How to be Good Neighbors with Bigfoot

Some people claim to live practically next door to bigfoot creatures. Whether the bigfoot lives on their property, or just visits on a regular basis, according to some they have somewhat regular interactions with these creatures, or are at least around them a lot. What should you do if you find yourself in this situation? Blogger Sharon Day wrote the following article as kind of a guide to proper etiquette when living next door to bigfoot. Check it out:

"The first guideline to understanding how to live alongside Sasquatch is to remember this:

Sasquatch People are not stray cats. They are independent individuals who are better at survival than you are. They do not need you to feed them, only to allow them the freedom to feed themselves. They do not want the equivalent of government food stamps program, they want to retain their independence and their dignity. Remember, they are adults living beside you, not from you.

There comes a time when residents living on a property realize there might be something "other" on their land. This "other" might be messing with items left out in the open, snapping tree saplings, or making sounds in the night that frighten the family dogs.

For rural residents live off the land, so do the others. It's a natural and very accepted coexistence with some ancient people who are exceedingly shy.

Sasquatch people only wish to be able to continue their existence without harassment or encroachment, threat or instability. Their very personalities reflect a need for both privacy and predictability. In some ways, they almost seem a bit OCD in their need to line things up, have them a certain way and have predictability of patterns. This reduces anxiety greatly."

To read the entire list of do's and dont's, click here.


  1. Replies
    1. This article bothers me. I am beginning to see that some, but not all, bigfoots may be maneating. I think it's waaayy too soon to decide that they can be our buddies. JiminAZ

  2. Good neighbors? Yeah right, only reason they don't eat you is cause they can get food out of the local dumpster easier... One of them mo'fos comes to my back door, Im introducing him to Mr AR50

    1. You are a dumb ass, cant you read? Stick Mr AR50 up yous ass

    2. wouldnt surprise me that he has a huge ass with all the dick he takes up it

    3. I like hairy big ass titties. They be good pillows.

    4. AKs do a better JOB than the AR

  3. Hey Joseph! All good bro?

    Time for another true story from one of my outdoor buddies.

    He's seen em. They're here.

    'I used to have my own big truck. I delivered a load to new orleans about noon one day. I had driven all night to get there from ATL. I got reloaded for the trip home and found a truckstop in Slidell La. I slept for about 8 hrs got a shower and good meal. I was going to run hwy 59 north to b-ham. I was maybe 30-45 minutes out of Slidell, it was 2:30 am. I was well rested and ready for the 8 hr run home. I was running fast as there was no traffic, none, no cars no exits nothing.

    I saw someone standing on the side of the road just out of the woods. I started to slow down, my first thought was hitch-hiker. I had my bright lights and fog lights on, he was lit up real well, I was still 1/2 mile out, I thought , damn , he is big. Then I thought he is really hairy. I put the brakes on hard as he took about 2 steps towards the road. I never stopped completely but came to a crawl, he was about 6-7 feet tall, all hair, no neck, massive shoulders. The hair on his head blended with the hair on his body. It was either some idiot in a suit or a creature I have never seen before.

    It would take a complete crap for brains to dress up and stand on the side of the road. In that part of the country , Bubba will shoot first and identify later. Everybody has a pick up with long guns in the rear window. All I carried when I drove was Colt Mustang Pocket Lite in .380. Had I been stupid enough to stop I was seriously under armed. This thing was huge. I was wide awake, alert. When I realized what I was looking at I pushed the throttle so far I was in danger of losing toes in the engine fan.

    The rest of the drive home home I kept replaying it in my head. I told my wife about a month later. She believed me. I do not make **** up.'

    Enjoy folks!


    1. I contend that if you hit em between the eyes a .380 will do the trick.

    2. Thank you very much for that MMG! Excellent read! You should have sent that to Shawn, he may have done and blog page on it!!

      Hope you are well buddy, keep em coming.

    3. Got a whole stack of em Joe.

      Regular outdoor, hunting folks with no interest in the big guy report running into some very strange things in the woods.

