Video: Juggalo Squatcher Comes Into Contact with Two Bigfoot and Lives to Tell About It

YouTube user Badowning69 posted this follow up video to an encounter he and his partner had with two bigfoot while investigating an area. He believes he captured the image of one of the creatures in the above photo, and claims his encounter turned him from a skeptic into a believer. In this video he explains the above photo, and retells the events surrounding it that day.


  1. Replies
    1. I sniffed your pee-mail, and I lifted my leg higher on your tinkle.

      Bigger dog

    2. While you were trying to best me, I hitched a ride in the swamp buggy over to your place. I left you a pyramid stacked sh@t structure for u safety. Unfortunately it can only be seen with a microscope.

    3. Damn....if you are going to leave something for my safety, it is going to have to be higher than that of microscopic vision, King. I appreciate the offering, and it gives me somewhere for my deposit later.

      I am jealous of the swamp buggy ride-a-long though. No matter how high I can lift my leg, I don't know anyone with a swamp buggy who would let me ride.

    4. Harry - Your dog and my dog could have a pee-off.

    5. Yeah mr. Bear little dogs freak him out 130lbs of scaredy cat

  2. Damn....if you are going to leave something for my safety, it is going to have to be higher than that of microscopic vision, King. I appreciate the offering, and it gives me somewhere for my deposit later.

    I am jealous of the swamp buggy ride-a-long though. No matter how high I can lift my leg, I don't know anyone with a swamp buggy who would let me ride.

    1. 4:55- A tube top gets a swamp buggy ride every time. I got mine from Clive S.

    2. My testicles won't allow me to wear a tube top!

    3. So sorry, King! Gratefully, mine are still attached, but my Mom threatens them daily and tells me they will end up there. Luckily, my Dad is on my side, and says while he has his, then I can keep mine!

    4. Haaa,haaaa YOU PUPS CRACK ME ME UP!!lol,

  3. dat not mista Sasquatch, dat my homie 'shaggy pimp'. he be wearing his mink coat, gots dem goldfish in da heel of his platform shoes and he be collecting cash from his hos. ya smell me, dawgs? dat how he do......If you don't understand this, just watch Jerry Springer and listen to his guests!!! jajaja

    1. Lol what you know about shaggy son what you know about pimps up hos down

  4. "Juggalo Squatcher" might just be the dumbest thing I have heard in my entire life.


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