The Song Is Over, Thought I'd Something More To Say [Guest Post]

Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Josh Brown, Anthropology Major (Physical) from Sacramento CA, and CEO of "Skye Highland Outfitters".

2013 was (for me) going to be the year of explosive results, findings, and final proof that Sasquatch exists. I began monitoring Bigoot media in earnest when Finding Bigfoot was first aired, and the nostalgic remembrance of seeing the PG film when I was 6 years old on the old “In Search Of” with Leonard Nimoy took flight again. This was 3 years ago and it sure was an exciting time to step into the fray. All of you interested in this subject know what I’m talking about.

But slowly something began to happen. “Finding Bigfoot” quickly turned into “Not Finding Bigfoot” and a cascade of following episodes with the same format and no results quickly began to sour my mood and interest. But alas, there were big and substantial things that were happening that promised big results. A guy named Todd Standing released actual, HD face shots of Sasquatch in his hidden region “Sylvanic”. But accusations of fraud, and upon close inspection, Sasquatch faces that resembled muppets more than Sasquatch dimmed that hope. This was followed by a lot of hype and even a play down by the Finding Bigfoot team when they went to see him.

Eclipsing this continued disappointment was the rumor that a local man had actually shot and killed not one, but 2 Sasquatch up in the Sierras. I won’t go into the whole Justin Smeja event (As we all know it by heart at this point), but the rumor that a piece of thigh was found and undergoing testing was thrilling to say the least. As we waited for this, there was the ever present rumor that the “Erickson Project” had slam dunk proof on video of a habituation sites with “Scientists” closely observing a pod of Sasquatch and that final release of their study was soon to be forthwith.

To cap it all off was the emergence of one Melba Ketchum. Melba placed herself and her Glamour Shots photo in the forefront of the “Is Bigfoot real” quest by announcing her project to seek DNA from multiple samples of evidence that had been provided by witnesses. Her approach at first seemed genuine, and I even felt confident of her after seeing an episode of
Destination Truth” where Josh Gates provides her with a hair sample of possible Yeti. I should have known something was fishy when I saw that her FB and website Glamour Shots photo did not even remotely look like who I was seeing on TV……..

Well….The ridiculous ride of Melba Ketchum and her fiasco of results became the laughing stock of the scientific community. And the Erickson Project…..Well, it seemed they could only afford a polyester blanket and a Chewbacca mask to promote their findings…Justin Smeja DID pass a lie detector test though, so there was still a small glimmer…

The final straw in this list of events was the “10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty”. The idea of this show really hit the mark with me by including some of the heaviest hitters of sasquatching on a show to get out and do their thing and capture proof. In the end though, the show felt like a hastily thrown together production trying to ride the remaining popularity coat tails of Finding Bigfoot. The format did not allow the hunters to utilize their full potential or time and “Surprise” , the show had no real winner.

To finish this up….It’s been a dismal run for Sasquatching. Every major event and lead has either turned out to be bullshit, not grounded in science, a hoax, or a fast dash to cash in on waning public popularity. There has been some constant in this maelstrom, though, that has given me hope. Filmaker Ro Sehebi released a straightforward docudrama on Justin Smeja and the events that surround him. My daughter and I attended the premier and we both felt it was a nice directional piece that didn’t fluff any of the goods. So I’m on the look-out for more from him. Other than that….I just have nothing more to say.


  1. Replies
    1. Anthropology is a joke.

      All it can really do is strive to further evolution, but can't even do that.

      You would think a student of anthropology would be used to disappointing results.

    2. Use, not used.
      Wow.just wow.

    3. You shure put tha smackdwn on hiz spellin'

    4. Can we get the grammar queen lyrics please

    5. Except that the grammar queen failed. It is "used to." What a moron.

    6. Your wish is my command:

      "Grammar Queen"

      You can spell, you can punctuate, having the time of your life
      See that girl, watch that blog, digging the Grammar Queen

      Friday night and the words are misspelled
      Looking out for someone to pwn
      Where they type and fight, getting in the fray
      You come in to look for a fight
      Anybody could be that PJ
      Night is young and the posts they fly
      With a bit of paranoia and superiority, everything is fine
      You're in the mood for a fight
      And when you get the chance...

