Todd Standing's "Bigfoot" Photograph Could Be Legit After All, If You Believe His Explanation

The "real" one?

Remember the supposed "photoshopped" image of Todd Standing's Bigfoot? The one where two photographs show a face with a tree branch supposedly "photoshopped" into the image? Well. According to Todd Standing, the photograph with the tree limb is the real one, and the one without the tree limb is supposedly the cleaned up version. Bigfoot Evidence editor Matt Knapp posted this statement from Dr. Jeff Meldrum on Facebook a few minutes ago:

I just read this and thought I would pass it along. In regards to the recently posted photos of the Todd Standing bigfoot that had limbs removed or added through photo-manipulation, Jeff Meldrum had this to say:

"According to Todd, the photoshopped image was done by some unrelated party who emailed it to him out of the blue, whose aim was to render the face sans the obscuring boughs. The images are one and the same -- hence the identical position. Apparently, it had nothing to do with Todd, it was undertaken by this person unsolicited . There is your "PROOF." If anyone has information to the contrary, please share."

According to Standing, the first one was photoshopped by a fan to remove the tree branch. The image below is supposedly the real image before it was photoshopped.

[Update] We just pulled up this footage showing the "obscured" branch, and it's in the video.

Looks like the picture circulating the internet was horizontally flipped somehow.
Let's take a closer look below.
Image circulating internet shows this Bigfoot facing the other way (in the same place). This is a very photogenic Bigfoot it seems.
Same damn branch.


  1. Replies
    1. Yes indeed !!
      hey Brian J and co.

      Seems to me that would go a long way for Todd to clear his name and move on........
      My guess is he would never do it though. He is a fraud.

    3. I actually wondered that myself, not some "staged" bought and paid for by standing lie detector but a lie detector by FBI or Authorties

  2. Either way, it's still an obvious fake.

    1. Yup. Only a total ignoramus would believe otherwise.

    2. The explanation doesn't stack up.

      What makes it worse is that Meldrum is relying this BS.

      Standing is done and taken a few big names with him.

      Incredible the puppet master could have achieved this.

      Meldrum and Bindernagel have no sympathy from me. Standing has been hoaxing for years. Suddenly throw him on tv for a few minutes and all those sins were washed away.


    3. Yup
      I would like to shove my BigFoot right up Mr Standings ass.

  3. His show was great tonight and will continue to follow their project in the future............ I also think this is the last time I come here to read posts.

    1. Did you catch the eclipse Todd? Maybe you got some puppethead shots with night-time bloody red eye-gleam
      last night.

    2. Good, because we have an IQ requirement here that you don't measure up to as seen by your lack of simple grammar knowledge... Bye Todd.

  4. Pretty much a believer but I doubt they look like ewoks.

    1. Just don't believe Standing and apparently Meldumb too and you'll be fine.

  5. Todd Standing is a hoaxer. Plain and simple.

    1. Yup. If this is a bigfoot, then the Patterson creature is a fake.

    2. Must stop Todd. Must stop Todd. Must stop Todd.

    3. Matt your a joke. Your show should be on comedy central. Take cliff out of the equation and your team is a joke.

    4. The image may be of a juvenile sasquatch. Looking at the unaltered photo, whatever/whoever it is appears to be young. So, if it is a person in an elaborate costume with makeup, they are still very young and the facial features appear to be female. If it is a sasquatch, the same theory applies (minus the costume and makeup).

    5. Agreed.....
      Seen one and it didn't look like that...

    6. It definitely looks young, whatever it is. This is the one I really struggle with.


    7. I'm just saying, but if you look at flatness in the face and look at the face in the Patterson film, they look very similar.

  6. How can you replace the part of the face after taking the branch out? Doesn't make sense at all.

    1. that is what i was thinking. it would almost have to be freehand drawn with (photoshop) to get the symetrical

    2. Are you guys dumb? You realize artistic folks can do this sort of thing right? Derp.

    3. It is pretty easy in Photoshop--for textured (furry, hairy) areas you can just clone/copy from the area around the spot you want to fill in. If the color isn't matching as well as you want, you can select color from the surrounding areas with the paint tool. A little cloning, a little painting, and viola! Unless someone looks closely, they won't notice what you have done.

    4. I happen to be a photoshop ninja And whoever "removed" the branch that's identical to another branch in a different picture of a different ewok is the greatest photoshopper of all times. Standing lies, those branches were added to both pics to obscure the muppets faces.

