The Bigfoot Community Is United Against Rick Dyer's Latest Hoax

We promised Don Boucher we would help him get his word out regarding the Rick Dyer hoax. This is the first of many messages from Don to come. As we speak, Dyer has successfully hyped up the media, and we are not surprised at all about the media's appetite for Dyer's latest wild claims. It's clear what Dyer's end game will be and that is to sell a fake Bigfoot body online for thousands of dollars, including DVD sales and memorabilia. He has an exit strategy and he can do it without the help of the Bigfoot community (though the community itself may have perpetuated hoax when it started to unfold in late 2012). To Dyer, the Bigfoot community is just a mere obstacle and he will play ball with anyone who wants to play. Playing the game comes at a cost, however. Many have found this out the hard way.

Numerous people, including his own supporters have been burned. People like Don Boucher whose workplace was contacted by one of Dyer's goons almost got him fired. On Tuesday's blog, Loren Colemen recalled what it was like to play this game:

We’ve all been down this road before. In 2008, this person (in association with his two partners) set the flame and videotaped the burning of my book Bigfoot: The True Story of Apes in America, called Matt Moneymaker, me and others by homophobic slurs on YouTube, floated a horrible falsehood about me that I won’t dignify by repeating, and, oh ya, pushed forward the (confessed) hoax that an eBay-purchased costume was a dead Georgia Bigfoot under ice.

Yours truly has also been the target of the lies posted by Dyer. In one of his blog post, he tried to perpetuate a lie about my kids, stating it as FACT, when none of it is true:

"Robert Lendsay a self Admitted Pervert and  Sanh [I'm leaving my last name out of this] AKA Shawn Evidence whom had his kids taken away by the state of CA in 2010. The kids remained in state custady for 18 days till they was released to his mother and father! FACT!" - Rick Dyer

What's becoming apparent to us is that Dyer has nothing to lose. A lawsuit will not stop the lies, as some have learned after spending thousands of dollars consulting with lawyers. Make no mistake about it, Dyer has enough time and money to fight any lawsuit, and he can afford any car or move to any location he wants -- you won't be able to catch him. Even spending jail time for Ebay fraud and for domestic violence against a pregnant woman (his wife) was not enough faze him into obscurity. His business of selling used cars, and making extra money on the side filming documentaries has allowed him the time to come up with all kinds of ways to make cash -- including defrauding gullible members of the Bigfoot community.

For the past couple of days since the mainstream media picked up on Dyer's latest claim, the Bigfoot community has finally chose to rise against the avalanche of Rick Dyer news in the main stream. Boucher believes it may be too late to warn the media about Dyer and says the Bigfoot community, once again, has egg on its face. Boucher believes the policies set by admins of groups on Facebook asking members to refrain from discussing "Rick Dyer" related news may have backfired. The positions of these admins were clear: "Talking about Dyer will only embolden him." As we mentioned before, Dyer will be Dyer, and he'll succeed regardless of what the Bigfoot community says.

Don Boucher's message to the Bigfoot community:


  1. 1st and the guy just can't seem to get enough attention.

    1. I still think he really does have a real bigfoot.

      I know that sounds crazy but let's just wait and see.


    2. If FOX news says it's a hoax does that mean it's real?

    3. Fake MMG guy is just too obvious.

      Too obvious.


  2. I think someone yesterday put it best dude just has a criminal mind and if he thinks he can make money from it he's doin it ONCE or in this case two or three times

    1. Apparently people don't learn their lesson dude sold nonexistent corvettes hello mother fuckers

  3. Old tricky Ricky strikes again!

  4. Bigfooting is about promoting a mythical creature. All the moneymakers, meldrums, gimlins know this. This is the 2nd time dyer has made worldwide news promoting a mythical creature so I guess when he says hes the best in the world hes not wrong. All these other footers need to up their game. Ambiguous thermals arent gonna cut it. Take Patterson for example. His original book and stories about bigfoot lifting up his truck got him nowhere so he decided to up his game and create a suit that filmed at distance could fool some people. He did a great job. These days footers can't even be bothered to put the effort in and just film their mates on a thermal. Dyer however has stepped up the game by getting a body created backed up by a story that he has maintained for over year. He knows hes not going to fool everyone. Much like patterson who it only required a handful of people to believe and to this day is defended by the faithful.

    Fair play to dyer for actually doing something.

    1. Apparently it wasn't world news considering I didn't hear shit about it on the news in Chicago I didn't hear about it till I started coming here

    2. I think that's the thing we tend to forget is there's a whole world of different people outside our social circle I'm very guilty of this as well didn't even realize it till I met my wife

    3. 2:19...

