Bob Gimlin: "The film didn't impress me at all."

Most Bigfoot researchers consider the Patterson-Gimlin footage to be the single greatest evidence of the existence of Bigfoot. According to Bob Gimlin, seeing the film is not as impressive as seeing the actual creature.

Back in 1967, Gimlin met Roger Patterson  on the rodeo circuit where Patterson asked him to help out with investigating Bigfoot reports. During their excursion, the men made history when they encountered and film a female Bigfoot (with visible breasts) fleeing into woods. At the Ohio Bigfoot Conference, Gimlin explained what happened:

They rushed north to mail the film for processing.

"The film didn't impress me at all," Gimlin said.

This is compared to having been an eye witness to the creature, he added.

They would return to the scene with numerous cardboard boxes to protect the tracks they found in the soil. But heavy rains destroyed the boxes as they sat outside the truck (the men slept within). Gimlin improvised, using bark pulled from nearby dead trees to cover the tracks, protecting them from the rain until they could be cast.

The likeness of one of those tracks was crafted into a special framed and lighted box and presented to Gimlin.



  1. Replies
    1. ... And like a whisper in the wind... He's gone again...

    2. cant wait fer Wild Bill to wrestle that thar Fire Dragon he abin a cutting and a slicing that critter up fer shure

  2. Of course any film is not going to capture the sheer mass and quality of what he was seeing in front of him at a very close distance.

    What is impressive is how vibrant Bob still is at his age. He answered several questions for me and jumped at the chance. Tom had to move me along after awhile as I was holding up the line up of people that was a half and hour long behind me. There was a sparkle in his eyes and excitement in his voice. I will always treasure these moments.


  3. My goodiness, is real beast? This is amazing photo images. Please Great USA web based colleagues. Petrez believe it to be hairy woman beast. Look careful and view muscle moving. Amazing

    1. Your assessment would be bang on, Petrez.

    2. Yes Mr Joe. Since interweb arrive in village we see many great amazements like playful cats on yourt tube.

  4. Replies
    1. " ... Muttered the poor anon, sweating profusely at the bar. He sinks another shot, the barman braces himself... He knows he's not seen anyone this perturbed for a while and prepares himself for a ling night.

    2. So bigfoot is a profoundly stupid creature, as evidenced by the Bluff Creek footage. No wonder there aren't any left. A giant primate blundering around in the woods would be considered a threat, and hunted to extinction toot sweet. You can all go back to the mother ship now.

    3. The behaviour of the subject is in sync with thousands of reports... A high majority of the reports in fact.

    4. Ridiculous assessment. Since Bigfoot has not been captured, it's obviously not the stupid creature you'd like to presume. It is not a blundering creature, quite the opposite; they are very stealthy and highly evasive. And since it has not been hunted to extinction, you are also wrong on that point.

    5. Prince Edward Island and Leaping Russian Yeti footages are testament to their stealth also.

  5. Hi joe! Ttl !!! How r u today ?? Is first name joe or is it something else? Any good stories on interweb? How about the foot thing?

    1. Hey buddy!

      Just Joe my friend! Not short for Joseph or anything, though some of my friends' parents call me Joseph. Makes me laugh when you say 'interweb', ha ha ha!!

      What 'foot thing' would that be buddy??

    2. Oh u we're talking about people finding feet washed up on the shores of west coast Canada ! Ttl

    3. Oh yes!!

      It's really bizarre, but feet in trainers keep getting washed up on shore or found near creeks in the PNW?! Really creepy!! One of be strangest re-occurances of the PCN, is shoes of dead people being found with ankles bones and single feet being found? Have you heard about this? Apparently... There are reports of people being hit in the region of 60 miles per hour, and their trainers and feet are left at the place where at the moment they were hit!

      "Since August 20, 2007, several detached human feet have been discovered on the coasts of the Salish Sea in British Columbia (Canada) and Washington (United States). The feet belonged to five men, one woman, and three other people of unknown sex, the two left feet having been matched with two of the right feet. As of February 2012, only five feet of four people have been identified; it is not known to whom the rest of the feet belong. In addition, a hoax "foot" was planted on Vancouver Island."

      And I've just came across this documentary here;

      ... Obviously, there could be a very normal explanation for it, but a weird consistency no doubt!!

