Can You Guess This Howl?

Alright, squatchers. Let's see if you can figure out what type of animal makes this sort of sound. Put on your headphones and listen closely. This audio was posted by Project Bigfoot on YouTube and one person thinks it's could be the Loup-Garou of Louisiana. The Loup-Garou! pronounced (RUE-GA-RUE) is a bipedal dog-like creature that roams the swamps.


  1. Replies
    1. We all read it joe we know. Quit lying to yourself. No proof no bigfoot.

    2. You'd know that the paper states that the study doesn't quash the subject then?

      No Bigfoot in submitted samples, no Bigfoot this time around.

      This time around.

    3. Why are you back here? Leave it to a Welshman to Welch out on a bet. Get a life dude. POS

    4. The key is in the part of he comment 'this time around'.

      I'm here to make you look even sillier, and no amount of crying'd gonna change that.

      ; )

    5. Oh, anyone suggesting anyone should get a life, when you've had meltdown on the last ten threads, is very humorous!

      Ha ha ha ha!!

    6. Negative proof fallacy... One of many intellectual short comings you express.

    7. "There is only one animal that comes in and eats those apples"

      Yep. Its a bear. As confirmed by Sykes DNA test.

    8. "There is only one animal that comes in and eats those apples"

      Yep. Its a bear. As confirmed by Sykes DNA test.

    9. Is there an echo in here?

      Nope... A handful of samples were confirmed to be various known animals.

      I know it's difficult, you spent so much time celebrating, but when the guy you are celebrating's work clearly states it does nothing to debunk this subject, you come across closure desperate and with even less assumed intelligence.

      I can help you.

    10. Sykes proved bigfoot don't exist

    11. Yes, yes... Remember to breath, time to check in with the therapist me thinks.

      “The fact that none of these samples turned out to be [Bigfoot] doesn’t mean the next one won’t,” said Bryan Sykes, the Oxford researcher who led the study, according to the Associated Press."

    12. Haha.

      You do realise that isn't actually an argument in your favour?

      You still have zero bigfoots.

      Skeptics still win until you can provide some evidence for your claim.

    13. Haha.

      You do realise that isn't actually an argument in your favour?

      You still have zero bigfoots.

      Skeptics still win until you can provide some evidence for your claim.

    14. ???

      Definitely an echo!

      Your argument = Sykes proved Bigfoot don't exist.

      My argument = Sykes has stated the study does nothing of sort.

      A handful of samples works in your favour, how? ... And plenty of Bigfoot here;

      ... Glad I could help!

    15. Oh... And you know nothing of the word 'skeptic'.

    16. I am with Joe all the way

    17. My argument: Sykes Study had no bigfoot DNA.

      Your argument: *baby crying, stomps feet.*

    18. I'm perfectly relaxed, merely trying to point out that your claims are lies, using the guy who conducted the actual study's statement.

      I know you're just trolling though, nobody can be that dumb.

    19. Factual statement: Joe said Sykes paper would include bigfoot DNA.

      Factual statement: Sykes paper contained no bigfoot DNA.

      Factual statement: Joe was wrong.

    20. And Sykes said he had a 5% expectation of finding an unknown hominid, which he didnt, not that "something is still out there". Joe is obviously a moron-still no monkey!

    21. ^ grow up and get out of your mamas basement

    22. Factual statement;

      "j** f********d verifiedTuesday, July 1, 2014 at 10:14:00 AM PDT
      If Sykes has something remotely attributed to a Bigfoot/hominid, then Danny's gone.

      If he has nothing, I'm gone."

      Factual statement;

      He's still accumulating samples.

      Factual statement;

      I've yet to be proven wrong.

      Oh and no monkey guy... That low percentage would account for the very few samples. The fact that he theorized as to what people are seeing, as well as rallying around the researchers to "go get the evidence"... Is pretty self explanatory.

      Unless you're an idiot, of course.

    23. Dat lack of monkey tho

    24. "j** f********d verifiedTuesday, July 1, 2014 at 10:14:00 AM PDT
      If Sykes has something remotely attributed to a Bigfoot/hominid, then Danny's gone.

      If he has nothing, I'm gone."

      Sykes has NOTHING attributed to a bigfoot/hominin.

      Why are you still here? YOU LOST

    25. Because the study published was nothing new, he has had a whole year to accumulate more samples and is rallying researchers further to "go get the evidence". When Sykes concludes that he has no Bigfoot DNA and that he's wiping his hands of the field, then Danny and all you stupid little cheerleaders will have your bet won.

    26. Please keep crying about it... It makes me smile. I think I'll start pasting your victorious comments to rub salt in your wounds.

