you're going about it the wrong way

    16. WILD BILL abin a bear huntin fershure

    17. Its a little too forward for public. Its alright though you can still wear that shirt sometimes. Just change it before you go out.

    18. 11:09 it is big jon as is this attempt at a comedic reply go away big jon

    19. Keep your brown, fruit fly covered banana off of Big Jon

    20. ^ Mid Michigan Cuuuummmming

    21. Keep your brown, fruit fly covered banana off of MMC



    22. ^ I know, Haaahaaahaaa!!!
      What a bunch crazed loon's

  4. MK talks at length about the white sasquatch and how it does/doesn't get along with dogs and then tops it off with 'if indeed this is a bigfoot or a sasquatch' as if that validates his crazy fantasy drivel speculations invented while watching old videos of people trying to look squatchy. Google 'Mike Sells bigfoot' if you are not familiar with the set of tapes this video comes from. Either MK is delusional or he is not being honest about these tapes. Some of the analyses he does of them are utter crap.

    1. Shannon and Mike Sell's detractors...

      Myself and a few others procured with Mike's wife's blessing over three hundred hours of VHS video tapes from perhaps a half dozen researcher's efforts conducted over a few years in the early 90's.

      This was a coordinated effort to provide Dr. Melba Ketchum, with compelling video evidence of Sasquatch, requested by Nature to accompany her DNA research study, during peer review.

      MK Davis and I called Melba to discuss the nature, provenance and content of this collection of original and compilation videos from the Sell's and adjacent properties. There are several sets of "Sell's" videos, we are working where and whenever possible with the original Sell's site researchers and their video.

      MK Davis has dedicated thousands of hours of tedious and tenacious effort to this project, in return he is derided and denigrated for sharing his splendid objective audio and video analysis with Sasquatchery.

      Shawn and Matt Knapp have repeatedly used MK's work and video analysis for the benefit of this blog, MK Davis, deserves your respect and gratitude for sharing, not your petty parroting of skeptic drivel.

      MK Davis, uses a HD camcorder and enhancement/ stabilization software to analyze the audio and video recorded, to protect the original copyrights.

      MK Davis, has traveled to the Sell's site documented distances, scale, locations, studied trace evidence, artifacts, and interviewed some of the original researchers and Mike's surviving spouse. The Sell's site research continues involving a dozen or so well known Sasquatch researchers, in the examination, cataloging and archival of accumulated evidence.

      I am confident Sasquatch history will eventually recognize the considerable effort, sacrifice, and contribution of the late Mike Sells, his friends and family to the respectful observation of the Sasquatch Peoples.

      Regarding delusions...who is more delusional... anonymous detractors purporting dubious hearsay allegations from groups with pro kill agendas...or a man who has spent over a decade encouraging us to objectively examine all the data, not just those tidbits that support an agenda, before reaching a conclusion.

      Live and let live...

      Steve Summar

    2. What a waste of time^

      Bigfoot don't exist.

    3. I really like Mk Davis.he does a good job of pointing out things i wouldn't have noticed and he comes up with plenty of food for thought,keep 'em coming MK xx

    4. MK's a star in my books and an inspiration.

    5. Evan the humonculous tranny!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      C O O N B O Joe is a liar and a bafoon troll. He swore he would leave if the Sykes study didnt show evidence of bigfoot. Then after 2 days, he went back on his word and came back spouting his usual crap. He is a liar, and an American/Canadian troll.

    6. stalker ^has a man crush on joe but dude you're going about it the wrong way

    7. Mr Summar,I had a Uncle that lived on the property next to him.We would go and play on Mikes land cause of all the creeks and tree stands, for hunting. We were there when Mike and his buddies put the couch in the tree with the tractor. They said don't tell anyone about it which was strange. Mr.Sells frowned upon us when
      we would visit.Never did I see anything that was Bigfoot related. No tracks no wood
      knocking no yelps or woops,nothing. My Uncle to this day says that he was trying to
      make a documentary of some sorts.One weekend a group of people shows up with a white trailer with Bigfoot plastered all over the sides of it.We were told to leave in
      a very rough way. Didn't know who this fella was until I saw him on CNN about the
      Rick Dyer fiasco in 2008.Mr.Sells was a nice man but when Biscardi showed up that day his demeanor did a 180. Maybe Mr.Sells had a true sighting once and he called Biscardi.I think Biscardi saw another "opportunity" if you know what I mean.My Uncle has lived there for years and never saw signs of Bigfoot. Anyway have a great weekend. And I am a believer but I think all these tapes are just a hoax.That's just my personal opinion. Thank you.

