Whoa, the Genoskwa Will Rip Your Head Off!

The Genoskwa is a type of bigfoot mentioned in Native American folklore as "rock man". It is reported as bigfoot's larger, bulkier cousin. It has rock hard skin, and they twist the heads of their victims until they are decapitated. They are a more agressive than their cousin sasquatch. Not something I'd want to run across in the woods.


  1. I wonder if Will Jevning, Wes, and Woody have considered if the group in their area could be these things. They say the members of this group are extremely large and very aggressive. Possibly responsible for missing people as well. Several eyewitness encounters of being "hunted" by them. Hmmmmm.

    Watch out for that stick Mike B!

    1. Mike has nothing to look out for since he is a fraud.

    2. 11:17 has nothing better to do than post allegations since his life is empty of ambition.


      T legends state that the Genoskwa get their rock hard skin complexion from rolling around in the dirt and the mud, until it hardens into what is perceived as a rock-like skin. This was apparently good enough to repel primitive type arrows when they entered tribal communities to steal woman or children for food.

      Interesting that you mentioned missing people, because one of the consistent places people go missing in 411 is boulder fields. Legends state that Genoskwa used to hide in these places camouflage style and snatch prey as it walked passed whilst totally unaware.

      Something to think about.

  2. Sound like cousins of Thing.

    "It's clobberin time!"

  3. This is the most compelling evidence for Bigfoot I've seen yet.

  4. Giant ground sloth who likes eggs.

  5. love the art work, you done a great job!!

  6. tham bigfoots been astompin ans ayelpin gits me dogs all riled up

  7. I think they are some kind of mutation created by CIA or other secret agency.

  8. I think they are some kind of mutation created by CIA or other secret agency.

  9. Black Ops for sure - hybrids for a super soilder


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