    5. ^ Darth Evidence gets"IT ". .......It's also obvious that he has an IQ above room temperature. That is truly all it takes to figure out that Standing is a mentally troubled fraud and that the subject in the pics are the work of a taxidermist. The subject is so lifeless that I cannot fathom that even a retard can't figure out that there is ZERO " life" in that face.

  7. Even if standing is a hoaxer(which he obviously is not)
    he has still contributed more to the study of sasquatch than this retarded blog, written by douchetards, for retards, joke of a transparent disinfo site.
    whoever is running this site is an illiterate, bottom feeding hack, or hacks.

    you people are a stain on the human race and you're holding the species back.

    shame on you.
    grow a soul or just
    kill each other and let the rest of us get on with it.


    1. tell us how you really feel rush

      explain how when you take the branch out how the fella knew what to put in its place

    2. Hey! Thanks for sharing, sunshine! I always love it when someone gets this bent out of shape over Bigfoot, of all things. Nuclear war? No worries. The death of democracy? Don't bother me! But question Bigfoot? Time to die!!

    3. I recommend ice packs and a bandaid for that hatertole.

    4. Racist towards retards, dohchetards, douchebags and hacks. I am reporting you to Eric Holder and the Southern Poverty law Center. Have fun in the re-edukation camp!

    5. ^^^^^^To Anon 7:50: Hey, sport, you have been on here for days calling people murderers, sacks of garbage, and the like. Why are your panties so twisted about this Bigfoot stuff? You are taking this all way too seriously.

    6. Sucks to be outed doesn't it Todd? I don't mean as a gay Todd! I mean as a complete fraud. A bullshit snake oil salesman and hoax creator.

  8. This is BS from Fraud Standing. You have to be a real gullible ignoramus to fall for this.

  9. I call 100% BS!
    I KNOW Photoshop....its limitation and capabilities.

    1. You don't know jack You probably could not design your way out of a box.

    2. Negative remarks are made by negative, dont stoop to feed the trolls.

  10. There is so much stoooopidity in the bigfoot world.

  11. I have done research on Bigfoot for many many years. By far this was one of the best shows regarding BigFoot I have seen in years. While Todd could be a hoaxer, I give him clout for camping out so far in the woods by himself looking for something. The foot prints, the bent limbs and other natural evidence was good. Also, this was way out in the remote mountains, not in someone's backyard in Ohio where people claim to see them. Give the guy some credit for not only risking his life in the woods and then exposing his beliefs on national television. You haters out there have no imagination and no desire to think that this could be real evidence,

    1. "...Todd could be a hoaxer..." Could be? There's no could be about it. This guy is a serial hoaxer. Who cares that is he goes out in the remote woods? A hoax is a hoax. A lie is a lie.

    2. OK Rick, we will accept your he-man with balls of steel! (even though you pee your pants over bigfoot)

    3. Many years of research a? From the couch no doubt. If you were a field researcher with years
      under you, you wouldnt of made the Ohio reference. So every sighting outside of extremely dense wooded mountain tops are nothing more than thousands and thousands of hoaxes??? WOW!!! Well Dont rebutt your statement now. You have to watch what you say when acting like something your not. it will show your ignorance and you'll be called out on it. Like now. Lol.

    4. I agree with the majority of 8 27 statement Mr. Tipton. Being here in Ohio they literally are in people's backyards. I know of two cases close to me and according to Steve Nystrom there are quite a few being reported to him.


  12. what happen to the prestige and respectability on this site without the taterhole guy or poop jar guy its kind of taken a dive.

  13. Bigfoot hunters spend alot of time in the woods. So do Magic Mushrooms. Coincidence? I think not.

    1. Psilocybin containing fungi don't really grow in the woods, they prefer loosely disturbed urban environments and well cared for lawns like buisness parks. The ovoids out in the flood plains along tributaries in the Ohio area are the only psylo's besides laughing gyms you will really find out in the woods. And you gotta eat a lot of gyms to accomplish anything noteworthy.

    2. ^^^liar, hoaxer. I can find mushrooms to get high on everywhere in the woods. You are just won of them stooooopid footers.

  14. As they say, lies always come back to haunt you, i guess we will see in due time people. Patience,Patience,Patience Folks.....