    8. The Sells Tapes and Massacre Theory.

      MK went out on a limb on both of these.

      Do I see anything of consequence in those grainy VHS videos?

      Am I aware of any evidence to back up the massacre claims?

      Sorry MK your BS was lost on me a long time ago.


    9. Anonymous 2:09...

      Thank you for your comments, we are well aware of Tom Biscardi's antics at the Sells site, including his obnoxious behavior and rude demeanor which is well documented in his DVD "Bigfoot Lives", and more recently in "Shooting Bigfoot".

      There is a long history of Sasquatch activity in the adjacent Wildlife Management Area decades before Mike and his wife bought their property.

      In my opinion...some hoaxing allegations arise from bootleg copies of a amateurish re-creation/re-enactment compilation video made for submission to cable TV folks, similar to the classic "Bigfootville" which aired on the Travel channel.

      Several "promoters" made broken promises to the Sells in return for DVD copies of videos taken on the Sells site. Those unauthorized DVD's were widely shown within the realm of Sasquatchery.

      I was approached several years ago by one of those promoters, which is how I became aware of the DVD's existence. I arranged a private viewing in my home for the late Bobbie Short, Scott Nelson, and others. That particular DVD was a compilation of 3-4 hours and perhaps 70+ clips of compelling video evidence of Sasquatch as an ancient Peoples, depicting language usage, culture, family structure, and primitive human behavior.

      To date we have not found any of those original VHS and Hi-8 tapes used in the DVD referenced above. We have many tapes awaiting MK's review.

      MK Davis, has shared his splendid work freely on Youtube...and subsequently on this blog in an effort to raise awareness and respect for those ancient peoples we call Sasquatch.

      Live and let live...

      Steve Summar

  5. Talk, talk, talk. That's all this hogwash is. Bigfoot does not exist; there isn't any such thing. [outside the minds of idiots, that is]

    1. Yet you're here trying to convince people aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall day every day.

      Your actions do not convey much confidence.

    2. me abin the 9th graduwait sos i gits smarrt i shure is

    3. C O O N B O Joe is a liar and a bafoon troll. He swore he would leave if the Sykes study didnt show evidence of bigfoot. Then after 2 days, he went back on his word and came back spouting his usual crap. He is a liar, and an American/Canadian troll.

  6. Morning all!

    Watched the vid. Mouth popping and monkey chatter starts at :52. Interesting.

    1. Chick, have you ever checked this 15 minute compilation of sounds?


    2. Nice shoes chick!! Feeling sassy today?

    3. Thanks Joe, I will give it a listen when my Sas. Chron. Episode 41 is over. I always wondered what people meant by mouth popping.

      Hey Big Jon! Yes a little sassy today. They are feeling a little tight already though.



      ALL CAPS



      ALL CAPS

    6. Chick, you really should know by now. You dont have to be lonely, at farmers only dot com. Quit wondering those cornfields alone Chick, there is someone out there for fat chicks.

      C O O N B O Joe is a liar and a bafoon troll. He swore he would leave if the Sykes study didnt show evidence of bigfoot. Then after 2 days, he went back on his word and came back spouting his usual crap. He is a liar, and an American/Canadian troll.

    7. what happin to me caps!

  7. Dat lack of monkey tho.


  8. How'd ya like them lack of monkeys?

  9. There is no BF. There is no remote forest where a hidden group hangs out. There is no chance that BF is looming on the edges of NA civilization, and remaining uncatalogued by real science. BF isn't even on the radar of anyone not on the fringe. There is no BF, just Bigfootery. Munns may be the reigning champ over at the BFF, but in the real world, where most of us walk, he is a dude longing for attention. Just sayn'!

    1. 70% of the US in in wilderness. You know nothing of your own back yard, which I'd be embarrassed about. Munns' analysis has an honorary board such as;

      George Schaller, PhD is recognized as the world's preeminent field biologist and conservationist, studying wildlife for over 50 years throughout Africa, Asia and South America. He is a senior conservationist at the Bronx Zoo-based Wildlife Conservation Society.

