I think this is the creepiest old footage of yet

Some people might be a little confused by the "Patterson-style BIGFOOT In Wyoming, 1961" title, but if this video was filmed in the woods and passed off as a "Bigfoot" footage, it would have probably convinced a lot of people. The uploader swears he's not trying to pull a hoax. Here's what the description says:

Found 8mm amateur footage of what appears to be a Patterson-style Sasquatch (albeit wearing a hat and pants) in Wyoming, 1961. Notice how the car backs away in fear! Film found at a garage sale. Scanned with a Moviestuff Retro-8 (no additional processing), music by me. And before anyone posts about this being a hoax, or stupid, or whatever, yes, I know it's just some guy. But he was walking sorta like Bigfoot so I thought I'd share. Let's see how many comments I can get from folks who haven't read this far into the description.


  1. This is the trolls blog.


    1. Pimple popping, notes keeping, too fat to leave the basement trollandia

    2. Ah trollandia... A magical place that smells like Doritos and smegma stained keyboards. A land that's never seen the light of day or a woman besides the one who birthed the troll and brings it pastries from the upstairs kitchen.

    3. Trollandia... Where homeschooled kids learn how to fail at life and socially interactive Internet forums. A magical place full of fat disgusting unwantable virgins whose only escape in life is debating good ole Joe on wether or not the PGF film is legit. Eat some more ice cream gravy wraps you fat little turds.

    4. Ah trollandia... Where cyber harassment and bacon fit together like chocolate and peanut butter.

    5. Visit Trollandia... If your ambitions are low.

    6. Trolls are little men that hide behind the keys.

      They have little minds...& tiny pee pee's.

      Trolls are Angry all the time because they get no dates.

      But it's hard to have a social life when your that over weight.

    7. Trolls= neo nerds and geeks

    8. Trolls are like the Klingons of BFE

    9. Trolls have triple chins and double x mumus

    10. There once was a little troll
      Who had a man crush on Joe
      He couldn't debate him
      And he wanted to date him
      But he knew Joe would just tell him NO

    11. Wow. Trolls just got destroyed by an anonymous troll. That's pretty embarrassing.

    12. Ha ha ha.....Trolled by a Troll the Trolls are!!


    13. bigfoots abouts for sure....

    14. The story goes that Patterson and Gimlin had developed a strong interest in Bigfoot, and in October 1967 they rented the movie camera and went off on horseback for a couple weeks to look for it. Next thing they knew, they'd become the luckiest Bigfoot hunters in history, when the creature obligingly stepped out of the woods and strode across the clearing for Patterson's camera, in the early afternoon of October 20th. Gimlin chased it on horseback, lost it, but found its footprints; then they rode about 5 kilometers back to camp for their plaster of paris. They rode back, poured plaster into the footprints, waited for it to dry, then went back to camp again. They loaded their horses into the trailer and drove 40 kilometers on rough fire roads back to Willow Creek, and posted the film off to Yakima to get it developed. It was about 4:00 in the afternoon.

      The glaring impossibility of this timeline is what first raised suspicions among skeptics. In response, Patterson and Gimlin began providing all sorts of different versions of their story. Other suspicious cryptozoologists, such as Peter Byrne, found holes and contradictions in those stories. In the end, the version Patterson and Gimlin settled on was that they put the film onto a plane and flew it to Yakima, where Al DeAtley picked it up to have it developed. Byrne found that the only charter planes that could have flown that route that day were all grounded due to rain and bad weather. Since then, few serious researchers took Patterson and Gimlin's story seriously.

  2. Replies
    1. The guy who posted the video kind of insinuated some dumbass would cry foul without actually reading his comment. I guess the dumbass is you. Dumbass.

  3. Well it's what all the well dressed Bigfoot's are wearing

  4. That's my cousin Hank! He's one hairy bastard. We had him stuffed, and now he travels around the country in the back of a trailer.

  5. Where is old PJ's mom at tonight?

  6. Oh great, it's some old footage of a black dude with his shirt off and everyone thinks he looks like Bigfoot. That's not racist at all.

    / rolls eyes

  7. Bloke in a suit. Joe pwned as per. Too easy.

  8. That shit was film in current times look at the wind shield wipers and the hood of the suv that is being driven, all shit form today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Its just too easy.

    Bloke in a suit.

    Show us the verified evidence of bigfoot? We can do it no problem for every other species. Why not bigfoot? Too easy. Cos it don't exist.

    Royally smoked.

    The funniest thing is the footers will attempt to shoehorn anything they can to be "evidence" of bigfoot. None of it is scientificly acceptable of course but it sure does give us a hilarious circus show to watch. No complaints here.

    Let's go back to the packham bigfoot suit that joe and the resident butthurt footer and poster boy for footer stupidity were talking about earlier. Do you really look at that and think that was a recreation of the pgf? Of course it wasn't. If it was an actual recreation attempt you'd think they would at least get the colour right. The bbc just got a costume company to make them a bigfoot suit and that is what they got. This is a classic example of one of many failed arguments put forth by the footers.

    If we want to look at a patty recreation how about we actually look at one rather than using one that clearly wasnt meant to be a patty recreation.We have 2 examples of these. We have the dfoot recreation and the blevins recreation. Both excellent examples. Blevins recreated the arm proportions perfectly but his budget was too low to get a similar style fur. Dfoots recreation showed identical "muscle" and bulk, quite excellent really. This is the same guy that made patty bleevers on the bff look like fools when he photoshopped patty onto a different background and all the bleevers said it was an obvious suit. He embarrassed them so bad they banned him and swept the whole thing under the giant footers rug of ignorance. Also lets not forget that side by side shot of a gemora butt with the patty butt. Identical.

    And anyway the whole notion of requiring an identical replication is nonsense anyway. The footers know this which is why they use it, instead of doing something like, oh I dont know, find a real life specimen that matches patty.

    Its just too easy.

    Fish in a barrel.

    1. That "costume company" that the BBC commissioned was the idiot that claimed he sold a suit to Patterson and was occupied by the drunk idiot that claimed he was in the original film. They both had their collective lying ass's handed to them. The BBC was so embarrassed by the results these clowns produced they tried to bury their footage, hoping no one would ever see it.

      It's just to easy.

      Candy from a baby.

    2. most obvious Joe anon post ever

  10. Clearly nobody read the description by the poster. I did. Long live Bigfeet!

    1. Me too, and he makes a great point. Sasquatch are near human, if not human. We share the same gait when tuned and hardened by physical labor as this rancher is. Better post than most on the subject.

    2. It'd be better if we shared the same beds.

      No homo

    3. Pretty sure he was pointing out how stupid it is to claim no one can walk that way. The magic monkey is still not real.

  11. This looks like a home job creature of the black lagoon type affair.

  12. How about dude knows it's not a bigfoot but insists on calling it one anyway. humans are fucked up. next week he can use some sci-fi style music and pretend it's an alien! the world is filled with people who waste other people's time.

  13. Anything convinced bigfooters! They are just so stupid.

  14. The poster takes credit for the music--should take credit for the feedback sounding garbage noise.

  15. and do people think bigfoot is too classy to ever wear pants ?
    He doesn't need pants in the wild but in the he loves his pants and stylish hat

  16. Let me get this straight. You thought this guy walked a lot like a Bigfoot, so you thought that you would share? What was your first clue that he walked like a Bigfoot? Was it because he was on 2 legs? Or how about because he had 2 arms AND 2 legs, therefore he walked a lot like a Bigfoot. Tell us, exactly how does a Bigfoot walk?


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