    1. Patience, patience. Yeah, what the heck. We've only been waiting for 50 years or so. Give it some time.

    2. We don't wait anymore suckas! Show it or get lost!!

  15. Feel the Steel

  16. something is fishy . that same tree branch showing up in three different photos and one photo is the same subject but different angle shot. i guess if you tweak them long enough you can finally say ok thats the money shot.

  17. Anybody else notice that Todd Standing, and Superman are never seen in the same place at the same time? Makes you kind of wonder.

    1. Anybody else notice that Todd Standing and bigfoot "evidence" are always in the same place at the same time? Makes you kind of wonder.

    2. Anybody else notice that Todd Standing likes Rictor on his knees? Makes you kind of wonder!

  18. Les Stroud's Bigfoot encounter turns out to be a Bear Grylls film crew in his vicinity.

    1. ^HAAAAHAAAAA,HAAAAAHAA, , Put a cork in it Squashy,,you SENILE OLD GOAT..

    2. , Put two corks in it Squashy ^HAAAAAHAAAA ,,,

    3. , . Put a million corks in it Squashy, ^^' HAAAAAHAAaA .,

    4. No,cork soaker thank you very much!

    5. Bear Gryll is a goof ball. He dives and tares through brush and thickets or wildly takes off sprinting through the water while someone trots beside of him filming. All the while the foolish television audience thinks this guy is showing survival tips. Holy cow, follow this yo-yo's advice and you'll be frozen to death, dehydrated, crippled, dead, or worse within two hours of getting stranded in the woods.

  19. My thoughts on Todd Standing are coming soon to the public.

    Graham Wellington

  20. gawd that looks like a really bad creature from an early 70s world of Sid and Marty Krofft !

  21. Standing is the best researcher in the world. He'll be the one who proves Bigfoot exists.

    1. Bet you wouldn't say that in a dark alley with Dr. Jeff Meldrum !

  22. It should be a red flag that as soon as mentally ill Todd Standing is challenged on his hoaxes he immediately goes to his species protection bullsh×t, but he always keeps it all directly relevant to himself as he spews his garbage. Basic psychopathic narcissistic behavioral patterns, this is the kind of guy who lies about stupid stuff he doesn't even need to lie about.

  23. It's very disheartening to see Dr Jeff Meldrum defend this image.

  24. the entire setup looks like a museum exhibit. It is fake as fake can get, no debate here, sorry

  25. Don't know what this is but what I saw had a wider mouth and nose without the wig. The hair did not stand up on its head. The eyes on this creature is very interesting

  26. Too much debate!'s a fake.

  27. charlee is fat enough to be a Bigfoot!

  28. It's a fake of something that doesn't exist in the first place. Who buys into this?

  29. It actually looks worse without the wonder he put them in there.

    Is he really trying to say some fan took the branches out? That's's IMPOSSIBLE to "take out" the branches and recreate the face, I don't care how much blind cred you give Photoshop "experts."

    Plus it's been shown here that the branches are duped from another image. Total deer-assed BS.

    Bye bye Meldrum, pwned by a hoaxer like Dyer took down Noel and Randles. Stay out of Footing if you're willing to expose your mercenary intentions.

    1. Another idiot who has no clue what a photoshop artist can actually do. I mean really? Look let me explain. Anyone with art skills can make pretty realistic pictures in photoshop. You can wipe part of the face away, stamp remaining areas for texture, cut and past eyeballs etc. Come on, this isn't the fking dark ages.

      "duh, when I turn on the light, how come it glows all funny? IMPOSSIBLE!"


    2. You mean like all of these? There not real...f*ck.

  30. Im not convinced it's Hoax for several reasons..Meldrum and Stroud have attached themselves to this, they know more about this series of evidence than all of us. for the peeps that say it doesn't look like the bigfoot they seen.. where is your photos? and just like hunans in different regions, they look different.

    1. C'mon dude...they may look different, but not like muppets.
      Todd Standing says the original image is a living Bigfoot.
      It is clearly no such thing.

    2. todd is still the only one that I think really knows how too get close to a bigfoot.Stoud and Meldrum wouldn't risk there credibility if he wasn't credible as a researcher

  31. Dyer falls another steps up to the podium. Oh what a tangled web they weave.

  32. I really would like to belive.but the evidence just is not there, yet.with that said, if you want to stalk a beast with a brain I suggest complete stealth, powerful nightvision, and thermal.aditionally tracking skills, research knowledge of area and target.less stealthy methods would likely involve search and rescue dogs as well

    1. Cliff Barackman recommends reading as a fundamental tool for bigfooters.

  33. Finance some mercs or better yet finance me. Three months and the proper loadout.if it's out there I will find it.a north American prime mate would be the find of finds.fosey did it in africa. It can be done if it's really out there.

