Watch This: New Video of Possible Bigfoot Filmed Near Squamish, British Columbia

YouTube user M Lam uploaded this video of what they believe is a possible bigfoot creature spotted outside of Squamish, BC. As they state in the video, there really is no explanation as to why someone would be in that remote and desolate area just walking around. Unfortunately the subject of the video was a long distance away, so they were unable to capture any real detail. It does seem to be dark in color, large, and on two legs however. The Squamish area is known for its long history of bigfoot sightings.


  1. my analysis says yes there is something moving and yes it is their buddy they left behind who is now lost going the wrong way.

    1. There's something even more amazing in this video someone filmed the fast and furious actor who died in a fiery car crash no one finds Machiavelli over here amazing

  2. That dar has gots to be a squatcharoo!

  3. at last something interesting that maybe real! who ever thought we see it on this site...

  4. Logically if the hikers filming this are "in the middle of nowhere" then is it not possible that another hiker could be there as well? IMPOSSIBLE! It must be an undiscovered monstrous primate that lives among us and has never been clearly photographed. Yeah, and Cliven Bundy isn't an anti-American criminal either.

    1. I was thinking that too, but you beat me to it. Just another DESPERATION Big foot video!

    2. They had to hire a helicopter to take them to the top of this particular caldera. It is, in truth, not at all accessable by smowmobile, ski or foot., normal feet. I dont really believe in Bigfoot— i dont want to. But the answer isnt that this is a loner hiker who got there by foot. I suppose another person could have hired a helicopter drop, or parachuted?

  5. Well, they are there, so it's not like people don't visit the area. Also, since there is a video camera, why not go check for tracks? A trackway in conjunction with footage of a moving figure would constitute good circumstantial evidence.

  6. The video is only 2 min and watch how much ground it covers going up a steep grade in snow.

  7. it's a monkey man. he lives in the side of the mtn in a cave I am willing to bet money on it.

  8. Only a complete, foaming idiot would think for a second that that is a bigfoot. But there are quite a few foamers around here.

  9. I'm so proud of myself.I finally took a leak and didn't get any of it on my foreskin. Happy days people. Happy days indeed.
    D Campbell.

  10. Whatever it is keeps a pretty good pace for the terrain. However, without further video analysis, it's impossible to tell what it is (or isn't).

    Someone call the Squatch Detective.

    1. No, he's the Squatch Defective.

    2. Back of the envelope calculations based on the dark upright figure's pace between frames 2:18 and 2:25 based on normal human height and using lots of swag to estimate the slope of the terrain works out to about 4 mph which is a dead run for a human though any depth of snow at all.

    3. First comment conatining anything that isnt just....stoopid. Im not for or against. But....please.

  11. What this place needs is a real Bigfoot sighting !

  12. just wanted to add this is in Squamish BC... this is back country enthusiast Central.... just a short hop from Whistler.... tons of skiers in this area that treck by themselves all the time.. hell I do...that could be me down there in that video .... more legit sightings down in the valleys in this area of BC...

  13. Just when you thought a Blobsquatch was the worst you could get a DotSquatch !! Should have done a few woops n howls - see if you got a response, like "Stop howling at me !! I'm trying to climb a frickin huge mountain !!"

  14. I think that this is an amazing video, it sure doesn't make any sense where he is going. There must be a reason for bf to be going up there, maybe mountain goats or some type of hunting expedition.

  15. I think that this is an amazing video, it sure doesn't make any sense where he is going. There must be a reason for bf to be going up there, maybe mountain goats or some type of hunting expedition.

    1. Your comments don't make any sense either!

  16. Yeah I guess it's just some uniformally colored solo hiker all by himself hiking at an unhumanly speed up the side of a snow covered steep grade to doubters are on this site for a reason. BELIEVE! It's OK Really!

  17. The best part of British Columbia is the weed they grow up there. Incredible hydroponically grown strains with a lot of kick. "Sasquatch" is probably some old Deadhead wandering the boonies, grooving on the scenery while catching a little buzz.

  18. Wether its real or not heading that way makes sense if you want to be less exposed, heading towards that point of rock and trees.

  19. Why would someone be out in the snowy wilderness just walking around? Ummm.... I dunno... why was the person who filmed them out in there just walking around?

    Maybe it was someone taking pictures. Or snowboarding.

  20. some guy has COME FORWARD to state that he often wanders through this region and it is him in the video...more "jumping the gun" from the BF BS`ers...utter rubbish as usual.


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