Watch: Employee Crushes Contractors car with a Mining Truck for not Paying

Contractors better pay your employees or else...


  1. Joe!! Ttl !! Have u listen to missing 411 on utube at all??? Boy what great interviews I'm surprised there not more talk about this?? Your thoughts joe on 411 !????

    1. Joe !! Ttl I talked to Mr paulities on fb and told him about a girl that when missing only 100s of yards away from our camp close to the north shore diaries video u watched. Anyways he has her story in his book he sent me the page numbers, it was crazy what happen! Thing is we had something happen at our camp that had me sweating with goose bumps at the same time.!!! Remember at the time I was 230 pounds with 5% body fat and I could hold my own no problem, worked out 5/6 days a week etc. I need to speak to him agian and explain to him what happen and I have not yet cause he like everyone else wants me to email him and I really got to get that figured out its getting really old and stupid now as u might agree cause I'd like to tell u what happen as well and im totally not the person looking for these type of things to happen to me and also never want to happen agian cause I have kids and they need to be safe and that's the bottom line. Thought I'd share this with u joe I'll get this email sorted soon enough,! Sorry bud!! Ttl!!

    2. Jeeps TTL. Do not know how to email. You sure you did not go to Ohio State as opposed to Youngstown State.

      Just kidding of course.

    3. TTL!!!

      One of be strangest re-occurances of the PCN, is shoes of dead people being found with ankles bones and single feet being found? Have you heard about this? Apparently... There are reports of people being hit at 60 miles per hour, and all that's left of them is their trainers and feet where they were hit!

    4. Belive me Youngstown acedemic program had there hands full with me trying to keep my gpa above par lol to keep playing lol I drive them crazy! Lol never forget the girls name who was in charge of my gradeslol she didn't now what she was in for!Ttl

    5. Joe I don't now what u are talking about but I would like to learn more about it, sounds interesting!what is pcn???? Thanks ttl!!

    6. I'm gonna try and find you links about it all... Hope you are well TTL!!!

    7. Hey joe I don't now how links work ? I really am not computer guy so if u just give me a word to look for or subject ? Like " people's ankles found on beach" something like that I guess, I see u guys posting links and that's like speaking chineeze to this guy! Lol sorry joe! Ttl

    8. Ha ha!! I'm gonna try and find the exact radio programme with a reference the the exact phenomena for you my dear friend.

    9. Hey joe just googled it and found what u were talking about of BC coast !!! This has similarities for what happens in missing 411 with people and there shoes etc! Wow there is a lot more to this than meets the eye why can't someone in the higher power see this and start really digging and raise hell!!!!!! People's kids are going missing is be screaming from the roof tops raising hell till something was done! That's a small reason that a bf needs to be harvested so people can be aware in the outdoors! Ttl

    10. Joe! Joe! TTL!!!!!!! If I was to talk to MR Palidies privately and he said to me that 5% 10% 50% of the kids in missing 411 were the cause of sasqwatch , then that would give me a big green light for harvesting one being a parent!

    11. The first thing to fall off a rotting bloated corpse is the feet, especially if they had heavy footwear. All these foot finds were shoes that contained the jelly like slurry you would expect from a body being in the water a long time

    12. BS!

      Ally these feet are posed in particular positions that would imply method and consistency that would leas professionals far cleverer than us to determine that something dodgy is going on.

      Google it... No jelly coinsidence.

  2. If you look closely, you'll see all the evidence for bigfoot ever found in this video. The secret is to look rrreal hard and you have to believe!

    1. We need another of your updates, Dan.

    2. Man !! I gotta get me some of those tough tested headlights.
      hey Eva R and co.

    3. In the same respect.. That if you study reeeeeeeaaaaaal hard, you'll see zippers and explanable proportions?

      I almost want to welcome him back.

    4. Ladies and Gentlemen "welcome to the show my friends, to the show that never ends"(ELP)

  3. just got of the phone with standing. he confirmed this is a real bigfoot.



  5. there is a peer review based on a 10 year study soon to be out from standford univ. Initial leaked information indicates they have proof that the ambigious sightings of bigfoot are really Elvis.

  6. Hazard still blinking ! Very good car.

  7. Todd's going to have another video coming out with him just talking about what's going on right now and what the future hopeful holds for him! Keep eyes open everyone !! TTL

  8. Interesting insurance claim

  9. Hmm...why is there no engine block in the "crushed" car ?

  10. Note there doesn`t seem to be an engine block in the car !

    Hmm...methinks this is yet more youtube bollocks.

  11. This has similarities for what happens in missing 411 with people and there shoes.


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