This Is One of the Freshest Witness Interview From Kelly Shaw Yet

It's not everyday that we see a researcher upload a video discussing a sighting just a few days after it happened. This investigation by Kelly Shaw was filmed at  Lost Creek where a Bigfoot was spotted 3 days ago. "Was very exciting being able to inspect a Bigfoot sighting location so soon after the sighting. It happened on June 8th 2014 and we were there looking around and interviewing the witness on June 11th 2014," RMSO researcher Kelly Shaw wrote.


  1. Replies

    2. ^ there's one in every crowd

    3. You like following people around don't you? Shame you have the debating skills of a child. Left a response to your cheerleading on the Morehead thread.

      ; )

    4. Bet you did, you never stop beating dead horses

    5. I call it schooling the tu*ds... You make it easy.

    6. Whatever you call it, still retarded.

    7. Troll flavoured hot pocket? No thanks!

  2. My t8terhole alarm is going off like a buck during rutting season.


    1. It's fresh like the new load of Squatch pucky that it is!

  3. My ta-ter-hole alarm is going off like a buck during rutting season.


    1. This man is an imposter. Nothing down there has worked for years.


    2. ^ The Count is back! Let's go for the hat trick!

    3. Ah, the old classics still shine. Quick, call Dick Ryder!

  4. That's so fresh it should be slapped!

  5. When folklore bites back, it leaves a trail of proof

  6. Fresh like wonder bread!!!!

  7. That's so fresh it don't need no expiration date!

  8. Fresh like yo mamas rolls!

  9. Fresh a the wind driven snow!

  10. Fresh like brand new package of underwear.!!!!

  11. Fresh like a million bucks!!!

  12. Fresh as Taylor Swifts...... You know what.

    1. Wait, that's not so fresh....

    2. We' ll say Pre-jake gylenhal fresh.

    3. Taylor Swift would be like a doggie bag from Queen Elizabeth's 75th birthday party. It may not be straight from the kitchen but it would be the best fucking meal you'll ever have.

  13. Fresh as pow on a bluebird day dudes!!!!

  14. Freshly Fresh freshness!!!

    1. Pre. Post. Whatever. I'll take my chances with her. Now if I could just do something about that pesky restraining order...

    2. And THAT my friend is why you're in charge! Effing brilliant! They call it stalking. I call it attention to detail.

  15. You call this excitement? I can barely keep my eyes open, reading this repetitive and boring, 3rd party recollections.

    Excitement is going out into the woods at night, by yourself, and being able to have action most every time. By action, I mean heavy foot stops, nearby branch breaking, trees pushed over, nearby rock clacking, or dare I say it, communication. Communication is where you whisper a question to them, and they answer a yes or a no by using branch breaks. Now, that is excitement.

    1. And exactly where does this happen? i haven't looked for action in the woods since I was a teenager. Hey, I said I looked, I didn't say I found any.

    2. When I'm looking for action, I take on Jennifer Lawrence's security team..

    3. The only place that happens is in footers heads.

    4. A fella can dream can't he?

  16. fresh as a steaming turd in the snow.

  17. Receding sleeve length--check. Expanding belly--check. Makes videos of himself in outdoorsy locations--check.

  18. One thing that today's so-called researcher fails to realize is that observation of a Bigfoot, without or without associated prints, is NO VALUE ADDED. The purpose of research is to learn something new. Absolutely nothing new was learned by even this recent report. Which is why Bigfoot research WILL ALWAYS GO NOWHERE. In 50 years, we will still be wasting our time, watching yet more videos like this that teach us nothing about Bigfoot.

  19. Just more BS stories from Kelly Shaw. He just wants us to think he is a bad ass researcher. What about all those Tracks Kelly found? If it's true, then he must be a very in-compentent researcher. To have THAT M activity, and still no proof, not even a Blobsquatch video!

    What about my story? I just had a "Class A sighting yesterday!
    no, I just made that up. See how easy it is!

  20. The Question is; "What qualifies a person to be labelled a Big foot researcher"?

    In the past 50-60 years, NO researcher has brought forward any compelling evidence, or a compelling Video!
    That much failure, out of let's say 1000 researchers in the U.S. is either:
    1. Total in-competence
    2. Big foot don't exist
    That is the crux of the matter. It's either black or white, no gray areas! Chuck it up people, get real!

    1. Closed groups have super duper images! Their was even a radio show with Joe Beelart who said the photographs were so amazing he stole them.

      Says a lot eh?

    2. 7:03...

      Do I really need to list the mounds of physical evidence that has been accumilated in that time by researchers?

      Would you be able to understand such evidence if I did list you them?

      But hey! Better to deny evidence is there than lookig silly trying to debate it's legitimacy... Eh?

    3. Chalk this one up to continued lack of scientific evidence. Can't catalogue an undocumented species with stories and poo.

    4. Question for you and peeler answer... Are forensics and wildlife biology sciences?

    5. "Would you be able to understand such evidence if I did list you them?"

      It appears you've most certainly proved me right.

      ; )

      You don't catalogue a new species by tracks, hair accumilation and ten thousand years of cultural and contemporary anecdotes... But if you don't have an agenda to react rhetorically, you steer well away from the ignorance that you express regarding scientific evidence accumilation.

    6. Sounds like excuses for why your hero's haven't found diddly. Anyway, science still roundly agrees: no evidence to support the existence of a 10 ft 1000lb bipedal primate in North America.

    7. LOL the days BFE pickings were real slim today so Joe had to try and pick an arbitrary fight just so he can tell you the same thing he says everyday and gets no where with. GJDM

    8. 12.00...

