Kentucky Man Comes Face-to-Face With Bigfoot and Films It

The story you're about to read will piss you off. It's one of those stories that makes you say, WTF?! Rodney A. recently shared a story of his friend's encounter with a Bigfoot in Trimble County, KY. His friend Tom, who's also an investigator, was standing just 50ft away from the Bigfoot, when he managed to grab his cell phone to record the beast before it walked off. Rodney recounts the disheartening story of what happened to the video:


While wandering through the awful Hell, known as Super Wal-Mart, I receive a frantic call from Tom. He says, "Rodney??" and I can detect that something is not normal with his voice (I did not go with Tom today, as I worked late enough that getting in the woods wasn't an option). "I just got the Shit scared out of me", he says and I ask if something yelled at him. He says, "No, not yell, I saw it standing 50 feet from me!!!" He then goes on to explain that he had found fresh tracks, and was making a video of the prints, which I will post as soon as they get converted down to a reasonable size.

Tom would never joke, or try to hoax me on this, and the fear in his voice was more than enough proof to me, that Tom saw a Bigfoot in our habitation area. Tom detected a rotten smell, and looked up from the prints he was investigating, and to his amazement a large, hairy creature was standing about 50 feet away, and it was looking straight at him. The hair covered it's body, except for the face, and was of a reddish hue.

Tom didn't flex a muscle and looked at the creature, the creature looking directly at him, for about 45 seconds. It then pivoted on it's heel, spun it's body around and began walking away. It did not seem to be in a hurry, which may be a sign that this creature is gaining our trust. Tom grabbed his phone and began recording, and was convinced he had that video we all want. He jumped on the four wheeler and drove out of the area, eager to see his captured video.

Upon arriving at home, Tom's wife can tell he is shaken up. She asks how it went and Tom said ,"You'll have to watch this video and see!" They started to watch it, and low and behold, Tom had accidentally switched the camera around in his haste to record the creature walking away. He recorded his jacket instead, but you can hear the creature walking away through the leaves,

Yes I know, it is disheartening, and I guess it just wasn't meant to be today. The good news is, it revealed itself to Tom, did not make any defensive noises or gestures, and calmly waked away. They are starting to gain our trust. I believe it is just a matter of time until we capture sufficient evidence to quiet the cynics, and prove these creatures are not a myth, but a living, thriving being - one that lives in our backyard.


  1. Got monkey?

    #looneytoons approved

    1. 1:14 resdent butt-aching belly-aching jref loon with fear of footers enjoying the delusion of life based on a logical fallacy

      #flunktard approved

    2. 1:24 is my favourite footer. Since his ban from jref his butthurtness has been ever present here. You dont get the title of poster boy for footer stupidity for nothing!

    3. Joe, when you post as Ernie, do you like to call out your name?

  2. Regardless, it wouldn't have been as groundbreaking and authentic as the PGF

  3. Replies
    1. bigfeets been eatn peeple for yeerz.

      (My immiation of hillbilly guy) !!!

    2. bigfeets eatin U fer shure..... folk knowin it fer yeers.......

  4. Old settler's diaries spoke of backwards phone cams.

    1. How about them Jets dmaker? I'm a Calgary fan myself. Gotta love the rebuilding :(

    2. Joe, when you post as Ernie, do you sometimes like rebuilding it?

  5. so where are the foot prints? Where is the video where we can hear the creature walking away? Where is habitation site?

    Thought so.

    1. You will get it once it's edited and doctored. Even after that it will be blurry and inconclusive. So don't hold your breathe it will take awhile to get the prints just right

    2. The video and prints and the cast can be found at - The cast was posted yesterday, the videos I am still converting to smaller size but will upload them in a few days.

    3. Pfffft, you're nothing but a liar in a long line of liars. Its impossible for every single chance a person had to film a Bigfoot to suddenly go awry. This field is filled with nothing but excuses and idiots who blindly follow the liars. Yes Rod Mac, you are full of shit! I bet you dollars to doughnuts that you got NOTHING. However, resident idiots like Joe F. will like it.

    4. Pfffft, you're nothing but a liar in a long line of liars. Its impossible for every single chance a person had to film a Bigfoot to suddenly go awry. This field is filled with nothing but excuses and idiots who blindly follow the liars. Yes Rod Mac, you are full of sh*t I bet you dollars to doughnuts that you got NOTHING. However, resident idiots like Joe F. will like it.

  6. From now on, every hunter should be required to wear a go pro camera on their head at all times. Facing forward of course.

  7. not to say that a creature like bigfoot never was,but if there is as many as people say thre is,why in the hell has no one killed one to prove they are real,or any remains found,

  8. What an idiot. If it was real, I'd be too ashamed to tell that story considering the idiotic blunder that the fool did. DOH!

  9. This story is just more bigfoot BS.

  10. LOL. You 'footers will post ANYTHING! You want to believe everything you possibly can about this crap. And you still make up excuses for this guy and others like him.

  11. I have know idea whether this report is "real or not" as so many of you are claiming it to be fake based on this person's reaction. Those of you who chastise this man for failing to properly use his recording device are clearly unaware of the human psyche and how the average person will react to being shocked or startled by something unusual that our mind cannot immediately process.

    It is very easy to set at a computer while pushing keys and criticize or name call about what each of us would do when truth be told we do not really know how we would react until faced with the exact situation. The military spends extensively amounts of time and resources studying this type of reaction and how to counter it when training their special forces soldiers. Our brain will gather information and analyze how to react, what to do etc. based on prior experiences and "muscle memory." When the average person encounters an event that is both shocking and unusual we will essentially do nothing. That's right, we will usually fail to act at all until a level of consciousness is met that allows us to process what is going on and how to react to it.

    In the military this time gap will usually get a soldier killed. In the world of the unknown like bigfoot, people will usually act much worse than this man did. At least he thought enough to turn his recording device on.

  12. drat another film gets away
    this magic minky will run out of luck soon. I know it will

  13. Where are the follow up photos of the foot prints?


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