      ; )

    27. Joe bleeves so so hard. Tragic.

    28. Joe bleeves so so hard. Tragic.

    29. I've never seen somebody move the goalposts like Joe.

    30. I'm just cleverer than you. Deal with it bro.

    31. Dishonest isn't being clever, it's being dishonest.

      Had you felt this way originally instead of being defeated and running for 3 days, you might have a point. But you ran away to think about how you can reneg on your deal. You disappearing for 3 days says a lot about your initial reaction.

    32. Yeas, yes, yes... I think you'll find I was collecting various reassurances from various sources. Pair that with the statements made by Sykes; recipe for return baby!!

      ; )

    33. What's tragic is coming to a bigfoot site day in and day out under anonymous and obsessing over other posters Get a life.

    34. Your in rare form today Joe

      Keep it up

    35. its tham snallygasters fer shure

    36. Welcher's move goalposts all the time, cause their word doesn't mean anything.

    37. Welshers stay ahead of the game by using thief superior intellect and leaving the door wide open for interpretation.

    38. Boy this skeptard is so butthurt by Joe being here

    39. Look does anyone posting under anon constantly have any credibility, or should anyone give a rat's what they think about others? Not really.

    40. Thanks for the ethics lesson Germie.

    41. Hey Wormy, is that your real name ?

    42. Listen up ! Wormy Geek knows a lot about credibility !

    43. "Look does anyone posting under anon constantly have any credibility, or should anyone give a rat's what they think about others? Not really."

      because I suppose that Ernie Street is your real name.

    44. You guys understand the psychology behind using an identity right? I'd hope you're smart enough to realize that, although it's a moniker, it still attaches the person using as a reference? Of course you do, which is why you post under anonymous. No one knows who the hell an anon is, so it's easier to throw stones without having any accountability whatsoever. Jesus indeed.

    45. Ernie street, shawn has every ip# of the people that post his blog, maybe if you send him some $, he will tell you need


    46. Wormy's only point is his head.

    47. Lol yes you're using psychology on a BF blog.


    48. Here`s a REAL fact for ya` Mr Anonymous...Sykes IS actually a bigfoot believer...suck on that "yo` facker".

  2. That scream was the sleeveless one when he finally realized that no one believes him and there's no more paycheck with his story

  3. The guy that wore the suit confessed and no bigfoot found anywhere ever. What bit dont you understand?

    1. The guy who 'confessed' can't find the 'film site', doesn't know whether he's coming or going with the 'suit' description, and is a minion in an attempt at hoaxing a hoax.

      I don't expect you to understand however.

    2. Give em both barrels Joe

    3. If he wore it, you can't expect him to build an exact replica 40 years later. It's not like he built it originally, Roger chose him as a patsy for a reason.

    4. No, I'd expect the guy who claimed to have made the suit (Morris, another hoax minion) to be able to do it... With an extra 47 years under his belt to develop his craft, the fact that he had to get a costume maker to make a monkey suit that amounts to literally NOTHING like Patty... Kind of tells you something.

    5. Yeah, Roger customized a good suit.

  4. The guy that confessed lives a couple of doors down from gimlin and there is photographic evidence he was involved with Patterson and gimlin and his horse is also seen in the pgf film reel.

    Oh and bigfoot don't exist.

    1. There is absolutely no proof of your claims. Less so than anything you claim us to have lack of.

      But hey! His alleged horse is in the footage!

      Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

    2. Proof of it all.

      Gimlin acknowledged heronimous' horse chico was there. He also lives a few doors away (well known fact). And check the photo with roger and his whole gang including Bob g in a wig as he played the role of an Indian tracker in Rogers film production.


    3. "Roger Patterson apparently knew Bob Hieronimous before he obtained the footage in 1967. Patterson had been wanting to film a low budget documentary about the subject. He organzied some people in Yakima for some stock scenes on horseback for his film. Bob Hieronimous was apparently one of those people, but that appears to be the extend of his assocation with Roger.

      Hieronimous is, in fact, one of Bob Gimlin's neighbors, but Gimlin had little social contact with him over the years.

      Gimlin has boarded and trained horses for decades. It was not uncommon to for him to board horses of neighbors. During the late 1960's one of the horses he boarded was owned by Hieronimous. It was, in fact, Hieronimous' horse that Bob brought down to Bluff Creek in 1967.

      If Hieronimous had felt left out of Patterson's project by 1967, it would have added insult to injury to learn that his own horse was used by Gimlin on the horse trip that made them both famous.

      Yakima folks say Bob Hieronimous, by contrast, was always an under-achiever, since he was young. His bare-minimum work ethic won him no admirers in the community. He didn't have many friends, compared to Gimlin. Gimlin had a rather large circle of friends in the Yakima Valley.

