Here's The Terrifying Tahoe Bigfoot Screams As Heard on Finding Bigfoot

Last week on Finding Bigfoot's "Sketching Sasquatch" episode, Bigfoot Song's Tom Yamarone and Bob Strain met with Bobo, Cliff, Ranae and Matt to play a clip of one of the most intriguing Bigfoot sounds ever recorded in the Sierras. Yamarone explains the recordings on his website:

In the fall of 2003, a recent recording had been obtained by Kathy that we refer to as the Tahoe Scream. A local resident had recorded sounds from his property which abutted the forest. The recording featured two distinct screams - one a "typical" howl (much like a tarzan call - and like the Ohio Howl) and the other was the distinctive, high pitched scream that occurred in a sequence of 4 calls (to me the Tahoe Scream almost sounds like a sonar ping.)  There were also sightings that had occurred nearby on Highway 50 just south of the Agricultural Inspection Station.


  1. And I continue where I left off yesterday!

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Easy to get all the firsts when you're here all the time, stroking yourself to a big steamy pile of nothing and liking it.

    3. I actually deny you of your sport whilst in work, earning a living whilst regularly pointing out pretty significant something's to you all the time.

      You could say I'm quite a multi-tasker, eh?

    4. Wasn't aware unemployment was considered as being at work but it does give ample leisure time to dwell on nothing and like it.


      ALL CAPS


    7. THIS IS JOE'S BLOG!!!!

      HOW DARE YOU!!!!

      It's not his fault he never branched out from a blog into full topic moderated forum discussion!!!

    8. 2:18... Another freudian slip?

      2:19... I'll prove nothing and you will like it, as it's none of your business.

      ALL CAPS... The next one will be for you sir, you always bring a smile to my face. King ALL CAPS I say.

      2:23... Would you like a copy and paste?


    9. 2:30... This is not my blog, and what type of person would suggest such a thing whilst trying to control the relevant subject matter I contribute daily, whilst pleading for my removal?

      A very hypocritical, stupid person indeed.

    10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    11. isn't it interesting that joefitz admits he will prove nothing and we all must accept it?

      sounds like a normal day of YGNALI for joefitz

    12. I will prove nothing about my personal life and you will like it. You will also get interesting fact and the accumulation of evidence I provide you daily... And not like.

    13. but I thought all your posts were relevant and on topic!

      that doesn't mean post mass trivial information you like and certainly doesn't mean a wealth of 19th century hoaxes!!!

    14. Trivial to those who are are quite stupid and cannot acknowledge biological evidence from archaeological and anthropological studies when it is documented.

      Silly boy.

    15. being written down in some crap almost 2 centuries ago with absolutely no follow up, no physical evidence, means it's as useless and futile as banging on trees in the pitch black of night.

      Sorry silly old chap, YGNALI

    16. I don't think you grasp the reality of documenting university studies do you?

      You see, archeological and anthropological studies don't lie. You have this documentation right up to the mid 20th century where the cover up of such was transitioned by modern mediums and an entire research field.

      Quite simply; you will get the truth and have to come to terms with it... Old boy.

    17. LOL so now you're back to ancient alien cover ups.

      Old chap, we might as well start callin you Can't Get Right!

      You be wrong more than you be right, ever changing your theories when facets get shot down, dissing phd paleontologist bc you simply know it all

      Old boy Can't Get Right!!!


    18. ... I have never changed my theories, you can go back six-seven months and you will notice I have maintained the same theories.

      Unlucky, you have nothing to counter it... That pretty much means you are left calling names as opposed to challenging what I can reference.

      You see... If you had grown up being able to see, touch and admire innumerable giant skeletons in the museums and institutions around your country; then you wouldn't have such a dilemma getting your head around hairy versions running around your back yard.

    19. Big humans doesn't account for serious anatomical [meanig DNA differene] differences in giant monkey men.

      Actually, why don't you go look at your posts from bck then because it changes every couple months.

      People have tried to have civil discussions with you for months but you jut stick your fingers in your ears and go NA NA NA NA NA NA I'm right you're wrong NA NA NA NA.

      Don't act like people haven't tried. You spit in the face of a phd paleontologist yesterday and made snarky comments about bandini's wife the archaeologist about Smithsonian.

    20. week or three ago durin one of his Smithsonian super cover up copy pastes. you talked about your spouse and her time at Smithsonian and he basically smugges himself right over her. As for the paleontologist phd guy, it was yesterday in one of the threads and happened the last time the phd guy posted too.

    21. I didn't see it understandably since I never read any of his nonsense unless it's a direct response to me

    22. I just find it incredibly idiotic that EVERYONE [anon and account] can get along great with each other except for CopyJoe Pastegerald.

      He's driven many regular account holders into anonymity because he goes on attack anytime he can.

      Look how many people have disappeared since CopyJoe came around. Just about everyone.

    23. Are you seriously swallowing that BS Bandini? Are you that quick to be offended Harry??

      If a PHD cannot grasp the meaning of microevoultion, then that's his problem not mine. You are a little upset that your prized PHD had to resort to name calling by the end aren't you... Poor guy.

    24. 4:02... I took away your social life and your hate campaign.

      Deal with it or go cry on a ghost blog or something.

      Alternatively you can make some real friends; stop stuffing cookies and get out from behind your desktop.

    25. 3:51...

      Your attempts to try and play Harry that way are pretty pathetic... What a sick little puppy you are.

    26. Can't make a post without touching on emotions, can you?

      Science doesn't come to a conclusion on microevolution but super duper joefitz has the gall to spit on a phd paleontologist because joes got the credentials.

      Science has eluded him all these months but now he's an expert in microbiology and evolution.

      If only these PhDs and candidates knew how to read and use google!

    27. I asked where it was how is that buying anything I want to see it to believe it but I don't read your comments joe they are mostly hearsay and conjecture I want proof as much as the next guy but I need it to be tangible as far as what you said I do remember it but I dismissed what you said as crazy talk coverups are one thing but my wife's been through a lot of the smithsonian archives she even excavated the Clovis people's so if there's something hidden there she's lying to my face which she wouldn't do she would just dismiss the bones as anecdotal so obviously they aren't there and all of her achievements I've got proof of

    28. I don't need to play or feed on anyone's thoughts, it was en brought up more recently by another anon about how you were acting about Bandini's archaeologist spouse whom spent time at Smithsonian and shot down your claims.

