Check Out These Native American Stories Which May Explain Bigfoot Cloaking

Native American folklore and history have lots of tales of bigfoot type creatures. In this article several stories are told, one of which might explain the mystery of "cloaking" bigfoot.

"The Chinook has several names for a bigfoot-type monster, depending on gender and location. The most famous, Skookum, is translated as "Evil God of the Woods" or mountain devil. Other terms include (...) Itohiul (big feet).

So the name BIGFOOT was first coined by Native Americans and much earlier than the 1950s!!!

p.148. Source: The North American Indian, 1930. There was an itohiul who could walk across the river on the water.

What if he really could. Like Jesus Christ.

p.152. The Clackamas. (...) The Clackamas Indians maintain that in the lands of the headwaters of the Clackamas river, adolescent Bigfeet beings have to pass a test to become an adult member of the Bigfeet tribe. They must jump in front of a human on a trail, and wave their hands in front of the human's face, without being seen.

An explanation of the famous sasquatch "invisibility" without resort to the theory of "other dimensions". If the alleged test is true, it seems to be only possible thanks to homin paranormal abilities."

To read the entire article and stories, click here.


  1. Replies
    1. Trapper and the AIMS team almost trapped the Grassman but that critter outwitted WILD BILL & Willy trap!

    2. Why does Wild Bill wear such tight pants ?

    3. WILD BILL gots to so we can get to his weapon quickly : )

    4. pancakes thats whats missing - pancakes

  2. GRAYs control bigfoots so a bigfoot cloaking device so the bigfoots can collect DNA without human interference!
    Matt and BOBO been tracking bigfoots ofr years -
    but the GRAYs based bigfoots in the UFOs
    SO Matt and BOBO cant find BIGFOOT

    1. ^ Matt been @ it for 25years!
      maybe he should change tactics - to finding UFOs -

    2. or try a different diet.

  3. Good evening all.

    Finally got a net connection in deepest, darkest Turkey. Certainly worth the return trip. However almost getting your head blown off by Eagle hunters is not something I'd care to repeat.


    1. Turkey isn't stuck in the 15th century for Christ sake. "The deepest, darkest" part has a KFC and an amusement park smack dab in the middle of it. And if a Eagle hunter almost blew your head off then don't cut the line at Starbucks.

    2. line jumpers worse than tham border jumpers ..
      dang tham jumpers!!!!!

    3. Not as bad as fake marines though. There is a special spot in hell for jackass's that claim to have been in the military.

    4. WILD BILL talks da talk @ every turn about back in the day in the Corps....
      flashback I tell U what.....

    5. wild bill always talking about his days in the USMC

    6. Who said Turkey is stuck in the 15th century?

      Biggest country in Europe by landmass if you discount Russia. Low population density and most importantly, huge swathes of woodland and forest.

      No KFC's or Theme Parks where I am my friend, but I guess you knew that already.


    7. Sorry MMG. But I can't help myself. Yes turkey has a lot of wilderness. It is not considered Europe, Europe begins in greece, directly north, turkey is considered asia minor,that bieng said the thought sickins me to think that some stupid islamic hunters are out running around shooting EAGLES!! Danmit, thoese MUTHA F**KERS. Sorry it just pisses me off. MMG try not to smuggle hash out of that country .. UDIGG??

    8. gots lots of tham islamist in tham parts!

    9. Yep and there all amerihaters,,, Shooting at EAGLES!! the symbol of my great nation, ; (

    10. People from Turkey are pretty nice if you don't act like an asshole.

    11. Apparently Big Doris is a geographical wiz. Who woulda guessed?

    12. U got to stay way - away of their woman or there be HELL to pay .... i guarantee

    13. Well daniel, even a broken watch is correct twice a day,
      And with that.
      I hope you AND Joe have a fine weekend.. Big Doris.

    14. I'm smuggling nothing out of here other that about 100g of Saffron!

      Watched Midnight Express way too many times....


  4. Mexican Military Helicopter Fires on U.S. Border Agents...
    We still have a border patrol!!!!!!!!

    1. lead a helicopter by 2 1/2 lengths...
      for your safety : )

    2. Mexico has helicopters? Well, I'll be damned..

    3. Hmmmm most likely our helicopters that we gave to them mexicans for drug intervention,

    4. ^^ That would depend on the distance to the target and deflection. No wonder you have a hard on for a fake marine. Neither one of you know what the hell you're talking about.

    5. WILD BILL say hebe an old marine sergeant

    6. 2 1/2 lengths about right

    7. And if it's hovering? Oops. Big word. Sorry. Not moving?

    8. lack tham UFOs stopping in the airs - shots tham fer shure

    9. and shoot those gray critters they up to no good!

  5. Cloaking is not another explanation from "other dimensions" for Sasquatch invisibility at all. All it is, is a word for which no technical details are attached. Nor does "the ether" provide another explanation for invisibility, for the exact same reason. Behind closed doors, the 4th dimension remains the basis from which both collegiate and federal scientists chose to start to define the technical details of natural invisibility. But, you don't need a "top secret" clearance to learn those details. Because those details have been explained in the book "X3" by Adrian Dvir.

  6. "It is reported that a group of Indians followed Skanicum to a ravine through the bottom of which flowed a creek with the usual heavy growth of trees, brush, willows, etc. They sat down on the hillside where they could see the entire area including the hillsides. After a little while when Skanicum did not leave the ravine, some of the Indians went down into the ravine while others maintained vigilance from their vantage point. A complete and thorough search of the ravine yielded no sign of Skanicum, only trees, and they were certain that he could not have left the ravine without being seen. No Indian would dare to start chopping into the trees with an ax. Today, the Indians know all too well that Skanicum's color and natural camouflage enables him to stand motionless against a tree and be nearly imperceptible."

    - Dr Ed Fusch

    1. David Paulides say folks disappear all the time in the woods could be bigfoot !

  7. they forgot to add the test where a young BF would fart into a tent window then vanish.....
    Only the most persistent would pass this test!

    1. I had to laugh...and then gag at the thought of dirty boy.

    2. Surely you mean that "only the most pungent pass the test" ...? smelly boy.

  8. OK, this isn't what I expected. My first thought was peyote.

  9. Native americans are idiots and I have no respect for them.


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