What is a brony?

Brony: The term used to describe the fan community(usually of the older group, males and females) of the show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

Two weeks ago, we were forced to take drastic measures to stop the further cloning of regular readers of this blog. Since the Google Blogger platform does not have tools to prevent / stop troll users from pretending to be who they aren't, we implemented a fun little code that converted the imposters' names to "I Love My Little Pony." If you were confused by the Brony comments directed at the imposters, here's a video of a guy at a Bronies convention.


  1. ^ MMC or Kent Obsessed with Joe obsessors

    1. No more breaks, Ernie. You'll be told when to stop.

    2. Can we at least be friends?

    3. "Joe goes bronies."

      You can't make this up.


    4. Not really. Try another poster though you might get lucky. :)

    5. So wait. We can be friends?

    6. Ernie is absolutely a known homo, you and Burt came out years ago.

      Christopher Crankshaft.

    7. Chill bro. Ernie is my friend now.

    8. Dude you're unglued, I have no clue who that is. Hilarious to watch you scramble though :)

    9. ^ MMC or Kent Obsessed with Joe obsessors

    10. ^ MMC or Kent Obsessed with Joe obsessors

    11. Ernie what do we do now that we're chill bros?

  2. OK bloke in a suit, you're busted.

    Your claim that Jeff Pruitt AKA Dfoot tricked all the footers at the BFF by superimposing an image of Patty onto a different background is not accurate:


    Dfoot cobbled together different pieces of Patty from different parts of the PGF and created a Frankenpatty. He distorted the images of Patty. He didn’t simply lift a Patty image onto a new BG. He created a new cobbled together image of Patty.

    He distorted Patty's image to change her proportions, then claimed he'd trapped all those who said the image looked wrong (which it did), by saying Ah ha, it IS Patty, I have trapped you all, I win, yipee.

    That's cheating, an old jref trick.

    You are guilty of it bloke in a suit by propagating Pruitt's/Dfoot's hoax and claiming it's "real." You can see some of the photos created by Dfoot at the link above. This is dishonest. You claiming that Dfoot ambushed and tricked hundreds of footers by inserting an image of Patty, and some footers doubting the image, is dishonest, it’s a hoax. They doubted it because it wasn't Patty, it was Frankenpatty; it was a montage of images from the PGF pieced together to create something which didn't look right, with different proportions than what you see if you watch the PGF.

    It is dishonest to claim that Dfoot tricked and fooled all footers. You are overlooking those who called him out on his prank, and that he altered the image of Patty.

    Again, so you understand, he did not superimpose a select image of Patty from one still from the PGF onto an urban background; instead he used many Patty images, when she was at varying distances from Roger's camera (and so changing size and proportions due to varying distance and angle), and created a new figure out of these pieces.

    What you have claimed here on BFE is simply another hoax. You are just regurgitating what Dfoot already did. You are lying about why he was booted from the BFF. You are lying about what he did with the Patty image.

    One more chestnut: Dfoot attempted to create a Patty lookalike suit, and gave up halfway through. Champion!

    Line up your heroes: Dfoot, Packham, Bob H, Blevins.

    It's not looking good, bloke in a suit.

    1. Currently researching bloke in a suit's other claim:

      Your assertion that the BBC Packham X-Creatures phony bigfoot was not an attempt to recreate the PGF appears to be a laughable lie:


      "Packham decided in his own words "to pay homage to Bluff Creek", by attempting to recreate how the footage may have been faked, using the same type of hand-held Kodak used by Patterson and laying out the path the creature took as precisely as possible the BBC crew filmed a large actor costumed in a rather unconvincing suit (no doubt supplied by Jon Vulich's studio),"

      Let's not forget this redux attempt was done at Bluff Creek, at the original film site, bloke in a suit.

      OK yes, the BBC and Packham went to the Bluff Creek film site, had an expert costume maker produce a suit, used the same bloody camera Patterson did, had the actor walk the same ruddy path Patty walked . . . but oh oh oh oh no, no no no WAY did the BBC and Packham try to recreate the PGF. That is your claim. What a joke!

      You're just a propagandist and a lowbrow lowdown lowlife liar.

      Talk about too easy, talk about fish in a barrel; in your case, it's mentally deficient fish in a leaky barrel. We can only pity you, you flunked out joke.

      Now take that diaper off of your ugly skull! No, on second thought, keep it on.

    2. I don't know what you watched but they certainly didn't film their monkey suit walking the same path Patty did, they didn't film it at the same location either...

      Make up some more crud, why don't ya?

      Super butthurt footer alert!

      Tim Fasano no doubt.

  3. Ernie, you haven't been told to leave yet.

  4. Must be extremely slow around here, posting this over a Mulder's World Top 5.

  5. WTH Shawn, Thought this was a Bigfoot Blog?

    1. How bout a size 13 EEEE where the sun don't shine?


    2. Obviously you haven't payed attention to this blog in a year. Most posts are not bigfoot related and if they are it's either known hoaxes, some MK clip about Patty, or your little field blurbs.

    3. Its the same five dorks playing dork tag. They all quit their jobs so they could indulge 24X7.

      Everyone else has moved on.

    4. Names are Joe, Eva, Chick, Ernie, and Spanky Jones.

    5. ^ MMC or Kent Obsessed with Joe obsessors

    6. It's in neutral right now.

      Chupacabra ate his homework.

    7. http://thecrypticrealm.blogspot.com

      Unfortunately my computer crashed (again) on the 15th and I have had to put the blog on the back burner for a little while until I can either fix it or get a new one.

      The Blogger app isn't very conducive for crypto blogging and the time and resources it takes to run a blog.

      But I will be back with vengeance once I get my computer back.

      I apologize for the inconvenience.

    8. Yeah! Come back quick! We need more intelligent A#%& holes like you here!

    9. Kelly Shaw, Keep up the good work. I'm a researcher like you. But this site has been polluted with vile trolls. Not to much Big foot info, anymore. Shawn is losing control!

  6. Ernie is MMC and you all should find something else to do. Its like a bunch of dorks running around naked and wrestling each other. All of you secretly love it. But none will admit it.

  7. If this is not Mike Brookreson endorsed, you won't get my business!

  8. Hey Shawn

    You should do a blog post about hypocrisy. Like how you censor your readers comments but post videos and podcasts loaded with profanity.

  9. My GOD! Is this what we become?


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