      Heck, he already said he doesn't read your tripe to begin with.

      Isn't it a little funny how you are always the one to say 'I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE SO EASILY OFFENDED!' all the time?

      Maybe it's your smug super douche attitude and how you treat everyone. Either kiss their ass or hate them.

      You are more polarizing than American Politics.

    29. Touching emotions? Are you on this planet?? Who is the one trying to suggest he has personal details about me to censor me??

      Oh dear...

      I did not spit in anyone's face, when aggressively approached by someone flaunting his qualifications, I supplied the first reference that came up in internet search to prove how easy it was to understand the process, whilst the many examples of this process are just as easily attainable on the internet.

      I am no expert, I have never claimed to be... In fact this is an areas I would very much to brush up on, but I would expect a PHD to be able to embrace microevolution instead of claiming it is still being debated.

      I think that upset you, didn't it?

    30. No one is playing me against you joe I don't think you're a bad guy I just don't hold your beliefs as truth that is my problem not yours that's why I don't jump onto your conversation I just steer clear of your conversations but that doesn't make you a bad person now I remember the comment if I felt it was a personal attack I would've made you my girlfriend but it wasn't so no more was said on it from me once again you're a good guy I've got nothing further to say on the subject

    31. Harry, listen real hard as this is probably the last time I am going to speak to you.

      If your wife has been through certain archives then that's great, but ask her how big those archives are and ask her if the people who work there even know what's in them. A 'cover up', pretty much means your wife wouldn't have found anything out about it anyway, understand?

      If you want to swallow that obvious... So obvious BS then I'm done with you boy. I think that if you could only muster the patience to go through my comments, you would understand that the very thing you do is not helping you seek the points of reliable evidence you claim is not there.

      150 years worth of archeological and anthropological studies that lead straight to the Smithsonian... Are not mere anecdotes I'm afraid, how ever hard that is for you to swallow.

      And with that Bandini, I will bid you a farewell. See you around.

    32. LOL aggressively approached.

      I'm on Planet joe where anecdotes and conjecture is 100% fact, hearsay is the norm, and noble bigfeet pass down wisdom to the pink hairless apes in exchange for jars of PB and shiny children's toys.

    33. I know how big they are I know the catacombs I know this joe but I honestly don't believe there are things hidden even from scholars if they were hidden it would surely be taken to a government facility and not left for a scholar to come across come on joe you've got to see that's crazy talk

    34. If there was a cover up, why would they still even have the bones? First thing to do when covering up a situation is to destroy any and all questionable artifacts!

      That means they would have destroyed, deleted, in some other way got rid of your 12th Book of Mormon crapola.


    36. I've invited you to my home joe I obviously don't think you're a shitty person or crazy I just don't hold the current evidence yours or otherwise as definitive proof of Bigfoot and that's exactly what I want and why I come here I do believe it'll be found but it's obviously not there yet or they wouldn't offer 10 million bucks for it

    37. I'll type this to the two of you, Harry I don't care to talk to you after this... not because anything you have to say threatens the points I make though, I just think you are a little bandwagon-ite that clearly would rather have it out with me as opposed to get along. I'll come to the average content of your posts in due course.

      I have done, and will again if you like; post documented facts of giant skeletons being found and then sent to institutions such as the Smithsonian. I certainly believe you when you say you skip my posts because if you had read them, you would have realised that this is pretty much indisputable. Hell, didn't you agree with me once that the Ohio remains were fascinating? It is pretty hysterical to me that you should deny of that, and then claim that anyone else is crazy. These studies would normally be very reliable to you should they do the complete opposite, I can even post articles from the scientific american... Crazy?? For you to say that you can account for everything that is kept within the catacombs is pretty hilarious to me too, cause I'm living in Wales and I can assure you 100% you don't.

      Now, let's look at your average comment Harry, shall we? I don't care to really read " Hey mother f*****s let's tear this up!" like some John Belushi wanna be, living his party mood out on a blog? I don't want to read that, I don't want to hear about how much of a party god you think you are, swearing thinking you are pretty cool?

      So when you suggest that people's posts are pretty lame, take a look at yours, take a look at how much you back down and are suddenly 'open to the idea' when intelligently confronted and take a your crap somewhere else bro, cause I can see now that you are full of it bro. Anyone who jumps all over what this sicko is posting is pretty much the same to me.

    38. More importantly Lloyd's wouldn't cover $10 mill if they thought there was actually a bigfoot to be found.

    39. 4:35...

      Things get locked away, things get forgotten to get labeled and things, over people... Over 150 years unfortunately die with any knowledge they had with them.

      I don't think people actua;actually grasp how big the catacombs are.


      And he wants to talk about aggressive posts and how he isn't a smug little Welshman with limp wrists!!!

      Ha Ha Ha

    41. Then it's not a cover up, it's a lapse in identification and specimen cataloging. Even then, I know how big they are and apparently so does Harry and his Wife...but you haven't stepped foot in America, let alone the Museum, so you don't.

    42. This comment has been removed by the author.

    43. The industrial revolution took the land from the Natives and destroyed any knowledge of an advanced culture that had Bigfoot very closely affiliated. You cannot celebrate a culture and make it disappear for the sake of your at the same time.