      Time and time again.


    4. Harry in the house, what's up? All good I hope

    5. stories from a known fraud,MMG,how predicable.

  4. NBC. The more you know, Do not invite Bigfoot in for sex, The more you know. du du du duu.

    1. If`n Bigfoot wants sex...he takin` it.

  5. This is my list of do's and don'ts for being a good habituator:

    a) Make it a habit to have your burst gun always loaded and ready at the door.

    b) Make it a habit that anything over 7 feet and covered with hair comes to the door, shoot first and ask questions later... well some round these parts use 6.5 rule, but I stick to my principles 7 and up meets Mr Burst.

    c) Make it a habit to "help out the local 'Forest People'".. Yeah help them stay the heck off your property... and when they don't... time to intro them to another one of their neighbors... Mr. Burst!

    Just kidding.... I leve milk and cookies out for mine.

  6. Good lord, that lady's a nut. If Sasquatch wants to set up shop on my property, the rent is due the first of the month. No exceptions.

  7. Bats*** f***ING crazy. Stop with the crazy habitation stories already. Anyone who calls them forest people, etc are just crazies who have yet to be certified. I swear. Doesn't the BF community have enough problems already without us putting the wackos front and center? Anyone who says bigfoots are aliens, interdemensional beings, a type of people, etc....need to be quietly pushed out the way for the people who are approaching this phenomenon scientifically.

    1. I avoid the habituation thread on BFF these days.

      There is only so many 'final warnings' before they throw away the key...


    2. Mike has an infestation of them

    3. Yah... according to the Native Americans, the only thing squatch does "habitually" is: rape their women and eat their kids.

    4. Everyone needs a hobby, they are giant hairy monsters

    5. wid giant hairy penis`s.

  8. Sasquatch People?! The woman is a hippie.


    1. I think she means "people that believe in Sasquatch" not that Sasquatch are people

    2. Get Cartman on the horn. We need the drill before they form the drum circles!

    3. Joe thinks Sasquatch are people.

    4. Joe thinks what Shawn thinks will get the most clicks

    5. if U shoot 1 then its a animal, if observing then its a hybrid human/ape : )

  9. And I am going to go one step further. ...When a Bigfoot "researcher" starts seriously discussing bio luminescence, zapping, cloaking, or mind speaking he is either a crazy or a fraud.

  10. Janice has big ass titties. I like big ass titties.

    1. Even when they are attached to a lunatic?

    2. You have a problem with crazy big ass titties? Big ass titties are big ass titties. They be great pillows.

    3. YES...titties so nice

    4. That squatch has big ass titties... you ok with those too?!

    5. Hairy big ass titties are the best.

    6. Yeah and he definitely has a hairy big ass too!

  11. The Sasquatch in your backyard knew you were going to say that.

  12. Replies


    2. Alas! Poor Mucklegrunt! Struck down before his time ....may his piercing, unearthly shriek ring through the heavens!!

  13. she's looking at his johnson

    1. Dang your right! Guess when you a crazy ass beeatch. Any johnson is good johnson

    2. lest y`all from jackson.

  14. Replies
    1. Dave, is "Lamb" your middle name? If so , that would make your surname "Nipples". I suppose people might occasionally address you as "Mr.Nipples", is that correct? If you played high school foot ball, I imagine the coach might holler "Nipples!!" At the top of his lungs if you fumbled the ball.

      On the other hand, you may simply have been born with lamb nipples . If so, may I have your phone number?

  15. When Fox left with the garlic he dropped a triple coiler on my doorstep and laughed his ass off.The bastard.

  16. kinda puttin' the cart ahead of the horse here eehh.. first of all bigfoot has to exist before they can be your neighbors..

  17. One of the funniest threads in a long time! Laughed hard,thanks y'all!

    1. Wait till you get our bill. You won't be laughing then lady! ):)

  18. This lady is bat shit crazy!

  19. Jeff Teagle got together with her (nasty). All he wanted was to know were Fox was buried.


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