Four High School Kids Became Bigfoot Believers After Prank

Oh, man. This is pretty funny. Some guys decided to prank a couple of high school kids by playing back some terrifying Bigfoot sounds. The kids actually thought they were hearing a real Bigfoot:

We're almost to 12k views on this one.. an old gem.. the guys at Finding Bigfoot actually got a little pissy with me about this in an Apparently my sounds weren't accurate, and I've made light of serious research. That may be true, but I made believers out of these 4 kids.. at least for an hour or so. ;)


  1. Shawn please post an article for this show!

    1. Go away, we dont want you here. Any bigfoot blogtalk fan is an ignoramus.

    2. Thanks BBRF!

      I've chased up this source and have this guy on bookmark for me to check out at the first opportunity. I'm hearing more about this guy and the time!

      Thanks for the link.

    3. Here's another one;


    4. Everyone can rest easy now, Joe has it bookmaked and ready for quick copy and paste access.

    5. Tim That says enough right there. Your a pathetic fool Joe. We also know you dont live in Wales, nor are from there. You a dirty American, just like the rest of us. You are Steven Strufart himself. Can you see with those googly eyes?

    6. M favourite post of the week;

      "Brian MacGillicuttyTuesday, February 25, 2014 at 7:25:00 PM PST
      Oh Christ, 7:09, last names? Damn look at yourself, posting as Anonymous with no last name, what a joke. What a raging retarded hypocrite for Christ's sake. Come on. It's great to see the JREF is hiring 12 year olds now.

      All FAIL trollandia."

    7. That was our favorite to Joe. That was when you responded to yourself getting trolled about your last name being banned. When you wrote that, and then responded too it, did you feel proud??? We always win, and we own you Joe. All Hail Trollandia and its legions.

    8. That was also the day you had an epic meltdown and started creating new accounts like crazy along with MMC. I dont know what you had imagined was going to happen there, but it failed miserably. You never learn PJ

    9. Thanks for the link joe! Coonbo is one of my favorite bigfoot researcher/witnesses
      He was on Campfire Shadows a few years ago as well.

    10. You fools are actually considering listening to someone named Coonbo????????????? How unbelievably stupid are you 2. Why dont you and Coonbo take your ramblings over too cryptomundo where you belong.

    11. Really? Not arguing the subject matter anymore... Are you?

      ; )

      'Troll' on, crazy nerd.

    12. Joe Coonbo is really getting it hard first thing this morning. Joe, was it your childhood dream, to drink Coonbo's coon juice?

    13. Coonbo not his actual name you slathering idiot! Change your bib. He is 10 of you and if he took you into just 1 of the situations he has lived through, you'd crap in your own face!

    14. Sounds like PJ Coonbo is getting a little angry. I wonder if Coonbo has ever lived through any hard poundings? That would explain the urge i have to crap in Coonbo's face. Coonbo is obviously the most credible voice in the bigfoot world.

    15. Joe, if you were on a camping trip in America and woke up with a sore anus and a used condom nearby, would you tell anyone?

    16. YOU Stupid Trolls make me laugh !! HAA,HAAA, HAAAAA , ,, Coonbo is a rocket scientist in real life, his name is Tim Baker and was employed by NASA & JPL,,, Face Facts !! U Trolls are total LOOSERS!!,, BIG DORIS,

  2. J. O. E.......F. I. T. Z. G. E. R. A. L. D........... S. T. E. V. E. N.......S. T. R. E. U. F. E. R. T.......... ..............................................................................................He is a googly eyed wannabe loser.

    1. While I'm clearly not him... I'll celebrate his amazing article that got you people all angwy.

    2. Joe is from America and lives here. He is a super troll!

    3. Joe Coonbo has busted out the "coo coo". You know what that means. He has no rebuttal and is entering the red zone. Deletion of comments and copy and pastes are sure to come. You mad Coonbo?

    4. Joe, if you were on a camping trip in America and woke up with a sore anus and a used condom nearby, would you tell anyone?

    5. Poor little looser, IS that what happened to you, HUH?? ..I Doubt Joe could advise you on the proper response, HOWEVER I Will ,,, judging by your posts ,my advice is you should Never go camping Again.and stay in your safe warm basement ,Screaming at your poor Momma for more milk & cookies, and when your blood sugar level drops below normal ,,you can assume the fetal position and start to SUCK YOUR THUMB,, like the good little troll Looser you IS,,

      as always B D, : )

  3. Please email me as much spam as you can. Please please please. Just take out the periods and you have my personal email. please use it.
    J. O. E.......F. I. .T. Z..1982...AT.....AMERICA ONLINE D. O. T....C. O. M.

    1. Whats your new obsesion with Coonbo Joe? Did you guys do the nasty?

    2. I was thinking of calling you Joe "Coonbo" F. i. t. z. from now on. Is that cool with you?

  4. Even today I have nothing to do so I'm gonna spend 24 straight hours posting and arguing here.


    1. Joe, how do you feel about your person email account being posted. Is it okay if we send you as much porn as possible and put your email in ever spam address book?