    44. I give up joe I never said I could I don't think any single human could and yes I did say it was fascinating and I have you a debatable way of looking at it as well if there is debate about anything it's not fact it's a closely guarded excepted truth I've not bad mouthed you or jumped on a bandwagon I told you how I felt while apologizing even disregarding you saying I'm easily swayed and other such nonsense I walked away from this blog for months it carries no weight in my personal life whatsoever so to think I'd jump cause someone said something is more nonsense than the rest of it I come to see if there's good evidence or funny comments and make a few I know there are quite a few others who see things the way you do I just don't and I apologize for that as well I don't care if my comments get no response or evil responses I sincerely don't give a shit and I'm not making personal attacks on you as well so cool joe good luck in your quest you may hate me but you're a friend to me so I'm just gonna bow out right now

    45. There are plenty of burial mounds still respected today and in New England for example, this accounted for a significant land mass where native cultures had resided for tens of thousands of years. This was made way for 'civilisation', so I think you can imagine the amount of history of these people that has been wiped from the history books. What is left are the burial mounds that are still respected and the wilderness areas where these creatures may have resided for thousands of years before they resided on land that of which the Europeans desired from the existing tribes of the time.

    46. Mystery of The Wisconsin Giants

      Was this some sort of prank, a hoax played by local farm boys or a demented taxidermist for fun and the attention of the press? The answer is no.

      The Lake Delavan find of May 1912 was only one of dozens and dozens of similar finds that were reported in local newspapers from 1851 forward to the present day. It was not even the first set of giant skeletons found in Wisconsin.

      On 10 August 1891, the New York Times reported that scientists from the Smithsonian Institution had discovered several large "pyramidal monuments" on Lake Mills, near Madison, Wisconsin. "Madison was in ancient days the centre of a teeming population numbering not less than 200,000," the Times said. The excavators found an elaborate system of defensive works which they named Fort Aztalan.

      "The celebrated mounds of Ohio and Indiana can bear no comparison, either in size, design or the skill displayed in their construction with these gigantic and mysterious monuments of earth -- erected we know not by whom, and for what purpose we can only conjecture," said the Times.

      On 20 December 1897, the Times followed up with a report on three large burial mounds that had been discovered in Maple Creek, Wisconsin. One had recently been opened.

      "In it was found the skeleton of a man of gigantic size. The bones measured from head to foot over nine feet and were in a fair state of preservation. The skull was as large as a half bushel measure. Some finely tempered rods of copper and other relics were lying near the bones."

      Giant skulls and skeletons of a race of "Goliaths" have been found on a very regular basis throughout the Midwestern states for more than 100 years. Giants have been found in Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, Ohio, Kentucky and New York, and their burial sites are similar to the well-known mounds of the Mound Builder people.

      The spectrum of Mound builder history spans a period of more than 5,000 years (from 3400 BCE to the 16th CE), a period greater than the history of Ancient Egypt and all of its dynasties.

      There is a "prevailing scholarly consensus" that we have an adequate historical understanding of the peoples who lived in North America during this period. However, the long record of anomalous finds like those at Lake Delavan suggests otherwise.

      The Great Smithsonian Cover-Up

      Has there been a giant cover-up? Why aren't there public displays of gigantic Native American skeletons at natural history museums?

      The skeletons of some Mound Builders are certainly on display. There is a wonderful exhibit, for example, at the Aztalan State Park where one may see the skeleton of a "Princess of Aztalan" in the museum.
      But the skeletons placed on display are normal-sized, and according to some sources, the skeletons of giants have been covered up.

      Specifically, the Smithsonian Institution has been accused of making a deliberate effort to hide the "telling of the bones" and to keep the giant skeletons locked away.

      In the words of Vine Deloria, a Native American author and professor of law:
      "Modern day archaeology and anthropology have nearly sealed the door on our imaginations, broadly interpreting the North American past as devoid of anything unusual in the way of great cultures characterized by a people of unusual demeanor. The great interloper of ancient burial grounds, the nineteenth century Smithsonian Institution, created a one-way portal, through which uncounted bones have been spirited. This door and the contents of its vault are virtually sealed off to anyone, but government officials. Among these bones may lay answers not even sought by these officials concerning the deep past."

    47. And I'm no party guy my life is actually pretty lame hell I'm lame I'm a homebody I don't drink or do drugs I go to a party once a year I'm in construction joe I swear to swear that's it no more no less and since you want this to be personal go fuck yourself joe no sweat off my back I didn't read your shit to begin with

    48. Wow, I see how you truly feel about Harry. What was with all the false niceties and crap for then? Appearance sake?

      Like I said, you either kiss someone's ass or hate them.

      Nice copy pastes, how about 40 more?

    49. 12th Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution 1890-1891
      (published in 1894)
      (explorations in the Tennessee District)

      Armed with a self-created doctrine powered by ample funding, and with a little help later from the one-way door to the Smithsonian's inaccessible catacombs, the years that followed saw Powell and his underling nearly succeed in the obliteration of the last notions of the legendary, mysterious, and antique class of mound building people, and for that matter, any people that didn't fit into the mold of his theory. Did Powell intentionally overlook some of the archaeology so as to focus on his own special agenda?

      Powell and his associates at the Bureau were quite certain that people had arrived in the Americas only sometime after the first Egyptian dynasty—less than 4500 years ago! They also believed that the Mississippi Valley was sufficiently isolated from the Ohio Valley to warrant the simultaneous flourishing of quite distinct cultures over a long period. Since carbon dating was not yet discovered, Thomas used stratigraphic (after Lyell) analysis and, following the rest of the mandate, included detailed record keeping and documentation whenever appropriate. His findings were broadly accepted, and are still referenced.

      Underneath the layer of shells the earth was very dark and appeared to be mixed with vegetable mold to the depth of 1 foot. At the bottom of this, resting on the original surface of the ground, was a very large skeleton lying horizontally at full length. Although very soft, the bones were sufficiently distinct to allow of careful measurement before attempting to remove them. The length from the base of the skull to the bones of the toes was found to be 7 feet 3 inches. It is probable, therefore, that this individual when living was fully 7½ feet high. At the head lay some small pieces of mica and a green substance, probably the oxide of copper, though no ornament or article of copper was discovered.

    50. 12th Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution 1890-1891
      (published in 1894)
      (explorations in Roane County, Tennessee)

      But Thomas' time was limited because of the large territory he was to explore. Under such working conditions, anomalies were put aside for future research—to be, as it has turned out, forgotten. Thomas was forced to rely on the accounts of operatives in many cases. Evidently, some of these people discerned between "Indian" burials and the burials of the Mound Builders, perhaps challenging the patience of Powell.

