Sasquatch Ontario's Videos Just Got Even More Weird and Ridiculous

Oh, wow. The audio you're about to hear at the beginning of this clip is so ridiculous, it was put there to make us laugh. The tracks are impressive, but it would have been more believable if the vocalizations were left out.


  1. Replies
    1. or is it a late night fisting?

    2. All that snow around and you get just one foot print. is this pretend sasquatch a one legged sassy? or did he just hop on one leg? not that I believe any of this crap! but think about it. this one footprint makes no sense. and what about the sassy saying I love you. that's a human trait I would guess. total B.S. and by now he should of had a picture/video! I mean since the sassy loves him. maybe they can make a porno together since they love one another. just total rubbish.

    3. Wheres the proof its fake?

    4. There is none. No one has been able to duplicate the sounds.

    5. You People make me so sick - Ignorant Keyboard Warriors. I think this is an American ignorance to be honest - Someone like Mike out there, progressing, pushing the boundaries and you get comments like this and below. People who have never been in the Forest, think Matt Moneymaker, Ro Sahebi and Justin Smeja are experts, COMPLETE STUPIDITY. If you understood the Species you would know why there is 1 footprint, you would know why certain things happen as they do. To me, this signifies complete and utter ignorance and an education level on this Species as ZERO! Go back to Kindergarten, when you're dealing with Sasquatch Ontario and others from up here in Canada you're dealing with professionals who take this serious, don't fake or try and push an agenda. You need to ask yourself and realize, if Mike were faking all of this, why would he stray so far away from what you perceive as "The status quo"? Folks like yourself Champing at the bit trying to make a name for yourself by discrediting something that has no flaws, no disruptions in it's integrity but again, TYPICAL AMERICAN ASSHOLE! No wonder your Country is so hated...

    6. Canada sucks, idiot. At least people talk about America. No one cares about Canada.

    7. If you for one second believe this BS then you deserve to live in Canada!! You don't stand a chance here in the U.S you'll be eaten alive!!

    8. Deserve to live in Canada? Hah what a laugh. Canada is a great place to live. Keep wallowing in your ignorance.

    9. Eaten alive? Thanks for admitting you live in an undesirable shithole.

    10. It's easy to be a naysayer - and it feels a need for trolls to fill the negative energy they are addicted to. It's much harder to watch something like this with an open mind. Most people that have an open mind about Sasquatch have only opened their mind wide enough to try to fit the phenomena inside what they already know - that Sasquatch is a divergent Ape or human. Those who have studied the subject know there is often a supernatural element to many Sasquatch encounters. These elements cannot fit neatly within the theories of those who want to bring credibility to the phenomena so they just toss it out. Dr. Ketchum tried to fit the inexplicable in her belief system. I have actually done the same thing. How difficult is it for you to open your mind and say, "maybe I just don't know what is going on here but I'm willing to learn." I'm from america by the way.

    11. Wow. Canadians are retarded.

    12. Canada = lala land!!! Enough said!! It might be a great country but people there are made for each other as it seems!!!

    13. It's probably not a good idea to broad brush an entire nation based on limited experience. Just sayin.

    14. U.S. backpackers put Canadian flags on their backs so they don't get killed.

    15. If the subject in this recording is a sasquatch and the sasquatch states, "I love you" to the person behind the camera then he may be having some type of personal relations with the squatch. I'm not alleging weiner in rump or weiner in stink hole relationship, but maybe it has progressed to "personal" by the fact that the sasquatch is emotionally attached to this person and they do not want to lose the trust of the sasquatch by taking more pics or vids.....

    16. Butt hurt Americans over the loss to Canada at the Olympics......

  2. When i think about Mid Michigan Cuming, i touch myself.


    1. Bro!! Email me bro!!

    2. Hey Joe, its ttl. I will man. Thanks for the email. I have some patty porn photos i have wanted to send you for a while now. I have some with and without the butt diaper on. And a few with Bob H's head both in, and out of the suit. And even a few with Bob H jiggling the patty fake boobs.
      Ill send them over.
      Thanks for everything.

    3. Interesting his last name is Patterson?..almost like a mock to the video??

  3. Ah, I love Cedar Waxwings. If this audio is true it's fantastically incredible, I have my doubts....

  4. This may be me in 10 years. Will I too be crazy?

    1. Nah, Patterson has the right idea. Look at all these guys frothing in here ranting to get at him. Keep this stuff secret and safe but deliver the information. Everything he's laid out has been consistent for over the last year. and he's not making a dime. Patterson knows what he's doing.

    2. What about the picture the tardsquatch took of himself inside a house? What about the fish eye?

      Yeah. keep on tardin' in the free world Ernie.

