Man Wakes Up in Body Bag, Chupacabra Killed Again, Baby Poop Sausage, and Sex Crazed Marsupials

Fortean Slip News 11. In this news the fellas discuss a man who wakes up in a body bag, chupacabras in Texas, newly found marsupials that die after mating, and baby poop making sausage better. This newscast is uncensored as always for your pleasure.


  1. I have anal sex with the mothers of internet tough guys.

    1. I prefer Joe's fat momma.

    2. This place has gone downhill since the super friends backed down.

      MMC, MMG, Joe, Ernie, ALL CAPS....

      This blog needs s hero! Help us!

    3. This blog belongs to the trolls now, deal with it.

    4. Come fuk me Ernie! I need you inside me!

    5. Wow Bert you are a real CREEP.

    6. Joe, when you post as Ernie, do you like to play with secrets?

    7. DC switching from account to anon.

    8. No, the reason you arent seeing them much is b/c Shawn is going to attempt to start modding heavy. Coonbo Joe and the others dont want to post b/c they are afraid that Shawn will see the posts and ban them. More than likely for the last 2 days the mods have been watching closely to see who to ban. But, as we all know, this blogs success is all about the trolls. If Shawn bans us, his blog will go downhill faster than Joe's mom on a mexican. And he will silently lift the troll ban. No trolls equals no blog success for Shawn. This is a fact. Now, give it to me Coonbo Joe

    9. Joe, when you post as Ernie, do you like to give hugs and kisses?

    10. The odd thing is, 9:36 is 100% correct.

    11. ^at least the part about joe's mom going down on mexicans.

    12. What I heard, was we will no longer be able to post in here with anon accounts.

    13. Well, if Shawn does do that, he will find this blog turn into a ghost town. you will have about a dozen people posting, turning each thread into a personal chat room. Joe will naturally be the thread leader and every thread will be about the 4 things that Joe knows.

      Shawn only posts spam on this site, so the site obviously isnt going to attract any serious people, and those that do come here, will quickly leave b/c of the posters and there lack of knowledge. And Shawn will begin to lose alot of money. Then he suddenly will turn things back to the way it was. You can bet money on it. This blog is a joke, always has been, but the trolls keep it in business. Thats why the mods run different troll accounts, such as the Coonbo Joe account. Its all to bring in clicks. Without the anons, the blog will fail. If Shawn doesnt realize this, he is stupider than i thought.

      Now, Give it to me Coonbo Joe!!!

    14. Doesnt matter. The trolls will just get names and avatars. Every time he blocks me, I just change my IP and I'm back on.

    15. claiming this blog's success is due to trolling is 100 percent wrong. With a staple of normal posters and better moderation more people will sign up and want to stay and post here, driving the success of this site. Shawn knows that. The few trolls hanging around are driving people away.

    16. Yes, yes, yessss!!


    17. Only have a dozen people posting? That's what there is now, with maybe 5 trolls in the mix. IP addies don't lie.

    18. Anon 9:54 was obviously one of the super friends. This site will attract serious people??? HAHAHAHA. That is a bigger joke then Coonbo Joe's youtube page. Take a look at the topics form today alone you dense. Yep, that is sure some serious topics huh?? LOL.

      This blog is indeed ours, THE TROLLS. Without it, it will fail. Its that simple. Why do you think the blog didnt ban trolls and allowed anon posting for years. Every other bigfoot blog did. so why not this one? lol. Do you think it was b/c the mods just like to keep it loose. AH HAHAHAHA.

      This is a bigfoot spam blog. Everyone knows it. Shawn created it that way, and it has a niche. The trolls account for 99 percent of the clicks. Just look at who would be posting minus troll posts. Less than 6 people. If you stupid group of trannys, retards, patty fanboys, and armchair researchers actually think this site will attract anyone serious, you are mistaken and profoundly retarded.