    1. They, not it. People are already doing it. Plenty of evidence. Apparently you don't know what you're talking about, and you can't even spell.

    2. Anonymous means afraid.whats your real name.hmm must b punk

  34. For those of you that believe this is real, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but this is a badly made fake head. I have worked in the fx industry for close to 16 years, and I can tell a fake head when I see it. The sculpture is poor. You can see th rough surface of the sculpt around the mouth and side of the face. Also the "hair" or "fur" looks to bee cheap fun fur or crepe wool. Another sculpture issue, the nose. The nostrils show no signs of depth real nostril openings have. I'm also pretty sure they eyes are cheap taxidermy glass eyes.

  35. Bigfoot is my friend, he lives in my house. My family hit him with a car out in the woods on a camping trip... oh wait was that a movie?

  36. Well, you assholes can say whatever you want - this might be a fake pic BUT those videos he posted showing the rocks rolling down the hill that BigFoot threw at him are amazing! That is proof positive right there!

  37. Survivorman brought me here.

  38. its a shame that even the most believable and by far the most knowledgeable footer has a hoaxer tag.If not for the one video where the eyes don't blink, hell that thing looks so fake.but what do I know ive never seen one.I wonder if they could vary so much in the face.Anyway to me Todd is the only one that gets it.The FINDING BIGFOOT team wont ever get close enough with that stupid ass calling mess they do.They are good from a distance but that's bout it.They really should change the name of show to messin with sasquatch

    1. Would you not think that by now and with all the technology we have someone would have flown over all these (big foot populated) forest with UV or thermal or IR cameras slowly and recorded the footage. I am sorry but i doubt abunch of bigfoots are so well advanced that they know how to hide out of complete sight from air view.. you know those cameras cops use in helicopters to find people in forest.. yeah.. im sure one of those could pick up a big foot.. haha unless theyre cold blooded..

  39. thank you I agree until they start thinking about scent control or at least keeping wind in face and be quieter.A good wood knock or a rock clack is good or even some whoops are good but them stupid howls are killing it.

  40. Regarding Mr. Standing's 'evidence': Of course random people can modify images on their own and after the fact. That's the problem nowadays, you can't trust what you see in pictures and videos because they can be so convincingly altered with software.

    But if the origin of the material -- the images and videos Mr. Standing posted himself -- reveal modifications such as image reversals (which seems obvious) or undeclared 'enhancements', then it's simply not honest or genuine.

    To me, it does indeed look like a muppet and a fake. Now, that doesn't mean the sasquatch creature does not exist. Someone might fake/hoax a Great White Shark, but that doesn't mean the creature does not exist.

    What I find most curious is that nearly 50 years after the Patterson/Gimlin film, there are no pictures or videos that are more convincing. Prior to P/G, few people had any awareness of a creature like Bigfoot. It stands to reason that after the P/G film tens of thousands more people had Bigfoot on their mind, and so were 'on the lookout' when venturing into the wilderness, while working, camping, hiking, etc.

    And, nowadays, everyone has a camera in their pocket, whether it's only a cell phone, or a digital camera with video capability, or an actual video recorder. Back in the the late 60's when the P/G film was shot, few people walked around with a camera.

    So there are tens of millions more people walking around with cameras in their pocket today compared to the late 60's, but no one has more credible evidence.then the P/G film. How can that be?

    How is it that the very first time 'Bigfoot' is caught on film -- the P/G film, if it's not a hoax -- just so happens to be the best piece of evidence of the creature's existence ever since.No has has produced better evidence in nearly 50 years, despite millions more people being 'aware' of the idea of Bigfoot, and many millions more people having a camera on them at all times,and many hundreds, if not thousands, of people actively searching for BF.

    We should have better evidence. What does it mean that we do not?

    -MM, Bellevue, WA

  41. ok you anonymous posting motherfuckers what your fucking name in so people know you're a fucking idiot how about that you don't believe the proof in front of your face fake or real its proof something is out there open your fucking mind you
    stupid idiots

    1. why curse my son might have a spark that has life changed and discover a new species be tactful that show intelligence

  42. Looks very fake to me, I do makeup effects. It looks like flocking on latex and probably taxedermy eyes , also the footage looks like it was put together in after effects.


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