New Discovery Channel Show Russian Yeti: The Killer Lives!

RUSSIAN YETI: THE KILLER LIVES, a 2-hour special airing Sunday, June 1 at 9 PM ET/PT on the Discovery Channel, follows Mike Libecki as he investigates the clues and gathers compelling evidence that suggests the Dyatlov Pass incident could be the work of a creature most know as a Yeti.
" On February 2, 1959, nine college students hiked up the icy slopes of the Ural Mountains in the heart of Russia but never made it out alive. Investigators have never been able to give a definitive answer behind who - or what - caused the bizarre crime scene. Fifty-five years later, American explorer Mike Libecki reinvestigates the mystery - known as The Dyatlov Pass incident - but what he uncovers is truly horrifying.

Based on diary accounts, forensic evidence and files that have just recently been released, Mike pieces together the graphic stories in search of what really happened that evening. According to the investigators at the time, the demise of the group was due to a "compelling natural force." The students' slashed tent was discovered first with most of their clothing and equipment still inside. Next, the students' bodies were found scattered across the campsite in three distinct groups, some partially naked and with strange injuries including crushed ribs, a fractured skull, and one hiker mutilated with her eyes gouged out and tongue removed.

The mysterious scene left more questions than answers. Why was the tent slashed from the inside? Why would the victims leave their clothing behind in subzero weather? Could it have been a government top secret weapon that killed them? Or an indigenous local tribe that lashed out for trespassing on their land? But perhaps most strange of all, why did the Soviet government suppress the autopsy and other reports for 30 years?"

For the rest of the article, click here. 


  1. Replies
    1. Harry, do you have any good fishing stories? My best is knocking a bass into the boat with the trolling motor. No bullshit. I really did.

    2. I accidentally hooked a muskrat while bass fishing. I was able to get him off the line but it was touch and go for awhile.

    3. I was reelin in a bluegill up north on a light spinning rod when something bit the end off I let it sit there for a second hoping whatever would come back so after no hits I started reeling and somehow came in with a mirror carp

    4. Your're cousin had it coming'..

    5. My brother hooked my dad's right earlobe once. It was hooked so good he had to go to a med center to have it removed.

    6. 2:31 here. I really did knock a bass into the boat. We pulled up to a stump, tied off, got pie-eyed and knocked that twit right into the boat. I'm not sure who was more shocked. Me or the dummy sucking face with my trolling motor.

  2. Michael Myers did it. Next.

    1. This is one thing i would love to watch,is that photo the actual one they took of the yeti? xx

    2. no thats uncle jed looking for the outhouse back in the blizzard of 34

    3. Eva, if that's him, I think I can take em! If not, tell my wife I love her. And I took her last twenty out of her purse... If I make it back though, keep you're yap shut. She's meaner than a snake.

    4. Lol,good luck and i'm sure she's not that mean xx

    5. Meaner than a snake. I need a hug...

    6. I have a feeling it was Daniel.Just saying........

    7. Come on now. A hug is a hug...

    8. not from Atilla the Hun..

    9. My cat is cutting figure eights at my feet as we speak. She's wise beyond her years...

  3. It wasn't the Russian Yeti terrorizing those girls; it was the one-eyed, long-necked trouser monster that did em' in.

  4. 3:42 I agree .Everyone knows that the in-law type should suffer it silence. Or shut up..

  5. I am leery of any Discovery Channel program being authentic. Anyone remember the mermaids show that was supposed to be real? I hope the Yeti show is based on real evidence NOT fake acted out scenes passed off as "never before seen footage".

    1. Ha don't hold you're breath. It's gonna be another fake documentary

  6. Buddt Holleys plane crash was the next day.

  7. Ima burn one or a couple before I watch this premier and go for a bigfoot trip hahaha!

  8. I think russians experimented with a rocket...caused avalanche...they all got swept away n died in it. Then thier military found empty tent but nobody in it which explains foot prints n the boot piece found there.the picture is anybodys

  9. Why not send the survivorman and bear grill for some street cred to Russia and prove it?

    1. Survivorman can't bring street cred to anything now. He's sold out to media hype. He's a media whore who has no integrity when it comes to an opinion on his employers' "product"!

  10. Why these all photographs are not so cleared as some of them are clicked in 2014. We have HD cameras in 2014 too.


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