These Are Some Weird Eyeshines

Ohio Bigfoot researcher Tim Stover caught these eyeshines while Bigfooting near Salt Fork. Check out the eyeshine on the left. It's blue-ish! The creepy one on the right appears to be about a foot taller and has a different color -- which begs the question: Do deer give off different color eyeshine?


  1. Replies
    1. Joe has been delayed. There was an incident with a large spider in his new imaginary house. He had to go to the police station to have his man card revoked.

    2. Yes, Shawn, deer give off different color eye shine. Red, green, bluish green, and yellow.

    3. I don't give a fuck about deer eye shine color! When we get them in our spotlight we blast the hell out of them! Roadside night deer hunting is the best! Eh, Dan Campbell

  2. Lemurs and the aye-aye are the only primates known to have eyeshine. Could bigfoot be distantly related to lemurs??

  3. Vrooooooom vroooooom

    Sykes is coming


    Joe fitz

  4. Replies
    1. Mikey B had to pee
      and Joe Fitz had the shits

    2. Hello Ball Boy,how was your ride in to the sunset?i see your heart still needs mending,here is a lovely song that often makes me cry,listen to words,have a good cry and i'm sure it will help you feel better xx

    3. Sorry,i forgot the link xx

    4. Eva,

      Have you eva tried to outrun your fart on a treadmill? It's gastastic!

    5. No i couldn't do that because i don't fart xx

    6. What! Eva You don't fart? That's impossible!
      Years ago, I was eating out Paris Hilton, and on purpose she farted a big stinky one right into my face!

      Paris Hilton former body guard

  5. The differing color of the eye shine is most likely an effect from using different sources of light with different spectral properties (for instance LED vs. halogens)

    1. Spectral properties? Nick Groff, Aaron Goodwin and I will be there shortly to make complete asses of ourselves.

      Zak Bagans

    2. Is Zak Bagans Didlo Bagans nephew?

    3. I need to hit the gym and Hot Topic first.

      Zak Bagans - GAC

  6. No spotlight?, come on.

    If that was a BF then you would have easily had one of the best videos ever if you only had a spotlight. You were that close !!

    I say BS


    1. Then you would have seen that it wasn't Bigfoot

    2. use a few tracer rounds, U don't need a spotlight, then go collect U DNA

  7. Heeelloooo! Is there a Parking Lot down there? You got your Quartz ,you got your Xenon........??

  8. So how are they going to compare DNA samples if they don't have bf DNA to compare it to on this bf bounty show?????????????????? Canadian guy!!!!!

  9. So how are they going to compare DNA samples if they don't have bf DNA to compare it to on this bf bounty show?????????????????? Canadian guy!!!!!

    1. Well, you're presuming right off the beam they will actually find bigfoot DNA, which makes you look rather illy IMO.

  10. Eyeshines are the most credible evidence of Sasquatch existence

  11. And they must surely be bigfoot. Here is the proof, finally.

    1. Check out the Cascades Carnivore thread at the BFF. You can hear the tinkling of the footer's dreams hitting the ground after being blasted into a million jagged shards.

      Wonka: You get nothing! You lose! Good day sir!

    2. Kit pwns them regardless of his suit claims.

      The lack of a bigfoot means skeptics win no matter what the footers say.

    3. He seems to have it together. Was he just fuckin with them or maybe whacked out of his mind on goofballs?

    4. Hey, be kind to kitakrazy. He's a super duper double naught spy and a super duper diplomat. On top of that he's also the best dj in the world and an all around nice fella.

    5. And he's proof that just about anybody can outsmart the footers.
      Here snipe snipe snipe! Ally Ally Oxen Free!

    6. Cascades Carnivore...

      And how long has the issue of trail cams been addressed? All very well when you want to capture dumb animals. There have been experiments with infared trail cams that have proved that these appear to omit what looks like a flashlight beam when on (according to the trail cam manufacturers, the game will not spook because of the lack of flash with the infared replacing this). Any creature with nocturnal vision would be able to see this beam that is omitted and merely in turn stay out of it's way. Whilst there is not a trail cam being manufactured today that doesn't omit an audio frequency that isn't audible to us... But maybe audible to a creature with heightened senses.

      Kit said he knows where the suit is, but that it is not in his possession. It is apparently not for sale when asked and claimed it is damaged from not being stored properly, although the extent of the damage hasn't been documented. Despite the damage, and it having not been worn by anyone, he claims it "looks like Patty". Enough so that he claims to be convinced that it is proof that the PGF is a hoax. What a total claimer.

      Which brings us to the 'apparent lack of Bigfoot'... You see, if you honesty have to resort to referencing people who lie, rather than actually providing an example of how such a real suit could be made, then it is another red flag for the Tards in that as more and time goes by and no suit materialises; there in the PGF is the Bigfoot you require. Now what will come my way next; is the usual "it's not up to us to prove anything"... It is however your problem to prove Munns wrong, cause he's one major stumbling block for you and your logic that Patty is a suit.

      As you were...

    7. Bigfoot is not nocturnal.

      Enough said!

      John W. Jones Spoke

    8. Correction: I never said Big foots are not nocturnal. i said, there no more different than us. Some sleep at night, some walk around.

      Keep in mine.95% of any sightings were reported in he DAY!

      I did say to locate Big foots at night is dumb and a wasted effort. Just go outside yourself into the woods, walk in a mile (if you can) off trail of course, and see how much noise you make! Plus you can't see anything without a good light. As soon as you use "any light" the Big foots are gone! It's just plain dumb.