      You are the Grammar Queen, superior and creepy, only forty-three
      Grammar Queen, feel the beat from the heater in your mama's basement
      You can spell, you can punctuate, having the time of your life
      See that girl, watch that blog, digging the Grammar Queen

      You're a teaser, you piss them off
      Leave them burning and then you're gone
      Looking out for another, anyone will do
      You're in the mood for a fight
      And when you get the chance...

      You are the Grammar Queen, old and creepy, only forty-three
      Grammar Queen, feel the beat from the heater in your mammas basement
      You can spell, you can punctuate, having the time of your life
      See that girl, watch that blog, digging the Grammar Queen

  2. Replies
    1. Not true. Bigfoots like chupacabras been round these parts fur yurs.

    2. Spoken like a true, toothless trolling idiot.

    3. ^Joe? Joe I know that's you Joe! Everyday I talk about you joe. Joe? don't make me cut myself again. LOL

  3. First !
    Once again i rule and you drool.
    Every major bigfoot event turns out to be B.S just because most of the idiots running around are hoaxers with nothing better to do than smoke a carton of cigarettes and drink a case of beer while laughing at the serious footers who fall for their fakery.

  4. Check mate suckers. No monkey. Just bob h in a modified gemora chillin with a diaper butt at the bluff creek. Smoking you footers day in day out.

    1. You just wait till Coonbo Joe sees this. You will get the copy and paste of your life.

    2. Wait for it, I'm now selecting between my 20 millions saved links...


    3. Its just too easy.

      Fish in a barrel.

    4. Fish in a barrel indeed. These people think theres a monkey running around in the woods and im not kidding either.

    5. I wish you were. If we monitor the amount of hicks born and immediately immolate then maybe these myths and encounters will cease to exist.

  5. Now we have a Dyeria hoax again. Full circle

  6. Well, I've nothing to do even today, it means another day of refreshing this site waiting for bigfoot evidence to come!


    1. So how do you like the name Coonbo Joe?

    2. True, Coonbo Joe is very proud of his new name. Its hard being a Coonbo, but what can you do?

    3. ^Joe? Joe I know that's you Joe! Everyday I talk about you joe. Joe? don't make me cut myself again. LOL

  7. That's what you get for calling yourself a scientific community. Meldrum can't speak for all of you.

  8. If anyone has a good sense of humour I recommend heading over to the bff. 2 characters to look out for over there: sweaty yeti and DWA.

    Sweati yeti. Incredible. This guy is a text book pgf apologist. Textbook. He posts only frames that support his warped view and dismisses frames that dont. He put up a gif in which he claims in 0.0001 of a second patty opens her mouth gulps a fly and then closes it. Of course all anyone can really see is a blur but that isnt going to stop him. Also he thinks that by posting a smiley face at the end of each sentence makes his argument valid.

    Now on to the big gun: DWA.

    This guy you will find in the pgf threads as a die hard believer of the film but also in the general discussion area. This is where the real comedy gold comes into play. He will claim that scientists are wasting their time looking for a cure for cancer and advancing our energy technology and instead should be out looking for a monkey that dont exist. He will also claim government conspiracies but the best part is he claims he is a hard skeptic. Just beautiful.

    1. Sounds like Coonbo Joe, only difference being Coonbo Joe is stupider

    2. ^ Anon Coonbo Joe on the prowl

    3. ^Joe? Joe I know that's you Joe! Everyday I talk about you joe. Joe? don't make me cut myself again. LOL

  9. Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way

    1. +1 for recognising the pink floyd and smoking the footers

    2. +2 for saying'smoking the footers'
      sounds ghey
      but hey whatever floats your nads

    3. Just ask Joe, oh wait, hes American

    4. ^Joe? Joe I know that's you Joe! Everyday I talk about you joe. Joe? don't make me cut myself again. LOL

  10. Wow. Lack of a specimen seems like it has taken its toll on this believer. Looks like he may be joining the dark side. Muah hah hah!