      No. 5, the largest of the group was carefully examined. Two feet below the surface, near the apex, was a skeleton, doubtless an intrusive Indian burial... Near the original surface, 10 or 12 feet from the center, on the lower side, lying at full length on its back, was one of the largest skeletons discovered by the Bureau agents, the length as proved by actual measurement being between 7 and 8 feet. It was clearly traceable, but crumbled to pieces immediately after removal from the hard earth in which it was encased....

    51. Aw c'mon joefitz, you can do better than that!

      I said 40, not one, I k ow you have GB of that crap stored!

      Lay it on all us humble peasants!

    52. 12th Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution 1890-1891
      (published in 1894)
      (mounds at Dunleith, Illinois)

      Mound Group, Dunleith, Illinois.
      "Near the original surface, 10 or 12 feet from the center, on the lower side, lying at full length on its back, was one of the largest skeletons discovered by the Bureau agents, the length as proved by actual measurement being between 7 and 8 feet."

      Regarding the problem of "intrusive" Indian burials, what kind of a time gap were these men looking at between the original burials and the later ones? As his agents uncovered the physical evidence for powerful men of towering stature, Thomas held the position that any and all skeletal remains represented the direct ancestry of the present day people. Was it not plausible to consider an extended "family" or hierarchical group of very tall folk who served with the people? Were they selective enough in their sexual associations to appear, overall, as a race with its own peculiarities and even physical characteristics? The findings that didn't fit in to the guideline established by his superior were summarily recorded and forgotten by Thomas—a legacy we have inherited today.
      An old Indian mound has been opened on the farm of Harrison Robinson, four miles East of Jackson, Ohio, and two skeletons of extraordinary size and a great quantity of trinkets have been removed. Some years ago a party of relic hunters, supposed to have been sent out in the interest of the Archeological society visited the Robinson farm, and after a few days search removed a great collection of stone hatchets, beads and bracelets, which were packed and shipped to an Eastern institute, and until this recent accidental discovery it was supposed that everything had been removed by the relic hunters. It is thought by many that more relics are to be found and preparations are being made for a through investigation.

    53. And there's so much more... So you want more???

      5:10... What a slimey character you are sir. I shudder to think how you go around your personal life... Quite creepy actually.

    54. I don't hate you Harry, I've tried my best to get along with you... But jumping all over what this creepy troll says has desperately offended me.

      See you around bro.

    55. Joe, is tht all you've got?!?

      And here I thought I was dealing with a professional...pffff

      Nothing more than an amateur.

      Where are all those false niceties now? I mean HB simply said he didn't buy your stories as fact and you went cah-razy and filthy on him, aggressively may I add!

      That's all you got? Weeeeeaaaaakk

    56. I didn't jump on anything I asked where it was cause I didn't think you'd bad mouth me I'm sorry man and you're still welcome in my home any time


    58. 5:29... Here we go....

      The Adair County News
      January 5, 1897
      What has become of all the evidence? Again and again, only a single long skeleton or two was found among those of normal size. The understanding of tall, ruling chiefs and their wives was not developed at all, as is evident in these examples.

      The other, situated on the point of a commanding bluff, was also conical in form, 50 feet in diameter and about 8 feet high. The outer layer consisted in sandy soil, 2 feet thick, filled with slightly decayed skeletons, probably Indians of intrusive burials. The earth of the main portion of this mound was a very fine yellowish sand which shoveled like ashes and was everywhere, to a depth of 2 to 4 feet, as full of human skeletons as could be stowed away in it, even to two and three tiers. Among these were a number of bones not together as skeletons, but mingled in confusion and probably from scaffolds or other localities. Excepting one, which was rather more than 7 feet long, these skeletons appeared to be of medium size and many of them much decayed...

      12th Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution 1890-1891
      (published in 1894)
      (Pike County, Illinois)
      No. 11 is now 35 by 40 feet at the base and 4 feet high. In the center, 3 feet below the surface, was a vault 8 feet long and 3 feet wide. In the bottom of this, among the decayed fragments of bark wrappings, lay a skeleton fully seven feet long, extended at full length on the back, head west. Lying in a circle above the hips were fifty-two perforated shell disks about an inch in diameter and one-eighth of an inch thick.

    59. 12th Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution 1890-1891
      (published in 1894)
      (Kanawha County, West Virginia)
      Spring Hill Inclosure, Kanawha County, West Virginia. In the bottom of Mound 11 (upper left) was found a skeleton "fully seven feet long."

      Largest in the collective series of mounds, the Great Smith Mound yielded at least two large skeletons, but at different levels of its deconstruction by Thomas' agents. It was 35 feet in height and 175 feet in diameter, and was constructed in at least two stages, according to the report. The larger of the two skeletons represented a man conceivably approaching eight feet in height when living.

      At a depth of 14 feet, a rather large human skeleton was found, which was in a partially upright position with the back against a hard clay wall...All the bones were badly decayed, except those of the left wrist, which had been preserved by two heavy copper bracelets...

      Nineteen feet from the top the bottom of this debris was reached, where, in the remains of a bark coffin, a skeleton measuring 7½ feet in length and 19 inches across the shoulders, was discovered. It lay on the bottom of the vault stretched horizontally on the back, head east, arms by the sides... Each wrist was encircled by six heavy copper bracelets...Upon the breast was a copper gorget...length, 3½ inches; greatest width 3¾ inches...

    60. 5:29... Want more? Has your idea of the world unraveled enough?

    61. "Now, let's look at your average comment Harry, shall we? I don't care to really read " Hey mother f*****s let's tear this up!" like some John Belushi wanna be, living his party mood out on a blog? I don't want to read that, I don't want to hear about how much of a party god you think you are, swearing thinking you are pretty cool?

      So when you suggest that people's posts are pretty lame, take a look at yours, take a look at how much you back down and are suddenly 'open to the idea' when intelligently confronted and take a your crap somewhere else bro, cause I can see now that you are full of it bro." - Joefitz on Bandini

    62. You're slipping Joe Fitz!!

      I thought you actually had some newly unearthed copy pastes for us to revel in!

