Steve Kulls Reveals Source of Todd Standing Bigfoot Photo Used in Analysis

We recently posted a blog article written by Steve Kulls, the SquatchDetective, where he did a photo analysis of one of Todd Standing's bigfoot images to see if the data would support the claims. You can read the original post by clicking here.

After viewing the results, some proponents of Standing voiced their doubts about the authenticity of the photo Kulls had used in his analysis. The SquatchDetective has now released an article containing the source of the photo used in his analysis, which in turn can be used by anyone to conduct their own review and analysis of the image to see if their results match those of the SquatchDetective. The credited source of the image used by Kulls? Todd Standing. 

"Okay gang, a lot of people were stunned yesterday how I took apart “Blinky”.

But the few “Doubting Thomas’” out there kept saying things like, “How can the data be accurate? Todd keeps his originals close to the vest.” One went so far as to accuse me of making things up…

“I think you’re full of crap. This “still” jpeg image was created from a single frame taken from a digital video source. Most likely an MTS file from an AVCHD capable camera. All you have to do is capture a screen shot of the original video, convert the captured image to jpeg format, and you can manipulate it and add all the “convincing” meta data yourself. Hackers do this kind of thing all the time. Technically, the process is referred to as steganography. Nice try. But it isn’t difficult to expose your so-called “analysis” as the real hoax here. Have a nice day." 
– Tony Reusser, 4/26/14

These were programs and terms foreign to me. However it did give me cause to answer the question myself, “Where did the the photo I use come from, what was it’s source?”"

To find out just where Steve Kulls obtained the photo, and to read all the details, click here. 


  1. Replies
    1. Rocks !! Here's what I typed earlier: "good afternoon ladies and gentlemen and welcome to another afternoon of mid-south wrestling my name is..." The microphone is grabbed from the announcers hand amidst a chorus of boos.." Shaddup Gordpn Solie, you don't know what it's like to walk into your local Piggly Wiggly and be mobbed by women". ....Austin Idol rubs each side of his or face as if he's shocked how gorgeous he actually is....Solie seizes the microphone and in his trademark deadpan voice says...."Indeed!"

    2. ^^^This guy needs a stage... !!!!!

      ; )

    3. So. As I'm shocked by my own beauty I say to the Bigfoot Community at large......." INDEED!"

    4. Yes. Joe...I need to be on. Stage ,,, the next stage out OF TOWN!!:0

    5. Joe. Steve Kulls is a great detective. But he's not this pretty. And MMG died on the Bigfoot Cross for all ot sins....but he's not the pretty. Do you understand? Harry Bandini. You can post your photo for Terry Funk and Dory Funk and mother Funk if you know what I mean cause you're not this pretty. In fact. I'm thinking maybe Bart Cutino. He may understand. But even he in all his California goodness may not be this pretty'

    6. Bottom line. Nobody. And I mean nobody in the Bigfoot Field is this pretty. So. Somebody call Sonya and get me a diet Peach Snapple. Cause the blonde bandit is breaking Texas hearts tonight!!

    7. "I am pretty than this man!"

    8. But as I listen to "Pickup Truck" Amd cleanse my soul with old Kings of Leon, can't we just both admit that I have risen. Up for the viewers pleasure. Above he Din. Like the Watcher or Beyonder in the Marvel Universe" I an your threat from Above!"

    9. ^
      I think I'm gonna puke

    10. Hey there mike TTL !! The ladies love me I must have something going on! Maybe its the trailer? It's not my grammar !

    11. Speaking of Peter Criss, a shout out to the best and coolest member of KISS, ACE Frehley. Happy Birthday Spaceman!

    12. Being the best member of KISS is like being the best downhill skier in Ethiopia. Most god awful "music" ever recorded.

    13. Yah the music aint great, but Ace is a cool guy.

    14. And crappy music aside, this song is great

    15. @"Space Ace" Frehley my how you Rock. I will take off the KOL and put i'On " Love Gun" post haste. Now somebody help Ttl with the Pony Keg!"

  2. Hueuy Lewis and the Newis rule the Rock-n-Roll universe!

  3. Isn't Steve Kulls the moron who presented an owl as a Bigfoot ?

    1. I made the mistake of looking at his site yesterday. He's a dick when you disagree with him. He even banned one guy for questioning his methods. That tells me all I need to know about this jackass. Another "researcher" parasite latching on to other peoples work and making it about himself. I might go back and see if I can get banned too.

    2. Fraud Standing is a hoaxer.

      Deal with it and move on.


    3. Let's please see what unfolds... At least? Once that happens at the expense of people way cleverer than us; then we can judge.


    4. Hey 1:48. Whatever Standing is, he isn't a armchairing asshole who's idea of "investigating" is bashing someone for the sole purpose of attracting clicks to his obscure website. Their are plenty of self serving putz's who never step away from the computer long enough do their laundry, let alone haul their ass 20 plus miles into the woods to conduct their own so called research. Do you really think we need another one?

    5. mmg why dont you just move on

    6. ^^ Standing can claim as many deep woods expeditions as he wants.

