Listen to this interview with Chris Russell, the toy maker who created Rick Dyer's Bigfoot dummy

On Sunday, Chris Russell, of Washington, confirmed "Hank" was a fraud created for the filming of an upcoming movie -- At least that's what he thought Rick Dyer was going to do with the dummy. Russell is now coming forward with details of how the prop was made after Dyer gave him the code word to reveal the secret.

Dyer's former publicist Andrew Clacy, is also stepping forward hoping that he can restore his reputation as a marketing professional. He has since returned to Australia and told NEWS 92 FM he is "available and willing to cooperate with any Federal or State law enforcement  investigations should they arise." Listen to the audio clip below:

Audio link: Interview with Chris Russell, the toy maker who created the Bigfoot body

The Bigfoot community has started an online petition to charge Dyer with internet fraud. There are now over 250 signatures: Petitioning United States Department of Justice - Charge Rick Dyer with Fraud

[via News 92 FM]


  1. tham bigfeets keep atakin me hawgs

    1. Dem bigfoots also keep on atakin alla muh SSSLLLLUUUTTTTT.

    2. ^ Something tells me you have quite the way with the ladies :) lol!

  2. Annnnndddd another Bigfoot celebrity is born. Chris Russell, what a jerk.

  3. so the code word was given ..why? To try and diminish the fact that Dick Ryder is a fraud and shouldn't be sued..Cause its just a joke, all in good fun?

    1. Only the most cryptic and top secret plans have code words. It makes frauds seem legit. I call code brown on this one.

  4. Mountain Monsters brings firepower when they out in da bush, (AIMS) Team takes awesome firepower when they go after cryptids.

    1. Team AIMS would never post a broken link to an audio interview on their blog.

  5. Yeah, and with all that fire power, couldn't hit THE LIZARD MAN only ten feet away!

  6. Lets charge all parents with fraud, who told their kids santa was real too. Lighten up you bunch of butt hurt babies. You got Rick rolled, deal with it. Only reason your mad is if you fell for it.

    1. Who's mad if you went to see a Bigfoot in a trailer and payed money rick earned it he's done way worse but that isn't fraud on that that's a sideshow carny and he earned your money

    2. That's how Barnum and bailey started ricks an entertainer now the phoney corvettes he sold on eBay that's fraud

    3. im starting a petition against santa clauses charging to sit on his lap.

  7. Rick rick rick is a lair and going to Jail. Hey Ricky baby, in the jail cell you will find Bigfoot!! hahahha bend over!!!


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