    1. There is no dark side, really. As a matter of fact it's all dark.

    2. I find your lack of testes disturbing

    3. If you feel that you're lacking testes please visit my site at Honchos Testes Galore!You will not be disappointed

    4. Kent would love this MIke. Thaks for recommending it to him

  11. I find men who wear skirts disturbing.

    1. Then you should tell your boyfriend to quit wearing them.

  12. Very well put together piece and very true to the point.
    most are in it for $ or fame so we may never know, personally I hope no one ever finds them!

    1. There's no danger, doubt that someone will ever find something that doesn't exist

  13. I can understand this guys frustration with all of the sources he mentioned. Rick Dyer is and always has been a dirt bag, which is why I ignore anything with his name in it. Ketchum's results were a bit shady, but still not off the table in my mind. As for Erickson's project, I know he had a good crew and made as clean as an attempt at evidence as he could, I have no idea why he hasn't released more of it and this causes me great frustration. However, as a longtime "squatcher" myself I can tell the author of this article only one thing. This subject will always be filled with frustration and disappointment especially when placing your hopes and faith in other people you don't know personally. If you really want to know the truth, then take your kids out to areas where other people have seen Bigfoots, if you put in the time, you will eventually find them and you will know for yourself. Only sitting and watching the news, will not show you the truth. Good luck on your quest, its worth it.

    1. Jeepers 6 01. I have been thinking about posting on this, but I doubt one could do much better than what you just said. I never talk about Dyer and advised people about this in 2011. Just see his name and move on, his reputation speaks for itself. Agree about Ketchum and Erickson and Dr. Bindernagle has seen some if not most of his work and says it is fantastic and can not understand his refrain - Oh well, maybe someday.

      The nuts and bolts of your post is spot on. Josh Brown should make his 2014 and beyond bigfooting about himself and not so much what others bring. He lives at the gateway to some of the best bigfoot territory in the US with the Sierras on his backdoor and Trinitys to the North. Go out there and spend the weekends in the woods and not motels. If he looks around he will find things that will confirm what researchers like yourself have been talking about. By spending nights out there sooner or later they will find him, just be prepared to be scared crapless. He could also find a club or individuals in the area that share his hobby and go out with them. Make no mistake, what you talk about is where the real fun is.


    2. Good summation at top.

      Good two posts above!

    3. Erickson doesn't release because of money. When the money for his efforts is right he will release it. He is a bitter. Most of the NDAs with Ketchum run for two years after publication, which was February 2014. Imagine his entanglement with her is no less, probably more.

    4. Yes, it was, thanks. And, it still burns like yesterday. Imagine how Adrian feels. One day he will be able to say, but I hope by then we don't care.

    5. 7 13. Most likely answer, when money is right. He has a lot invested and try to find the best time and avenue to maximize his investment, and one hopes that will happen.

    6. One thing that sort of "stuck in my craw" regarding the Erickson documentary was the sightings of Yeti in the Himalayas.

      I just didn't care for how they glossed over and tried to "convince" Reinhold Messner" DIDN'T see what he thought he saw. He's a very experience climber and credible person and they twisted it all up into thinking he must have saw a bear...hallucinated etc. There are many climbers who have reported a Yeti in this region...(including Sir Edmund Hillary among others). Just because they did not come back with conclusive DNA evidence doesn't preclude this "creature" still existing.

      This type of "twisting" of stories is unfortunate.

    7. Haha what a blowhard.

      Brush off all those failures, lack of any biological evidence whatsoever, then give the nudge that to see bigfoot to take your kids to reported bigfoot sightings and walk around.

      Sure buddy sure.

    8. Whatever basement dwellar. Here's some info from real men.

      1st Century AD: Pliny the Elder's Account of the Yeti
      The Yeti's existence has long been known by Sherpas and other Himalayan inhabitants who observed the mysterious creature for thousands of years, including an account by Pliny the Elder, a Roman traveler, who wrote in Natural History in the first century AD: "Among the mountainous districts of the eastern parts of India…we find the Satyr, an animal of extraordinary swiftness. These go sometimes on four feet, and sometimes walk erect; they have also the features of a human being. On account of their swiftness, these creatures are never to be caught, except when they are either aged or sickly…. These people screech in a frightful manner; their bodies are covered with hair, their eyes are of a sea-green color, and their teeth like those of the dog."

