Why is the Ohio Bigfoot Called the Grassman?

We know the answer, but do you? If you think you do, leave it in our comments section. One thing is for sure, the Grassman has put Ohio on the map as one of the top bigfoot states in the U.S.

"On June 24, 1980, a remarkable incident took place in the town of Bellefountaine.

The eyewitness, off-duty police officer Ray Quay, said he was “surprised and dumbfounded” after seeing a “seven- feet-tall, hairy animal” in his barn yard while doing some work.

“I was unloading eight pigs I had bought about 11 p.m. I shut off the light in the barn and went around the corner to see what my two dogs were raising cain about. They never bark when I’m around,” he told Ohio Daily News.

“I stepped around the corner of the barn and saw this hairy animal. I thought it was a man so I hollered at him. It took off and I’ve got some weeds out back I haven’t mowed and they are waist high or higher and the creature went through them with no problem,” he added.

The sighting prompted the local police to intervene, but they weren’t able to find any clues to help solve the case."

To read the rest of the article, click here.


  1. Because it lives in huts made from grass. DUH!

  2. WAKE UP SHAWN AND MATT!!!!!!!!!

    Finding Bigfoot season premier June 8th!!!!!!!

    They're Squatchin' with the Turtleman!!!!!


  3. In this video the "creature" seems very static and un-natural. To me it looks like something that is sticking up out of the back of a pick-up truck. (You cannot see the truck because of the angle).

  4. They used to tell their kids not to wonder off from around the house/farm or the Grass-Man will get ya!

  5. It effortlessly walked through grass??!! No human can do that!! Proof positive that giant primates walk among us!! BENGHAZI! BENGHAZI! BENGHAZI! NRA says Obama's gonna take your guns--better buy more because BENGHAZI!

    1. America's hillbillies are so stupid. Always voting against their own self-interests. Letting politicians who are paid off by corporations tell them lies about the "liberals." Wake up, dirt-monkies. Don't let the Koch brothers and the NRA fuck you and your children up the ass anymore.

    2. Bengazi!!! Because.....Bengazi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. Ted Cruz paid me to give him a blowjob in an airport men's room. True dat.

    4. Bigfoot gave me a blowjob once. But it turned out to be Ted Cruz.

  6. I saw on one source that it got its name from grass it eats, but I don't know if thats true or not.

  7. PEARLAND TEXAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. GODBLESS,,, P,T, AND THE U.S.A. ,,, enough said!!

    2. AMEN...................................

  8. He likes a big spliff now and then!

  9. Because the Europeans thought they were giant natives hiding in the tall grass.


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