      Now I can see you're just starting to repeat old material.

      C'mon Joe, where's the juicy copy pastes?

    63. Hmmmmm, that's odd, I don't see you questioning the Smithsoniam catacombs anymore?

      Schooled numpty. You have the tactics of a child on a school playground.

    64. Aw Joe, are you all puckered out? Where are these new earth shattering settlers diaries and archaeological finds you've been harping about.

      I mean you've only gave us the scrapings of the barrel!

      And here I thought you were a professional.

      You're nothing but a hack!

    65. Now then... Now that we have skimmed the surface of what paper trail the is. Let's take a step back and look at the picture from a far.

      People don't spin conspiracies because it suits them, where are these bones? Where are these skeletons?? Where are theses artifacts that official Smithisina bureau's state they have??

      With that, I'll reiterate what I stated earlier; if you had grown up in a society that respected these last cultures, that respected native history, that displayed these inumerable skeletons... Then the idea that these are still living and residing in the deep wilderness areas of your country wouldn't seem so far fetched.

      You have been conditioned by suppressed information. Consider what I'm doing a wake up call.

    66. "Is such a thing even possible?! Yes, yes it is." - Giorgio Tsoukalos aka Joe Fitz

      C'mon Joe, you still haven't provided anything that you haven't before!

      Where are the settlers diaries? Where are the biological finds? Where is the unknown primate DNA study?

      You're slipping!

    67. Unlucky... Boy, you got schooled, HA HA HA HA HA!!

      The documented biological evidence is in the reports (duh?) and you now want diaries when you can't get your head around Smithsonian bureau's?

      Oh dear...

      Not so clever now are you?

    68. And I might like to add... I can post another hundred comments with references of not only more Smithsonian bureau's but also university study reports that have uncovered the same thing... This goes right up to the mid 20th century when you have a transition into modern mediums and specialised research fields.

      Troll away, you got served boy!

    69. Who cares about the Smithsonian? That's old news, you've told us all hundreds of times.

      We need these settlers diaries!

      CopyJoe Pastegerald? That's what they call you right? Yet you fail to deliver when asked.

      We know there is a cover up of giant human bones, but I'm more interested in unearthed settlers diaries!!

    70. Silly boy can't even provide a dang settlers journal entry!


    71. As the early European explorers in the new world made contact with the Native tribes, their attitudes and beliefs were recorded in notes and diaries. And it is in these sources of information that we can understand more about the native American belief in Bigfoot. Jose Mariano Mozino in his book Noticia de Nutka published in Spanish in 1792 wrote :

      “I do not know what to say about the matlox (Sasquatch), inhabitant of the mountainous districts, of whom all have an unbelievable fear. They imagine his body as very monstrous, all covered with stiff black bristle; a head similar to a human one but with much greater, sharper and stronger fangs than those of the bear; extremely long arms; and toes and fingers armed with long curved claws. His shouts alone (they say) force those who hear them to the ground, and any unfortunate body he slaps is broken in to a thousand pieces.”

      There's one... Go and have a look for yourself.

      I schooled you and now I'm bored of you, cheerio!

    72. That's it? That's all you've got? 1 measly entry?

      And here I thought you actually had a catalogue of them.

      How wrong I was!

    73. I'll take a stab at summarizing the above copypastes:


      thank you

    74. Merde de cheval complete!

    75. It's so sad, Joe.

      You're implying that I do not know the difference between micro- and macroevolution. And you pretend to teach me because you read something on Wikipedia (yikes!). Seriously, science is a little deeper than Wikipedia.

      The point I made yesterday was that you use microevolution to explain your Bigfoot theory, but you should be very cautious to explain the evolution of a creature of which we don't have a SINGLE bone to study, using a concept like microevolution. Because:

      1. As I said yesterday (and you badly changing the meaning), it is still very debated if micro and macro can be regarded as two different concepts at all
      2. We are still far from full understanding of the genetic processes implied in micro and macro, supposing they exist separetely
      3. You're applying these concepts to a creature that we CANNOT study because we haven't a SINGLE bone, let alone having a good idea of his possible taxonomy.

      Now, I'll come down to your level and become myself a copy/paste guy.
      Here you'll find an article by one of my reference points in my studies, John Wilkins, that will explain much better the question (with his personal opinion that does not mean it is universally accepted, but means it's HIS opinion).

      You'll find you learning to new words today: reductionists and nonreductionists. Good read.

      Your Ph.D that will never talk to you anymore because he does not talk to disrespecting people

    76. Too much reading. And retarding.

      Mike B got toilet paper cut!

    77. Awesome post Ph.D, I'm sure his fingers are firmly in his ears though.

      Joe and Eva are the same person people!

    78. That dude posted a link! He must be a genius or something.

    79. Here we go again...

      When aggressively approached by someone flaunting his qualifications, aligning himself with deeply offensive name callers, and profanitists... I supplied the first reference that came up in internet search to prove how easy it was to understand the process, whilst the many examples of this process are just as easily attainable on the internet. If you like, I can quite easily find you some other reference sources?

      If you actually had read the thread of comments yesterday, I was approached with the notion that Bigfoot cannot be human because it has anatomical differences, to which I offered an explanation in Microevolution (that I learned from another poster here) to provide a theory for such differences. Now, we don't have bones (they're are being kept from us, otherwise we would have this in droves) but we do have the consistency of tens of thousands of accounts that span the past 200 years, with footage also.

      Microevolution is reductionist, but macroevolution is holistic. Macro and microevolution describe fundamentally identical processes on different time scales.

      Because you have an issue with the debating process of such, it isn't my problem. What is my problem is you aligning yourself with the scum on this thread and then suggesting I am offensive. You attacked me, man up and live with a rebuttal, don't cry about it.