      John Bindernagel, PhD
      Courtenay, BC, Canada

      Todd Disotell, PhD
      New York University New York, NY

      Colin Groves, PhD
      Australian National University
      Canberra, Australia

      Chris Loether, PhD
      Idaho Sate University
      Pocatello, ID

      Jeffrey McNeely, PhD
      Chief Scientist IUCN - World Conservation Union
      Gland, Switzerland

      Lyn Miles, PhD
      University of Tennessee, Chattanooga

      John Mionczynski
      Wildlife Consultant
      Atlantic City, WY

      Anna Nekaris, PhD
      Oxford Brooks University
      Oxford, England

      Ian Redmond, OBE
      Conservation Consultant
      Manchester, England

      Esteban Sarmiento, PhD
      Human Evolution Foundation
      East Brunswick, NJ

      Zhou Guoxing, PhD
      Beijing Museum of Natural History
      Beijing, China

      ... That's as real to science as you're gonna get.

      Just saying!

    2. Nice fallacy.

      Check mate.

    3. We've checked your credentials against the scientists up top, and guess what...

      And now to your other posts down below...

    4. hey Joe! you got to realize that a huge population of Americans resides in the Cities, and never, ever venture into the countryside or the woods. They only know of "Nature' and animals, from their local parks and zoos!

    5. C O O N B O Joe is a liar and a bafoon troll. He swore he would leave if the Sykes study didnt show evidence of bigfoot. Then after 2 days, he went back on his word and came back spouting his usual crap. He is a liar, and an American/Canadian troll.

  10. "A real unbiased look into the phenomenon leads to one place only. To humans hoaxing, lying, being mislead, or sometimes just being delusional. The source of the bigfoot phenomenon has been proven time and again, bigfooters just do not accept the answers. At this point in the year 2013, it is impossible for there to be a bigfoot without it already being discovered/cataloged. That is what a real inquiry into the "mystery" would conclude just as anyone that takes a serious look into it will eventually. (aside from the pros, and the rubes temporarily)

    There is no bigfoot is a perfectly sound answer. You can say that just as confidently as there is no mermaid. There is no unicorn. Just the same as we can confidently say there are absolutely no, none, zero tyrannosaurus rex currently living on the planet. There is no such thing as a creature called bigfoot. Only a legend made up and kept going by men.

    Until someone shows up with a bigfoot (and that will not happen, as mentioned before multiple times in the threads here at the JREF) there are many reasons why it is impossible for a bigfoot to exist, and not be discovered by the year 2013 in North America.

    Every single claim that was resolved (or sources proven) lead to the same place each and every time. The only place a bigfoot claim never lead to was, an actual bigfoot."

    Check mate footers.

    1. "A real unbiased look into the phenomenon leads to one place only. To humans hoaxing, lying, being mislead, or sometimes just being delusional. The source of the bigfoot phenomenon has been proven time and again, bigfooters just do not accept the answers."

      There is no unbiased look from a rhetorical viewpoint; perfectly encapsulated within this single ignorant post. There is not one source of Bigfoot physical and biological evidence that cannot be presented with a counter argument that falls on deaf denialist ears with no returning argument to convulsively test sources as ilegitimate. What JREF do really well, mastered it seems, is avoid this heuristical nightmare by thinking of ellaborate ways of attempting to ridicule experts that have twice the academic clout than they. The Bigfoot phenomena has not been proven wrong at any time in history, in fact... What history has told us is that there is evidence to the contrary, this perfectly highlighted by Sykes very recently, so add false stamements, not to mention closure desperation to that list of psuedoskeptical vomit.

      "At this point in the year 2013, it is impossible for there to be a bigfoot without it already being discovered/cataloged. That is what a real inquiry into the "mystery" would conclude just as anyone that takes a serious look into it will eventually."

      Well there are still reports flooding in, there are still physical sources of evidence being documented and we still have world beating geneticists making statements to the public in the total opposite direction. What we don't have by 2013/14, is a body (none that we can touch outside of the science journals and archeological/anthropological studies of the 19th/early 20th century anyway) but science doesn't start at a body, it is in fact a tool in research leading to that stage whilst not prejudicing against consistent scientific methods; the same methods that have made various fields as reliable as they are today. It goes against one of the very basic of fallacies to assume that a lack of one source of evidence, should mean lack of another, expecially when we have other sources of scientifically applied methods determining the contrary. You'd think these JREF high flyers, all so clued up would recognise a negative proof fallacy as it leaves their fingertips... You'd think.

