Look at This Drawing of Bigfoot by Eye Witness

This is an interesting first-hand report of a bigfoot encounter. What makes it the most interesting is the details the witness provides about how the creature looked, as well as providing an actual drawing of the creature they saw. Check it out:

"Sighting: 15-20 feet
Location: Huntsville, Ontario near otter lake
Duration: Aprox two minutes total
Time: Early morning, daybreak
Season: Summer

I am from Michigan. We went to this cabin our family friends owned in Huntsville. Our group consisted of two adult women and four children. I was 12 at the time. If you Google map the local, you will see that it is surrounded by hundreds of miles of timber and undeveloped land.

This cabin set empty all year round unless occupied briefly by our family friend and or their guests. Aprox 100 feet from the cabin door stood the beautiful lake. The entire area was surrounded by old growth forest and there wasn't a neighbor within 10-20 miles. Town was roughly 15 miles away so we were secluded. We arrived late night, took in our gear and slept. Upon seeing the light of day, I hurriedly gathered my little tackle box and fishing pole and headed out the door towards the lake. I was excited to fish, being from the city I didn't get to fish often. Everyone else in the cabin was still asleep so I estimate the time around 6:00 6:30.

As I walked down the path towards the lake, with the cabin at my back.. I experienced the most powerful sensation of being "watched" I have to this day ever felt. The hair on the back of my neck stood up. It was so pervasive, I instinctively turned around fully expecting to see someone directly behind me! I turned and looked, the path behind me was empty.. but my attention was immediately drawn to the large boulder that jutted out of the ground ( approximately 6-7 feet out of the ground) next to the cabin. That's when I saw it... its was peeking out from the side of the boulder!

Now mind you.. Ive camped up North in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan all my life. I have seen bears, wolverines, bobcats and all kinds of creatures. This was different. I stood there and just stared at what I can only explain as a large dark face with big shiny eyes staring at me. It moved slightly behind the rock, maybe hoping I hadn't seen it. Oh but I did.. it peeked back out and stayed that way for a minute.. probably wondering what I was going to do next. I held my ground, I wanted to see what this thing was!!! The forest line was about 20-25 feet away on all sides so it wasn't gonna slip away easy. It must have realized that as well, because no sooner did I think that.. it just stood straight up.

The top of the boulder came to about the top of its stomach. Its chest, shoulders, head and easily cleared it. I estimate it between 8-9 feet tall! It was massive! Its head looked small in comparison to its shoulder width. They had to be about 4-5 feet across. Heavily muscled yet lean. The hair wasn't very long, maybe 4-5 inches all over. Dark brown. The face was human looking. It reminded me of an aborigine, like from Australia. Hair covered except around the eyes. The skin was a medium gray color. It had a very pronounced conical shaped head with the hair extending all the way to brow ridge. Eyes were black and shiny. I could see them move as he looked me over. Mouth/lips wide and thin.

And there we were... neither of us moved for about 20-30 seconds. I think we were both in shock. Amazingly, I was not afraid at all at that moment! I did not feel threatened nor was its posture aggressive. Its did not make any sounds.. or show its teeth... just stared. Then, it just turned... without taking its eyes off me, and took three steps and it was in the timber line. Its "steps" were weird and very long. It kinda hopped-stepped, while swinging its arms. It cleared open grass to that tree line in a split second.. but the way it walked and swung its arms looked like slow motion. Graceful, yet weird. As it went into the forest, it started breaking branches, trees it sounded like as it made its way deeper into the woods. That was the only time I was scared. It sounded like it was tearing the whole forest down in there. Wood was snappin and cracking like gun shots it was so loud. In retrospect.. I think it was doing that so I wouldn't follow it... and I didn't!!!! I ran back up to the cabin and woke my Mom up and told her what I saw. There was no misidentifying that! It was Bigfoot!! I will never forget that encounter.. and I remember it as if it was yesterday. Thanks for reading my sighting.

Below is a drawing I did of the creature.... truly looked more human than ape."

Click Here to read the original report.


  1. first you mofos and beetches

    1. I can't quite put my finger on it, but that squatch in the drawing looks like it's from the 70s.

    2. the lower half of the drawing has him wearing flares

    3. Its A self portrait of BIG DORIS!!

  2. Banned from jref guy will be along shortly

  3. o cheesus. everyone knows what they think a bigfoot looks. no one knows because there no evidence to validate the look. well shoot let go out on a limb and say there ain't no such hairy , fuzzy man lurking in the woods. except a fe hermits and draft dodgers from the '60s

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks for swinging by, banned from jref guy. Super job today. See you tomorrow, same Squatch time, same Squatch channel.

  5. Um, Look at this Drawing of Bigfoot PLEASE? You're not the boss of me.

    I like the tip of his head. Reminds me of something.

  6. Well, it could be a bigfoot. But so could every other unsubstantiated bigfoot report. It's too bad that he didn't have a shotgun handy to blast the thing behind the rock.

    1. Shotgun wouldnt do squat to a Sasquatch. There are plenty of stories of hunters, farmers or residents who have shot at one and they say it didnt affect it or slow it down.
      Plus the kid was going fishing, not hunting. Should he have casted his pole and snagged it with a lure or spinner?

    2. Maybe, yeah. It would be worth a try, wouldn't it Mr. Wiseapple?


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