Bigfoot North Update Dr. Jeff Meldrum Joins Forces with Todd Standing from Survivorman: Bigfoot, and Les Stroud Himself?

Earlier this week we announced a new radio series hosted by Todd Standing, with what we thought would be his guest Jeff Meldrum. That information was premature and turns out somewhat incorrect. We have now learned that the radio show Bigfoot North is co-hosted by Dr. Jeff Meldrum and Todd Standing. Not only that, but there is also a documentary under the same title set to release at a later date. Apparently Meldrum and Standing have joined forces in this much larger project, Bigfoot North. There's a radio series, a documentary, even a website. According to the website the core members of their team include Dr. Meldrum, Todd Standing, an "animal attractor" named Sonja, and the Survivorman himself, Les Stroud! 

"Although there are many people invovled in the success of the Bigfoot North Team four indvivduals in particular are at the center of this body of work. Todd Standing from Calgary alberta Canada. Our female animal attractor from California, and a Phd for the US as well as another from Canada. The survivorman Les stroud and Todd Standing alone are the principles in Survivorman Bigfoot."


  1. Don't now if anyone remembers but I was saying before Jeff had his first real incounter with Todd last year so your going to start seeing the two of them together in future research projects with the big guy! The dr was blown away from his incounter! TTL

    1. Exactly TTL!!

      For the doubters out there, I hate to say I told you all so... But...

      ; )

    2. Hey Ernie!

      That's all they need to do now is move away from the gigantopithicus theory and we're all set for an amazing year!!

      ; )

    3. Indeed. Have a good rest of the weekend Joe!

    4. Fraud Standing just killed Meldrum.

      Meldrum's credibility is finally shot. We've had our doubts about the Dr for a while now. Pity the naysayers seem to have been on the money with this one.

      Bigfootery is running out of go to guys.

      Money and fame consumes all.


  2. Now that I just read the heading above my comment looks dumb but everyone will actually get to see the bf that the dr seen and that now they together have finally proven bf exsists TTL

  3. Exciting times ahead!! Really looking forward to this!!!

  4. One other thing is they must be so tight lipped about Finnally proving this subject exsists right now cause its not spreading around the bf world like wildfire, so there must be some major $$ dollar figures to be this quit about there discovery!!!!! Well at least that's what I think I now what's already happened!!!! When the reputable people get envolved and big $$$ are spent than there must be a pot of gold(bf) at the end of this rainbow!! TTL!!!!!!!!!! Have a great weekend everyone, keep it up joe, nice posts bud!!!

  5. Talk about "Bigfoot In Your Face". This development could set back the special interests who seek to either scare the public about Bigfoot or dampen public knowledge about the Bigfoot people, by 50 years. Paid scoftics will be compelled to retreat and retool in order to mount a new campaign on an entirely new front, other than the internet. They will have to take their fight to TV itself, in buying up commercial time to spread their false propaganda that is designed to further their own selfish interests. I'm thinkin that I like this news.

    1. ... And there's a hominid study in the process of being peer reviewed by one of the biggest names in modern science! Let's not forget that!!

      Things are changing and soon people won't have to be so concerned with refraining from expressing their interest in this subject. People need to know that there are more and more reputable and credible scientists out there who are open minded enough to contribute to this subject and it is slowly turning away from a fringe subject with some of the biggest names in modern science beginning to ask the questions. Some of the greatest minds of the past 60 years; Russian anthropologists who literally invented hominology, have been contributing to this for all this time, yet it is evident that the idea of wild people living in remote areas is far too mind bending for the small minded to look at the wider facts without resorting to a conclusion that sits better with their safe little preference of the world around them.

      The times they are a changin'!

    2. Have a good weekend all! See you all Monday.


  6. As soon as Fraud Standing is involved, the credibility goes to zero.

    1. Less than zero. We're on the negative side of the credibility number line.

    2. Yeah, these serial bigfoot BSers like Fraud Standing are pathetic.

    3. What are you talking about? BS + BS + even more BS = repeat coverage on sites like this.

    4. What blows me away is how focused the site is on selling things. It is a huge red flag in my book.

  7. This ROCKS!!!!!!!! I always believed in Todd Standing I emailed him and got a reply His heart is in this and important people are jumping on the train!!!!

    1. LOL. I suppose you're a Democrat and believe whatever the Obama administration says.

    2. I just peed my pants. Too funny. Gullible doofuses all.

  8. ^^^Who is this one person who doesn't realize Todd Standing is a hoaxer? Could it be Standing himself?

  9. How about this two bf shot last week in Texas, one died and the researcher whO shot it ran scared after!, now the home owners r freeking out scared! Ttl !! That's what I herd!

  10. Lmao... Stay tuned cyber kids...there are real people doing things in the real world.... I'm telling you! Yup... Its OK to be afraid... Hugs

  11. Just from the way the website is set up, I'm going to venture that Dr. Meldrum's involvement with Standing is about as substantial and factual as "Sylvanic."

    I can't believe that someone as intelligent as Meldrum would actually associate with Standing. This will, like Sylvanic, turn out to be a poorly executed hoax, with a soundbyte of Meldrum being touted as "co-hosting".

  12. Some pretty good posts today. Just remember, in the end, you'll all get nothing and like it.

    With love,

  13. Everyone of you people who are so gullible to believe the FRAUD Todd Standing's mask picture are real, send me all your money, I have a bridge I will sell you. Find a short video anywhere on YOUTUBE where any creature, man, monkey, donkey, squirrel, or yourself. Keeps your face perfectly frozen for twenty seconds, no breathing, no eye movement, no smelling. Then wave your head back and forth like a sign on a stick, no neck movement at all and keep your face frozen.

    In a separate video, he shows one mask frozen, then an entirely different mask, with a rubber face, that winks, with NO EYE MOVEMENT. Just the lid. This fellow is so blatant of a fraud, that there is only one way to describe it. like the old Jewish saying. "There are none so blind as those who will not see. "

    If Meldrum is associating with this FRAUD, then he deserves to be the laughing stock of the scientific community.


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