Photo of The Day: In 2000, two photographs said to be of the Skunk Ape were taken

These photographs of a possible skunk ape are some of the most recognized images of the Skunk Ape. BFE reader B. Miller writes:

In 2000, two photographs said to be of the Skunk Ape were taken by an anonymous woman and mailed to the Sarasota County, Florida, Sheriff's Department. The photographs were accompanied by a letter from the woman in which she claims to have photographed an ape in her backyard. The woman wrote that on three different nights an ape had entered her backyard to take apples left on her back porch. She was convinced the ape was an escaped orangutan. The pictures have become known to Bigfoot enthusiasts as the "skunk ape photos."


  1. Replies
    1. The trolls own this blog!!


    2. Has anybody heard the new britney spears album? Its pretty good.



      ALL CAPS

    4. Firstly that's a real ape,secondly Toxic is a brilliant song xx

  2. That other firster is just me!

  3. Looks like a guy in a arangatang costume

    1. It's spelled orangutan you ignorant dolt!

    2. O or A it's still a guy in suite. Jack ass

    3. Anon103 is correct ,,and 1242 ,learn to spell you,,, "Dull Stooge"..

    4. Yes wow it sure is a guy in a 'suite'. Wowee baby. A hotel suite. That guy is right there in a hotel suite, just look at him. Thanks 1:09 for bein' so dang brite.

  4. Rick dyer is the greatest orangutan tracker IN THE world

    1. I tell you what rick dyer is certainly stepping up to the heights of patterson, just look at his sell out theatre show. Its all fun and games, he knows it, the audience knows it. Its like going to a magic show. Of course its not real but you play along with it. Its an art. Patterson had the gift for it and in more recent times biscardi and now dyer. Great stuff. Great promoters. Let the footery good times roll. Its the footers that are deluded enough to think there is a real monkey out there that turn the whole thing into laughable circus. Dyer on the other hand is laughing at the footers who take it seriously and is bossing it with his 8 foot dummy. Good work.

    2. Rick Dyer is no Patterson, sorry. Nice try Rick.

    3. Dyer is unparalleled in his creativity, and dedication. Lord Lickerpuss is a close second
      Regards, LL

    4. Rick Dyer is stepping up? Yah ok.

  5. Well as joe always says.... unless you can produce the suit then it has to be real.

    Too easy.

  6. That thing was debunked many years ago. This is a costume that was produced in Taiwan if I recall. Not sure if its still in manufacturing or not. The photo was supposedly 'Mailed from persons unknown'.


    1. Hearsay and rumours^ produce the suit. If you cant then there is your bigfoot.

    2. Ernie, when you post as Joe do you sometimes like to debunk videos?

    3. You shouldn't have to prove something isn't real. You prove that it is real. And that hasn't been done yet.

    4. No scientific proof? OK then.

    5. Hey don't get mad dude, the guy up top said it was debunked. I was just asking for a link. I'm not suggesting it's real.

    6. Honestly I'm just waiting for joe to chime in.

    7. Joe, when you post as Ernie do you sometimes wish you could butter Fatsanos fat rolls?

    8. In typical Joe fashion, Joe demands a link to a video for something to be true. Joe will then save that in his link database and save it for a day when a copy/paste is needed.. Oh yes, and Joe is not Welsh, he is an American

    9. ^^Joe didn't ask for a link, I did. I guess reading comprehension isn't your forte.

    10. Well since you are Joe, that kinda conflicts, dont in Ernie

    11. Joe, when you post as Ernie, do you sometimes lick your "forte"

    12. The documentation I refer to was on old BFF vs 1.0, it could possibly be viewed on the archives. Even had pics of the costume on sale that matched exactly.


  7. thats just t-fats before his monthly shower

  8. Those are known as the Myakka Skunk Ape photos.

  9. I cant believe no one else has picked up on the fact that Joe is not Welsh. He is an American, and more than likely a super troll, or a paid troll. In all the time Joe has been here, he never once has used any English/Welsh dialect or slang. Everyone knows that English people speak differently than Americans and use different diction for words. Its pretty dag on obvious when you are talking to one. There insults are horribly lame and there humor is......well English. Everyone knows what im talking about. Not only that, but even Americans or other nationalities who move to countries such as England, etc, develop the same lingual habits. Take Madonna for example. She is American yet speaks with that horrible British accent. When you move to a new country you slowly adopt there lingual habbits, its fact. And that would have come out in Joes diction. There is no doubt about that, yet never once has that happened. Joe speaks perfect English and pronounces every word as an American would. So either Joe just moved overseas in the past several months, or he does not live in Wales. I think we know which one it is.

    Joe is either a super troll himself. In which case he deserves our troll respect for trolling us all. Or he is a paid troll or mod. Which is sad, but i wouldnt put it past Shawn.

    1. Sir no one is talking in here, this is a text based blog. What are you talking about? Are you crazy?

    2. Worst.theory.ever. Must be a retard using a text to audio translator.

    3. Sounds stupid enough to be something butthurt Danielle Campbell would trot out.

    4. Joe uses loads of English slang and expressions. I don't know if he speaks Welsh. You seem super mistaken dood.

    5. Go look at the archives and the times he used to post before I called him on it. No one has ever believed him to be outside of america. He is a known liar and stalker.

    6. Hey 12:03. Who's stalking who? You sound like the crazy chick at the end of a Lifetime movie as she's getting the cuffs slapped on her while she's standing over the body of the wife of her boss. All the while sobbing, " SHE WAS CRAZY! SHE DIDN'T LOVE HIM LIKE I DID!" Roll credits...

  10. I agree completely,, ,You Need to respect,,, "THE JOE"..
    As he is always willing to take a time out and answer legit questions ,, and honestly debate the assine trollistic taunts ,,he has to endure,,, They say Joe is not welsh !!! If that is the Case !!!

    "THEN SO BE IT" !!

  11. I would love to see Phil Poling break this down for us!! I am sure he'll find a logical explanation for these photographs, they seem real to me. Don't know what kind of creature it is but I see a real specimen.


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