      Nope! No excuses, there is in fact 200 years worth of paper trails that have documented the burials of giant human remains in areas exhausted by the industrial & agricultural boom. When you have 70% of the country as wilderness, then you have a very difficult process of locating such... All the while the physical evidence by consistent scientific methods and eyewitnesses role in as the years go by, and low and behold, we have the best geneticist in the world conducting hominid studies.

      ; )

    9. Studying hominids by day, laughing at footers at night.

      You can try to rationalize it however you want, still science roundly rejects the notion of the existence of a 10ft bipedal primate in North America. All there is to it.

      The "leaders" of the field cannot agree on what they believe it is, so before you make allegations about big humans, remember Todd/Les talked about Giganto for much of their show, only a handful are willing to speculate hominid let alone big humans.

    10. The fact that Sykes is getting Bigfoot researchers to speak on he study's behalf would suggest an agenda very far from cynicism.

      Mainstream science doesn't recognize the subject becuase we fall short of a modern type specimen under extremely difficult circumstances and a refusal by that regime to participate, that still doesn't mean that science hasn't been applied successfully and if there was no reason to investigate 'fairy tails' then we wouldn't have not only some of the most excelled scientists in respected professions applying their expertise, and science reforming geneticists from the best universities in world.

      Science doesn't start at type specimen accumilation, it starts in the investigation of evidence leading to that stage... And there is undeniable scientific evidence that suggests 'something' is leaving physical clues behind it. The reason we can draw such exact theories as to what, is because we have ten thousand years of cultural and contemporary anecdotes.

      Oh... And that old chestnut that people don't agree on what this is, is totally normal as research self corrects and evolves, healthy and perfectly natural leading up to type specimen or DNA... And if you know anything about the current affairs of this subject, you'll know that Meldrum has switched to the relict hominid theory off the back of teaming up with Todd Standing. The Giganto theory group has in fact held the field back and for ten thousand years natives have maintained that the Sasquatch are another tribe of humans.

      Culture; which the clues strongly suggest Sasquatch have, entail a subject very close to us... Therefore warranting the hominid theory.

    11. ^ "No bigfoot persay no..but here's a bunch of excuses"

      Lol like more than 3 people read that crap

    12. You haven't even got excuses for the evidence I've listed because you are too stupid.

      You suprised me however that you had the literary patience to read through it.

      Well done.

    13. I was expecting some actual evidence that has been hidden to the world, except for bigfooters, but it seems that was just another wild fantasy.

    14. You don't understand evidence bro, let alone have the creativity to worm out of it.

    15. The evidence you constantly fall back on is similar to the evidence Kennedy whack jobs rely on. They take theories and suppositions that support their views and present them as main stream and ignore common sense alternatives to their way of thinking. For example, Kennedy conspiracy freaks lean all over the alledged " grassy knoll" photo that show's, according to them, a second gunman. All the while ignoring the fact that a size comparison with a person standing to the left in the same photo ( conveniently left out) shows the second sniper would have to be 2 1/2 feet tall. No matter how much evidence to the contrary, they always have a excuse to dismiss anything that doesn't fit in the box. That's what you do. I have seen many examples you going down fighting defending someone who, 5 minutes prior to you ever hearing of them, were just another guy with a story. But if the story supports the cause? Take it and run! And if you get called on it, you think someone has to prove the guy is a liar as opposed to him providing proof of what he claims. With that approach I can claim a dragon lives in the spare bedroom. As long as you can't disprove it, it's real. And for every hair you had a scientist examine, I gave him two scales. And dragon poop. As a matter of fact they keep them in the same drawer. So when you pull out your bigfoot evidence, grab my dragon stuff. You can put them both on the table when you hold you're ground breaking press conference.

    16. Dermals that exceed decades and States with same species traits found 50 miles into wilderness areas. Unknown primate hair confirmed by primatologists & wildlife biologists... Multiple examples of it with species traits and morphological consistency means it cannot be hoaxed or from any known animal, found near tracks and sightings. Tracks are what wildlife biologists conduct much of their research on. Add a complex application of forensic scientific methods, a study of dermal ridges that outline a species then you at the very least, have 'something' that is undeniably leaving such a physical source. Pair this with sightings and the hair accumulation sometimes in the exact same instance, then that's as profound as you like. These two sources of evidence are accumulated and verified by professionals that have used the exact same scientific methods that have excelled them above the majority in their respected fields.

      Kennedy and dragon scales don't go anywhere close to countering such.

    17. Are you familiar the saying " If you can't blind them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit"? That's you homeboy. You have an answer for everything except " Show me the proof". You can list bullshit science word salad until the cows come home but you can't show me a fucking clear photo of the damn thing if you're life depended on it. If you have the irrefutable proof you always claim then hold a press conference and shock the world chump.

    18. ^ Oops!

      What's the matter bro? Getting a little upset?? Have you ever heard the saying;

      "if you can't understand or handle what consistent scientific evidence entails, get nasty and start requesting proof, defecting from the fact that an accumilation of scientific physical evidence points to a conclusion that something is leaving it in relation to ten this and years of cultural and contemporary anecdotes"?

      Oh... And I'm struggling to understand what size rock you've been living under if you haven't seen the clearest footage around; it's been going around for the past 46 years.

      ; )

    19. You're "clearest" footage is grainier than a bag of horse feed, dumbass.

    20. Digitalized = stabelized = grainy as what?

      ; )

  21. My computers says Nooooooooooo

  22. Fresh as fresh Bigfoot scat!

  23. Where the hell is the DNA evidence all these sightings some rednecks supposedly find the grass man's nest in Ohio why didn't they find and hair samples it's a load of old Tosh that's why

  24. Stories and stories and stories and stories and more stories and guess what, you got it, nooooooooooo darn proof.........


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