      One of my projects, after my book comes out, will be a series of Videos on searching for, and finding Big foot.

      One of them will be on night hunting for them. We will "purposely' have a big guy in a Gorilla/Bigfoot suit standing at different yardage from a group of researchers. You'll be surprised at the results! My book may cover a whole chapter on why not to hunt at night!

      Enough said

      John W. Jones Spoke

      Hey Guys! , in a day or two
      i'm going into the Hospital for surgery. a while ago, a horse I was "Breaking in", pulled my right arm out of it' socket.

      They (the Doctors) have to pin it back in. So I'll be gone for a while. But Joe, MMG, Mike B. and others are still hanging in here, so you'll increase your vile comments on them!

    9. God bless you John, another amazing post. Good luck with the operation and expect an email very soon.

      PS. Never thought that clown was you anyway.

    10. no it was me you , asshole!!!!

  12. Most deer have white eyeshine with a yellow/green hue but if you do a google image search for "deer eyeshine" or "deer tapetum lucidum" you'll get a few examples of blue shine on the first page alone.

    There's usually a range of colors in the eyeshine of each species which features tapetum lucidum and some individual animals even have two differently colored eyes which reflect different colors at night.

    1. The eyeshines are completely normal and expected for deer but Shawn calls them "Weird Eyeshines" because he doesn't know anything about the subject and he didn't do 15 seconds of research

    2. When we hunt Deer me and Dan Campbell down in Tenn.We don't give a shit about eye shine colors! As soon as our spot light hits them, we blast them! we keep shooting until the herd is dead. We want meat! We got Meat!

  13. Well Another question then how r they going to prove a picture of a bf is a Bigfoot and not a lost guerilla no body frI'm spike nows what a Bigfoot really is ??? Even with a picture ?? So answer this ??

    1. We have specimens of gorilla. Video of a gorilla is easily identified. Eat some breakfast. Your brain isn't working.

    2. Any picture/Video, that clearly shows a big foot, no matter how clear, how close, how real it looks when posted here ill be mercurially attacked by the trolls here as a Fake, hoax, Man in a gorilla suit!
      that's just the ay it is here, and ill always be!

      Big foot can never, evver, be proven real!

      John W. Jones Spoke

  14. Ya i now, I'm just asking stupid questions cause its fun reading the stupid and fired up answers!!! It's a little more fun then the basic borring stuff! Lol if there's no rumour buy 11 am then just make one up on here and let the fish feed on it!!! Makes the day a little more exciting! Lol so there will be more lies and bulshit coming, everyone have a fun day!!

  15. So they just posted what there saying is 10 times better than the patty fottage shot in BC Alberta with hd camera with 23minites of two bf walking back and forth threw a small river and moving some small rocks around a tree stump. The fishermen shot the video yesturday while steelhead fishing and said they were not noticed buy the sasqwatches due to the wind and noise from the river! Best footage ever captured!! Denis F. Banner .

    1. Link.Where's the post at? Or it never happened.

    2. I would very much like to see it.


    3. YGNALI you gullible fool LOL

    4. I haven't seen it yet, so I haven't commented; don't go all premature-ejaco.

  16. What time does the Joe and Daniel Show start today?
    I've got my popcorn and beer ready.

    1. Read the 18 ch. diatribe from yesterday, they are the same every day.

    2. me got bacon, U can never get enough BACON

    3. I think Dmaker took over that role. After months of trying to reason with a retard, I'd rather just poke it with stick and laugh.

    4. Your exposé weren't no stick poking... More like brain melting.

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    6. Sounds... Sad and pathetic ^

    7. Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

      John, you make me smile buddy!

      When you post it makes my day.

    8. Joe, There's nobody here good enough to put us down! and that goes for Mike B., MMG, Eva, Chuck and the rest.

      The "Trolls" can: "Eat shit, and bark at the Moon"!

      John W. Jones Spoke

    9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. Ifn thar be eye shine in tham woods , I gotz some 7.62 154grain to light that thar critter up!

  18. Sounds a little light buddy

    1. not ifn U shots 30 round mags - put enough lead into anything and its DEAD.... then take U DNA and physical evidence MC

  19. Mabee Aa 180 grain 7 mm or 306 cal

  20. How come the bf fishing video inst posted on here yet it has a million hits already ??

    1. They were probably bears. They are always ALWAYS bears.

    2. Here is the video is is AMAZING it is going to rip the Bigfoot world wide open

    3. ^ three year old butchy kid video

  21. U can hear them mumbling to each other in the video u now someone is going to try and translate what there saying to each other, that's best video buy far u can even see what looks like sweat on the ones face! Wow

  22. Let's look at this scientifically. From the color of the eye shine, blinking pattern and the separation distance of the sockets, we could rule out just about all of the common native species.

    This then just leaves bigfoot, ewoks, mutant aliens and giant wood nymphs to consider.

  23. bigfoot Annunaki designed for gold production, went rogue when the Annunaki upgraded to the 2.0 human and now bigfoots stays elusive in the wilds avoiding both Annunaki and humans

    1. Hey joe fitz! How u doing ? How come no name today?

    2. That would explain why the nuclear dna of bigfoot samples is unknown, It would also explain why there is nothing found in fossil records. Genetically engineered ???

  24. I belive now after seeing that video and it shows 100% that we dont need a body unless the video is cgi ?? That one Bigfoot that throws those rocks into the muddy bank has to be over 8' tall and the size of his arms and chest is crazy. Someone put this video up, amazing stuff

  25. Target acquired – fire for effect ………. : )


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