      1832: First Yeti Report to the Western World
      The legend of the Yeti was first reported to the western world in 1832 in the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal by British explorer B.H. Hodgeson, who said his guides had previously spotted a hairy bipedal ape in the high mountains. Hodgeson believed the red-haired creature was an orangutan.

      1899: First Recorded Yeti Footprints
      The first recorded Yeti footprints, still the most common evidence of the Yeti's existence, was in 1899 by Laurence Waddell. He reported in his book Among the Himalayas that the footprints were left by a large upright hominid. Waddell was, like Hodgeson, skeptical of the stories of the mysterious ape-man after talking to locals who had not actually seen a Yeti but had heard stories of them. Waddell figured the tracks were left by a bear.

      First Detailed Yeti Report in 1925
      N.A. Tombazi, a Greek photographer on a British expedition to the Himalayas, made one of the first detailed reports about the Yeti in 1925 after observing one on a mountainside at 15,000 feet. Tombazi later recounted what he saw: "Unquestionably, the figure in outline was exactly like a human being, walking upright and stopping occasionally to uproot or pull at some dwarf rhododendron bushes. It showed up dark against the snow and, as far as I could make out, wore no clothes." The Yeti disappeared before he could take a photograph but later Tombazi stopped while descending and saw 15 footprints in the snow that were 16 to 24 inches apart. He wrote about the prints: "They were similar in shape to those of a man, but only six to seven inches long by four inches wide at the broadest part of the foot. The marks of five distinct toes and the instep were perfectly clear, but the trace of the heel was indistinct."

      Yeti Sightings and Signs in the 20th Century
      From the 1920s through the 1950s there was a lot of interest in both climbing the great Himalayan peaks, including the fourteen 8,000-meter peaks, as well as trying to find evidence of the Yeti. Many great Himalayan climbers saw Yetis, including Eric Shipton; Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay on the first ascent of Mount Everest in 1953; British climber Don Whillans on Annapurna; and the great alpinist Reinhold Messner. Messner first saw a yeti in 1986 as well as later sightings. Messner later wrote the book My Quest for the Yeti in 1998 about his Yeti encounters, explorations, and thoughts on the elusive Yeti.

    9. Gigantic wall of white text ^

      Potty mouth footer.

    10. Well - first of all. I am not Joe.

      2nd...I see it plain as day. Oh and one must have an attention span a bit more than a gerbil to read this information. (or stay close minded - that's fine but then...please leave).

      Point being - time and time (and time) again people are told they didn't see what they saw.
      Certainly often times people are mistaken. However, there are times they are not mistaken at all.

    11. No one called you Joe, that's just your guilt showing,

      Prove you saw a 9ft 750lb apeman then. Shouldn't be too hard.

    12. I bet I have posted maybe 10 times where the comment right after was...


      So - I was simply nipping that right in the bud.
      I never copy and paste...but wanted to post a bit about the Yeti and the reputable climbers who have witnessed it.

      Why would you think it "shouldn't be too hard?"

      I am not 100% convinced they exist. I have not seen one. I have had some experiences that are not easily explained away, however. And I do believe that off all of the thousands of reports...they cannot possibly be ALL wrong.

      I am a cynical person. I think a fair amount of people are bullshitters. But, not all of 'em. These MEN climbing Everest and the are MEN. Not bullshitters.

    13. Gigantic wall of white text. ^

      Potty mouth footer.

    14. ^Joe? Joe I know that's you Joe! Everyday I talk about you joe. Joe? don't make me cut myself again. LOL

  14. So the guy watched bigfoot bounty, heard smeja lie saying most dna tests of his samples came back feral human, and still thinks he might be telling the truth. Smeja contradicted himself so many times there is no way anyone paying attention could believe him. I would say shawn wrote the above article except it's too well written.