      But dont take my word for it, watch and see for yourself. I guarantee it will happen. If Shawn bans anon posting and trolls, the blog will sink, and he will either have to close it, or will just allow anons back. I absolutely guarantee it. Watch and see, you group of pathetic losers led by the American mod super troll, Coonbo Joe

    19. Anon 9:58 may be correct, but just look at how many posts those 5 trolls are making. Take them out of the equation and then how many? lol About a dozen per thread, all by the superfriends.

    20. Coonbo joe youtube page?? What's the name?.or you just a liar.

    21. ^^^^^Look, a turbball conventio!

    22. Oh, and notice how the two-three trolls have driven everyone away?

      I noticed that someone suggested that I've stopped posting, the truth is there is no one here posting on topic it even the general subject matter anymore, skeptics/enthusiasts alike, so there has been nothing that is worth responding to. The guy who writes ten paragraphs a thread about me suggests that people like me have driven regulars away. He also frequently calls me a hypocrite; know what I mean?

      He sounded really scared also, dropping into his comment about Shawn possibly stopping Anon posts, well if that was to happen what would he do with his existence? Sounds like he's not as stupid as I thought and he can indeed see his days are numbered.

      Anyway... All fail Trollandia, remember... As soon as you get on topic, I'm here to clear you away as always. Now write ten paragraphs about that!

      ; )

    23. ... And 'clear you away' meaning, give you a damn good debate!

    24. ^ King Hypocrite, Coonbo Joe speaks. He is blaming his hypocracy on others yet again. Notice he rambles about writing paragraphs and then what did he do? Yep, thats coonbo Joe alright

    25. Coonbo Joe doesnt seem to realize that us trolls will just make accounts and go through IP after IP trolling him over and over again. You will never be rid of us Coonbo, no matter how many times we are banned. All Hail trolandia, this is our blog!!!

    26. No bigger hypocrite than you, bro. You bang on about names being whited out when you are too scared to post your own.

      You lose because you are a coward as well as a hypocrite.

      Also... You are scared that if Shawn by some chance did decide to change the blog to no Anon postings, it'd be the end of you.

      Hypocrite... I kill you when it comes to Bigfoot and you kill yourself hiding like a little coward.

      Ha ha ha ha!!

    27. You'd have to be a buffoon to want your real name plastered here. Many employers in the US look at social media (google +, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) and anyone in a professional field would have scrambled eggs for a brain to post here using their real name and credentials.

      The only people who don't care if their names are plastered among this idiotic spam blog are shameless promoters, blockheads, obsessive footers (many of whom still don't want associated with this place professionally), and people that have psychological disorders.

    28. Only a fool would want their name and credentials attached to this blog, or anything related to the supernatural, paranormal, or cryptids.

      Most employers in the US look at their employees social media (google +, Facebook, Twitter, etc) and those in professional fields would be idiots for using their real name.

      Only blockheads, obsessed fools, shameless promoters, and unprofessional nitwits would use their real name on this black hole.

      Ever wonder why even footers use pseudonyms here? Outside of known footing promoters and blog owners, the only people to use their real names are Koonbo Joe and Mike "Lens Cap" Brookreson.

      Eva Rogers showed her full name once but doesn't post using her full name and Dmaker is in a similar situation.

    29. Same troll posting in here multiple times saying the same thing trying to look like different people. It's obvious. This guy's nutz. Also, you can go ahead with the effort of changing your IP but when you have to log in with an actual account that won't help you. As soon as you step out of line that account is banned. Go ahead and start a new one, same thing happens. It's pretty simple to moderate the trolling away.

    30. 6:28... You are just a little coward that's ok scared to show his name.

      Dress that up all you like, the joke is you too scared.

      Oh, and the previous post absolutely schooled you.

    31. Joe is the only one who thinks that.

  2. Me too. I wore your mom out. First

  3. Three sex crazed marsupials^^^

    1. In that case it is just as I suspected. They act up because they are a bunch of frustrated virgins. The sex crazed marsupials die after they do it.

    2. Nope, Chupacabras, is just another name for Vrill. Vrill type 1's favorite blood besides human is goat.

    3. Please just shoot me with da Ak.

  4. It's trollandia I'm here to bring the pain on joe r u ready?


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