      Compared to the Hieronimous property, the Gimlins seem to have done nicely for themselves. The Gimlins' home has always been well maintained, and nicely painted, and the landscaping nicely manicured. The Gimlins always had nicer, newer vehicles in their driveway too. The Hieronimous family could never keep up with those Joneses.

      It was a formula for envy in a small western town.
      Hieronimous had been telling people in Yakima bars for years that he would someday find a way to make money off the Patterson footage, like his famous neighbor did."

      So you see... Even if Bob H was telling the truth, he was either participating in a documentary (not the PGF) or merely had his horse in the film.


    4. Thanks for confirming Bob h was involved with Patterson.

    5. Try and be a big boy and muster the literary patience to digest my comment's contents.

    6. Joe' father probably taught him to be a welcher.

    7. Be taught me to stay two steps ahead of the dumb-dumbs.

    8. Must not be to dumb. Spotted you as a fool pretty quick.

    9. even jealous of Joe's dad ^

    10. Ties his nose hairs to Joe's butt hairs. ^

  5. The guy that confessed lives a couple of doors down from gimlin and there is photographic evidence he was involved with Patterson and gimlin and his horse is also seen in the pgf film reel.

    Oh and bigfoot don't exist.

  6. Hey JOE. Might find interesting. Looked back and saw the pond discussion yesterday. About three weeks ago a new series on Animal Planet debut with a gentleman that builds these for American clients, except his are landscaped in to the natural setting using large rocks. Must cost a pretty penny. No chemical, just plants. His name is Anthony Archer-Willis and is quite old, but funny. Has a British type accent although not sure where he is from.

    I was also glad that you and Eva R talked about some secluded areas in your country to get away too.

    The howl on this video is quite impressive although when they filtered noise it lost a lot of depth.

    1. Yes I can't agree more! We're enjoying a pretty lovely summer over here at the moment, even more reason to enjoy our cherished country side!

      Also, I can't agree more with the howl up top. Very interesting indeed. What is your take on Linda Godfrey?

    2. JOE. Just do not know enough about Godfrey. I know she is into the dogman, wolfman, roug a rue. There are enough sightings of the dogman/wolfman and from some quite credible people it seems it must be so. Now the roug a rue with its unique abilities I am just not that certain.

    3. Chuck... She comes across so impartial and in my opinion is a credit to her profession of journalism. She is totally rational and tries making logical conclusions as best she can.

      There are loads of videos on YouTube, if you're ever bored, give em a go... There a cryptofest!

    4. I've read Linda Godfrey's book i thought it was great,i'm fascinated by the idea of werewolfs,dogman and skinwalkers.That was a long howl anyone know what it was ?xx

    5. I'd love to hear the opinion of someone very much experienced with these type of sounds. At the moment, with my very intermediate understanding of animal noises, I'd say it sounds pretty compelling!

    6. Well EVA R and JOE, I guess I will have to get one of her books, probably winter as more time to read, especially since some of her work covered an area of Michigan only one hundred miles to the west of where i grew up and an area that my departed father and me spent many hours fishing in my younger years.

      JOE as for experienced I am somewhat, could not say very. Recordings very rarely capture anything remotely close to what ones ears do. Having heard one scream from 30 to 50 feet is mindblowing. Having heard another from maybe a mile away similar to this recording just carries a lot more volume and you know you are not hearing coyote or wolf or dog but something with immense lung power. There are others on this site that have heard the same thing, maybe they will weigh in.
      Respectfully Chuck

    7. Thanks from a liar don't mean much.

    8. You're lying to yourself about the support you need.

    9. Rick Dyer & Joe the Liar.

      ha Ha Ha Ha !

  7. Sykes didn't "prove" anything, he is just a paper shuffler from the U.K. One has to put a perspective on this whole situation...

    1. He proved footers are full of sh*t and Evans proved they are nutcases. Good job all round.

    2. What you are proving is that you are probably the stupidest troll this blog's ever seen.

      When the guy you're celebrating says the opposite of what you're maintaining, you come across as a serious whack job bro.

    3. Sykes proved that Joe can't keep his word because he has no

    4. Sykes has managed a lot of things hasn't he? None of them of which are remotely real. Keep reiterating your therapy, breath into a paper bag... Breath.

    5. Get a room you two!!!!!


    6. Before his results were known, the JREF footers said Sykes was a heretic and turning woo woo for getting involved with Bigfoot. Now after, he's their hero.

    7. The JREF footers are like the Defender of the Faith chimps on Planet of the Apes.

    8. His word means nothing. ^

    9. My words are in print and expose your limited interllect rather well.

    10. I believe you meant Welshman. Don't piss off Gram R Notzee.

  8. Man the YAHOO sownded like a locomotive when he let that big ol squall out scared the living daylights owt of WILD BILL fer shur!