      I would expect a PHD to also understand the difference between 'meaningless cut & pastes' and references to back up points that are being challenged;

      noun: reference; plural noun: references
      the action of mentioning or alluding to something.
      "he made reference to the enormous power of the mass media"
      synonyms: mention of, allusion to, comment on, remark about; More
      a mention or citation of a source of information in a book or article.
      "each chapter should have references to books covering the subject in greater depth"
      a source of information cited in a book or article.
      synonyms: source, information source, citation, authority, credit; More
      the use of a source of information in order to ascertain something.
      "popular works of reference"
      the sending of a matter to an authority for decision or consideration.
      "the publishers reprinted and sold the work without reference to the author"
      synonyms: referral, transfer, passing on, handover, direction, remission More
      a letter from a previous employer testifying to someone's ability or reliability, used when applying for a new job.
      "I was dismissed from the library, but with a good reference"
      synonyms: testimonial, character reference, recommendation, good word, backing; More
      verb: reference; 3rd person present: references; past tense: referenced; past participle: referenced; gerund or present participle: referencing
      provide (a book or article) with citations of sources of information.
      "each chapter is referenced, citing literature up to 1990"
      mention or refer to.
      "the media referenced our association in almost 40 articles"

    80. Here we go again


    81. ^ Smug two-faced taterhole ^

    82. "Now, let's look at your average comment Harry, shall we? I don't care to really read " Hey mother f*****s let's tear this up!" like some John Belushi wanna be, living his party mood out on a blog? I don't want to read that, I don't want to hear about how much of a party god you think you are, swearing thinking you are pretty cool?

      So when you suggest that people's posts are pretty lame, take a look at yours, take a look at how much you back down and are suddenly 'open to the idea' when intelligently confronted and take a your crap somewhere else bro, cause I can see now that you are full of it bro." - Joefitz on Bandini

    83. "Microevolution is reductionist, but macroevolution is holistic. Macro and microevolution describe fundamentally identical processes on different time scales."

      It's an hypothesis. Hyptohesis is not the same as fact.

      "we do have the consistency of tens of thousands of accounts that span the past 200 years, with footage also."

      It's not possible to infer the evolution and the genetic history of an animal if we haven't his bones, accounts and blurry footages are not enough. Fact.

      You're using a debated concept to explain a WIDELY debated creature. Fact. And you cannot grasp the fact that someone says "be cautious, don't call your theory the final absolute truth" and you get angry MAD. You clearly show that you had/have some psychological trauma and impediments to socialize.

      No surprise the Ph.D. guy and all the other people in this world except 1 or 2 don't want to interact with you.

      Anyway, I appreciate the Ph.D attempt to talk to you, accepting to downgrade himself to your level

    84. Who's the muppet who thinks me and Joe are the same person?Where on earth would you get that idea?
      Hello Joe xx

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Lol that's awesome you're cool as well friend

    2. my guess is joefitz just shit his pants and is frantically emailing Shawn or Ginger whining like a welsh witch about it.

    3. if that's all it took to shut him up it shoulda been done months ago during the TIK TOCK SYKES IS COMiNG TO DESTROY YOU'RE REALITY! crap

      glad to see that panned out for him. now according to him, Sykes is misleading people away from Squatch

    4. Shit you couldn't even erase it if you wanted to since it's posted anon so that'd be the only way but now I'm intrigued about his job I thought my job sucked

    5. I'm not concerned with erasing it.

      I'll give you a hint, it's not glamorous, it's fairly pathetic, and it makes his smug attitude that much more understandable [if at all possible]

      It's up to him and his attitude on how much info gets released.

    6. But regardless you can't knock a man for working considering all the lazy bitches we have here sellin drugs on welfare and drivin cars infinitely sweeter than mine

    7. Who? Dr Bryan Sykes of the Oxford-Lausanne Collateral Hominid Project? Sykes who is still looking for Bigfoot samples, even though in your eyes it has already been proven by his agenda to do so?

      I think it takes a very stupid person to overlook the fact that he is an active member of Bigfootology and state he has destroyed any Footer's reality.

    8. I'm not tryin to get it out there just intrigued but you have to admit dude this is pretty cruel man

    9. You know nothing of my employment, you know nothing period.

    10. Joe what the hell did you do to him to take it this far

    11. Cruel? It's come to this... Threats and slimy tactics as opposed to having his way; spreading hate and lies on a blog.

      There is nothing more pathetic than that and nothing more evident of how low they have to stoop.

      Bandini, if you really want to know what I do for a living, get my real email address from Steve and I'll tell you... Stop fueling the idiot.

    12. the entire field is looking for bigfoot samples, LOL, been doing that [poorly, may I add] for 50+ years worldwide. so far not even a blip on the radar. I bet Sykes will be looking for the rest of his career too.

      Learn to read properly joefitz

      Just a cpl threads back you be talking about his program misleading people

      Harry I don't give two shits

    13. Bandini, apart from the fence sitters and constructive skeptics who I respect on this blog; I am hated. You must understand that I deny these people of their social life when I counter their nonsense here. This is why I am more concerned with topic discussion, because unlike this clown I have a social life in the real world. Furthermore; this clown has had his arss handed to him by me on several ocassions... It's pretty simple.

    14. joefitz I have all of your information, your emails, your job, your address....

      Don't push it.

    15. All but 5 people hate you. I bet that's why you don't show your face around real bigfoot discussion boards, because even the most self righteous footers don't like you. Fence sitters, skeptics, bigfoot enthusiasts all don't like you.

      I bet your mum doesn't like your smug shithole attitude either.

      you are a prime example of someone putting their fingers in their ears and going " NA NA NA NA NA NA I'm right NA NA!!!!! "

      Ease your attitude or I will release every piece of information on you. Phone, address, all of it.

    16. 3:25... Please paste where I have suggested Sykes is misleading people? I laugh at your stupidity and laugh at the unknown primate DNA you elude to.

      3:28... You have nothing and you are just a little coward trying to live any significance through a blog.

      3:33... You have nothing. The only one that hates me is you. The only little coward around here is you... The only one butthurt is you. The complaint has gone in.

    17. Why complain at all if I got nothing? Scared I know something?

      The unknown primate DNA from your smell grove Monsterquest episode was shot down toward the end of that episode, old chap! 'To degraded' was their exact words.

    18. Too degraded from the initial testing to replicate those findings... I think you'll find.

      You have nothing, and that's including between your ears numpty.