      "There is no bigfoot is a perfectly sound answer. You can say that just as confidently as there is no mermaid. There is no unicorn. Just the same as we can confidently say there are absolutely no, none, zero tyrannosaurus rex currently living on the planet. There is no such thing as a creature called bigfoot. Only a legend made up and kept going by men."

      People don't see mermaids, people don't see unicorns and people aren't seeing T-Rex's, what we do have are thousands of years of cultural and contemporary accounts that transition modern mediums and evidence. As this comment was typed, you have DNA studies being conducted, it's the mind of a child hell bent on reasurance and self perpetuating self worth that this should be denied when if their sensationalist comparisons applied, none of this would be happening. The questions aren't being asked about unicorns, they are about relict hominids to which has had all this time to be categorically put to bed, but appears to be doing nothing but advancing.


    2. "Until someone shows up with a bigfoot (and that will not happen, as mentioned before multiple times in the threads here at the JREF) there are many reasons why it is impossible for a bigfoot to exist, and not be discovered by the year 2013 in North America. Every single claim that was resolved (or sources proven) lead to the same place each and every time. The only place a bigfoot claim never lead to was, an actual bigfoot."

      There is in fact not one single fact of impossibility for Bigfoot to exist. In fact, the sheer frequency of reliable and professional eyewitnesses is what proves that statement has as much weight in truth as these folks' so called credentials to oppose those who have excelled them in their respected fields... Fields that are relevant to wildlife biology and anthropology and don't require lowering themselves to a level of a scoffing blog in which insults and cynicism is the brunt of output to make up for a lack of achievement in their unrecognised existences. There is a sense of community to be attained In identifying a target, like the Nazi's in the 1930's. I see absolutely no difference in the quality of comment from these people than the average uneducated, unqualified individuals that feel the need to troll discussion blogs for perverse reasurance purposes. There are food resources, there is space and there are the clues left behind that state that there is not one argument that can't be countered with another, to which in turn highlights at the very least a subject that is outside of any labeling of impossibility.

    3. C O O N B O Joe is a liar and a bafoon troll. He swore he would leave if the Sykes study didnt show evidence of bigfoot. Then after 2 days, he went back on his word and came back spouting his usual crap. He is a liar, and an American/Canadian troll.

  11. Trail cameras.

    Every other animal native to our lands have been photographed and conclusively documented including a lone wolverine across the Sierras.

    How do bigfoots know what a camera is? Do they study them? How would they know their image is being taken? How would they distinguish between a camera and say a car, or other house hold objects they seem to be comfortable around (according to reports) The alleged sighting reports always describe a naked apelike beast, never with tools or technology.

    How would you explain the beast avoiding hunters and cameras and remaining undocumented for the last oh, lets say since the earth has existed?

    What do you base your opinion that it is possible for such a beast to exist without leaving ANY verifiable sign of its existence? How does bigfoot get spotted so often, yet avoids being collected/shot/documented? Because it looks too manlike? People get shot often during hunting, or by accident. (or intentionally too) Approximately 1000 people per year are shot by accident during hunting accidents in the USA and Canada. People and other animals also leave verifiable signs of their existence. Bigfoot? Not once. Not one iota. Ever. Yet you conclude it's a possibility?

    Which specific evidence convinces you that it may be genuine bigfoot evidence?

    In the same way/breath we can say there are no tyrannosaurus rex currently running around the planet, we can say there are no bigfoots, there are no mermaids, and there are absolutely humans hoaxing/fabricating/misidentifying this alleged bigfoot evidence. We can easily prove the source of the phenomenon many times over as humans.

    It is a fact that bigfoot claims hold no merit. I can prove it many times over. Can you prove one that does?

    No skeptic is going to say the environment could not support such a creature, in that aspect it is quite possible. In reality, it is impossible for bigfoot to exist and not be discovered and well documented long ago.

    Check mate footers.

    1. This comment's next...

      (Typing away)

    2. Self obliteration below:

    3. Obliteration of you and your source here;

      "How do bigfoots know what a camera is? Do they study them? How would they know their image is being taken? How would they distinguish between a camera and say a car, or other house hold objects they seem to be comfortable around (according to reports) The alleged sighting reports always describe a naked apelike beast, never with tools or technology."