    1. "Wild Bill' should be scared, as he was outed as a FAKE/Failure boot camp Marine!

    2. Why does Wild Bill wear such tight pants ?

    3. WILD BILL gots to getz to his weapon fast - that why he gots tham tight paints

    4. "Wild Bill" is queerer than a 3 dollar bill!

    5. WILD BILL marine and bear hunter, he told Willy he was a sergeant inthe USMC!

  9. Loup-Garou --> but pronounced (RUE-GA-RUE)

    Would it just be Rou-Garou ? Such things are perplexing.

    1. You don't know Cajun people, do you?

    2. Do know there are quite few sightings in that area. Sabine river area...this thing sounds different than a Bigfoot.

  10. I was a skeptic when I went with the now late, with John W. Jones on a Big Foot expedition many years ago,
    I'm an Ex- Pro foot ball player. I was a quarterback. I retired in the late 1990's.
    During the expedition, while John, Joe.P (A Native American) and Eddie were out in their blinds waiting a Big foot to walk by. I was at Base camp, preparing supper. it got late in the evening, and none of them came back yet.
    while I was gathering firewood, a pine cone, hit me in the head! in a few minutes another one hit me. they were coming from a rock ledge, about 50 yards away. I thought it was the guys messing with me, as I never camp before, nor was I ever so deep in the woods. In apx 1/2 hour, four more were thrown, all hitting me. I threw a pine cone back, but it fell short of the cliff.
    I move farther away near the horses (which were all looking at the cliff), apx 100 yards from the cliff. still they came hitting me every time!
    I threw a small rock back, which barely hit the cliff, when I did that, they threw rocks! I switched back to pine cones, and so did they! I was scared (I'm 6[4" 260 lbs) no body answered my call-out back, but there was a kind of laughing, like Monkey's or Chimps.
    This continued, until the guys came back. as a Quaterback I can throw very far with a football, but pine cones are just to light to throw far, John said it was Big foots playing with you! of course I didn't believe it!
    I went with John over ten times on his trips, and almost every time, the same thing happened, even with the Guy present!
    john said; "they singled you out because your Afro-American!
    I was a skeptic, before joining up with John, I am not anymore.
    if he had lived to finish his book, my stories of these encounters and several sighting would of been included in his book.
    I'm sorry he's gone, I miss him dearly, we all do. the Mohawks had built a shrine on their reservation to him.
    Me and the Guys, are comptemplating to finish the books for him.
    I don't own a computer! when I need to E mail, I go over to his home, and his wife let's me use his computer.
    So please stop commenting "The ghost of John w. Jones' My friend is indeed deceased, so it hurts me, and his many friends, when you write such nonsense, and hurtful comments, please stop!

    Big Red

    1. There is alot of unknown stuff going on out there.
      People that spend alot of time in remote areas discover this. It's very hard for a city dweller (or suburbia dweller) to understand this am sure.

      Thanks for sharing story.

    2. Enjoyed reading this yesterday, great stuff.

    3. To the friend of John W. Jones. First off I did not know he had passed, however had heard about his illness months ago. It saddens me to know he passed and I am sorry for your loss and his family and friends. I always enjoyed his stories and comments around here and I do hope his book is finished.

      Your story is an amazing one. Of course it is well known that hairy men are rock chuckers. Seldom is one thrown back at them. For you and them to continue throwing the cones and then the laughing points out that maybe these guys can be engaged in games. Also John may have been right that they singled you out because of your color, being closer to theirs. There are very few black people that are out after them, at least that I have heard of. It is something to think about. Should you have any more stories of your adventures I encourage you to tell us.


    4. Please give my respects to John's family, he taught me much and I looked up to him a lot.


    5. He don't really mean that.

  11. Joe I had your mom. She doesn't like you.

    1. Bet it was his father and he turned you down.

  12. DOGMAN abouts folk knowin it fer yeers

  13. coulds be tham illegals! caws thays jumpin da border fer shure

  14. Global climate disruption - the new NORM
    UN say its GAME over in 2020

  15. Immigration rallies clash in California: ‘Go back to Europe!’
    Funny that them Mexicans came from Spain!!!!
    Idiotis - good back to your motherland in Spain - and see how that treat U illegals

    1. Leave them alone1 I need my lawn mowed!

  16. joe takes daniel to pound town daily

    1. ...and you hold their balls out of the hot sand while they do it.

  17. climate disruption - like ON no stopping it!

  18. If it's the End of the world, who would you rather be with, a nice Blonde model, or Tim Fatsano?


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