    4. That's to many feet to be just someone getting hit by a boat motor or car it doesn't make sense??? It seems something is eating people and they don't touch the feet like missing 411 ttl

    5. Well it's mentioned by David Paulides who wrote 411, so it's a definite strange one.

      A boat motor, now there's a thought!


    6. I was just thinking if someone randomly threw bodies in the water and a boat drove buy they could loose a foot but that's so random and they probably would have figured that out and chances probably 1/100000000? I'll go with miss 411 ttl

    7. They've found feet washed up on shores around these parts, embedded in running shoes etc.

    8. Really ERNIE. I had not heard anything about all this until Joe recently put it out here and now you are confirming. Are they always in running shoes? Strange indeed.

  6. Joe!! Ttl do u really not have Facebook cause I even have Facebook ???? I don't now email but everyone has Facebook I think even animals have fb people set up for them but that in itself is reason not to have Facebook lol ????? Joe??

    1. I genuinely don't have a Facebook account, I hate the damn thing! Ha!!

    2. Me too! I hate it and just went on it recently to talk to people like will gevening about my sasqwatch situation and what I'm doing etc, besides that I have not been on it sence 2008 lol and the other reason I went on it was that I don't have a operating email lol and what's funny about that is the key people I talk to on fb want me to contact them threw there email and I have to explain to them I'm not a interweb person more of a pick up the phone and call u type guy lol call me old fashion! Lol but everyone I explain what had happen to me and what my plan was and they were all on my side which I couldn't belive! Everyone in the upper bf community that I talk to wants proof to end this situation . Suprized I was ttl god my grammar is making me sore! Sorry bud! Ttl

    3. Ha ha ha ha ha!!!

      I'm glad there is such a thing as Facebook, because if I was to suddenly and desperately require to get hold of somebody, I could get hold of them through that through someone else, but the cheesy stuff people put on there makes me puke!!

      I also enjoy being a recluse on it!

      Gone are the days when phone calls were the standard way! I fail to see how people managed without mobile?cell phones?! But we did... Says it all really!!

    4. Your right joe! So when I had these different things happen to me I just wanted to phone one of these people and get some answers well good luck everything is email, even bussiness I would go to contact and all I'd get most of the time was email which I don't have but even if I did I don't won't to type I want to talk !!!!! What happen to people talking??? This generations people skills r going to be terrible!!! U go to any family event and the young people r glued to there phone, head down, just lost in this world! Ttl

  7. Hey joe! I got another really good show for u to watch, it's mind blowing!!! It's based in the 1800 here at my home town on a tiny island called Silver Islet! It had the biggest silver deposit in the world in its time and maybee to today I belive! Anyways go on utube and just type in "Silver islet documentary" they show u the rise and fall at the end with the tec ology they used back then to mine under the biggest freshwater lake in the world and what they had to overcome, u will like it, really amazing and the mine is still there today with millions of dollars of silver still there, I fish around it every summer! TTL!!

    1. Sounds fascinating TTL, I'll check that out buddy!!! Anything else you can recommend???

      How old are you buddy??

  8. How old r u?? U go first lol ttl! With my special grammar skills I feel like I'm 10 lol or 6 lol

  9. I'm pretty Shure I'm 36 but I could be wrong cause I got it wrong when I did my marriage Lisence lol they had to correct it me and the wife were dying lol ttl

    1. Ha ha ha ha!!

      I regularly have to check with my misses! Ha ha ha!!

  10. Do u have any little joes yet??? How old if so??? Ttl

    1. None yet... Working on it though!! Ha!!


    2. We got two !! Keep working on it !!!! Best thing ever, it will complete your life that's a promiss, hope nothing but the best of luck for u and your wife and that u have healthy kids in the future !!! My friends been trying for a year it's not as easy as they tell u in high school for some people but it alll works out in the end! Ttl joe

    3. God bless you TTL!! You're a good man... I bet yor two little ones are little stars like their dad.

    4. You looking for a kid? I have two you can choose from. They're barely potty trained and wont answer to their names but what teenager does? They are a might messy as well. I should have named them Katrina and Sandy...

