If You Haven't Seen Survivorman Bigfoot Episode Two, Here Are Two Reviews

Editor's Note: This is a guest post by Bigfoot Evidence reader, Joe Fitz.

What was so refreshing about this episode was the level of healthy, genuine skepticism Les adopts. An impartiality that is desperately rare to find even during such a period of popular culture such as this.

He appears to be reassessing, self correcting, progressing and trying to maintain as open a mind as possible, but what's as significant as someone of Stroud's stance having such an obvious agenda for the truth, is the fact that not for one second do you get the feeling that Stroud is latching on to what's being suggested... Especially from someone as convinced as Todd Standing. This is someone who's clocked thousands of hours in the most harshest of places on the planet having an open mind to the possibility and not ignoring what's presented as evidence and that's as significant as you can get.

In this episode, Stroud and Standing come across some nice examples of physical evidence and show one of the most comprehensive tree structure comparisons you'll see to date. Stroud suggests that even with the examples of unknown primate DNA that there is, even with the accompanying sources of evidence there is for this creature; that science should act to accomplish either one of two outcomes.

With Stroud seemingly this involved for the foreseeable future, you get the impression that with such significant people now looking for the answers... The more positive outcome for those invested in this subject might not be so far away.

Editor's Note: This is a guest post by Bigfoot Evidence reader, Mike B.

As I sat down to watch Survivorman Bigfoot Part 2, I heard Les Stroud and more vocal Todd Standing say, "Welcome to Bigfoot Country." What a welcome it was as Les and Todd continued their trek through the high timber country of Canada to finally get the evidence necessary to completely convert Standing to "bleever" status and perhaps convince the rest of the viewers and the world to take a more serious look at the evidence for the existence of Sasquatch as well.

After Les establishes a break camp in the ambush brush, and examines some more compelling tree structures, the focus shifts back to Canadian Bigfoot Guru Todd Standing and his taped footage of previous close encounters with a purported group of Sasquatch. Stroud acknowledges that the footage could be hoaxed and that in the absence of a type specimen for this species, HD footage will be necessary as preliminary proof that these subjects exist, and he vows to maintain his skeptic status until then.

Stroud and Standing leave no tree structure unexamined, no snap twist ignored and no rock unturned in pursuit of their goal to provide said footage, noting footprints in very remote areas along the way. Paddling down Salmon Streams, deep in Grizzly country, they are on a mission to provide a prima facie evidentiary showing of proof sufficient to provoke mainstream science to take the subject seriously enough to either confirm it or as the charismatic Stroud quips, "put the matter to rest for good."

Moving to the top of the mountain for a final night, they abandon the film crew and strike out on their own. Again, no spoilers here, but you will enjoy the final camp scenes and how they attempt their last night interaction.

In summing up Survivorman Bigfoot in its entirety, a number of conclusions can be drawn. Todd Standing, for one, should be taken much more seriously as both a researcher and a guide as he took Les Stroud to some very impressive locations, acquitting himself well of some of the as yet unfounded allegations against him.

As for Les Stroud, the Survivorman himself has opened up a whole new audience to his program, and will no doubt leave the Outdoor and Bigfoot Community discussing this Travel and Entertainment special for some time to come. As to whether Bigfoot is out there, just beyond the tree line, observing people's camps, waiting for the opportune time to seek contact with them, there's only one real way to find out . You have to open your door and walk outside, and find a place you too might examine some physical evidence and attempt the same interaction that Les Stroud and Todd Standing have pledged to continue to pursue. But please, if you do, don't forget your fully charged and operational HD camera.


  1. Replies
    1. Firsting your own blog post about a mythical creature. Good work.

    2. Nothing mythical about Stroud getting involved, bro.

      ; )

    3. If you live in wales then how did you watch this? Its not on YouTube.

    4. That's a top, top secret that I'm not at liberty to disclose.

    5. Anon 2:24. Who gives crap where joe is from (i tend to think wales myself).. Anywho!! .Awsome post Joe. I hope you do more of them. Bro.. B Doris. : )

    6. Do you even Wales? Nope. Just another murrican.

    7. Joe Stroud failed as soon as he picked his 'partner' for this show.

      Despite the masks, the pay only sites and the sheer comedy that is the 'Sylvanic Valley' Stroud went down the hoaxer route.

