E.T. Resurrected, Alien Hybrid Support Groups, Murder Mansion, and Jesus Flapjacks

The Fortean Slip Episode 33 I Played With My Joystick and Lost My ColecoVision. In the wake of the unearthing of thousands of copies of E.T. the video game for the Atari 2600, Chris and the fellas go through the history of console cartridge gaming with some stops in other areas. They also discuss a murder mansion, alien friend support group and the face of Jesus in a pancake. This webcast is uncensored.


  1. That's Jesus in the pancake? Talk about grasping for straws. Looks more like a young Karl Marx or gold prospector.

    1. Ernie, I had the same reaction--Karl Marx. Pancakes for everybody!

  2. I'm hoping to see Tim Fasano in my pancakes.

  3. Lord thems some good pancakes

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