  11. Haven't don't this is a while...

    "American Antiquarian, April 1878
    Lake County Illinois
    Mr. W.B. Gray, of Highland Park, also mentions the discovery of a skull in a mound near Fox Lake, in Lake County, Illinois. This skull is certainly very remarkable; the frontal lobe or arch seems to be entirely wanting; the large projecting eye-brows, deep set eye sockets, the low, receding forehead, and the long, narrow and flat shape of the crown rendered it a very animal-looking skull. If it was not a posthumous deformation it certainly is a remarkable skull and might well pass for the "missing link."
    Oakland Tribune, August 24, 1896

    A Remarkable Discovery Made at Shell Mound Park
    An interesting discovery has been made at Shell Mound Park, where the skeleton of a A prehistoric race of Indians was excavated. These skeletons are of a race unknown at present and are undoubtedly of great antiquity.

    Evening News, (Ada, Oklahoma) November 8, 1912
    Eleven skeletons of primitive men, with foreheads sloping directly back from the eyes, and two rows of teeth in the front of the upper jaw, have been uncovered at Craigshill, at Ellensburg, Wash. They were found about twenty feet below the surface, twenty feet back from the face of the slope, in a cement rock formation, over which was a layer of shale."

    1. Joe my brother save some topics and great writing skills for another place lol ; )
      Hope all is well!

    2. Unfortunately the Smithsonian scooped up many of these giant discoveries and buried them for good... I would imagine it didn't jibe with their narrow religious beliefs.

    3. Yep just another cover up that you can't actually prove. Shame how many of those you imbeciles run into.

    4. Let's start with this;

      ... And take it from there, shall we? The imbecile will be the one who ignores it.

    5. Yes. Exactly as I suspected, just another link to BFE and something unrelated.

      Instead of viewing yourself as knowing something few others do, try stepping away and realizing you're full of it.

    6. Please start with explaining why a hominid skull study should get archived? Forget about me... The proof is in the links I provided, notably the actual scientific paper. Rather related I think.

      I'll be hoping for a mature response, something tells me you haven't the skills to pay the bills though.

  12. Easy, it's a Peruvian Donkey.

  13. whys is Huckleberry always @ Trappers 6?

    1. wtf is wrong with ttl? seriously, is he retarded?

    2. Buck always @ the point "as bait" : )

  14. I love reading all about Sasquatch'. I argue with my hubby at times because he's hell-bent on thinking BF is non existent. I follow so many blogs on everything BF. But my only question and I know I'm not alone here, for anyone who cares to answer is, why can't anyone someone come up with physical proof of sasquatch? Even a believable pic or video cam? People post stuff all the time but haters knock it all down saying fake pic, fake video on YouTube, it's endless really. Just seems all we have to rely on is people's stories.

  15. People, it's not a secret that I'm hung like a hamster.But I'm feeling pretty down about it. So if anyone can come up with some pros instead of cons about being hung like a hamster maybe it'll cheer me up.Please help me feel better.Woe is me.


    1. like Matt and BOBO tracking bigfoots for years

    2. Meh. Original D.Campbell updater must be on vacation.


    3. less surface area to lose heat from in the winter if caught out naked in the cold, DC. You would last longer than most men before hypothermia set in.

  16. Main Entry: Bore
    Function: noun
    Etymology: origin unknown
    Date: 1766
    : one that causes boredom: as a : a tiresome person b : something that is devoid of interest c : Joe Fitzgerald

    1. d: the above anon who has nothing better to do with his time than to hate on someone else.

    2. Hate? Finding someone boring is hardly hateful. It's called an opinion. You have one yourself.

  17. The PGF film was NOT shot in October. It was shot around the summer solstice, as an analysis of the shadows shows. Patterson and Gimlin are/were liars. I believe the firm to be real, but the time and details are an horrendous coverup. It makes me tend to believe the massacre theories. Bob, it is past time to 'fess up about the film's details.

    1. The only moron on the face of the planet who believes that Patterson and Gimlin were liars about when the film was shot, believes in a coverup and implies that the massacre theory has any validity, IS MK DAVIS, the most psychotic man in Bigfootery. Why don't you tell them how short you are MK, instead of lieing through your teeth abou it?

    2. It's simple dipstick. You get the GPS coordinates of Bluff Creek. You look up the altitude and azimuth of the sun for late October. The minimum shadow for October is significantly LONGER than the shadows of Patty. They only way to get the shorter shadows in the PGF is to roll back the date to where the sun is higher in the sky. The film had to have been shot near the summer solstice ~22 June. Simple geometry and arithmetic, not refutable. I may post it sometime if the idiocy ever subsides.


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