Check Out This Newly Discovered Dwarf Planet

In this Science Minute Chris York talks about the newly found dwarf planet. And a special shout out to Dred Funn. This webcast is uncensored.


  1. I'm not sure how anyone can think that pattersons film is legit.

    The film is only discussed within BF circles because no one outside of footery takes it seriously.

    Do your homework guys. Pattersons brother in law is a business man with ties to Hollywood. And Patterson was a serial hoaxer and bigfoot promotor prior to filming the PGF.

    Patterson may well be the in thing for the "old guard" but he needs to be exposed for what he is.

    If you think Patterson is the real deal you have to swallow all of it.

    The hairy static titties.
    The impossible film processing timeline
    Patterson stories of a bigfoot picking up his truck with him inside.

    Gulp it down folks...


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. oh my God. Please tell us you haven't been talking with Mike Brookreson again.

    3. Brookreson? The guy who publicly humiliates himself on a daily basis? Wow, I must be pretty sad.

    4. I've never seen Mike humiliate himself... I've seen him humiliate you, which is why you have a little crush on him, isn't it?

      As for the PGF version of MMG's comment up top, every rumor or accusation regarding a Hollywood link with Roger Patterson, apart from the fact that he planned a one-year expedition with tracking dogs, cages, a large crew, and the entire project filmed (which would have been a huge financial project) which he immediately went to Hollywood for funding, but they turned him down... Has been debunked. There is no evidence that Patterson hoaxed anything prior to filming Patty either.

      You were welcome.

    5. LOL! ^ All good points. I do see a man crush there.

    6. Typical footers. See what you want to see. Still waiting on Mikey's super-amazing evidence.

    7. Whatever Joe. Show us the amazing stuff he bragged about so many times. Or do you just like hanging with habitual liars/footers?

    8. You want habituation footage that you've already made your mind up is BS?

      Some people are just a little too clever for you.

  2. HEY JOE. Here is your all clear let it rip.

  3. When this was brought out early in the week it was also said there are probably many more this size ( 280 miles diameter and larger ). It was also said there may be a body 10 times the size of Earth. Could that be Nibiru, the planet of the crossing the Sumerians wrote about? Much more to find with out a doubt.

  4. GRAYs have b ases all over the galaxy

  5. Spaceship Joe Fitzgerald you are cleared for liftoff. Rev up those vroomers.

  6. I don't do yellow arrows. I want my red circle DAMMIT!!

  7. David Paulides a retired policeman who is studying missing persons cases that are related to the UFOs

  8. What ever happened to the discovery of the so-called planet Karon in the 80's that at times had an orbit which at times closer to the sun then Pluto.ptangier


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