This Trailer For Cryptid The Novel Is Awesome

Something haunts the woods of Olympic National Park, a nightmare in hiding from extinction. Uncover the secret evidence of Sasquatch within Lewis and Clark's lost journals in Eric Penz's Cryptid, a cryptofiction award-winning novel. Two centuries in the making, Cryptid is the final chapter of the Lewis & Clark story. As with any good tale, the best secrets have been kept until the end.

Something haunts the woods of Olympic National Park, a nightmare in hiding. Its existence has been kept secret by a conspiracy that stretches back to President Thomas Jefferson and the Lewis & Clark expedition. The truth that we have not been alone on this earth would have forever been lost except that some species just won’t die.

Dr. Samantha Russell has spent her career seeking for truth in the only way she knows how, on her hands and knees, painstakingly digging it up from the crust of the earth. When the truth arrives by way of FedEx, she cannot help but see it as nothing more than another scientific hoax, especially considering the source. Dr. Jon Ostman has practically been excommunicated by the scientific community for his interest in such subjects as the American Sasquatch.

Suffering from her father's tragic sense of curiosity, though, Sam can't resist the question begged by the bones contained in the wooden crate. How could they be bones and not fossils since Gigantopithecus had been extinct for 125,000 years?

Driven to know the answer, Sam delays going to her father on his deathbed and instead pursues Jon to a remote corner of Washington state where he is about to make the greatest discovery involving the origins of the human species, a discovery Lewis and Clark may have already made two hundred years earlier. However, Sam is not the only one pursuing Jon, for one of our nation's first secrets is still being kept by all means necessary.

And if they do survive the centuries-old conspiracy, they will not only rewrite American history, but they will prove that we are not the only intelligent, bipedal primate to survive extinction.

Visit for more information about this great novel.


  1. Replies
    1. Way to do it AC!!

      Is anyone up? Are you people at em? Get the coffee going and seize the day!!

    2. I pity that Fire Dragon if old Marine Wild Bill gets a cutting on that critter with his bowie knife

    3. Trappers been tracking cryptids for years

    4. GRAYs collecting DNA and controlling bigfoots they been doing it for years

  2. It's !! TTL weres the troops?? Good morning everyone ?? Joe how r u today? What's the weather like there? My relatives in Poland say its beautiful!

    1. Morning TTl. Where are all those peeps? Polishing their melonheads? Slow Monday :)

  3. This movie-book is going places. Cut to scen where he states " This is no fossil, it's a graveyard...they bury their dead." Then a third helmet light is seen repelling down the shaft..."Professor Joe F looks at the stunned explorers holding a map... "Actually these ancient Settlers Diaries from the bygone era indicate they don't just bury their own dead, they also bury their dead victims technology ". A sound suddenly fills the chamber. An Ancient dull ringing. Fitzgerald moves back the two astonished guides and slowly places his hand in the dirt beneath the skeletons' finger bones and emerges with Ttl's circa 2001 cellular device. The two other men scream as the flip phone simultaneously rings and buzzes......

  4. ^ sadly Shawn has whited out this missing scene to the movie- book Cryptid. We may never kinks what really happens...

  5. Ttl!!' when I pull the antenna out of my Motorola flip phone nothing can stop me !!!! I get signals from all over the world even when it shows one bar left!!! Ttl

  6. Sure we will MIKE. We can just buy the whited out version.

    Good day to you and Motorola TTL.
    I have to run. See you all later

  7. An eerie voice, like Liam Neeson on a hangover day echoes through the chamber , " I woukdnt answer that if I were you" It eerily warns. All three shine their lights down the tunnel and Dan Campbell looks back at them from the dark. He has removed his pants. They all scream in unison.....

    1. ^ The words nightmares are made from...."DC looks back at them from the dark. He has removed his pants."

      I don't think I'll ever sleep soundly again!

  8. Can u guys help me find my old girlfriend??? Face book page her name is Sarha George, 36, Pittsburgh , she had done a cd produce and sold it was called "Second Child" thanks everyone my interweb finding people skills r terrible TTl!!!

    1. Sarha George! Your looking for HER? She like an old railroad track, she's been laid all over the country! She is now called BIG TUNNEL!

    2. That wasn't very nice, ttl here I'll come wash your mouth out with soap!

    3. Ttl is fozzie makin u alls look silly

  9. Just as the sight burns the retinas of the Professor he drops His Journals. He reaches out blindly to pick up the paper to wipe his eyes. The light reflects off of what he grabs. From the cold dead fingers of the corpse of Mike Brookreson who appears to have fallen while eating a MCRIB it reads as follows, " it's Robert Lindsay's blog post dated three days from today. Apparently, right below the article right here where it says cultists proven better Baby-sitters! Is an Post that our bodies will be found 3 days from today In this cave and that unnamed sources have already indicated that those bodies will be real!" They all scream as the batteries in their Miner's lights die in unison. Leaving only the LCD screen of Ttl's flip phone to guide their way ....

  10. To find out want happens to these characters please purchase the movie-book Cryptid at a closed Barnes and Nobles near you. Or feel free to tell me what you think may have happened below!

  11. Anyone find sarha George yet ????? TTL!!!! Help a old guy out!! Ttl

    1. I did! Many, many times!

    2. Another guy who's going to get the soap bar to the mouth!! Ttl the belt is coming next! Be nice she's a beautiful girl 10/10 if u find her u see! U be eating those bad words! Ttl

  12. Question. Say you are out hunting a 7 foot 400 to 500 ( He put on a hundred pounds during filming ) werewolf in Webster Cty, WV. You have a terrible toothache probably abscessed. What would be your course of action.

    If you are a wimp like me you would find a dentist to get it yanked. However if you are a big burly Mountain Man like Trapper there is the WV method. Just grab a dirty pair of pliers and yank the dang thing out yourself and spit out blood until bleeding stops. After all, the Webster werewolf will not wait as the full moon is upon us.


    1. AK47 for all your cryptids needs

    2. Ive tryed the tooth thing it doesn't work, your eyes water so bad u can't see, the pain goes right threw your body into your legs and eventually drops u to your knees and at that point u have no more power in your hands to hold the pliers so u have the man up and get your friend to pull it out and u will cry like a baby spitting blood for about 20 minutes it really sucks belive me I've done it and many other things similar the old school way is not fun and is just a good campfire story along with a infection !! TTl chuck!

    3. Like when I was in a Army field hospital, with a bad tooth the doc said I dont have time to F..k with this and got out a good pair of pliers and out it came, put some cotton gauze in that hole and back to the line with me. Good old Army health care.

    4. Trapper almost got that critter - next time Willy and Wild Bill need a better trap,

  13. Hey TTL. After your experience I will just stay to being a wimp. No mountain man remedy for me.

  14. You are right 8 09. You would think these guys after all these failures would come to the conclusion they are dealing with a road runner and not Wyle E Coyote. These acme methods are not working. That hole should have been lined with at least one foot thick concrete and the dead fall needs to be 5 tons or more.

    Now the good news is they have time to construct such a trap. That webster werewolf will always come back to this howling rock every full moon, of that you can be certain.


    1. Tham AIMS team needs to shoot mor of tham guns thay be huntin with. taks that thar critter down

  15. AIMS got to keep Huckleberry @ the 6 to keep and eye out for them melonheads - melonheards get U for sure


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