Finding Bigfoot Returning in Full Force

Towards the end of last season of Finding Bigfoot, rumors were flying about the possibility of that being the final season of the show. Even Bigfoot Evidence got caught up in the hype. But nothing could have been farther from the truth. Finding Bigfoot premiers its fifth season this Sunday June 8, 2014.

‘They’re so freakin’ elusive it drives me nuts, man,” declared Bigfoot researcher James “Bobo” Fay way back in season two of Animal Planet’s Finding Bigfoot. The show returns for its fifth season on Sunday, and while Bigfoot remains elusive, it has not dampened the show’s love of the chase.

For the most part, each episode of the show plays out in a set formula: The team, led by Bigfoot Field Research Organization (BFRO) president Matt Moneymaker, receives a compelling piece of evidence — usually a blurry video or a grainy photograph — that sends them scurrying off to rusticate in a remote corner of the woods.

Alongside skeptical scientist Ranae Holland, the intrepid crew of investigators —Moneymaker, Bobo Fay and Cliff Barackman — usually speak to whoever captured the evidence and then use the witness’s testimony, local lore gathered at a town hall meeting and some historical reenactment to evaluate the clues, which they mark on their evidence map. It’s neither particularly rigorous nor especially scientific, but it’s usually enough to send the team into the wood at night armed with audio equipment, night vision cameras and years of Bigfoot research experience between them (Moneymaker alone claims to have 25 years of Bigfoot hunting under his belt) to try and have their own ‘Squatch encounter.
To read the entire article with videos, click here.


  1. Replies
    1. If these wanna-be's don't get something credible this time around they will see the final episode at the end of another weak season of "Not Finding Bigfoot" which they are super good at! Heck i'd rather watch the turtle-man try to find the sasquatch in Kentucky 11 times a year than these jet-setters that produce nothing. Bo-Bo is getting old with the everything IS bigfoot crap too!

    2. turtle man going to wrestle a bigfoot : )
      hope he got a big trap made for that critter

    3. Please make this the last season of this lame show. Try and find something. Right now this show is a travel log at best. Matt does the same show every time, thinking that he will have different results.

  2. Nothing says bigfoot don't exist like 5 seasons of this turning up zero evidence.

    1. ^destroyed footer still thinking there's a monkey in the woods

    2. ^ Demolished jreftard dreaming a passionate dream of kitakraze's sweet pink underpants, who bleeves there are no monkeys in the woods, monkeys 'don't' exist 'cept in books 'n' zoos

    3. ^Hahaha this guy is good. Brain damaged. But good.

    4. I love it, then the Bigfoot Crazies, start with cloaking and shifting dimensions as the reason they cannot be found. Isn't is amazing how these nut jobs can claim abilities that scientists have never been able to see in any way, in any kind of experiment, but they state them like they are facts. Face it, I don't need all those supernatural explanations, Bigfoot is the World's Champion at Hide and Seek.

    5. You'll find nothing with a film crew. I'm sure even the FB Crew know this. The truth is outside of those sensationalist concepts... People are doing just fine finding the physical clues after this bipedal subject and have been doing to for the past 60 years.

      I will respond to any comments in the morning.

      Oh... And check out 'sub-atomic particles' in Google search.

    6. 60 years of clues is fine and dandy. Now show me a credible picture/video/body. Oh, and the people doing the finding? If the soldiers at Normandy were as skilled as them, your little Welsh neck of the woods would have a distinct German flair about it.

    7. Have you not heard of a little something called the Patterson Gimlin Footage?

      The rest of your comment doesn't make sense.

    8. What is amazing is the collective ignorance of the posters here. Combined, an 8th grade education might be a stretch!

    9. Joe, first, I have no problem with the PGF. But it's time for something fresh, don't you think? There are many, many more people looking now and all they come up with are pixelated dark spots with an occasional red circle surrounding it. Which ties into my comment about their incompetence. Again, the people doing the finding suck at what they do. Get it now?

    10. Most/all/researchers are just not good enough to get a really good picture.

    11. The latest, best example is a guy with the word "Tracker" in his name supposedly standing two feet from a baby bigfoot and managed to fuck it up. Unbelievable.

    12. I can't agree more. Footage will always be a 'man in a suit' though and however impartial the person presenting the source of evidence; they'll 'always be a Bigfooter' and therefore untrustworthy.

      I understand your comment up top now.