      Take a look at the researchers of today. You will notice that many of them have had first hand encounters that have changed their lives; resulting in them proceeding on a quest for the truth. The same was with Roger Patterson and his chain of events and this is what takes a lot of researchers out of the libraries and into the woods.

      I also think that with the advances in technology we have today; especially regarding the PGF; your suggestion of filming a subject at distance as to not be able to make out key details get's thrown to the trash once you look at the cleaned up digital versions that remarkably enough; detail no suit traits... On the contrary.

      Th thermal you are referring to has a subject that 8.5 feet tall.

      It is unfortunate for enthusiasts that this subject has moved into such a means of popular culture; in that we have to deal with hoaxes and frauds like this, but you will notice the majority of finger pointing coming from us... It is however unfortunate for you that people like me call you out on your BS and poor logic.


    4. Why do you say that Sasquatch is a "mythical" creature? Until 1960's no white person believed in the "myth" regarding Gorillas in Rwanda. Locals had been seeing them all along. Then a search party came within 10 feet of a family of mountain silverbacks. BINGO they were no longer a crypto but a real live living reproducing creature. Because YOU have not seen one means it does not exist? I cannot see air , love, depression and so for does NOT mean they do not exist. This idiot who has no worth as a functioning member of ANY community does not warrant further attention. He would not know the truth regarding anything if it bit him in his sorry behind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. If anybody for whatever reason REALLY wanted too find Rick Dyer, they sure as heck will soon get the chance once he takes his new rubber suit on tour.

  6. I miss SNOW WALKER PRIME, let's face it, he was the only guy that goes deep into the woods.....& he's funny too!!!

  7. I want to watch Snow Walker videos, the rest of these are friggin boring.

  8. Is there really a craze in america where grown men watch my little pony and call themselves bronies? Really?


    1. Nah,he's a like a plague. If you don't speak of 'Dyer Plague' it will grow.
      It's a catch 22 no matter what.He's just a lethal virus that won't die off.
      We all know that Hank the Skank is as real as the tooth fairy. But people who haven't heard of Dick will take the bait hook line and sinker.

      It's a frickin shame.................

  10. i bet those two tasted each others salt content! how about R.D. is a five yr old trapped inside a tool-bags grown up body. and his blowjob buddy needs his ass kicked.

  11. This whole thing has gotten out of hand. And it's just the beginning. Dyer is a sociopath who looks like he's on opiates/opioids. Regardless of how much money that guy has, he's going to make more off this. That's what he wants. Fame and money. I just can't stand what he says on his YouTube videos he posts. He's flat out lying about everything.

    But karma is a beautiful thing, and he will get his and we in the Bigfoot Community will have the last laugh.

  12. Robert Lindsay is slobbering all over Rick Dyer. Lindsay just can't find enough good things to say, despite the fact that Dyer failed to provide the MRI scans and other scientific proof that Lindsay required as recently as Jan. 4th. So brain damaged Lindsay dropped his strict criteria and is relying on the testimony of 3rd parties, that Dyer has a real body, despite the fact that it would be impossible for Dyer to find anybody who has prior experience at examining Bigfoot bodies.

    I may be a bit premature, but at this time I would like to nominate Robert Lindsay as: THE 2014 BIGFOOT ENTHUSIAST, BRAIN DAMAGED MORON OF THE YEAR!

    1. Joe has some stiff competition.

    2. Hey now, i didnt see the word gay transvestite in there. The title is naked without that

  13. Good ole Robert Lindsay is still a staunch believer and supporter of ole Dyer.

  14. This is why Dyer gets away with it every time. The bigfooters are a bunch of weak victims that only talk a strong game amongst themselves. Dyer is a bully, plain and simple. Everyone is taking the "he'll succeed no matter what we do" mentality which is exactly what he wants.

    If he is making criminal threats as described, call the freaking police and file a report already.

    If Wally has all this money to throw away on chasing a myth that he believes in, tell him to use some of it to go after Dyer's hoax and put the fear of God in him in the name of serious bigfoot research.

    1. Have you seen Wally's 'private' picture collection?


  15. Wasn't this guy one of RD supporters? So, It was okay aslong as RD was doing to other people and he was part of the in crowd. Now that its came back to smack him in the face, we supposed to feel bad for his RD created personal problems? RD and his supports has been a stain on the Bigfoot community for some time.

  16. I am interested in bigfoot, not people, not politics. I get so board listening to these whiny videos that I often fall asleep and each time I fall asleep I have three separate dreams in each of which I am so bored that I blow my brains out…


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