  15. The certainty I felt a year ago about this subject being settled is pretty much gone. I followed it a lot on Lindsays site and in spite of the way his supplicants fawn over him a lot if not most of what he said was wrong or exaggerated. The newer crew of bigfooters may not be 100% trustworthy but there are still the older, established people like Meldrum and Bindernagel and they are closer to the evidence most of us dont have and are convinced its true. In spite of all the bullshit and disappointments, ther is still a shitload of physical evidence that cant be explained away as hoaxes or misidentifications.

    1. John Bindernagel is a great guy. Super nice.

    2. 7 48. Right an extremely super nice guy as you say. Had the privilege of meeting and talking with about 15 minutes two years ago.

    3. John Bindernagel is a proven bigfoot hoaxer

    4. i like invisible comments.

  16. You have nothing more to say? You didn't say anything... what an idiot.

    1. ^ one of the Joe accounts

    2. ^Joe? Joe I know that's you Joe! Everyday I talk about you joe. Joe? don't make me cut myself again. LOL

    3. You lose troll. I will hunt you down.

    4. ^Joe? Joe I know that's you Joe! Everyday I talk about you joe. Joe? don't make me cut myself again. LOL

  17. NSA archives all for U safety : )

  18. Dear Josh,

    I can understand your frustration Josh, however, you also have to realize that there will never be 100% acceptance of any proof of Bigfoot. Which, reading between the lines, is what you appear to be looking for. The only way to prove Bigfoot to you, is for you to get out to some remote and spooky camping spot, in a dark forest, by yourself, and after driving down a road that nobody has been down for some time. Then you camp over night in a tent next to your car, and no campfire. Had you done some wood knocking and decent howling before bedtime, you may have got their attention. But the Bigfoot will more than likely wait at least 15 minutes after you stopped making any noise, before they commence with their noises. They may make very slight noises or heavy foot thumping or even branch breaking. Had you left some tempting food out like a 20 lb salmon hanging from a tree, they would then attempt to separate you from that food by driving you out of there. No need to panic. They are always just bluffing.

    So Josh, you have to "get a pair" and get out there and prove it to yourself by doing some real field research, all by yourself. Instead of attempting to find your proof on the internet or on TV. There are too many morons, momma's boys, dysfunctional teenagers and 20 somethings, and paid scoftics, for there to ever appear to be more than 30% acceptance on internet forums like Bigfootevidence.

    Sleep tight Josh.

    1. And by the way, that was not a chewbacca mask in the Erickson films. Star Wars wanted a Bigfoot character. How else to you design a Bigfoot costume except from modeling it after a real Bigfoot? So what came first, chewbacca or a Bigfoot? It would obviously be the Bigfoot. The IQ level of the Bigfoot research community, is not at sufficiently high enough levels to accept that chewbacca was modeled after a real Bigfoot, instead of Erickson's closeup shot of a Bigfoot having been modeled after chewbacca. Bill Munn's included.

    2. ^ Take your paragraphs elsewhere you incompetent bafoon

    3. ^ too much reading for people with the attention span of a gerbil.

      There are plenty of places that just show pictures?! :)

    4. Not a chewbacca mask? Doesn't matter which came first, bigfoot or chewy, that thing looks fake as hell. Moneymaker is a moron for supporting that farce.

    5. Dear Josh,
      With 10 million Bigfoot in North America, and 100 million human morons, you ought to be able to find 100 Bigfoot for every moron on this website. It will be like shooting ducks in a barrel, once you turn off your computer and tv, and grow a pair.

  19. Josh forgot to mention Sykes. That one is my favorite.

  20. Maybe Josh needs to buy Johnny Jones's new book; "How to search for, and find Big foot!

  21. Agree that a lot of it is frustrating, especially b/c of Dyer. However, if you forget about all the ridiculous TV shows and Dyer's debacle, there is a ton of evidence out there that is left yet to be decided. Ever hear of Dr. Matthew Johnson? Check out his stuff.
    AND to all the TROLLS - you live a sad existence. Maybe someday you'll get laid, but don't count on it. Until then, just keep spending your time insulting people. Wow, what fun! Losers...

    1. Dr. Head Injury McManboobs?

      Most bleevers don't even buy his whacky paranormal bigfoot claims.

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