  3. Bigfootin': Role-Playing, Playground Pretend, or Worse?

    1. Expressing ignorance on a blog - role playing Panicin Skywalker, mental patient, or worse?

  4. I think that most BF story-tellers don't admit to it only because they are not called on it. If you watch a witness interview on Finding BF, everything they say is basically positive reinforcement. " So it was really tall and it smelled bad?...dude, you say bigfoot!" Since most or all sightings investigators are from the pro-bigfoot camp, they never really push for an admission of hoaxing (storytelling).

    Can't find it now, but a post on the BFF put this in perspective for me. The poster had researched numerous BF sightings reports. At the end of the interview, he would typically challenge the witness with reasons why he thought they were just making up a story - in every case, the witness admitted they were just making it up for fun. I think he did find 1 misidentification - it was a set of bear tacks and one that was the victim of a hoax - they saw someone who was in a costume.

    If this slice of bigfootery is representative of all, and I think it is, then it supports the notion that virtually all footers are "storytellers" not believers.

    1. # triple sheathed smoketard

    2. You will always have a percentage of accounts that are hoaxed or missidentifications... That has no baring however on the total frequency of sightings and is in fact a greater leap of faith than suggest there is nothing to what people have been seeing for the past ten thousand years than it is to at least realize that at least something is going on.

      Oh, and to look at the evidence or to have a sighting yourself would lead to one being convinced, not 'believing'. Finding Bigfoot is a TV show and you will not find a single thing just off the road with a film crew.

      Goodnight from the UK. I'll be back to answer any concerns in the morning.

    3. ^ brought to you by ancient freaking aliens

    4. Joe, weren't you the one who also said most sightings and reports, what was it, 8 or 9 out of 10 were not actual bigfoot? That you must sift to gather the right details then you make your decision on the report?

      If 8-9/10 sightings are not valid, why do you keep up with this "sheer number of sightings and reports" stuff? According to you, if that many are fake/misidentified/what-have-you, then why do you insist on promoting those sheer numbers?

    5. So far, I've sent in to the B.F.R.O. over 20+ sighting or encounters. I was interviewed and my stories were all accepted, AS FACT!.
      Guess what? I lied!

    6. ^ You're lying right now.

    7. I could always be wrong about those stats and I'm in fact changing my mind about that all the time. Also... If you took 8 out 10 of sightings and cast them aside for means of missidentification... You'd still have this 'sheer number' you reference.

  5. There still will be nothing on the hill.

  6. I believe that the "sound man" got fired because he never came up with squat.

  7. I have been driving a semi without air conditioning all day, my buttcrack smells like a grilled cheese sandwich.

    1. LOL! That even got the wife and kids chuckling.

  8. Everybody remain calm. You know who will be back tomorrow to whine and cry and badger the poor moderators until they give in to whatever he wants just to shut him up.

  9. HAAA,HAAA,HAAAAAA, RICTOR FRIGGIN cracks me up! I was just checking out, shake your moneymaker,finding bigfoot,jan 2012.

    Lol. trbd : )

  10. Hey did ya hear folks? They just renamed the show at the last minute, They said that they were sick and tired of misleading all of the viewers so to be fair they decided on the shows new name. Can anyone guess??? yep your right! "NOT Finding Bigfoot" will be the new name for the show. Well at least they are honest finally and about time......

  11. Bencareful out there, Chris Brown is out of jail...

  12. Just thought I'd step in and say that "Finding Bigfoot crew is doing a good jawb.

    1. Yeah, the crew is doing fine. It's those four idiots they follow around that are the problem.

  13. Two stepping in here again to say those footers are making some really good finds.

  14. My personal thoughts and private notes on Finding Bigfoot will be available to the public very soon.

    Graham Wellington

    1. Do you have a brother named Beef ?

    2. I am his second cousin, and I support his statement.

      Baron Von Gerbilmeister

  15. High stepping in here to say those Finding Bigfoot folks are right on target these days.

  16. This just goes to show you, how many STUPID Americans support this show! There are so many idiotic shows on T.V. because these producers know how dumb people are!

    Let me is if I got this straight. 4 "City bred" "Big foot researchers" along with a support film/sound crew of 20 people, go out AT NIGHT where they can't see anything, stand out in open, make calls and wood knocks etc, and wait for the wariest animal in the world, to come to them, to get his picture taken? Is that right?.

  17. John W. Jones is alive! Alive, I tell you! JW, tell us another tall story about you, and the horses, and all your friends, and all the Bigfoot up in the trees in the Catskills.

    1. Apparently rumors of his death were greatly exaggerated. By him.


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