      I get to you so bad it makes me smile.

    19. Joefitz here is one of these posts:

      "joe fitzgeraldSunday, December 15, 2013 at 12:16:00 AM PST
      We either believe you who can't spell and has terrible grammar, is angry misinformed (by Bigfoot Files) and is obviously slightly silly in the mind... Or Tim.

      No brainer really."

      Doesn't matter if these get deleted or I get banned, I'll just proxy away and be on you like white on rice on paper plate in a snow storm.

      Just drop the super smug better than thou attitude and I'll cease and desist. That's it, stop actin like a pedestal Joe and it Alls goes under the carpet.

    20. HA HA HA HA!!

      The producers of Bigfoot Files and Sykes are two separate entities. Why would Sykes let Mullis speak on his behalf and reassure the Bigfoot community of his long term study immediately afterwards?

      You see... It isn't that I am on a pedestal, it's simply that you are stupid & require things like this to be pointed out to you and then you attack as if it's someone else's problem?

      Oh dear...

      You are stupid and you have no personal details on me. A stupid little coward that has to resort to anything but challenge my theories.


    21. Because Academia doesn't acknowledge crazy? It's not harming anything by lettin crazy be crazy. Mullis can say what he wants, just like you can say what you want, it doesn't matter.

      Keep it up Joe, keep it up.

    22. It does when you have Mullis in with as close affiliation as he does with Sykes. It appears that there is no one closer to his study at this time, with this edging towards peer review.

      Do I need to remind you of what the study is called?

      That's not to say I know know for sure the long term results of the study of course... It's just nice seeing you sweat.

      Keep praying.

    23. 50-1 Odds that Sykes doesn't publish crap about bigfoot.

      Of course if you spin a racist story about a black woman being bigfoot, I'm sure you will find a way to twist even the most minuscule thing about human migration or Denisovan DNA into bigfoot because you are that deluded.

      And if Sykes miraculously proves a bigfoot from his samples, GREAT! Then science actually takes over and you fringe riders will still be left with nothing bc real researchers and scientists will take every job you got.

      Plus you may finally StFu for once.

    24. Zana was described by an entire village where she lived for years as a Bigfoot. Her proportions have physical evidence in the watered down proportions of Kwit's skull. In sequencing the DNA that yielded modern human results for both subjects, Sykes suggested an alternative theory for those proportions; that a relict population of modern humans migrated out of Africa tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of years ago.

      I never stated that the Journal provided evidence of Bigfoot, I said it backed up the archaic human theory that people were claiming was BS and merely serving Sykes' earlier theories.

      And you wanna complain why I copy and paste???

      You have an account of a Bigfoot a 150 years ago that can be backed up with physical evidence that also has a direct bloodline living today. You have archeological & anthropological studies documenting giant bones from the same time as Zana lived. This continues right up until you have another Bigfoot documented in film footage 46 years ago... That is backed up further with the development of an entire research field that has prints, language and more footage. If a Bigfoot was to be proven to have lived 150 years ago, before popular culture, then that is significant for all the chain of events afterwards.

    25. This comment has been removed by the author.

    26. HEY, guy that knows all about Joe,

      I read yesterday him saying that he attended one of the best universities in the UK, can you confirm it??

    27. Patently false.

      There's a reason he doesn't want people to know what he does.

    28. He doesn't know shit. The guy's just as evil as his intent suggests.

      I'd make shorter work of him in the real world.



  3. Good morning you shade dwellin gingers what the fuck is up

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. At least you know how you like it!

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. Sure why not you lookin for a date 547 funny no one else talks about smokin cocks unless it's in reply to you you must think about cock an awful lot

    6. Funny for someone who isn't gay thinkin about it so much you might want to look into it

    7. Now if you want facts I can show you findings of a few giant skeletons but no where near enough to say there's a whole race of these giants living or dead

    8. And yes there's always oddities in science but the rare exception to the rule doesn't mean that the whole rule is bullshit this is how my wife explains it if you dug up one family with a steam car 500 years ago it doesn't mean all of civilization had technology it means that one guy was eccentric and built a fuckin car no mystery there

    9. It's when things are widespread that something isn't unique to a person or place if it is unique it's not a piece of a bigger picture of what civilization was doing at the time

    10. Especially in tribal days when there was no mode of transcontinental transportation or communication between civilizations a world away.

      Harkening back to the days when neighboring people's were dangerous and different.

    11. My original post had said something to the effect of ok a few giants in one place what if it scared the shit out of people so they made all the tall people live in the same village it doesn't mean that their offspring were also giants and it doesn't mean they were a race there are 7 and 8 ft tall people now that doesn't mean all humans are a race of giants there's oddities and exceptions everywhere to this day

    12. And look at the one Asian basketball player his parents were short that dude is huge that doesn't make him a Bigfoot so you can spend a lifetime pointing at oddities we aren't bigfeets and native Americans were freaked by Bigfoot why on gods green earth would they give one a ceremonial burial that doesn't make any fuckin sense and if bigfeets aren't making weapons and artifacts now I highly doubt they were ceremonial burying their dead and science has shown there were higher oxygen levels long ago why would that only make huge dinosaurs and animals and not a few huge humans as well it's just nothing out of the ordinary

    13. Plausible. Look how ashamed and embarrassed people are of retarded offspring. Toss them in any patch of woods or dumpster they can find. Social stigma also plays a big deal in this.

    14. And if we start finding tons of giants well then science has some explaining to do

  4. a distant scream


    well worth the upload

  5. Replies
    1. Read the threads and weep old boy... Go and learn something, education can be free in the States it seems.

      ; )

    2. Salutations friends:
      I love and respect all at first encounters. If I don't receive it back then we have a problem and if I can't walk away from it and get cornered, then I will do what I do best and take hold and destroy what attacks me.

      I know you both to a manner which I don't regret and know you both are real men with great intention and do good things to people you know and to the ones you don't.

      But in the end, I won't ever let Bigfoot or BE(aka Trolandia) get in the way of true friendship and family and love all..

