Finding Bigfoot Star Bobo Makes a Special Appearance

More elusive than bigfoot, Bobo of Finding Bigfoot fame will be making a guest appearance on After Hours with Rictor next Wednesday, May 28, 2014. Bobo takes some time off from "Squatchin" to do some "webcastin" with Rictor and the gang. Be sure to save the date.


  1. Bones is one of the good guys.

    Go easy on him.


  2. seems a decent guy.a complete liar clearly though at worst,at best,mentaly deranged

    he tells stories about giant wild men/creatures in North American woods
    why is it only people like him with these stories[don't tell me its because people are too embarrassed at being fidiculed]

    if I heard a huge creature in the woods Id tell everyone,as most people would, id also have had my cell out 1 to call for help 2 as evidence of this amazing noise im hearing

    If you believe there is a creature,not identified in science,and u hear it .I would imagine the whole idea is too capture the sound/images of the creature

    telling a story about it is nonsenseand worthless

    weve ll hear bib cats/coyotes/cows/dogs etc...make crazy sounds that they ddmt usualy make
    if you are looking for BF yuyd definitely record it

    these peoplebarrackman n co have no evidence.all they have is 2nd hand stories or their deranged mind is playing tricks in tem
    if creatures this size were alive in N A there would be ample evidence of it

    people who believe must be child like wonder that allows theor monds to create these craxt senarios to natural goings on ij the woods

    show us the evidence and we will al believe

    P/G film looks like a guy in a suit. nobody can deny that as that's what it looks like. If it were real why has there been nothing since then

    all we've seen is grainy Parkinson suffering film of noting or hoaxes

    you can rip apart the so called evidence in minutes with a cursory look at footery

    if you dont have any evidence how
    can people speak in facts about it

    are you all mentally ill?
    do you realise you are ill?
    is this a cover for homoerotic dogging adventures


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