      It doesn't change what he is. He faked BF images and charged folks for the privilege of seeing them.

      His media connections got him the gig with Stroud and he's managed to buy a hot BF research location, kicking out the original investigators in the process.

      Just as Dyer managed to take down some major BF players. Standing may have gone one better by throwing Meldrum under his bus.

      Folks have been busting Standing for years. Pity we have to do it all over again.


    7. MMG I challenge u to a "looser"leaves town match. DSA can judge. It's on!!!

    8. Please forward all detail to Governer Joe. I want this to be a fair and impartial context so I will need Time to bribe a few kids!!

    9. And for u Graham that's contest. CONTEXT!

    10. 3:15. It isn't about Standing. It's about a leech sucking some else's stuff for all he's worth. He wants his name in the game with out actually bringing something to the table. He's worthless.

    11. Hey Mike. Trivia. Big Boy edition. I caught Red Badge of Courage on the tube the other day and it reminded me of something. Ready? There were two pivotal figures from WW2 who appeared in the movie. One was Audie Murphy. Who was the other? One hint. During the war he was more famous than Murphy. Remember, we're on the honor system. Good luck!

    12. DSA. I don't know. But I'll tell you my favorite WWII actor. Will I accept Don Adans. Aka @maxwell Smart. He's got the second biggest record I've ever seem!

    13. The answer is Bill Maudlin of Willy and Joe fame. He was a Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonist for Stars and Stripes. Gen Patton hated his ass with a passion. Audie Murphy wasn't all that smitten with him either. Not because he was disagreeable or anything, but because he wasn't a combat veteran. Most of the guys on the frontlines had nothing but contempt for those in the rear and it carried over to the set of the movie. Murphy refused to associate with Maudlin away from the camera.

    14. Hey, i get it, your saying that a reasearcher thats gets out in the woods,dont give a rats ass, what computer nerd researchers think, thats a givien,however that bieng said mikey b gets out in the woods also!! Am i wrong about this?? If so then "oh well"..

    15. Ya, and I'm the guy who said "it's an owl". Still can't believe no one else noticed that at the time.

  4. The Possum People are a sapient pacifist mammalianoid race hailing from planet Marsupion. Their appearance is remarkably similar to that of anthropomorphic opossums, albeit with no tail. The Possums' military tactics seem to mainly consist of playing dead whenever they feel threatened

  5. Ttl!! Just got a flat on the old airstream!!!

  6. Ttl. It's your partner. It's all good in southwest Texas. M

  7. Another 14" yesturday of the white stuff! Wtf it just won't go away here! We had a bear go back into hibrination 4 days ago under my trailer that's why I wanted to move it, the darn thing snors all day and night!!!! Omg!! Ttl

    1. Oh ha ha ha, I thought yu was talkin about a 14in rail of wife beating twack, oops sorry ttl my mistake. : )

  8. Man, this site has the WORST, most unfunny troll(s) around, and contributes to no one taking this site seriously ... They are are in thier 40's most likely and already all washed up as adults. This is the only Fucken site that tolerates this late 90's style of trolling, therefore it deserves it's low ranking amoung all the crappy BF sites that are out now.

    1. So go get a refund asshole...

    2. ^ I nominate as quote of the day

    3. 4:37. I accept your nomination with humility and grace. Now, if you'll all just bow before me and swear fealty...

  9. Wow . He's so fake even the diehards are calling him on it. Too funny.

  10. Don't forget Kulls teamed up with Biscardi! So he's really good at judging people, ain't he!
    Don't forget, Kulls flew out to see Dyer's Baby Big foot, and got scammed!
    Don't forget Kulls thought the "Baby Big foot' in N.Y. was real. It has been since proven, an escaped pet monkey! LOL!

    1. He also pals around with the MARBC some of the biggest HOAXERS on the planet.

  11. Well the Mountain Monsters team missed again! This is the 14th time their traps have failed! This team is; "NOT THAT GOOD". The show is becoming repetitive and boring! How many times in an episode, does "Wild Bill" says he is a Marine? He averages 5 times per episode!
    And. . . he's not even a Marine! he failed boot camp! Most of the "team members' are all phonies too!
    This show is for the lower than "Finding Big foot' IQ people! Anybody who thinks this show is real, is a Rick Dyer lover!
    This show, is following the SAME Pattern as the Finding Big foot show. We all know the ending, they FIND NOTHING! 14 or so different animals that ain't got caught by these hillbilly T.V. phonies!

    But, but, why do you watch this stupid show, you seem to know all about it? Answer; I'm Bored!

    1. I like Wild Bill's tight pants but they look restrictive and can't be good for his man marbles.

  12. ^The ghost of John W. Jones. May he rest in peace.

  13. Kulls, despite being serious in hunting sasquatches, is an idiot. This needs to be said again: Steve Kulls is an idiot. He's a dumb man, so dumb he's not afraid to show everyone how dumb he is. Kulls should never be mentioned again. Waste of time.

    1. But he has the biggest penis. He is half Italian you know... Mouth watering goodness!


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