Squamish, BC Bigfoot Video Zoomed and Stabilized

ParaBreakdown sent us this video of the Squamish bigfoot video we posted, where he has zoomed and stabilized it to the best of his ability. We still have no idea what this thing could be, but it doesn't seem to be a person.

You can see the original video by clicking here.


  1. Got to have the mandatory red circle! I'd be lost without it!

    1. D'you know, I read a comment yesterday from BC Bigfoot I think, that stated there's people up there on their own all the time, him being one of them regularly. Also... Why would a Sasquatch be up there anyway? There's no food up there and it looks like a poor choice for a short cut. This is my main hang up with some Yeti track reports, surely they wouldn't be up in the highest regions, they'd be down in the steamy tropical jungles??

      D'you know what though... The subject in the video up top does make some ground though, doesn't it??

    2. Definitely covers a lot of ground, especially for being in snow!

    3. Has anyone seen that video from years ago with what looks like a big hairy subject climbing a snowy valley?? I'm gonna try and find the link now...

      Now in that video the sheer bulk of the subject looks excellent, but for a Sasquatch/Yeti and it's reported stealth, it doesn't seem to negotiate that terrain as well as you would expect.

      I'll see if I can find it now...

    4. Here we are;


      ... The bulk, no neck and long arms are consistent, but the way it rolls around isn't what one would expect from a highly evolved terrain beater!

    5. Hello Joe,did you know Kate Bush used that clip in her Wild Man video xx

    6. The Snow Walker video is a confirmed HOAX. Meldumb thought that one was real.

    7. Just in case you can't read the video description:

      IT'S FAKE! I emailed Jeff Meldrum about this video and he replied and said this: "They traveled to Mammoth Ski resort in California and edited in stock footage of the Himalayan panoramas. I was the one who initially analyzed it. We had some suspicions qualifying our speculations, which were selectively edited out of the documentary interviews. In follow up research, the videographer came forward and admitted the prank. The producers needed a hook for the premier episode of Paranormal Borderline and hired the guy to fabricate something. It's a hoax, plain and simple."

      So there you go. It's fake! LOL!

    8. The only people that listen to Kate Bush are lesbians, feminists transsexuals, and fans of bad songwriting.

    9. Joe,Ancient Aliens,i would like to hear sceptics reponse xx


    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    11. 7:10... Out of clever suff to say, realizes I've agreed with him right through the thread (duh?)

      7:24... If you don't recognize Kate Bush's music a relevant... Then I wouldn't pay much attention to you anyway.

  2. Replies
    1. TTL!!

      Very impressed with the North Shore Diaries buddy... There were some bloody great fish on show!!

  3. North shore diaries? Did u enjoy? Another one u could check out is "Ignace airways outfitters" that's the name of the new owner we sold r camps to and the one camp to check out on there web site would be Irene Lake wich is some what close to snelgrove and the exact same Terran, u have to fly in by plane, nobody for 100s of miles and thick with sasqwatches ttl. The Americans would line up in the summer to come here fishing !!

  4. Replies
    1. In a few days we'll be seeing video posted by a guy in B.C. who was walking in a valley when he saw "something" standing on a far ridge watching him....

    2. Now, THAT would be awesome!

  5. Replies
    1. I don't see that there is enough there to even say it's walking on two legs?

      Those folks that chalk practically everything up to a bear make me a little nutty, however - this "could be a bear." ?

    2. And that's just his manhood. ^

  6. Chuck - how was Ohio conference ?

    1. The fact that was in Ohio should give you your answer.

    2. 6 29. I liked it a lot. I have to take advantage of the weather today as the next few days will be monsoons. Will probably post some comments tomorrow am. I will say this. Cliff Barackman is a hoot and Bob Gimlin is pretty damn spry for someone his age.


    3. I'm a Michigan man - so I hear that! Ha Ha...

      Nevertheless - Chuck has spent a lot of time up in Michigan so...will cut him some slack.

      (Plus. Bo Schembechler was from Ohio)

    4. 7 14. I too am a Michigan Man, having grown up in Midland. I bleed maize and blue, green and white, and my favorite animals are tigers and lions. I actually feel out of place in Ohio but I make the most of it as there are truly good people here and I get to Michigan several times a year.


    5. Ha...nice.

      Wings gave a nice battle against Boston. Just couldn't seem to any bounces.

      There is a report from Midland today on the BFRO website from the 60's. Check it out.

