Possible Bigfoot Spotted Near Deer Feeder in Leon, West Virginia

This photograph was taken by a woman in Leon, West Virginia. According to Rich C. on Facebook, his neighbor spotted the strange figure standing near her deer feeder. He explained that his neighbor "happen to notice the figure when she went to look at deer feeder from the porch." Rich believe it's possible that it could be a juvenile Bigfoot. "It is very possible this is a BF. You know they are not born 8-10 feet tall.. The younger ones are more human in build and not all built like a body builder. Not all of them have pointy heads either.some have heads just like us," Rich wrote.

[via Bigfoot Community]


  1. Replies
    1. Good one chick! I am 7 miles off shore.... surprised mine posted.

    2. I'm telling yah, that looks like a dude in a blue ski jacket on closeup.

    3. Sounds like a fantastic day. Reel in a big one!

    4. Yup Ernie you got it. I can see the fabric gathered around the face like with a hoodie string.

    5. your mother should be so proud of you....douch

    6. Hey Chick, has your "husband" been getting upset lately about you being called out for posting on farmers only?

  2. Replies
    1. Hey MMC, how is the never ending search for an avatar going

  3. That whole "juvenile sasquatch" thang......

    convenient and frankly over-used!

  4. Well Rich C knows more than many who come here. That being said looks to be a carhardt style hooded jacket owner wearing a full face mask.


  5. West Virginia bigfoots eats U fer shure

  6. Bird on branch in front of deer feeder.

  7. Bigfoots moovin reel quik lack, in tham thar woods fer shure

  8. bigfoots eats deer, hogs, chickens, dogs and folks on walkabouts

  9. Dave Paulides wrote the book. that covers bigfoots in the bush

    1. And Joe Ftz made the pages all sticky. Oh wait, he didnt even read the books, he just pulled quotes from online articles about them and interviews with Paulides.

  10. Ifn U wanna find tham critters gits U a huntin dog

    1. Hunting dogs will not take their scent-they are terrified of Bigfoot, who has been known to tear them apart with it's bare hands. Their collective conscience tells them to STAY AWAY


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