      This is because they are not animals, but finely sensory tuned humans. There are modern accounts of Sasquatch being seen holding clubs and using spears to fish, along with digging for insects. There have been experiments with infared trail cams that have proved that these appear to omit what looks like a flashlight beam when on (According to the trail cam manufacturers, the game will not spook because of the lack of flash). Any creature with nocturnal vision would be able to see this and merely stay out of it's way. Whilst there is not a trail cam being manufactured today that doesn't omit an audio frequency that isn't audible to us... But maybe audible to a creature with heightened senses. Your trail cams are a pink flag in a sea of green.

      "How would you explain the beast avoiding hunters and cameras and remaining undocumented for the last oh, lets say since the earth has existed?"

      That's simple... It hasn't. You've got a piece of footage, digitalized and stabelized that clearly depicts a living, organic, breathing subject that now has some of the very best conversationists and primatologists backing it. For ten thousand years, you've had transitions into different cultures that have shared the exact same consistency. What's more compelling? We have physical clues to back all this up. Sasquatch, like people are prone to mistakes and curiosity... The bulk of which the reports come from. Laughably, eyewitnesses document Sasquatch everyone it's reported, how many instances if this are there?

      "What do you base your opinion that it is possible for such a beast to exist without leaving ANY verifiable sign of its existence? How does bigfoot get spotted so often, yet avoids being collected/shot/documented? Because it looks too manlike? People get shot often during hunting, or by accident. (or intentionally too) Approximately 1000 people per year are shot by accident during hunting accidents in the USA and Canada. People and other animals also leave verifiable signs of their existence. Bigfoot? Not once. Not one iota. Ever. Yet you conclude it's a possibility?"

      Ok, let's look at it like this... What would you do with a 1000 lb subject you've just shot? Would you have time to drag this carcass out of the forest prior to family and social groups coming to get you?? I don't think so. We know that recognised animals fend for their young and mates, why not a highly social wild human that MUST evade in social groups? We also get a very high percentage of missing hunters... Eh? Tracks and hair are a sure sign of existence, right? Dermals that exceed decades and States with same species traits found 50 miles into wilderness areas, along with unknown primate hair confirmed by primatologists & wildlife biologists... Species traits and morphological consistency means it cannot be hoaxed or from any known subject, found near tracks and sightings. Tracks are what wildlife biologists conduct much of their research on. These two sources of evidence are accumulated and verified by professionals that have used the exact same scientific methods that have excelled them above the majority in their respected fields.

    4. C O O N B O Joe is a liar and a bafoon troll. He swore he would leave if the Sykes study didnt show evidence of bigfoot. Then after 2 days, he went back on his word and came back spouting his usual crap. He is a liar, and an American/Canadian troll.

  12. Public Service Announcement. Do stay in school. Study biology. There are a number of animals besides Bigfoot that avoid Trail Cameras. Take the Pygmy elephant for a fine example. They also communicate with infrasound strangely enough, and I wish I could go into this further but this is only a PSA to read before you hit " publish". Thank you for your time.

    1. Its check mate bro. Your king can not be moved. Its game over. You lose.

    2. Mike Brookreson is another liar, who went back on his bet with Daniel. Once a liar, always a liar. And he is a bigfoot hoaxer.

    3. Mikey B for all our safety needs :)

      Without them, this place would be dangerous- and suck.

    4. Cell phone Mike and joe blow your actions after losing the bet are dishonest so you're credibility must be as well

    5. koch brothers takin alll da $$$$

    6. Mike B is a filthy liar and a bigfoot hoaxer

    7. STFU 11;18 mike B is a legend around here and he only post PSA,
      AND HE'S Klingon ta boot!

  13. Executive Order 13662: Obama Bans AK-47s

    1. Don't worry! We've been stock piling AK-47's for over 20 years. They'll be ready for you, FOR YOUR SAFETY!

    2. me SAFETY wernt tham abin tham ARs types

    3. Then this is the one, the ring of power, one ring to rule them all

    4. the illuminati have that ring, 9 of them

  14. One thing I will say is that in the second video, the fact that there are two dogs makes a huge difference. A lone dog is far less of a threat. They could be killed without raising the alarm. Two or more dogs makes that much less possible and turns them into a real threat.

  15. Another video brought to you by NO VALUE ADDED PRODUCTIONS, LLC. I thank you for your time.


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