Look At This: The Rugarou Shows Up At San Diego Comic-Con!

Jean St. Jean and the fine folks at Creatureplica just got back from a successful trip to San Diego Comic-Con, an International convention for Comic Books, Movies, Action Figures, and more. If it's pop culture, San Diego is the event to attend. The highlight of Creatureplica's trip was premiering their brand new Rugarou figure. The Rugarou is Louisiana's version of a werewolf creature fabled to haunt the foggy swamps and cypress forests. Check out these awesome flicks!

Check out Creatureplica for updates and more info on their amazing figure line by clicking here.


  1. Replies
    1. Rugarou are closely not unlike..
      Mexican Bigfoot.

    2. ^
      C'mon William Parcher, get a life will you. You've spent several years of your worthless existence pretending to be a skeptic on JREF, sock puppeting on the BFF and posting here day and night. You're Bigfoot obsession is making you lose what little marbles you started with.

    3. What's all this Mexican Bigfoot stuff about? Didi, Mono Grande, Chullachaqui, Alux, El Pombero, Tata Duende... Aren't these all Mexican??

    4. tham dang mexicuns acummin thisaway thays ben doin it fer yeers

    5. ^ ha ha ha ha ha!!!

      Sorry, they're not all Mexican.

    6. Parcher is an odd character. I remember when he pretended to know Longtabber was a fraud after he was caught. He's also one of the few simpletons who bleeves Kitakaze became an international diplomat the short period he left Bigfooting..lol

    7. I went over to see who he was, is that him in his avatar holding the Bigfoot cast ?

    8. Isn't the parcher dude also the one that idolizes the guy over there that was pretending to be fighting off insurgents in another country while posting at his house in Alaska about Bigfoot ?

      What a shithead.

    9. I'm Well Parched but you can call me Thursday.

    10. WILD BILL gots that BIG KNIFE fer cutin and slicin that meats shure do

  2. AIMS and the battle of the Side by Side - TRAPPER and AIMS team pinned down by a army of the Grassmen! Trapper took 1 for the team took a hit in the head. But Trapper stayed in the fight. Willy fired his shotgun to break the siege of the battle of the side by side, Trapper called for a tatical retreat and was completed in good order!

  3. Should a hurricane or other life-threatening, catastrophic weather event impact South Texas, illegal aliens occupying various shelters will be first in line to get “to safer ground,” a National Weather Service coordinator says.

  4. Obama welcumms Meixcan bigfut fer sur....

  5. Obama is not just president of the Mexican Bigfoot but for all the people.

  6. wheres Mountain Monsters cant find them on TV!!
    they need to run reruns until season #3 starts..

  7. When the the AIMS Team going marching in...gonna be a big parade.

    1. When Trapper comes marching home again OORAH OORAH !

    2. BUCK be @ the point ans Huckleberry @ the AIMS Team 6

    3. Buck got beat ta death with he's on arm........


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