Amazing Bigfoot Story From the Early 1500's in Texas

Texas has a lot of bigfoot history, but did you know that the first European to step foot on Texas soil left with a bigfoot story? Neither did we!

"According to the Coahuiltecans, fifteen years before Cabeza de Vaca’s arrival (This would be sometime around 1519-1520) a hairy, man-like creature began to attack their village at night. The Indians described the being as a “Bad Thing,” which Cabeza de Vaca recorded in Spanish as “Mala Cosa.”In many ways, the Indians’ description of Mala Cosa fits our modern image of a sasquatch. Hair covered Mala Cosa’s face, setting him apart from the Coahuiltecans, whose Indian ancestry prevented them from growing beards. Also conforming to our perception of bigfoot, Mala Cosa was strong, strong enough to lift an Indian dwelling into the air and toss it to the ground. Much like sasquatch—and Chewbacca, for that matter—Mala Cosa could also rip a man’s arms from his sockets with ease."
To read the entire article, just click here. 


  1. Replies
    1. yes ernie that was a fine first ! it is Leon approved.

    2. What do I have to do with it dork? Haven't been here in days?

    3. Joe, when you post as Ernie, do you like to give others firsts?

    4. Bigfoot fun!

    5. ^ lol ,lol BOY HOWDY!! : )

    6. That wasn't Bigfoot it was Buck Medley

    7. We eat Korea Fun Rice Te-hee-heee! We smile our leader loves us as we have Bigfoot Funzone times?

  2. HEY MATT , did ya here that sasquatch chronicles is gonna have Pat Rance on their show next , that should be a good one. .

  3. Who S*T*R*E*U*F*A*R*T*E*D????

    1. I'm Coonbo and I need your loving anon 7:15.
      Give it to me baby.

    2. Coonbo, is Joes nickname. Its what he prefers to be called. Call him Coonbo Joe from now on

    3. ^ Look numpty ,you think calling ME!! coonbo bugs ME?? well think again Boyo,from now on im gonna email big ginger on your A S S you'll see.. Schooled.

    4. Aint nothing but a Coonbo baby, Coonbo Joe running around going crazy

  4. no vodka and redbull for you, BD.

  5. These comment boards have really gone downhill ! I remember the Golden Age of Bigfoot Evidence. The good old days....


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