      Let's not kid ourselves here. This isn't a quest for the truth. This is a quest for viewers, web hits and money.

      Standing is a more subtle, switched on version of Dyer. Both are maligned in the community for repeated hoaxes.

      Does ANYONE point to Standing's incredible BF face close-up shots and say these are definitive proof? Why not? Because they are clearly faked by a repulsive hoaxer.

      People round here need to wake up and smell the coffee.


    8. Indeed MMG people need to wake up and smell the coffee and acknowledge what an obvious fake the PGF is.

    9. You seem to be wildly off topic buddy.

      I do forgive your indiscretion however as your post above indicates that you spend much of your waking hours in a state of confusion.


    10. Good morning shadowy evil doers who are the Bigfoot evidence commenters

    11. Rickum ruckum rass I'm gonna nail your fukin a55

    12. MMG...

      I very much respect your opinion and I know very well your stance on Standing, but I must remind you that any photograph presented in this field will be scrutinised, more so from within than anywhere else.

      To me; those pictures look like they could be real, and you can tell a lot from the legitimacy of researchers by their level of transparency, and so far Todd's has managed to get people like Meldrum, Bindenagle and now Les having experiences where he is suggesting they will.

      So I'll say this... If Todd continues to get the right attention for doing the right things, then what does this mean for a bunch of photographs that were always going to be attacked?

      Thanks for posting, your opinion and input is important.


    13. Todd is as opaque a "researcher" can get. Anyone who "gets on board" with him loses credibility. Especially Meldrum, Bindernagel, and Stroud. They'd be better off promoting Ketchum.

    14. Neither of those puppets look like the bigfoot I seen.

    15. What we have is a steady accumilation of credible opinion that points to Standing knowing what he's talking about. Now you can ignore that by all means, but at least watch the second episode before you think you know all the details.

      I think a few people will be suprised.

    16. MMG...

      Let's just see how things pan out in the near future... If I get hoaxed I'll hold my hands up, but I find it fascinating that a list of people as credible as they are should start to emerge, even WITH the negative attention his controversial photographs have attained.


    17. A senile old man and an ape chaser walk into a bar. No bigfoot was ever found.

    18. People are on board with Standing because all the other prominent 'footers out there have flamed out. He is the last hope for them--sadly, he is just another con-artist (sorry MMG, but it's true). He is the last man--Standing. :)

    19. I'm not sure how anyone can think that Standings pics are legit.

      The pictures are not discussed within BF circles because no one takes them seriously.

      Do your homework guys. Todd's sister Louise is a special effects artist and works with him on his 'production company'.

      Standing may well be the new hope for the newbies but he needs to be exposed for what he is.

      If you think Standing is the real deal you have to swallow all of it.

      The Ewoks.
      The Magical Sylvanic Home of Bigfoot.
      Escaping from Hordes of Bigfoot.

      Gulp it down folks...


    20. MMG you believe in other bigfoot encounters right?

    21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey Joe did you watch the Rictor show where they reviewed Survivorman: Bigfoot? They hit the it out of the park on that one.

    If not you should check it out


    1. Should I take Rictor's opinion, or Stroud's?

      ... Hmmmmmmm... ?????

    2. I'd take Kathy Strains opinion over Strouds any day. Anyone who has actually seen a bigfoot knows Todd is a hoaxer.

    3. Kathy is someone I very, very much respect... I admire her work and think her a major figure in the field... Have nothing against Rictor either.

      But... Stroud's experience is hard it match and has actually gone with Standing and delivered a consistent conclusion to those before him.


    4. "is hard it match"

      "delivered a consistent conclusion to those before him"
      When, where, and who?

      Can anyone understand this?

    5. We may have a British figure of speech here... 'Hard to match' would mean; 'hard to equal'... And the 'consistent conclusion' would be Meldrum and Bindenagle having similar experiences to Stroud whilst in the company of Standing.

      Glad I could help.