    2. it'd be much appreciated, bro

      especially the gay porn part

    3. It would be much appreciated bro, especially the homo porn part.

      Much appreciated again, you are always very welcome around here

    4. Man Joe. So how do you keep track of all those copy and paste's. How many do you have saved up?

    5. I have more than 20 millions now, my Hard Disk is blowing off!


    6. Damn Daniel, you be trolling hard dude.
      By the way, any new testes pics?
      Not for me of course but for your fan base.
      Ya jackwad.
      Who loves ya baby.

    7. ^MMC. A pathetic post by the way.

    8. Is that all you have Daniel?
      Blame everything on mmc?
      Your game is weak.
      Still looking forward to your new testes pics.
      Who loves ya baby.

  5. Joe please link to a single verified piece of evidence that these exist. Please link the journal and detail the authors. No special pleading please just the links to the peer reviewed papers Thanks.

    1. Also... Shall I list the examples where journals and peer reviews have had it wrong or have deliberately mislead the scientific public?

      ... Now... By your logic, these processes should be cast aside as unreliable now, shouldn't they?

      "Publication Bias is a bias on the part of scientific journal editors and publishers, in which they are more likely to publish studies with positive results over those with negative results. Positive results are thought to be more likely to attract readership and sell journals. Positive studies are more likely to catch the eye of the mainstream media. Studies that show no effect or negative effects of the idea in question are not as interesting, or so it is thought."


    2. Why oh why did you ask this, lol. A valid question but once joe sees it, and if he decides to respond, here is what you will get. Dozens of links to things Joe thinks are credible, but not one peer reviewed paper. But that wont stop him from trying to make his copy and pastes sound as credible as a peer reviewed paper. Of course, he probably wont answer at all, b/c he knows there is no such paper. Ol PJ Coonbo just got schooled, and he never even had to be present. HAHAHA

    3. And just as i thought. Not one single peer reviewed article. Just a bunch of links Joe has in his copy and paste database that suggest possibilities. But not one article showing proof they exist. Joe, your pathetic. You know you cant produce anything, so why try and post dribble that isnt what the OP asked for.

    4. Wow, i was just assuming what the link joe posted were, but when i actually read the url, Joe is linking things that have nothing to do with bigfoot at all to try and prove some imaginary point. Okay Joe, say it with us, there is no such article. You are looking ridiculous when you post such nonsense.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Joe Coonpoo spits on science.

      Although it's the only thing that can verify and classify species.

    7. You miss the point, because you are too stupid... In the examples I gave you, the process of peer reviewing and journals have been manipulated to tell lies or misinform... So why do you want such a process so badly?

      Remember, all forms pf evidence can be falsified but this get's conveniently ignored when considering this subject and to argue that that is 'special pleading', then we can argue that who needs a process like peer reviewing too?

      Obliterated. Oh... And the publication bias I referenced would suggest that a result that would render your economy with such a blow (logging industry) would be the 'negative results', in this case.

      ; )

    8. No wonder he has all those copy pastes saved up and spell checked.

      Guy sounds like a straight reject when he tries to post something he hasn't prepared like a high school essay.

      No wonder he absorbs everyone else's jokes and mannerisms.

    9. Awe. So cute. Delete the original and repost it after another response.

      So Coy. So smooth.

      If I didn't know better I'd think you suffered from asperger's.

    10. What's the matter? Not got a rebuttal and have to resort to names and silly childish nonsense that shows what type of individual you are;

      "He has no rebuttal and is entering the red zone."

      Hypocrite too.

      ; )

    11. I'd rather just talk about blowing my wad in your rectum last night and you falling asleep without evacuating your bowels.

      Must have made for a sticky plop today.

    12. Joe, if you were on a camping trip in America and woke up with a sore anus and a used condom nearby, would you tell anyone?

    13. Deleting comments is the first sign of an incoming meltdown


    14. We have some great examples of typical Coonbo Joe above. Notice first the deletion of comments. Then notice him blaming his hypocracy on others. As we all know, Joe is the biggest hypocrite on this site. And when he starts blaming his meltdowns, hypocracy, and lack of knowledge on others. You know whats coming next. Right now Joe is in pre meltdown, it wont be long now. Coonbo Joe is taking a pounding today

    15. The jayrefers are the copy-paste kings. Acres of one pathetic paragraph after another, plucked from their panic database.

  6. Once, there was this boy. Who. Wouldnt go and change with the boys in the change room. And when. They finally made Coonbo Joe. They. Saw. Patty hickies all over his body. He couldnt quite explain it, theyd always just been there.

  7. Troll Killer is Leon aka the Bigfoot patriot.

    Known homosexual, a pagan, liberal dope smoker, bad speller, pathological liar, and a hoaxer.

    Pathetic "looser."

  8. 47 comments, and again almost all about Joe. All these threads, are filling up with Joe haters. There is hardly no discussions anymore about any subject mater. This is now not a Big foot Evidence site, this is a Joe hater's site! Boring!

    1. Stop whining and go to BFF where real bigfoot dialogue and researchers are.

      Or just keep crying about it like a Kansas City f*ggot.

  9. I think we can safely say this how we all got started in believing this nonsense.


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