Holy Crap! There's a Second One of These Holes Appearing!

I don't know about everyone else, but if these holes are signs of the "End of the World", then I'm hunkering down ASAP. According to NBC News, a second 'Black Hole' recently found in Siberia is "multiplying":

It appears that gaping hole discovered deep in Siberia isn't the only one: Locals have encountered a second crater, smaller but otherwise almost exactly like the first. Local official Mikhail Lapsui told the Interfax-Ural news agency that reindeer herders in the Yamal region ("Yamal" means "End of the World" in the local tongue) found the second hole about 55 miles from the village of Antipayuta. "Inside the crater itself, snow can be seen," Lapsui is quoted as saying. No pictures or video of the second hole have been made available.


  1. Replies
    1. Are they just in America or are Bigfoot in Mexico as well? Your answer, please.

    2. Which one? Bodybuilder bigfoot, Chewbacca bigfoot or hairy mexican woman bigfoot?

    3. Can't they all dwell South of the Border?

    4. mexicun runin ans ajumpin overs tham borders ans wes takin tham alls in

  2. They better clear me a space to kneel cuz I'm gonna f*ck it.

  3. C'mon Jo, mix it up a little. Sykes is going to come through, skeptics are dumb. Cut and paste something. You're on the clock. Earn your worth. ;)

    1. You so smart. Wanna be me friend?

    2. C'mon William Parcher, get a life will ya'. You've spent years of your worthless existence pretending to be a skeptic on JREF, sock puppeting on the BFF and posting here day and night. You're Bigfoot obsession is making you lose what little marbles you started with.

    3. hey i am a skeptical son of a birch tree..an i am bigfoot

    4. Pay no attention to the poster known as Joe. He is a friend of the blog and a paid troll here to influence blog traffic. Dotn feed the troll

  4. Hunker down shawn. Hunker down so low that you don't come back up.

  5. Hunker down shawn. Hunker down so low that you don't come back up.

  6. looks like the first one, cant find anywhere in russian headlines saying another one was found. the end of the world is a beautiful place, have made many trips out near the region to do some mining

  7. reptilian humanoids under ground bases they having them bases for years


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