    6. Morning Joe. Angry Guy/Ranger here. This is off topic but who cares? I just finished a book called " You're Stepping on My Cloak and Dagger". ( the authors name is escaping me at the moment) It is a humorous memoir about a OSS agent in WW 2. He relates a story about crossing the Atlantic on a converted liner with a load of Red Cross nurse's. As they approached the British Isle's, he was standing on the starboard side of the ship while a pretty nurse he was messing with was on port. She ran over to him excitedly and exclaimed " I see Ireland!". To which he replied, " I see Wales". She said " Really? Where? I've never seen one before!" Every time I see the word Wales, I can't help but think of that anecdote. Funny book. Easy to find too. Well worth the read.

    7. Ha ha ha ha ha!!

      Hey buddy, hope you are well... Do you have an alias or a means of identifying you? You're far from angry and enjoy your posts.

    8. What did Bindernagel experience? Is there a source for it other than what Robert Lindsay said?

    9. Bindenagle was present when Meldrum had his experience and we have confirmation of this from Meldrum, where TVcameras documented the whole thing.

    10. Only what I posted last week... There has been plenty of opportunity for Meldrum to contradict those sources, and Meldrum is going to be Standing's first guest on his web show.

    11. Angry guy here. I'm Better than well. I'm about off to see my nephew's debut in dirt track racing. You Tube/ Lakeside Speedway if you want to see what is all about. It's SUMMER in KC bitches!!

    12. Thanks angry guy! I'll check that out!! Always been curious into this stuff!!!

  3. Joe it's ttl ! Did u enjoy the show? Are u looking forward to the next episode ? I think it's better leaving the show how they did cause I now they got some great footage coming and I'm looking forward to it! Ttl

    1. Hey TTL!!

      I was very impressed with Todd's very apparent understanding of terrain and the outdoors; this also appeared to have an impression on Stroud, who maintained a very impartial, very unbiased stance throughout the two episodes.

      Really enjoyed it, and some of the physical evidence was first rate!

      Hope you are well buddy!

  4. Desperate times have came upon this blog, eh?


    1. thar be bigfeets in tham ther hills fer shure

  5. Replies
    1. poop next to a tree to mark where U have been, for U safety

  6. thats it. no bigfoots here so I'm switching my research to harvey the rabbit and the easter bunny. evidence suggest these two are related..

    1. possible sighting of harvey the rabbit last seen at the Aarons rentals.

    2. no bigfoots because they are reptilian humanoids people just think they are seeing bigfoots

    3. ^ HAHA I've seen that vid! A-Aron LOL!!

  7. no worries - Mountain Monsters (AIMS) will trap 1 of them bigfoots and get the proof : )

  8. folks asaing obama be one of tham reptilian hibrid

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. And I respect your opinion Chuck as should everyone respect each other's opinion.

    2. ara U asaing tham gonna showin it on tv!

  10. Well I respect Mr. Fitz and Mr. B reviews. This kind of Bigfoot show has been desperately needed to show the unknowing public at large what potential bigfoot evidence is. Whether Standing hoaxed the video's or not does not mean he does not know how to decipher unnatural breaks, twists, structures, tracks, and sounds in the woods. Stroud has stated this week that all footage is considered hoaxes anyway.

    This show is not made for the bigfoot critics in or out of the community. It is made for Strouds fan base and those who respect his work which is in the millions. Very few people know the forest are full of bigfoot evidence and if Stroud can bring this to these people it can only be a good thing, and will certainly bring more onboard.

    Anyway it airs here in the states I guess on April 9,10 Discovery Channel I will eagerly grab a big bowl of popcorn and watch with my family and form my own conclusions and am sure it will be talked about here.

    Tks Joe and Mike for not spoiling it. Stay well

    1. I give up. Some one is locking me out. Bye for now.

    2. tham bigfoots abein reel folks knowin it fer yeers

    3. Can't say Joe's last name or any abbreviation on it, retard, remember Joe is a wanking cry baby.

    4. Chuck, I read your comment as I do all of your excellent posts. Have no idea why it was whited out. But thanks. M

    5. Thanks 8 11. So Joe is persona non grade but gets to author ariticles. I guess I understand but Joe is not the crybaby. I had a good op of Joe and Mike and glad they did not spoil it since I will have to wait until April 9 and 10 so my family can watch together with a big bowl of popcorn.