    6. Hey chuck!! Did Cliff tell u any stories about me!!!! TTL just ask him about falling threw the old outhouse in Ontario Canada and when I went for a number two in my overalls and had a surprise in my hood afterwards!! TTL

    7. 7 35. This report caught my attention like Kate Upton walking up to say Hi. Back in 1967 the buses did not stop at every house, instead entire neighborhoods would walk to one central location. In 67 I was in elementary school and walked 1/2 mile each way, but I went past the Imtermediate/highschool bus stop that I would board two years later. Since this was on the southeast side of Midland that separated the city from rural I was hoping to determine if this happened at my stop, as I would have surely known the person. It became evident from the description that Jim Sherman gave that this occurred at the northernmost Midland School District boundry, probably Mills township, a good 15 miles north of me. The description of the bigfoot clearing the 5 foot fence and then running far faster than the shetland horses is most interesting, and a memory such as this would be burned into the brain. Back in those days no one ever thought of a bigfoot ( most did not even know about them including me) being in Michigan except maybe the Native population and they were not talking. Now of course we know better. Had I known the things then that I know now, I am sure I would have viewed the outskirt forested areas that I spent thousands of hours in as a youth with a whole different fascination.

    8. Yes - that's an interesting story.

      And also a good point about practically nobody even ever giving a thought to bigfoot. I mean - this is another example/story about someone seeing one. PLAIN AS DAY...yet - not saying much about it.

    9. Amazing stuff... The same consistency I try and find is reports of quadrupedal accounts prior to the last ten years. Popular culture work's in favour of expanding theories excellantly, but you can tell a lot about key details outside of the last ten years of this field's development.

      If that makes sense?

    10. JOE. Sure it makes sense. Incidentally the newest bfro report comes from my rural agricultural area, that being the greater Miami Valley with Dayton at the hub. This would be the Greene cty, Jamestown report. This is the third report with in the last 16 months in this area and according to the investigator Steve Nystrom, who I tried to find yesterday but had no luck, he is getting quite a few from this area. This falls in line with a current discussion going on at the BFRO on the blue forum about the animal and bigfoot incursion into rural areas about the midwest. Maybe these guys have always been coming here and no one talked about it for the obvious reasons, or just maybe the bigfoot population is expanding ( I believe it is ) and becoming more embolden. We can be critical of shows such as finding bigfoot, 10 million bounty, Mountain Monsters and the like, however I think these shows are making it possible for people to come forward more so than in the past to talk about experiences they have had, and this can only be a good thing.


    11. Nothing more profound... God bless you Chuck.

  7. Ohio was awsome, except a big fight broke out near the end of the conference, it was pretty sad situation. One person well known in the bf community was rushed to the hospital.

    1. Yes it was brutal. Bigfootery won't be the same after that brawl.

  8. Bear - it's just a bear. The locomotion effect was well done and you can see it is a four legged animal.

    1. The close up doesn't suggest a quadrupedal subject... Could it just be a really 'good-in-the-snow' man? He's up that high anyway, and I can't imagine a Sasquatch wasting his time where there's no Sasquette's and food that high up?

    2. Why did the bigfoot cross the snowy valley? Maybe to get to the other side. I see no quadrupedal motion and nothing the narriator does suggest such. He was amazed at the speed and ease at which it operated and that says something. He probably should have descended to look at the trackway and that could have determined what it was. That would have been quite the endeavor however.

    3. It looked like a realy rough terrain to try to climb down. It was basically a cliff.

  9. Damn! I missed it! I wanted by a Big foot whistle to lure them in better. I wanted buy Big foot books, to learn how to find them, and prove them real, like all the other Big foot experts out there!
    Damn! I wanted to pick Cliff's brain, as he knows all about Big foots, except he never saw one LOL!
    A fight afterwards? A fight between two know- it- all Big footers? Makes sense to me! LOL!

    1. Fasano and Poling both noticed the last complimentary Hot Pocket at the same time. It ain't hard to figure out what happened next...

  10. Where's the breakdown? Where's the corroborating footprints or footprint casts.

    1. With the trained trackers and Bigfoot researchers that weren't there in he right place at the right time.

      (Like 95% of accounts and documented reports)

    2. This isn't a breakdown, this is where phil fishes the comment section to see what to put in his breakdown. What do you think?

  11. AnonymousSunday, April 27, 2014 at 3:46:00 PM PDT
    Man, this site has the WORST, most unfunny troll(s) around, and contributes to no one taking this site seriously ... They are are in thier 40's most likely and already all washed up as adults. This is the only Fucken site that tolerates this late 90's style of trolling, therefore it deserves it's low ranking amoung all the crappy BF sites that are out now.

  12. Baiting the dumb, this video.


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