Tim Fasano and Kevin Finds a Possible Skunk Ape Footprint

Is this a Skunk Ape footprint? Bigfoot researcher Tim Fasano found something quite interesting during a trek in Florida. It's hard to see in the video, but the toe impressions are definitely there. "Kevin is the king of finding prints, hair, dead pigs, tree breaks, complicated structures, and more. We would have done well on Spike TV Bigfoot Bounty," Fasano wrote. In 2013, Fasano was a candidate for the SpikeTV show, 10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty.


  1. Replies
    1. ^ You spelled 'first' wrong.

      Where is Gram R. Notzee when you need him.

  2. So "skunk apes" are a lesser, smaller, "smellier" species than the greater North American Bigfoot?

    1. Costumes are smaller and less heavier in Southern Florida, due to the heat + humidity.

    2. Just you guys wait do I have a story for you

  3. The only thing this guy could track, is the specials at mcdonalds

  4. Does anyone actually take this fasano guy seriously? im genuinely interested to see if they do. Anyone? Anyone at all?

    1. that would be a no.unless of course the subject is local buffets.then snacks is your man

  5. Fasano probably applied for the spike show. As did thousands of others Having no personality and being an asshole probably did him in

  6. No Big foot researcher, worth his salt, can search for or find them, riding around back roads. And/or, walking out into the swamps less than a mile!
    Tim is out of shape, fat, old, tired, desperate for attention, jealous of all other researchers, and a very cynical disgusting man!

  7. Only John Jones can track down Bigfoot.

  8. "Fatsano was a candidate for the SpikeTV show, 10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty." As in, he applied. I'm sure that's about as far as his candidacy went!


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