      Merry Christmas to all just because...

      mmg, left you a comment the other day on Roger Patterson..please reply if you can.thanx.

  6. Smells like stale farts and Peace Joe's smoldering ashes in here.

    How many more people can he alienate today?

  7. Joe = DWA < a jarful of poop.

  8. This place is quickly turning into a cess-pit.


    1. Just how we like it. It may be messy but it's ours, it's TROLLANDIA!

      All hail poop in a jar guy! Mayor McCheese!

      Travis got fired from Denny's!

    2. No humor to found amidst these 130+ posts alas.

      Just bitterness and resentment playing out in the public domain.

      Not pretty.


    3. I don't know about all that jazz.

      I've been laughing my ass off, especially how joe went apeshit on Bandini for no reason.

      Go back to BFF and take Joe with you. Him and DWA can touch each others egos.

    4. I'm not going anywhere my friend.

      Who would the trolls bait if the 'footers' left?

      A couple of weeks and you moron's would be begging us back.


    5. Nobody even notices you comin or going, don't flatter yourself.

      We'll always bait PeaceJoe cause he's a dumb bastard with an ego the size of Texas.

      Seriously, go back to BFF and take Joe.

    6. And who cares about another retard Anon?

      I'm glad you take some time out from watching dwarf-porn to enlighten us with your mongoloid thoughts.


    7. What's your excuse?

      You're as anon as I am.


    8. What's my excuse?

      Perhaps I don't what my personal email address posted on a troll infested blog?

      Been there and done that. Having to ditch email addresses because your average JREF/Tard troll is a twisted f*ck is pain in the ass.


    9. Looks like PJ's been sippin back on Grandpa's old cough medicine again. Holy crap...what a piece of work...this guy.

    10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    11. MMG uses other id's too. He's just not bright enough to change his language or style of writing so they're easy to identify.
      Then he denies it.
      Big strong man.

    12. You are only affiliated to your mom's teats.

      You may have a point about me not being too bright. Wasting time & bandwidth interacting with a moronic clown is as pointless as it is dumb.


    13. My mother has wonderful teat's, thank you. Supple yet firm, good reaction speeds.

      Keep coming back for servings though anon, I'm sure I'll be here.


    14. Sasquatch just wiped his ass with my favorite early settler's diary...the thoughtless hairy bastard. Apparently, he got into the feed corn sack too.

    15. MMG you nothing about my Mom's teats. Your words are hurtful and mean. I hate bigfoot and I hate JREF and I hate you. Apologize to my mothers mammaries immediately. I'm not moving until you do. I never thought this blog would make me cry.

    16. Have you said sorry yet you big bully? I'm not leaving my basement until you do.

  9. bigf.... hahahha i just came say it without roflmmfao

  10. Harry should throw in an occasional "period'.

    1. Why not ? (I would imagine this has been covered along the way...but I haven't seen it).

      It does make things a easier to read.

    2. What happened to chivalry? Joe F calls his old lady a stinkin liar and he just lets him. Spineless!

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. So she just wasn't allowed in the catacombs. Smart. Women tend to run their mouths.

  11. The comments on this blog remind me of high school. Only without the maturity.

    1. Oh Glory Days...

      Taking State and also taking cheerleaders.

      Smoking pot in the woods and making stick formations.

      Getting drunk in the garage.

      Oh yeah, glory days.

    2. 147 Comments so far, and almost all attack Joe, and Joe defends himself (again) and almost NOTHING written about the Topic of those screams on the FINDING BIG FOOT show! AMAZING! Simply AMAZING!

    3. NotFinding Bigfoot sucks and this stupid recording sucks. Clearly not a Sasquatch.

  12. Curled up on a cold day by the fire with my early settlers diary and my pet Sasquatch.....and my jar. Life is good.

  13. Jesus, must have them menstrual cramps real hard today. Just read through your meltdown.That's no way for a North American Wildlife Expert to act, ya damn Sasquatch Bully.

    Get a grip.

  14. Terrifying? Um, no. Just sayin, whoever writes these posts is not too concerned with accuracy.

  15. Something got all three horses running and bucking. The dogs are going nuts.
    Explanation: bigfeets

  16. Bitterness, resentment, personal attacks, and name calling are the most credible emotions and actions in the Bigfoot Community.

    1. Copy pasters are the most credible voices in the bigfoot community.

    2. Well. We learned alot on this thread. We learned cowardice has no low cieling. We learned Harry didn't take the bait. We learned MMG is still smart enough to stay above it. And we learned there are still a couple of pussies out there, one of whom advocates posting personal information as a threat. I wish I could debate these learned skeptics at a public forum. It would be funny as hell what I did with those metal collapsible chairs. Y'all have a great day.

    3. And we learned that Mike B has filmed several hundred hours of his lens cap.

    4. And we learned Mike B was disbarred for dishonorable actions and fraud of taxpayer money.

      How crazy being a pathological liar has followed him to this day.

    5. And we learned that Mike B can laugh about this along with everyone else.


    6. He sounds pretty bitter to me. But you footers see whatever the hell you want to.

    7. If you can't laugh at yourself, yer fucked.

      Unless all your thoughts are ME ME ME ME like CopyJoe Pastegerald.

  17. Terrified man hiding under the computer stroking his willie is the most credible voice in TomFootery.

  18. cheesus we got 10,000 comedians unemployed and you're cuttin jokes. o! the humanity....

  19. For the record regarding the video above, that was not THE Tahoe Scream as recorded by a person who prefers to remain unidentified, but whose caretaker is Kathy Strain. That true recording is much longer in duration. The true recording is a very good way to get Daniel Campbell wishing that he had repented all of his sins, just prior to finding himself in the nearby presence of that recording when broadcast out into what he thinks is a forest occupied only by classified species. As Eric Beckjord used to say, "it sends chills up your spine". I can personally testify that the results can get a whole lot worse than simply sending some tingly chills up your spine. And I do mean, a WHOLE LOT WORSE! As the night shift tribal officer for the Quinault Indian Nation can also affirm, in 2005.

    1. No link? c'mon. I want chills running out of my taterhole and up my spine.


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