  5. This guy is certifiable nuts. WTF is wrong with the boy.Must of been dropped on his head when he was a child.

  6. Thanks for being a embarrassment to Canadian s everywhere TTL!

    1. Thats not me posting that garbage, what's wrong with these people? TTL!

  7. Boy oh boy I hope this guy isnt hoaxing near me in Ontario I'd love to get this guy on tape or maybee u could let me do my moose hunt on your property ???? Ttl I'll have a tag this year please just tell me what area your in ? 17a , 15b?? Come on

    1. Please joe fitz don't pay attention to this guy none of this is true there just a animal! Ttl!

  8. Can anyone tell me were this guy is located so I can blow the whistle on him !! Please I live in Ontario I now it's big but give me a chance!

  9. I heard it clear as day, Nepotia said, "Pull my finger."

  10. If this clown lives in a small town he's done for, it will just take a phone call, come on guys find him enough is enough! If he has a video frOm this dec and said it was -50 I could tell u what area within 100 miles lets find this crazy man help ? This is worse than Rick dyer there I said it! Ttl

    1. Canada has bigger problems to deal with. For example, my brother and I went on a week long fishing trip up there a number of years ago and the first thing we noticed was the men all looked like Grizzly Adams and shook hands like Shirley Temple. Stupid posers. Your food sucked too. Would you like me to send up a few cookbooks?

    2. How is this worse than Rick Dyer? Rick Dyer is a con man making cash off of people. That isn't going on here. Give your head a shake.

  11. Combermere ring a bell! Sasqwatch Ontario ?? That's we're u took the pictures of the two foxes on the road near Flick River! In ontario And a lot of the background in your past photos are looking a lot like your research area ??? Well I'm going to spend another 5 minutes and keep looking at your nature photos, don't get me wrong u have taken some great pictures in the past!

  12. Omg!! And u named that sasqwatch after a small town west of Ottawa!! How funny is that! How have people not picked up on this u must be laughing every time u post one of your videos, this is to funny lol good job sasqwatch Ontario or should I say Nepien or what ever that town was called I can't remember now lol to funny!

    1. You owe the English language an apology. I've read tech manuals converted from Chinese to Spanish to English that had better sentence structure than that word-vomit you spewed on us.

    2. Hey I just turn 9 two days ago so I'll try harder in the future,sorry.

    3. A comma here and there and maybe a period on occasion and you'll be understood in no time. And we won't get migraines trying to piece together what your trying to say.

    4. Do you mean Napanee, Ontario, anon 6:00?
      CLOSE to Napanee...... Sas Ontario is..... Wait till this summer. I might reveal this clowns location if he keeps it up. You guys know he is just messing with you all, right?

    5. Oh, and his name is NOT "Mike Patterson" hahaha,

  13. Shawn, You might want to prepare yourself for having to eat a pile of crow, in the near future. Your use of the word "ridiculous", only reflects on you apparent lack of sufficient field experience to be qualified to even voice your opinion on Sasquatch Ontario. Owning this website, does not qualify you. Unless you want to end up in the same corner with a Dunce Cap on your head as Doctor Johnson, I recommend that you cut the crap on criticizing Sasquatch Ontario.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Totally agree with what you're saying here. On the other hand, this site seems to back Johnson who is in the same field. But Johnson, who prays on SO because he considers him competition and he's jealous, is more credible and believable because his findings are total garbage? Talk about ridiculous. Talk about hypocrites. I bet there's money involved.

    3. Dude who runs this site is a Johnson ass licker. This subject is filled with bs from a bunch of wannabes

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. sounds like a big one.
    possibly 8-9'

  16. He keeps saying he's going to get the audio analyzed, but he still hasn't. He says an evidence that he's not hoaxing is that he's not doing it for money. Oh please, hoaxers have many other reasons to hoax besides money, like to sit back and laugh at his retarded followers.

    1. Audio analysis is expensive. He's also said he has no problems if someone else wants to pay for it.

  17. Snow Sasquatch eats U for sure

  18. I think this is no hoax and quite possible the most fascinating BF research I have ever seen or heard. amazing

  19. Case for hoax is the depth of the tracks, as they barely look as deep as the boot prints. Given a footprint size of 17", that would placed the creatures weight in excess of 500 lbs, a weight guaranteed to make a much deeper print.

  20. Also the toes are too scrunched together, which comes from wearing shoes.

    1. The foot is way beyond the human range. Watch, listen, and keep your mouth closed. It makes you look stupid when you speak.

  21. nope..its the real deal and will proven as much very shortly


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