      I am extremely glad someone of Les Stroud's stature and respect is doing this and am glad he is expanding it into the future. For all the critics of Standing, very few people that will watch know anything of him or anyone else in the bigfoot field. They will be watching because it is Les Stroud. Stroud said this week that Standings and every other video is considered a hoax anyway. If they can bring to Les's fan base which is millions how much evidence there is of these creatures in the bush ( and in my opinion not that difficult to find as I have found plenty, some very very close to communities ) this can only be a good thing and bring more understanding and awareness to this field.


    6. What an excellent post Chuck!!

      I really tried my best not to spoil it for everyone so your feedback is very much appreciated! Hope you are well my friend!!

    7. Strouds fan base will most likely look at those puppets and laugh just like anyone in the general public would. Hoaxes like this are the reason people who have actually seen bigfoot get ridiculed. Les has made witnesses and enthusiasts look ridiculous and crazy by teaming up with that fraud.

    8. Watch the second episode... Standing has a massive understanding of the outdoors and has Stroud's respect as a result.

      The evidence in the second episode is one of the reasons people are starting to take Standing seriously. If he can provide transparency and experiences, then it means something entirely new for those photographs.

      Stroud's fan base won't be affected... You just wait and see. His skepticism and open minded stance through the two episodes was excellent and if anything, the public will look at someone with the experience of Stroud and start taking notice.

  11. U finding bigfoots when rocks, tree limbs, are hurled @ you. then U known you are in the squatch zone

  12. Welsh bloggers are the most credible voices in the Bigfoot community. They speak from experience and are paid in Kind with Zagnut bars for their incredible contributions. Early settler's diaries spoke of getting nothing and liking it...and so you shall. Carry on.


    1. Wales was named after the Outlaw Josey Wales put Welch's grape jelly on his scrambled eggs.

  13. The Question is; If you really wanted to try and prove Big foot is real, who would you rather take with you?
    1. Todd Standing
    2. Matt Money Maker

  14. ^I would take John W. Jones. Because I like ponies.

    And why does Les Stroud always look like he's constipated?

  15. One thing I couldn't understand as a hunter , during these episodes there was never any talk about wind or the animals picking up in your scent?? TTL??? Any thoughts

    1. ..the Saq knew where they were when they drove up...no hiding

  16. Good Show. Hope everyone tunes in. Headed if the Ranch to try and find some good footage. M

    1. So if Bigfoot is weary of camera,s what about a camera system that mounts like a pair of glasses? Although there is theory that they sense the electronic frequencies which is part of the problem.

    2. Worth a try Mr. Street. Certainly the big problem is finding one out in the open close enough with a high resolution camera that will stay long enough to capture something great..


    3. Sounds like a great time Mike. The weather is PERFECT for it. Get em!

      Good point Ernie. I have seen the glasses in person. It has been a while but they were light weight. I am thinking they also recorded. A researcher I met had just bought them and was using them in the field.

    4. Oh I didnt fully soak in your comment Ernie before I replied. I was thinking of the camera spy glasses that came out about 2 years ago :)

    5. A company called pivothead makes some. There are other brands as well. Stabilization and zoom would be key.

    6. Not all Squatches are wary of cameras. The ones who look like some guy in a monkey suit, a wookie, an oversized muppet or an out of focus blob seen quite photogenic.

  17. The only reason, Les is doing this show, is to stay RELEVANT!!
    All survivor-type shows have become repetitive and boring. Their rating are low, especially after most of them (Except Les) got caught sleeping in Motel rooms, or on site trailers instead of the tent or Lean-to. All past Survivor-type shows were staged and phony (Except Les).
    So this Venue, come at a perfect time for Les.

  18. What unknown DNA are they referencing? Source please. Of course there will be no source but thanks for playing.

  19. bigfoots are aliens that are vacationing on earth that's why there are no bones

  20. Les Stroud is a career television personality. People seem to think this makes him credible, or that he he is somehow objective because of his celebrity status. This is entertainment. That is the whole goal of television. Entertain viewers, and expose them to products. If you are watching this program for any other reason, you are kidding yourself. By the way, if anyone is truly open minded about the question of Bigfoot , the appropriate position is "I don't know". If you insist it is real, you are exactly as closed minded as the skeptics you complain about.

    1. Unless of course you have seen one. That is a game changer - guaranteed. Insisting it is real becomes the only game in town. Try it out.


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