Watch This Yeti, Giant of the 20th Century!

Don't let the above image fool you, it's just a still from "Yeti, Giant of the 20th Century", a King Kong knock-off from 1977. This rare film has eluded us for many years, just like the real Yeti, but is now coming to DVD.

"From Gianfranco Parolini AKA Frank Kramer, co-writer and director of the Lee Van Cleef/Yul Brenner spaghetti western trilogy Sabata, Adios, Sabata, and The Return of Sabata, and starring Antonella Interlenghi (Fulci’s City of the Living Dead), Tony Kendall (Ossorio’s Return of the Evil Dead), and Mimmo Craig as the titular ice age titan, Yeti, Giant of the 20th Century has just about everything you could possibly want in a b-movie.
The monster is played by an extremely expressive actor in a fur suit with a puffy head of Tina Turner hair. The Yeti is thawed out from his frozen prehistoric phone booth dangling from a mid-air helicopter for reasons that take scientific mumbo-jumbo to dizzying new heights. The beast falls for a pretty girl, befriends a mute boy and his Lassie-esque dog, becomes the company mascot for an eccentric oil tycoon, climbs down(!) a skyscraper in spectacular fashion, runs amok through the streets of downtown Toronto, and snaps the necks of rival corporate nogoodniks between his giant toes. As a cherry on top there’s an indescribably loony theme song that takes things to the upper echelons of schlock."

For the rest of the article, click here.


  1. Replies
    1. close like finding bigfoot team always close but no bigfoots : (

  2. bigfoots are aliens that are vacationing on earth that's why there are no bones

  3. there could be a big foot or a type of mountain gorilla that lives in North America. The reason’s they haven’t been found yet very small population, very reclusive, bury their dead. There are still parts of North America that are rarely visited by man.

    1. And you figured that out, all by yourself. Amazing! i can see that you hae a very high IQ,Ha!

    2. only that North America is big enough for both bigfoot and man

  4. Movie looks familiar. Must have caught it when I was a lad in the 70s.

    1. that be back in da NAM
      Trapper of Mountain Monesters (AIMS) been to the NAM, huntin VC, now he huntin bigfoot

  5. Daniel Boone himself mentioned shooting a bigfoot in 1782 calling it a yahoos,

    1. Davy Crockett nailed one too but he called it a google. Now me personally I'd rather bag a aol or a bing. Damn good eating by the way.

    2. Did Daniel Boone have a settler's diary? Did he mention liking ponies?

  6. think bigfoots are real, too many peopl from all over the world claim to see them, stories discribing them have been around for hundreds of years, again from all over the world. something is out there.

  7. That song is freakin' AWESOME!
    By the way, that Yeti looks more like like than Todd Lying's muppets.

  8. somtimie folk aseein Yeties, buts it abien bigfeets

    1. bigfoots sometimes look like bears, so you think you seeing a bear but its a bigfoot,

  9. lack Mountain Monsters acomin onda 4 Apr fer shure tham cryptids gitin cawt

    1. for sure Kentucky Hellhound of Pike County on Friday, 4 April

    2. That show is for the lowest IQ people in America!

    3. Mountain Monsters to good to pass up : )

  10. Replies
    1. and Art got a map where 2 bigfoots in TX were buried.

    2. Enough already! Can't you think of something new to say, or your just not smart enough!

    3. just that BUGS gave Art the map and x marks the spot where the bigfoots are buried

  11. I'm not sure how anyone can think that pattersons film is legit.

    The film is only discussed within BF circles because no one outside of footery takes it seriously.

    Do your homework guys. Pattersons brother in law is a business man with ties to Hollywood. And Patterson was a serial hoaxer and bigfoot promotor prior to filming the PGF.

    Patterson may well be the in thing for the "old guard" but he needs to be exposed for what he is.

    If you think Patterson is the real deal you have to swallow all of it.

    The hairy static titties.
    The impossible film processing timeline
    Patterson stories of a bigfoot picking up his truck with him inside.

    Gulp it down folks...


    1. As for the PGF version of MMG's comment up top, every rumor or accusation regarding a Hollywood link with Roger Patterson, apart from the fact that he planned a one-year expedition with tracking dogs, cages, a large crew, and the entire project filmed (which would have been a huge financial project) which he immediately went to Hollywood for funding, but they turned him down... Has been debunked. There is no evidence that Patterson hoaxed anything prior to filming Patty either.

  12. GRAYs all abouts they find U, U dont find them


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